verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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Not going to jump down your throat. But I have anxiety disorder, along with shi**t self esteem, and this is the first book my therapist recommended. I'm a terrible patient and only read about half, but what I read was pretty good.

That book is junk science. To create a fad for those that are easily manipulated. It might be a good fictional read, but that's about it. IMO. FWIW, I also do not believe that one can be hypnotized or any other voodoo practices.

We all have some self esteem issues. Your therapist should give you physically active assignments, not send you to the library.
from previous thread:
Originally Posted by leebee52 View Post
What worries me is the age of some of the jurors. That some might not be "hip" enough to understand the defense sex BS.

:guitar: :genie: :hypno: :luv: :flashback: :Bananahair:

Not to worry, leebee52.

Remember, us Old Folks (I turn 61 this month) did our "dating" in the 1960's.

We're plenty hip! We were the original hippies.

My son (28) just saw the Rolling Stone in concert. I saw them 37 years ago and I realized Mick Jagger is almost 70! I wouldn't worry about the age of the jurors.
And let's not forget THE sex tape. Especially if one or two jurors are a litte, ahem, "old-fashioned" to use Juan's term. They might not be able to separate the reality from the fantasy. I think this is what Nurmi and JW were trying to go for the whole trial - that one or two who might not have ever even heard anything like that before. They might think that's the REAL Travis talking, and not be able to get that it's just things he said in the moment, in a fantasy moment.

I respectfully disagree. Although I am in the younger side of middle aged, I know the "older" jurors are not naive to sex and it's "wilder side". Remember they lived through the 60's which was known for it's motto of make love - not war, Woodstock, etc.
NONE of us want to think of our parents or older generations sex lives when we are younger and every generation thinks they are the originators of certain sexual behaviors. While our adult children may think we are "naïve" about what is happening in the sexual world, we all know what our pasts included. Shoot, look at old literature, even the Bible. Sex and it's wilder sides have been around forever!
I'm wondering why there has to be a disagreement going on in the jury room. There are over 600 pieces of evidence. Because it's a death penalty case, I would want to go through evidence that validates my decision, and what it is the defense is saying that makes my decision invalid.

Maybe, they all agreed on the first vote, but want to be able to answer to it in their own consciences later on. I really don't want them to rush through, and not be able to live with themselves later on. What a huge responsibility it is to hold someone's life in your hands.

I'm sorry, not Jodi Arias' life, that would not be a huge resposibility for me. An ADMITTED killer who slaughtered the victim, ADMITTED to stabbing him countless time, ADMITTED to slashing his throat, and ADMITTED to shooting him. Then stuffing his body in the shower. Then not telling anyone, leaving him there TO ROT. Then LYING about everything, and CONTINUING THE LYING even to my own face (pretending I'm on the jury). Nope, sorry, I would have no trouble and no second-guessing in my decision for 1st Degree Murder. None at all. I could live with my conscience fine after that, knowing I put away an horrible evil human being who could no longer threaten society. I would not need to second-guess myself as to did I re-examine this piece of evidence, did I re-read some testimony, did I re-check this could I live with myself if I'm WRONG?? Nope, no second-guessing here...this is an admitted killer with a list of pre-meditation 10 pages long. No need to second-guess anything.
I am an anxious person by nature...panic disorder even...but for some reason I am calm and patient right now. I have been wondering why cause I have PTP12D (post traumatic P-12 disorder). If they come back with DP...I will tapdance in a Spider Man costume singing Oh Holy Night swinging biscotti at her execution ...
Now, this is a SUPER IDEA. Always have a 13th non-bias legal "expert" present to help with any questions or suggestions. I think jurors are probably reluctant to ask a bailiff/judge at times, so having someone sit in would be perfect.

It would also be a perfect opportunity for 4th year or more law students to volunteer to be the 13th person as part of their training. Maybe have that as part of the law degree curriculum that they have to participate for X number of hours while pursuing their degree. But would have to be in their 4th year to ensure good training already.

The Italian system has 3(?) judges that sit in with the jury to help them with questions.

.. and I thought it was "Your Ignoramus Zones". Or maybe "Your Ingnoranus Zones"

:giggle: Your hippocampus zones.

I respectfully disagree. Although I am in the younger side of middle aged, I know the "older" jurors are not naive to sex and it's "wilder side". Remember they lived through the 60's which was known for it's motto of make love - not war, Woodstock, etc.
NONE of us want to think of our parents or older generations sex lives when we are younger and every generation thinks they are the originators of certain sexual behaviors. While our adult children may think we are "naïve" about what is happening in the sexual world, we all know what our pasts included. Shoot, look at old literature, even the Bible. Sex and it's wilder sides have been around forever!

We are not our grandparents. A lot of grandparents today were smoking pot and listening to a lot of the same rock their grand kids do.
Rosemary - your little boy is so precious. Thank you for all the updates and pictures. He is in my nightly prayers.
I dont like that. Why is there any reason to laugh? really? yes I know they have lives.

Just speaking for myself here. This trial has been maddening, frustrating, sad, disgusting, horrifying, I could go on and on. I know for me, during stressful times I have to find humor to keep from going insane. I don't fault them at all for being able to let off some steam.
Not going to jump down your throat. But I have anxiety disorder, along with shi**t self esteem, and this is the first book my therapist recommended. I'm a terrible patient and only read about half, but what I read was pretty good.

I have an anxiety disorder and am from Iowa... are we related?! Lol
Not going to jump down your throat. But I have anxiety disorder, along with shi**t self esteem, and this is the first book my therapist recommended. I'm a terrible patient and only read about half, but what I read was pretty good.

I wasn't talking about the Erroneous Zone book. I get that erasing negative/self-defeating thought processes from our lives is something a lot of people struggle with. In fact, I would venture to say MOST of us have struggled with negative thinking at some point in our lives.

I was talking about a list of his other books which all are titled things like "Manifesting Your Future". They may even be valuable books for the right person/situation just pointing out that they are along the line of The Secret... "if you think it, it will come".
analytical = engineer? i hope...

Regarding the jury foreperson, and possibly even some of the other jurors, I think there may be some very detail-oriented, analytical types who like to review and make comparisons - lists that are pro-prosecution theories, lists that are pro-defense theories and so on . . . they are told that closing arguments are not evidence, so perhaps they are taking the actual evidence and going through piece by piece. This way they will know they haven't missed anything, as this is a capital murder case.

It's easy for me to say "murder one-death penalty" in a few minutes, but I've seen and read almost everything available, so I keep trying to be patient and put myself in the jury's place to see what I would really do if put to the test.

I don't mind at all if they are going through the evidence (something the CA jurors should have done) or if they are having multiple discussions - after all, they have had to sit with their lips sealed for 4 long months. Perhaps now they are relishing being able to get all their thoughts out there, and perhaps there are some who insist they take their time and review everything before rendering a verdict.

I have to say I was initially disappointed they didn't come back sooner, and I hope it's not because one or more jurors can't see the light. I want all of them to agree to murder one, and if they don't, I will never understand why. :please:
I can hardly wait for HLN to hit the steps of the courthouse tomorrow. I have learned from inside sources JVM will be breaking some headline news of her own as she runs out in front of the garbage truck with camera man in tow to inform us "something important is going down". but don't get too excited, hold that for when she touches every individual she comes in contact with in a non professional manner, and reads the names on their shirt pockets.

Not to be out done, NG will be coming to us "Exclusively, live from the courthouse" telling us how we are in verdict watch and the jurors are up on the fifth floor duking it out over who will get an autographed photo of her and her twins. All this and more 55 minutes after the jurors have left the building. Listen as she asks her unleashed lawyers a question she has no intentions of letting them answer.

Meanwhile, back at the courthouse steps, JC will be doing her impersonations of Juror #6 strutting out to the elevator and commenting on the fist fights only she can see through everyone elses fog. It's going to be a news worthy day for sure at HLN, to be celebrated on THE NEW AFTER DARK GAME SHOW! /end snark
Just speaking for myself here. This trial has been maddening, frustrating, sad, disgusting, horrifying, I could go on and on. I know for me, during stressful times I have to find humor to keep from going insane. I don't fault them at all for being able to let off some steam.

I'm the same. I often use humor or at least attempts at it in serious but appropriate times to lighten the mood. One of my friend's partners is currently going through chemo. Everyone has been giving her sympathy which has really helped but yesterday I made a joke about something that I knew she would take well and she laughed til she cried. She thanked me very much for that.
Hi all, newbie here. I have been following the trial from day one, and have been lurking around WS for almost as long. I am so glad to finally be a registered member.

If I might add something to the conversation, whenever we start to worry that the jury is taking too long, I think it might help us to remember that we on the sidelines have had the luxury of gathering together here on WS for months to talk and question and banter ideas back and forth. We've talked about every fact of the case, down to the smallest point and in the greatest detail (even analyzing the patterns in the marble bathroom tile). Somedays we focus on one or two critical facts alone -- I remember one day the convo went back and forth about the dura mater (and its pronunciation) for what seemed like hours, lol. This is fine, because this helps us really analyze the facts of the case, and in so doing, firmly convinces us of JA's guilt.

The reason why I bring this up is, not to criticize WS (far from it!), but to help us be patient as we wait for the verdict. I think the jury is now enjoying the opportunity to finally (!) talk about what they have heard, read and seen. Imagine if we had had to have held our tongues for 5 months! That would have been torture, IMO. Finally the jurors get to talk about EVERYTHING they were forbidden to talk about. ;)

I imagine them in that jury room saying pretty much the same things we are saying, finally getting it off their chests.

An M1 guilty verdict will be rendered in its time; I am confident in the jury's intelligence. If however, there is one holdout (God forbid) am praying the rational and intelligent members of the jury will convince him/her of the error of anything less than premeditated murder for JA.

MOO, and I hope you get my drift
It could well do. I'm in the UK so as it's Wednesday morning here, the tribute is working now.

I never expected that you would be in the UK. Hey - I'm still compiling my list of things that we know that the jurors do not know...I'll be better tomorrow and spring them all at you at once, OK?
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