verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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It could well do. I'm in the UK so as it's Wednesday morning here, the tribute is working now.

Do you have JA hitting her brother in the head with a bat?

Brother saying sex tape was to blackmail Travis? It was on his FB.
I can hardly wait for HLN to hit the steps of the courthouse tomorrow. I have learned from inside sources JVM will be breaking some headline news of her own as she runs out in front of the garbage truck with camera man in tow to inform us "something important is going down". but don't get too excited, hold that for when she touches every individual she comes in contact with in a non professional manner, and reads the names on their shirt pockets.

Not to be out done, NG will be coming to us "Exclusively, live from the courthouse" telling us how we are in verdict watch and the jurors are up on the fifth floor duking it out over who will get an autographed photo of her and her twins. All this and more 55 minutes after the jurors have left the building. Listen as she asks her unleashed lawyers a question she has no intentions of letting them answer.

Meanwhile, back at the courthouse steps, JC will be doing her impersonations of Juror #6 strutting out to the elevator and commenting on the fist fights only she can see through everyone elses fog. It's going to be a news worthy day for sure at HLN, to be celebrated on THE NEW AFTER DARK GAME SHOW! /end snark

Why does HLN keep the "VERDICT WATCH" notation on the screen after the jurors have left for the day? :waitasec:
It's really not a bad book at all. These early self-improvement books are actually quite helpful. Positive thinking is good. Creating healthy boundaries is good. Learning how to be assertive (at times) is good. Everyone agrees with that.

Of course then came The Secret. They take a statement such as 'thoughts are powerful' and turn it into a scary, extreme belief that 'thoughts are the most powerful things in the universe'. Tell that to a victim of abuse or a cancer survivor! What BS! Also, the Secret basically exalts materialism and narcissism.

Call me crazy but I like moderation in all things. The Secret? Not so much. :what:

As a survivor of a seriously traumatic childhood, I completely agree. When I sought out help as a young adult there were many excellent self-help books my counselor suggested that were very helpful.

Although this was not one of the book I read in counseling, The Power of Positive Thinking is an excellent book about removing the negative thought patterns.

You are right. Reputable, helpful positive thinking books have been unfairly lumped into the same category as The Secret. I am a little leary of any book that suggest the "if you think it, it will come" philosophy.
My comment about the Secret was unnecessarily snarky because I am so sickened by JA using the Secret as her "excuse" for her journals not mentioning any of the abuse that she claims Travis piled on her.
I didn't mean to offend anyone and apologize if I did. :blushing:
Frankly, I am all for reputable self-help books. It is a TOUGH world out there and anything that helps us get through in a healthier way is OK by me!
PS. Wayne Dwyer did a series of CDs about marriage which I listened to which was very interesting and thought provoking. I think it was called something like The Keys of Marriage or something close to that.
I think the reason some of us are getting nervous about the jury is because this trial has so much media attention. A lot of people are saying, well the jury doesn't want to take too short of a time or else it'll get backlash. etc., etc.. I think this media attention does screw things up. If it was just a "regular" trial, I would not be nervous AT ALL, I would know that 12 reasonable people would be able to clearly see the predmeditation in this case. If it comes back anything less than 1st degree, it would have to be because of the media spotlight on this case, and that is really really sad when you think about it. 12 people in a diffeerent setting would have gone for 1st degree without question. I pray this is not so. It would not be fair to Travis' family, they didn't ask for all the attention...for that to affect justice for their dear brother/grandson, I just do not even want to think about it.
The Italian system has 3(?) judges that sit in with the jury to help them with questions.

i was trying to remember that - espicially from watching knox trial stories - do you know if the get to vote as a jury member?? and do they have proffessional jurors too?
I wasn't talking about the Erroneous Zone book. I get that erasing negative/self-defeating thought processes from our lives is something a lot of people struggle with. In fact, I would venture to say MOST of us have struggled with negative thinking at some point in our lives.

I was talking about a list of his other books which all are titled things like "Manifesting Your Future". They may even be valuable books for the right person/situation just pointing out that they are along the line of The Secret... "if you think it, it will come".

I get it. Like I said, I only read maybe half of Erroneous Zone. I highly doubt I'm the only person to deal with low self-esteem. Actually, my bookshelf is full of self-help books such as this and I haven't read any of them. I just don't want anxiety/self-esteem issues to be associated with this trial. I think we ALL know that JA didn't suffer from either of these issues. Whether it be domestic violence or low self-esteem, she just gives those who suffer with real problems a bad name. Shame on her.
Excuse me, but what does living in Canada have anything to do with my opinions on Donald Trump with regards to Jodi?

I don't know if you use twitter or not but the writing is on the wall... it has nothing to do with me living in Canada. You think the US is the only country in the world may I ask?

You live in Canada. What does the Donald have to do with this case may I ask?
Hi all, newbie here. I have been following the trial from day one, and have been lurking around WS for almost as long. I am so glad to finally be a registered member.

If I might add something to the conversation, whenever we start to worry that the jury is taking too long, I think it might help us to remember that we on the sidelines have had the luxury of gathering together here on WS for months to talk and question and banter ideas back and forth. We've talked about every fact of the case, down to the smallest point and in the greatest detail (even analyzing the patterns in the marble bathroom tile). Somedays we focus on one or two critical facts alone -- I remember one day the convo went back and forth about the dura mater (and its pronunciation) for what seemed like hours, lol. This is fine, because this helps us really analyze the facts of the case, and in so doing, firmly convinces us of JA's guilt.

The reason why I bring this up is, not to criticize WS (far from it!), but to help us be patient as we wait for the verdict. I think the jury is now enjoying the opportunity to finally (!) talk about what they have heard, read and seen. Imagine if we had had to have held our tongues for 5 months! That would have been torture, IMO. Finally the jurors get to talk about EVERYTHING they were forbidden to talk about. ;)

I imagine them in that jury room saying pretty much the same things we are saying, finally getting it off their chests.

An M1 guilty verdict will be rendered in its time; I am confident in the jury's intelligence. If however, there is one holdout (God forbid) am praying the rational and intelligent members of the jury will convince him/her of the error of anything less than premeditated murder for JA.

MOO, and I hope you get my drift

Great post and :welcome:
I can hardly wait for HLN to hit the steps of the courthouse tomorrow. I have learned from inside sources JVM will be breaking some headline news of her own as she runs out in front of the garbage truck with camera man in tow to inform us "something important is going down". but don't get too excited, hold that for when she touches every individual she comes in contact with in a non professional manner, and reads the names on their shirt pockets.

Not to be out done, NG will be coming to us "Exclusively, live from the courthouse" telling us how we are in verdict watch and the jurors are up on the fifth floor duking it out over who will get an autographed photo of her and her twins. All this and more 55 minutes after the jurors have left the building. Listen as she asks her unleashed lawyers a question she has no intentions of letting them answer.

Meanwhile, back at the courthouse steps, JC will be doing her impersonations of Juror #6 strutting out to the elevator and commenting on the fist fights only she can see through everyone elses fog. It's going to be a news worthy day for sure at HLN, to be celebrated on THE NEW AFTER DARK GAME SHOW! /end snark

If I had had a drink, I would have snorted it out! Funny! (and oh so true)
Why does HLN keep the "VERDICT WATCH" notation on the screen after the jurors have left for the day? :waitasec:

Because they want everyone to "think" that there could still be a verdict while the viewer is watching.....In other words to trick folks into thinking they are still "Live" and to keep their viewers. We cracked up tonite when NG had that up on her screen...
FOLKS! What's all this silliness? We're ALL on the same page!
We're here to see Justice for Travis.

It should be kinda clear that none of us will be able to figure out the "why" of JA because if any of us could........well, that would just be spooky cause you'd have to be on the same wave length as JA. Posting theories are just a way to get this poison out of our systems. JMO.

The Jury? 12 hours, 13 can tell I walked away before they called it a night. Let's not confuse 12+ hours with the TH's 3 DAYS. Think about it, 12/13 hours to get a foreman, decompress after almost 5 months of trial, go through the 20 pages of jury instructions, and then 100's of pieces of evidence, all of their notes, and they have to do it as a GROUP, who's only interaction with each other has been sitting in a court room together and NOT talking about what's brought them all together. TOTAL strangers. That's like pulling 12 people out of a group of football fans and telling them that after the Super Bowl, they have to become a team immediately and go play the champs...say what? Ok, crazy analogy, but I hope you get my drift.

And maybe we should just step back for a moment and think about how long and how much the Alexander's have waited for this to be done, and done right. A few more hours, a few more days, all that matters is that the jury brings justice.

The twit that tweets will not have a twitter in the near future...people on probation/parole can't have any contact with a convicted felon, and when you think about it, that's ALL that JA has, well, besides some crappy plagiarized pieces of 4th grade art work. It's pathetic. We shouldn't be angry or disgusted, we should just ignore it or roll our eyes. NG has really hit an all time low by even acknowledging them or Donovan. Come on, she's going to let JA get under her skin? I can imagine Mr. Martinez being told about the tweets and just shaking his head and laughing. (Please, Mods, try to excuse my line about NG, I don't want another TO!)

We can't let this mental midget with the descending IQ get to you, at 113, she's there between the 70-130 bracket that 95% of the population lands in. And IQ scores are nothing but "predictors" of one's potential, it doesn't mean a person is running on all 8 cylinders. I'll let you in on a secret, my son scored 140 when he was 8, he was in Special Ed, had ADD, and was developmentally delayed. At almost 26, he has continued to learn and live up to that "prediction"...but don't tell Stabby Einstein!!!! I would hate to crush those mental gymnastics she's so proud of!

I'm going to do my best to "chill". All of us can go to the fridge and get whatever our heart desires, grab the remote and watch whatever program we want, pick up the phone and talk as long as we want, go outside and look at the stars. Heck, we're all tapping on a keyboard or texting right now. You know who is just beside herself because she can't? Miss Stabby McEinstein. So sad, too bad. And you KNOW there's that fear, FEAR inside her, regardless how souless she is, that fear that maybe her "acquittal mantra" has truly fallen on deaf ears. The Law of Attraction failed her before and you can't but help thinking that she still believes in it, doodling away in court, oblivious to anything around her, unless it's "show time".

Tonight I will be content because JA sat in the basement all day without her crayons and coloring books, nobody to talk to, and 2 or 4 ounces, whatever, of peanut butter. The Alexander's are one day closer to the Beginning of the End, surrounded by family, friends, and a tremendous outpouring of love and compassion.

I hope this helps at least one of you, who may have been feeling the frustrations of this day, of these deliberations, of this trial........because I feel a lot better just typing this out.

I have faith in the Jury. It's in the hands of 12 people and the Power that guides them.:twocents:
As a survivor of a seriously traumatic childhood, I completely agree. When I sought out help as a young adult there were many excellent self-help books my counselor suggested that were very helpful.

Although this was not one of the book I read in counseling, The Power of Positive Thinking is an excellent book about removing the negative thought patterns.

You are right. Reputable, helpful positive thinking books have been unfairly lumped into the same category as The Secret. I am a little leary of any book that suggest the "if you think it, it will come" philosophy.
My comment about the Secret was unnecessarily snarky because I am so sickened by JA using the Secret as her "excuse" for her journals not mentioning any of the abuse that she claims Travis piled on her.
I didn't mean to offend anyone and apologize if I did. :blushing:
Frankly, I am all for reputable self-help books. It is a TOUGH world out there and anything that helps us get through in a healthier way is OK by me!
PS. Wayne Dwyer did a series of CDs about marriage which I listened to which was very interesting and thought provoking. I think it was called something like The Keys of Marriage or something close to that.

I agree Midwest Mama. Sorry to hear about your childhood. *Hugs*.
The Italian system has 3(?) judges that sit in with the jury to help them with questions.

:giggle: Your hippocampus zones.

We are not our grandparents. A lot of grandparents today were smoking pot and listening to a lot of the same rock their grand kids do.

I totally agree. That is the point I was trying to make.
My great-grandma was the stereo-typical "grandma". (candy dish, early bird dinners, many yarn crafts)
My grandmother a little less "traditional". Worked outside the home, divorced without as much stigma as previous generations, etc.
My mom is NOT at all a traditional grandmother. She is very active, very involved with her grandchildren, still working well past the age her grandparents did, etc.
Those who some may seem as "older" are the very ones who were young adults during the times of "free love", rock and roll becoming HUGE, and smoking pot (and other things). That age group were part of the huge rebellion against societal condemnation of sex, drugs and rock and roll. :rockon::rockon::rockon:
Why does HLN keep the "VERDICT WATCH" notation on the screen after the jurors have left for the day? :waitasec:

Ummm...DUH? Cuz it's HLN. :floorlaugh: Same reason we were still "Live Testimony" at 10 p.m...Arizona time. :facepalm: Did you see the "breaking news" today? They put up yellow tape. For realz.
If you look at the other books he has authored the majority are about "manifesting" your future. Right up JA's alley as it appears they are much along the lines of The Secret.
(caveat: I have not read these books so if the comparison is incorrect please don't jump down my throat.)

I haven't read any of his books, either, but I know just what you mean by this manifesting-your-future business. It's a genre that's really easy to spot! These books have wide appeal, obviously, and I realize that all kinds of people reach for them for all kinds of reasons--to help themselves feel better. But, I do think they can be counter-productive, even dangerous. For one, they can cause one to feel unnecessary self-blame when the suggestions don't work. For another, they can nurture shallow thinking and feed into narcissism.

A good antidote to the positive-thinking movement/books is a book called Bright-Sided: How Positive Thinking is Undermining America:
FOLKS! What's all this silliness? We're ALL on the same page!
We're here to see Justice for Travis.

It should be kinda clear that none of us will be able to figure out the "why" of JA because if any of us could........well, that would just be spooky cause you'd have to be on the same wave length as JA. Posting theories are just a way to get this poison out of our systems. JMO.

The Jury? 12 hours, 13 can tell I walked away before they called it a night. Let's not confuse 12+ hours with the TH's 3 DAYS. Think about it, 12/13 hours to get a foreman, decompress after almost 5 months of trial, go through the 20 pages of jury instructions, and then 100's of pieces of evidence, all of their notes, and they have to do it as a GROUP, who's only interaction with each other has been sitting in a court room together and NOT talking about what's brought them all together. TOTAL strangers. That's like pulling 12 people out of a group of football fans and telling them that after the Super Bowl, they have to become a team immediately and go play the champs...say what? Ok, crazy analogy, but I hope you get my drift.

And maybe we should just step back for a moment and think about how long and how much the Alexander's have waited for this to be done, and done right. A few more hours, a few more days, all that matters is that the jury brings justice.

The twit that tweets will not have a twitter in the near future...people on probation/parole can't have any contact with a convicted felon, and when you think about it, that's ALL that JA has, well, besides some crappy plagiarized pieces of 4th grade art work. It's pathetic. We shouldn't be angry or disgusted, we should just ignore it or roll our eyes. NG has really hit an all time low by even acknowledging them or Donovan. Come on, she's going to let JA get under her skin? I can imagine Mr. Martinez being told about the tweets and just shaking his head and laughing. (Please, Mods, try to excuse my line about NG, I don't want another TO!)

We can't let this mental midget with the descending IQ get to you, at 113, she's there between the 70-130 bracket that 95% of the population lands in. And IQ scores are nothing but "predictors" of one's potential, it doesn't mean a person is running on all 8 cylinders. I'll let you in on a secret, my son scored 140 when he was 8, he was in Special Ed, had ADD, and was developmentally delayed. At almost 26, he has continued to learn and live up to that "prediction"...but don't tell Stabby Einstein!!!! I would hate to crush those mental gymnastics she's so proud of!

I'm going to do my best to "chill". All of us can go to the fridge and get whatever our heart desires, grab the remote and watch whatever program we want, pick up the phone and talk as long as we want, go outside and look at the stars. Heck, we're all tapping on a keyboard or texting right now. You know who is just beside herself because she can't? Miss Stabby McEinstein. So sad, too bad. And you KNOW there's that fear, FEAR inside her, regardless how souless she is, that fear that maybe her "acquittal mantra" has truly fallen on deaf ears. The Law of Attraction failed her before and you can't but help thinking that she still believes in it, doodling away in court, oblivious to anything around her, unless it's "show time".

Tonight I will be content because JA sat in the basement all day without her crayons and coloring books, nobody to talk to, and 2 or 4 ounces, whatever, of peanut butter. The Alexander's are one day closer to the Beginning of the End, surrounded by family, friends, and a tremendous outpouring of love and compassion.

I hope this helps at least one of you, who may have been feeling the frustrations of this day, of these deliberations, of this trial........because I feel a lot better just typing this out.

I have faith in the Jury. It's in the hands of 12 people and the Power that guides them.:twocents:

Great post! I was watching a documentary on death row inmates and one of them ( a young girl on death row for murderering her bf's gf) had an IQ of more than 120/130. The police set up the bf's sister with a listening device. This 'smart' girl confessed everything to the sister but made it seem as though it was the bf's fault. She also initially stated that she was never at the crime scene but later changed her story when the police told her that they have her confession to her bf's sister on tape! These criminals think they are sooo smart. Arrogant is more like it.
I too, have faith in this Jury. Juan Martinez made it very clear to the jurors that they cannot ignore the premed evidence. They can't just throw that evidence out the window as if it didn't exist.
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