VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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Melendez testified all new cameras including TAs saves photos to 2 seperate areas : the internal memory, and then the preview/thumbnail portion of the drive. The thumbnails do not have EXIF data, while the others recovered from the SD slot did. And, more than a few had this data attached and recovered as he explained he verified the time stamps on direct

Iirc only 1 or 2 of all of the June 4 pic didn't but had other ways to verify including the KY bottle

The two pics of TA did not have KY bottles, they were large blue Vaseline lotion bottles... only two of the ones with JA showed any bottles and yes those were the smaller whitish KY bottles, her other two were "close-ups"... :/
OMG ... I cannot believe the former Cougarlicious' contract has been extended. But is her contract extended for just JA, or others as well ? TIA !

MDLR is one of the most unprofessional persons I have ever seen in a courtroom. Also, her "behavior" on Social Media and in the courtroom, is that of high school girl, and she dresses like she is going to a nightclub !


And seriously, besides baby-sitting the convict, managing her art work and social media accounts, and obtaining a questionable affidavit from a cray cray in NZ, what did MLDR really do as a mitigation specialist ?

Nothing, IMO.

In my most serious of comments...I really do not understand this.

How can this be?

Is there a significant shortage of qualified mit specialists in the area?

I truly don't understand. Just as I don't understand how she hadn't been "talked to" or "counseled by anyone and told to change her unprofessional actions. I am astounded she was allowed to continue to do what she was doing.
I think they took the photos that day. I think the odd "unsexy" feel comes from the fact that we are seeing photos of her working out how to murder her victim while she is nude.

She probably had some sadness, like - this is the last time we will be together because he won't be who I want him to be and has to be removed.

That is why the shower pic is s so heartbreaking, his sadness and sense of betrayal. She documented the moment that he realized she was going to murder him.
I have no trouble believing that maybe Travis got up around 12, perhaps used the restroom or let Napoleon outside, checked his phone, returned the text then went back to bed for an hour
yeah, haha. That's the prob, there's always something else that is possible with this story! But with her following Travis around to the restroom, having to keep tabs on him-AND being there with a murder plan, I don't think he'd been able to slip out of bed w/o her knowing. Again, JMO based on her history. As someone posted, we'll never know but can put pieces together & speculate.
For those wanting more information about Jodi's threat to inflict great collateral damage on the communities that loved Travis Alexander if the state would not comply with her offer to plead guilty to Second Degree Murder (12 years), please read the document written on her behalf by KN in 2011. He uses a letter written by JA in 2010 to the State in which she outlines her plan.

Later in the document, KN makes it clear that JA "is of the understanding that Mr. Alexander's family is not concerned about the fact that many of the details of Mr. Alexander's relationship with Miss Arias and/or other parties will be made public."

It seems clear the pain inflicted and damage done in court by JW and KN was done only to punish the State for not going along with JA's demand to be free in four more years or so, ie. seven years already served plus the balance of a twelve year sentence. It's JA lashing out, trying to break marriages, friendships, fellowships between members of LDS communities, romantic and professional relationships this one last time with a huge audience to see it all. I get the feeling, though, that people are coming out stronger from this experience than they were when they went into it. They have truly faced the refiner's fire and emerged victorious. I don't think Travis Alexander's friends were broken or deprived of the comfort of the LDS community no matter how the DT railed at them. I believe people think very highly of Deanna's composure under the needless badgering and nastiness of KN, and the calm assurance of the Bishop made KN's ranting seem ineffectual and petty. Sky and Chris Hughes may have been bruised by all that's been thrown at them, but they are coming through this stronger in their conviction to commemorate the real Travis Alexander and thereby erase the false image put up by the DT. JA's tantrum has, I believe, not had the outcome for which she'd hoped. Not by a long shot.

BBM If that's true, then the DT are as narcissistic as their defendant. I don't know what justification they gave themselves to go down the path of blaming and trying to ruin Travis, but it was the wrong decision, imo.
I still don't get why she didn't allocute. She needs ONE juror. Cry, act crazy, beg for your life. If you get ONE juror to your side the quality of your incarceration dramatically improves. A job, classes, possibility of medium security in a dorm type setting and much more time out of a cell and more visitation etc v. 23 hour lockdown and no contact with others and very restricted visitation.
To me the odds of convincing one person to spare your life are better than her Hail Mary closed courtroom prospective appeal ever will be

This ^^^ is what makes me keep looking for answers, and I realize the only answer is because she's completely messed up. There's no logical or rational answer that can satisfy us. I believe at this point she thinks she'll be vindicated someday; have her conviction/sentence overturned, like Milke.
I think they took the photos that day. I think the odd "unsexy" feel comes from the fact that we are seeing photos of her working out how to murder her victim while she is nude.

She probably had some sadness, like - this is the last time we will be together because he won't be who I want him to be and has to be removed.

That is why the shower pic is s so heartbreaking, his sadness and sense of betrayal. She documented the moment that he realized she was going to murder him.

Good point about the absence of sexiness, but the two that really puzzle me, are the nude photos of Travis on the bed. What was the point of taking those? He is not looking at the camera, not posing, the angle is strange, etc. In my opinion, I see evidence that Travis knew JA was taking his picture in only two photos from that day: the one where he looks surprised in the shower and the final heartbreaking shot of him alive, looking straight into the camera.
The two pics of TA did not have KY bottles, they were large blue Vaseline lotion bottles... only two of the ones with JA showed any bottles and yes those were the smaller whitish KY bottles, her other two were "close-ups"... :/

BOTH pics of Travis had the ky bottle. Sworn testimony was the bottle in the JA pigtail pic was the same

Lordy. I don't think that gal was cowed in the slightest by JM. I've watched and rewatched large sections of her 18 day star turn on the stand.

She had fun. She enjoyed the challenge, and was convinced early into cross that she could beat JM. JM masterfully played her overconfidence for the weakness it was; timid DV victims suffering from PTSD don't smirk, correct the prosecutor, play word games, etc. etc.

JA wasn't close to "breaking" that day when JM held her feet to the fire about June 4. Recognizing she was being cornered, she pulled out the fragile girl card, hoping it would make JM look like he was pushing her too hard. It worked. JSS called for break and let her off the hook. JA smiled after the jury left, iirc.

As we wait for this verdict, I'm writing on the reality of the DP aftermath in Arizona. A topic I know all too well. Here is a post on what we value and where we put our $. If you're so inclined I invite you to read. I'm going to continue raising awareness during this jury deliberation period and hopefully it will land somewhere where it matters.

Not sure why my link didn't go through but my blog is middle child (no spaces, for some reason my blog site addy is blocked here) and it's the first post up there called Value.
I would like to share a story and then I have a point at the end.

My sister, her husband, and little 2 year old daughter were in a horrible car accident, years ago, 1976. They were hit by a drunk driver who ran a stop sign onto a major road with speed limit of 75.
Everyone was hurt and hospitalized. My niece didn't make it. She was a little angel on earth. Always laughing and smiling, so tiny for her age and had the longest and most beautiful hair, for a 2 year old. Her hair was light brown but a golden color and way past her little back side, with the perfect little curl on the ends. My sister and I would talk about how she must have the hair for a reason. Little did we know at the time, the reason was, to put under the little bonnet she wore with her frilly little dress, laying in her casket. (they had to cute her hair, shave her little head for brain surgery.) My sister was in too bad of a shape to attend her funeral. My sister had a wonderful Mormon family from her church. They stayed by her side and prayed with her and help nurse her back to being healthy. I don't know if she would have recovered without them. To this day I think about their kindness and how they never said anything negative about the drunk driver that killed our little angel. As for me, my heart turned to stone, hate, revenge, torment, sadness, and all at the same time I was in so much pain and suffering. I was in such a bad place. My sister saved me. After some time had passed, I went to visit her and was going to stay a week with her. She seemed so different, so at peace. She talked about only positive things about her child. The good times. She would say, remember when Chrystal would come sit in your lap at the dinner table, and even though she had her own plate she wanted to share yours. Remember how she always wanted to help you do everything you were doing. Remember how she always wanted you to be the one to wash her hair. It was amazing and I couldn't understand how she did it. My heart was still stone. I had seen her crying in private at night, but the next day she was positive again. Then she lowered the boom on me. She knew I wasn't moving on too well, that I was suffering. She had been through more than I had, she was her mother. So, she sat me down and told me that I was letting hate, revenge and all the negative things control me. She told me that I needed to pray. (I had prayed and prayed but not in the right way) She told me, that I had to pray and ask for the ability to forgive the man that was drunk, and ran the stop sign and killed our little angel. Wow! That was so out of the question I thought at first. But, she lead me in prayer and I was serious and it was like a million pounds was lifted off my shoulders. If someone else had told me to do that, I wouldn't have believed them. We cried for hours. Then we both started only thinking of all the good precious memories. I realized what an amazing strong caring women my sister was. I hadn't known this before. My point of sharing this is, TA's family at some point will have to do this to move on with their lives. Having a hard hateful heart will ruin your life. I hope their Mormon family will help them and they will seek counseling, if they have to. MOO, the DP isn't going to help them. I know that is what they want, but in truth that isn't going to help them heal. I believe it will be worse because that will always be in their minds of if and when it would be carried out. It's just more negativity. I know they believe JA deserves it. I hope someday they will find peace otherwise JA will have taken more of their lives too. JMOO.

How can any of us presume to know that the Alexanders have 'hard, hateful hearts'? Is wanting the DP, wanting justice now equated with hatred and revenge only? How do any of us presume to know what's in the Alexanders' hearts? Things are never that black and white, IMO.

ETA: They've been tortured for 7 years and endured all things with dignity. They deserve only our respect and esteem. They have been amazing and inspiring.
I do not believe that is real! Why would any agency just cross through the old date and type in a new one?


How do we know it's a fact? It's hard to tell sometimes because those crazy groupies like to put stuff out there in an attempt to rile. On the other hand, the system in AZ is sometimes sloppy with incorrect or incomplete information shown, so we have no way to know if a public employee's contract renewal would be reported properly, or if it would be reported publicly at all.
Good point about the absence of sexiness, but the two that really puzzle me, are the nude photos of Travis on the bed. What was the point of taking those? He is not looking at the camera, not posing, the angle is strange, etc. In my opinion, I see evidence that Travis knew JA was taking his picture in only two photos from that day: the one where he looks surprised in the shower and the final heartbreaking shot of him alive, looking straight into the camera.


He was surprised by a dog. You can see it in his eye. <sarcasm>
I still don't get why she didn't allocute. She needs ONE juror. Cry, act crazy, beg for your life. If you get ONE juror to your side the quality of your incarceration dramatically improves. A job, classes, possibility of medium security in a dorm type setting and much more time out of a cell and more visitation etc v. 23 hour lockdown and no contact with others and very restricted visitation.
To me the odds of convincing one person to spare your life are better than her Hail Mary closed courtroom prospective appeal ever will be
She had no plans to allocute for herself, she had plans to bash Travis one more time and come out with more domestic violence lies and bla bla bla. That's why she didn't want the courtroom full. She has no remorse and will carry that DV lie and pedo lie to her grave.
The Gold Patrol&#8482; &#8207;@thegoldpatrol 46s47 seconds ago

Watch SPECIAL @TheGoldPatrol Tribute to the #TravisAlexander Family on #JodiArias Verdict Watch &#8230;

I can't stand this man. Who is he to say anything about the jury and judge them for not choosing to deliberate on Friday? First of all, black Fridays were the standard of the Court. Maybe think about the jurors being told that the trial would end in December, and now we're at the end of February, which is IMO a lack of courtroom management by JSS. How about the jurors lives put on hold so they could do their civic duty and to show up day after day to wasted time. Maybe Friday is the only day they've had for months on end to do necessary things in their lives so they can continue with children and work commitments, etc. He needs to get off his high-horse and simmer down. MOO
With all due respect to you and the Alexanders. I'm not judging their hearts, they have stood in court and relaid what they are going thru and what they want is the DP. So, I'm not trying to read their minds or judge them. They still till last week showed how they are effected in court.
Yes they have had to endure a horrible trial and hear horrible things about their brother. They have already received a form of justice. JA was convicted and won't ever be free.

You can't really compare our loss completely to the Alexanders. Our family didn't receive justice in any way shape or form. The hospital didn't do a blood alcohol test on the man that hit them. The stop sign was removed from the site of the wreck. It was there the night of the accident but gone the next morning when the investigator arrived at the scene. Someone was looking out for this guy. My Niece was put on life support for a few weeks until my sister was able to be put in a wheel chair so she could hold her little girl one last time. She endured a different kind of suffering. She had to have brain surgery, her ears had to be sewn back on, her top lip had to be sewn back on, her forehead looked like a road-map. I didn't recognize my own sister the next morning after the accident. It took years of plastic surgery for her to even look like herself. Yes, she suffered for years without even a chance for justice.
I'm glad for the Alexanders opportunity for justice. It was a cruel unwarranted murder. My point and opinion is/was they have said themselves how they feel, I wasn't judging them. They have heavy hearts, no doubt about it. You can't move forward unless you come to terms that your life has to go forward no matter what the circumstances are. Everyone is human, bottom line, most want agree or like it but the road to recovery is to forgive. I guess I can't explain it, you would have to be in that position or a similar place to understand. Some people can't do it and I am so thankful for my sisters faith and strength and her ability to find that forgiveness. Without her ability to release that hate, revenge and the feelings she went through she would have been left a hard, hateful women. My sister is now the opposite, she was given a gift by forgiving, she was blessed with 2 more children, and now has 6 wonderful grandchildren, and most of all she has a forgiving heart. I hope the Alexanders can find the same peace. JMOO.

That may be your opinion, and mine is that some things are unforgivable. One can move on without forgiving.
Good point about the absence of sexiness, but the two that really puzzle me, are the nude photos of Travis on the bed. What was the point of taking those? He is not looking at the camera, not posing, the angle is strange, etc. In my opinion, I see evidence that Travis knew JA was taking his picture in only two photos from that day: the one where he looks surprised in the shower and the final heartbreaking shot of him alive, looking straight into the camera.

To me, that last one is odd because he's sitting down in a small shower stall! How in the world did he get into that position? Who sits down on the shower floor? How would she ever be able to talk him into doing that? Even if a photo shoot was going on, I mean, it's very odd. I can't understand it.
To me, that last one is odd because he's sitting down in a small shower stall! How in the world did he get into that position? Who sits down on the shower floor? How would she ever be able to talk him into doing that? Even if a photo shoot was going on, I mean, it's very odd. I can't understand it.

I sit in the shower, but that's because I shower with my ten month old! Yes, how eerie though. Sure suggests she revealed her weapon(s) then and made him sit. That poor man. In such a vulnerable place.
yeah, haha. That's the prob, there's always something else that is possible with this story! But with her following Travis around to the restroom, having to keep tabs on him-AND being there with a murder plan, I don't think he'd been able to slip out of bed w/o her knowing. Again, JMO based on her history. As someone posted, we'll never know but can put pieces together & speculate.

Keep in mind she had driven all night and have you seen the distance she travelled? Not only that it probably took quite a lot of explaining/convincing to get Travis to feel comfortable. I am positive once she was sure she had Travis wrapped around her finger again she slept like a baby.
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