verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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Okay, has anyone ordered the Cami Shaper yet???
Question - will the Mods make a brand new thread when the verdict is reached??
nurmi filed this


what does it mean?

I think what they want is not the victim's family statements, but other evidence to be brought up by the prosecution like evidence supporting aggravating circumstances, etc. For an example, go to and scroll down to read the Motion.
sorry, I think they are running an old clip and I just flipped over to check and thought it was new!
In my alternate reality, this would be my waiter. :rocker:


Very nice, Elle! But it's missing something. Maybe a nice young waiter who's waiting for his big break in Hollywood, bringing a bottle of wine.

More on topic, my dog is really enjoying my sitting here hour after hour, smooshed at one edge of the couch while he naps on alllll the rest of it. Not sure what he'll do when I go back to real life. Did I have one? Can't remember.
Would they be dismissing the alternates if there is a verdict?

No, the alternates aren't dismissed until the trial is over and all the jurors are dismissed.

Remember if the verdict comes back 1st degree murder, they go into the next phase of the trial.
O/T question here but I have been wanting to ask: Is the cat really named Basil?

....yes....after Basil Fawlty from a wonder British comedy named Fawlty Towers....
When I adapted him he was named "Spaz"....I changed it to Basil to add some dignity to his life....but he's still a spaz...
My other cat is named James Bond....the vet was horrified at neutering "James Bond" -you know with his reputation and all....:floorlaugh:
...I get to say that I sleep with James Bond all night and that he likes to sleep on top of me and nibble my ear...:floorlaugh:
Waiting for the verdict is making me feel tired. I need a nap.
Question - will the Mods make a brand new thread when the verdict is reached??

Speaking of Mods, Just want to comment on how much quicker and better WS threads are working and say thank you.

((((((((((((((((((THANK YOU MODS!!!!!!!))))))))))))))))
Hi friends! I made it through my daughter's class field trip and I am home before a verdict has been announced.

We had fun at a farm picking strawberries, making homemade ice cream and learning about milking eyes still burn from the hayride.

I hope we have a verdict today = M1 Guilty! That would be worth the wait!
Juror No5 coming back the next day made me very glad she didn't make it to the final 12.
:drumroll::drumroll: HLN CLOCK : 15:00 Hours

:eek: Ahh yes, the teenager. A species all of their own! :giggle:

:dunno: I think proper attire should be worn in court, I don't care who you are. When I was a juror, I dressed appropriately (business casual). That's just me. And yes it is very hot here too!

Nice to see you Softail! Glad you didn't miss the verdict! :skip:
I can't stand the waiting anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

It is hard to wait, no doubt about it!
In the meantime, I am passing a plate of :cupcake: around. Maybe that will be a bit of a distraction from all the clock watching.
I am soooooo sleepy......gotta pick my son up in 30 time for a nap....sleepy.....
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