VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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I've been wondering about those too. Seems Sherry just swept those under the rug along with all the other secrets.

The 3 juror questions of JA could not have been asked, as Juan would not have been able to cross-examine her on them. Her testimony was left as it was. Juan could have moved to throw it out, but as AZL explained, he wanted it to reference in his closing.
do any of you believe that jodi still thinks she is going free?

ive been thinking about it and you know,i just get the feeling that she still thinks shes going to walk out of that court and not go to prision.

i just don't think she gets the gravity of the whole situation,guess im hoping when the verdict is given she has a total meltdown :shrug:

zap zap
Something really wrong with time off during deliberations and not sequestered. Sounds like a ticket for mistrial to me.

Most juries are not sequestered. It's expensive and it takes a toll on the jurors. These jurors have been silent since October, I don't expect anything different from them. They have gone above and beyond what has been asked of them. Remember, they were told this would conclude on December 18? It's now March 1 and we still have 2 alternatives. I never thought that would happen.
do any of you believe that jodi still thinks she is going free?

ive been thinking about it and you know,i just get the feeling that she still thinks shes going to walk out of that court and not go to prision.

i just don't think she gets the gravity of the whole situation,guess im hoping when the verdict is given she has a total meltdown :shrug:

zap zap
Yes. I believe that she is unphased by all this and still thinks someone will exonerate her and save her.. Um yeah..

But I don't think she will really lose it in the court and I think if she gets life she will smile which will make me want to drive to AZ to smack her.
Something really wrong with time off during deliberations and not sequestered. Sounds like a ticket for mistrial to me.

I don't believe that juries should ever be sequestered. I think that they should be free and that you get the best result that way.
do any of you believe that jodi still thinks she is going free?

ive been thinking about it and you know,i just get the feeling that she still thinks shes going to walk out of that court and not go to prision.

i just don't think she gets the gravity of the whole situation,guess im hoping when the verdict is given she has a total meltdown :shrug:

zap zap

I most certainly do think that she believes she is going to walk free, someday. I think she had something up her sleeve re: testifying in secret and then stating she wanted to allocate, but is unable to in an open court room.
Please . . .
LinasK has NOTHING to forgive in regards to being a molested child!!
God Bless You LinasK ♥

Forgiveness, is a gift to yourself. It frees you from the past, past experiences, and past relationships. It allows you to live in the present time. When you forgive yourself and forgive other, you are indeed free.

I hope someday your opinion changes and you can be free.
Yes. I believe that she is unphased by all this and still thinks someone will exonerate her and save her.. Um yeah..

But I don't think she will really lose it in the court and I think if she gets life she will smile which will make me want to drive to AZ to smack her.

If I was one of the alexanders and she smiled I doubt I could hold back but they are much more reserved than I am.

If anyone has a face you'd never tire of slapping it's jodi
She tried to destroy the camera because didn't need the pictures anymore.

All I am saying is that photography was important to her, the act of taking photographs. Photographing him when he found out that she won, that she was going to kill him, was probably part of her murder fantasy.

I am not saying that she wanted the pictures, I am saying she wanted to take photographs. She enjoys framing images and clicking the button.

Jodi really doesn't seem attached to objects, she didn't care about the car being repossessed or the house being foreclosed. She likes photographing experiences, her trips, weddings, she likes visual confirmation. She probably doesn't have enough of an emotional range to process things as she experiences them, she needs to analyze what happened and align her emotional response to what she sees.

At any rate, she wanted to see a photo of him when she told him she was going to kill him. After she killed him, she probably looked at that photo and enjoyed the power she had over him, then threw it in the washing machine because the moment was over, she had her thrill, she didn't want to get caught, and she had to get to Utah.

It is also possible the camera was in the bloody stuff she stuck in the washing machine and it was a mistake to wash it, she might have thought she put it in her purse to get rid of with the gun.

She likes that picture. In her police interview she said it was a good picture of him.

JA: Umm. I don’t know. There’s also a bit of morbid curiosity, I think. ((Crying) I just want to see the pictures. He showed me a good picture of him yesterday.

FO: Is it the one with him in the shower?

JA: He had water all over his face or something.

She said:

JA: So some I deleted and some I kept taking umm…and some he looked really good, I thought. The one that you showed me yesterday looking right at you, I think that is a great picture. He hates it. I don’t know what he hates about that. I think it’s a very good picture of him.

I'd just love to know when he ever had time to tell her he hated that picture.
There is no way to make a valid statement about what is in someone's heart or how to fix it. We have no knowing what someone else feels, has felt or will feel.

Emotions just are: they are not bad or good. This can be said for sadness, happiness, gladness, anger, and hatred, all of them. To suggest that a person should get rid of some but keep others shows lack of understanding about feelings.

It is insulting when a person suggests another should be free of a feeling (such as hatred) in order for them to "move on", be happy, or have a full life.

It creates resentment when another person claims they can and, what's more, know best how to resolve the imagined problem.

The concept of "forgiveness" is rooted in a specific set of religious beliefs that the majority of the world (let alone the majority of the US) does not subscribe to.

I tried to keep my mouth shut but that perjortive about religious beliefs not being subscribed to set me off a little. If you google two words - Christianity and forgiveness - you are going to see a "whole bunch" of Christians talking about forgiveness and forgiveness in the Bible.

My daughter died at age 27, I came home and found her. She had a boyfriend (and I use the termly loosely) at the time. Now Tara had first tried to kill herself at the age of sixteen. I cannot count the times she would overdose on benzodiazipines so we knew that probably was what happened. Now at the memorial service her boyfriend tells everyone that he gave her his codeine that the dentist had prescribed for him, but only "two". Well I knew right there that he had some part to play in this, either he gave her a whole bottle or T took them. The coroner finally said it was codeine mixed with one of her antidepressants. I knew I had to let this go, I could not handle this emotion that just slammed my whole body, like I ran into a wall. I had to let this go and I did slowly but surely. Karma - the unusual person (boyfriend) completed suicide and horrible person that he was made a video of the entire death for his parents. Sick, sick, sick man. He had just fathered a baby, what a legacy to leave a little girl.

I said earlier, and it was universally ignored lol, that I thought that the Alexanders were hoping that Jodie's death sentence would free them. Cannot speak for them but I don't believe it will, especially Steven. He is so broken I pray he is getting some help. Good mental health care is almost impossible in the country now but I still hope he gets some guidance.

I hope no one gets angry about this discussion. We all have a right to our beliefs and opinions, right?
Every time a digital camera creates an image, there is Metadata associated with it that gives a lot of info, including the device that took the image, if it has been edited, and for new cameras, where and when the image was captured. That info can't be modified without leaving indications of monkeying around with it.

We also covered this during the guilt phase.

There are a number of metadata and EXIF editor software packages available as freeware and for purchase including EXIFPilot, etc.

Given the state of the technology at that time I believe their flawless utilization was beyond the capabilities of the operator in question, i.e. the killer.

She could have had assistance from another, but if so they certainly botched their work.

Besides, the time and meticulous effort required wouldn't have been worth it.

Does anyone really believe that TA wasn't photographed in the shower by his killer using his own Sony DSC-H9 with PRO Duo memory stick on June 4, 2008?

If so, you're at odds with the principals in this case.

We know that the Prosecution, the Defense, and the murderer all believe that every image admitted in this case and attributed to that scene on June 4, 2008, were written to the camera's internal memory or the small form factor PRO Duo memory stick/card on that date.

Neither side alleges anything as quick and straightforward as altering the date/time stamps from that date, let alone all the metadata associated with the images/thumbnails.
I tried to keep my mouth shut but that perjortive about religious beliefs not being subscribed to set me off a little. If you google two words - Christianity and forgiveness - you are going to see a "whole bunch" of Christians talking about forgiveness and forgiveness in the Bible.

My daughter died at age 27, I came home and found her. She had a boyfriend (and I use the termly loosely) at the time. Now Tara had first tried to kill herself at the age of sixteen. I cannot count the times she would overdose on benzodiazipines so we knew that probably was what happened. Now at the memorial service her boyfriend tells everyone that he gave her his codeine that the dentist had prescribed for him, but only "two". Well I knew right there that he had some part to play in this, either he gave her a whole bottle or T took them. The coroner finally said it was codeine mixed with one of her antidepressants. I knew I had to let this go, I could not handle this emotion that just slammed my whole body, like I ran into a wall. I had to let this go and I did slowly but surely. Karma - the unusual person (boyfriend) completed suicide and horrible person that he was made a video of the entire death for his parents. Sick, sick, sick man. He had just fathered a baby, what a legacy to leave a little girl.

I said earlier, and it was universally ignored lol, that I thought that the Alexanders were hoping that Jodie's death sentence would free them. Cannot speak for them but I don't believe it will, especially Steven. He is so broken I pray he is getting some help. Good mental health care is almost impossible in the country now but I still hope he gets some guidance.

I hope no one gets angry about this discussion. We all have a right to our beliefs and opinions, right?

So sorry Wing for your loss. I believe in Karma too.
Most juries are not sequestered. It's expensive and it takes a toll on the jurors. These jurors have been silent since October, I don't expect anything different from them. They have gone above and beyond what has been asked of them. Remember, they were told this would conclude on December 18? It's now March 1 and we still have 2 alternatives. I never thought that would happen.
If someone threatened to lock me in a hotel room under guard for months while the judge canceled every 3rd day of a trial, and didn't work Fridays on it, I'd flat out tell her I'll hang the jury. Because that is just unrealistic to expect.
If I was one of the alexanders and she smiled I doubt I could hold back but they are much more reserved than I am.

If anyone has a face you'd never tire of slapping it's jodi

Trust me, your hand is too good for her face.

You wouldn't want to get any on ya... :notgood:
I still do not believe that she meant to wash that camera. Not in my opinion. It got tied up in the clothes after the struggle to get him back in the shower and she panicked when she couldn't find the camera, and left. I hate her but I don't think she was stupid enough to do that on purpose. She could have thrown in in a lake or buried in the desert or washed it somewhere else if that is what she really intended on doing.

But how do you explain the memory card being in the washer but not inside the camera when both were found? She took the card out for some reason and then put both of them in the washer. One I could see as possibly accidental but not both being put in there accidentally.
I still do not believe that she meant to wash that camera. Not in my opinion. It got tied up in the clothes after the struggle to get him back in the shower and she panicked when she couldn't find the camera, and left. I hate her but I don't think she was stupid enough to do that on purpose. She could have thrown in in a lake or buried in the desert or washed it somewhere else if that is what she really intended on doing.
I think she was gonna leave the cMera and take the card OR the slot opened in the wash and the card came out.
But how do you explain the memory card being in the washer but not inside the camera when both were found? She took the card out for some reason and then put both of them in the washer. One I could see as possibly accidental but not both being put in there accidentally.
You don't have to forgive someone to move FORWARD. That certainly doesn't mean you have hate in your heart or can't be free. It just means you are moving forward and not forgiving. Not all things are forgivable. JMO

This is a subject near and dear to my heart as well. You can find healing and move forward without 'forgiveness" toward that person however one defines that. yet finding a way to sort of "neutralize" them inside your soul is , I'm finding, a healthy way to move forward. Someone recently wrote me about a prison program that brings murderers together w/ survivors to help them both heal. I'm a person who would absolutely embrace such an option. The problem in my case, as in the Alexanders, is that the murderers are still crying innocence, accepting zero responsibility and blaming everyone else but themselves. So this is really an impossible venture in our cases. With sociopaths, they would simply use a venue such as that for their own personal gain and in Jodi's case, to inflict more damage. But I do believe in such programs and support them.
Finding a place of clearing is possible but it always doesn't involve the other person at all.
It's more like finding some kind of resolution with evil itself which believe me is a monumental task but one some of us are charged with. It's a lifelong endeavor for me but I do feel like I'm closer now than I've ever been.
But how do you explain the memory card being in the washer but not inside the camera when both were found? She took the card out for some reason and then put both of them in the washer. One I could see as possibly accidental but not both being put in there accidentally.

Melendez testified he removed the memory stick himself from inside the camera
But how do you explain the memory card being in the washer but not inside the camera when both were found? She took the card out for some reason and then put both of them in the washer. One I could see as possibly accidental but not both being put in there accidentally.

The memory card was in the camera when found, geevee. :seeya: They took it out to photograph it. I remember this during testimony from Melendez--can't find it on YouTube now, but here is an excerpt from an article David Lohr wrote for HuffPost:

"Melendez said the photos were recovered from a memory card that was found inside a digital camera in Alexander's washing machine after his murder. The detective said some of the images had been deleted but recoverable from the card."
The memory card was in the camera when found, geevee. :seeya: They took it out to photograph it. I remember this during testimony from Melendez--can't find it on YouTube now, but here is an excerpt from an article David Lohr wrote for HuffPost:

"Melendez said the photos were recovered from a memory card that was found inside a digital camera in Alexander's washing machine after his murder. The detective said some of the images had been deleted but recoverable from the card."

Correct. It was inside the camera which helped protect it
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