VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2

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Fort Worth here! :seeya:

I was born in Ft.Worth..south hills area lol that was 50 something yrs transplanted to h-town ..only 20 minutes from it here...

I have done lots of travel...all over the states, and lots of out of country travel, but Texas will always be my home..

back to Jodi..I really wish her evil self to get the dp..what she did to travis was vicious..what she does now to the friends and family of travis is evil, as she lies and trys to put daggars in their hearts with her hateful lies..

I want her on lock down, 24/7....

please jurors, please universe, do what I think to be the right thing and put her on death row, jmo
Thanks Mindmatters—I think you must mean Daisymae. My kitties are well.

Here's the raw, unedited Troy Hayden interview. It's ~47 minutes.

Thanks DaisyD. Sorry for the confusion, yes it was DaisyM's kitty.:blushing:

mmmm, chicken friend steak..

stop it, I hungry lol

oh Jodie will never get that where she is going lol bwahaha
If the jury had heard about the knives and gun she had in a rental car after the murder, I think it would be easier to give her the DP. Unfortunately, that was not allowed.

This is something I will never understand. Why, WHY, is stuff like this hidden from the jury?! The truth and facts are what they are. Prejudicial....well yep. She did it, let the jury think about it
AZL's scenario for rescuing the DT's case. But it's her story to tell.....

I would guess it has something to do with showing genuine remorse, or a good imitation of it, and not painting Travis into the darkest corner of the twilight zone where all the boogy mans live. But this is Jodi, and that was not going to happen.
I just watched the whole interview by Troy H. One thing that stood out to me was when she was talking about being on the stand she was there to answer questions. It sounded like she was going to say something else but changed her mind. So evem she cant say she was going to tell the truth.
I would love to be from Texas but stuck up here in the frozen Canadian province of Manisnowba
Thanks Mindmatters—I think you must mean Daisymae. My kitties are well.

Here's the raw, unedited Troy Hayden interview. It's ~47 minutes.

Wow. I don't know where to start.

What a liar! If my freedom was in the balance and my sister (I don't actually have a sister but you know what I mean) and friends and photo evidence on a damaged (but probably recoverable) hard drive existed you could bet every penny you had that they would be brought up in court to corroborate my testimony!

Secondly she's lying about the domestic violence. I've never heard a woman who has lived through domestic violence, myself included (10 years until I got free), who when asked for advice for other women wouldn't say "leave!" Women who are being abused do not say the biggest piece of advice is to "document it". Sure that is important if you can, and if you are planning to go to the police. But she said "even if you aren't going to leave, or go to the police" (or something like that). Documenting abuse isn't going to help if you aren't planning to give that documentation to someone. The main thing I've ever heard anyone say is to leave. It's the advice I have given to others myself.

Also she cared about how Travis appeared? How others thought of him? Fine, ok. Go to Yreka, and never see him again if he's abusing you so badly. Why, if you are being beaten, and he's a paedophile, and he's so mean, why would you keep that relationship going when you live over a thousand miles away? My ex-husband lives around 15 miles away. I've not spoken to or seen him in 10 years! I moved from my home town to somewhere else because he wouldn't leave me alone and it was triggering my PTSD. I couldn't cope with it, I'm struggling now to even write this, never mind anything else and I'm 10 years since seeing him. She apparently has PTSD from the domestic violence (no she doesn't!) and yet she can not only keep on talking to him, she goes to visit him? Not a chance!

Then she's got a dissociative fog all wrong. She wants us to believe that she remembers being attacked by Travis, being body slammed, running and then shooting him then nothing more til she snapped out of it in the desert? No chance. That's "movie" amnesia. That's what Hollywood says dissociative amnesia is. She would either a. Remember absolutely none of it from the moment Travis attacked her (but usually that kind of blankness comes back at a later date) or b. Remember bits and pieces and not logical pieces but snapshots. She also wants us to believe that during this amnesia she managed to drive in entirely the right direction she was intending to go in anyway? When she had never driven from Mesa to Utah? She suddenly comes back from the fog, in the middle of the desert, and instead of being panicked and wondering where she is and how she has blood on her she manages to clean herself up, and keep on driving in the right direction to Utah? Imagine it yourself. If she truly was having dissociative amnesia she wouldn't know where she was. If you suddenly "came to" and found yourself in the middle of a desert what would your first reaction be? Surely it would be panic? Why am I? How do I find out where I am? Which way do I go to find out where I need to be? Yet she just cleans herself up and drives on to Utah? No way!

This makes me so angry! I've spoken before about my experiences with BPD, PTSD and battered women's syndrome. And the more I see of CMJA the more I'm convinced she's not been abused, she's not got PTSD and any BPD personality traits she has are part of a sociopathic and Narcicistic personality.
Is Manitoba pretty rural? I am fascinated by this part of CA pretty much due to TV. I bet it is beautiful!

I just watched the whole interview by Troy H. One thing that stood out to me was when she was talking about being on the stand she was there to answer questions. It sounded like she was going to say something else but changed her mind. So evem she cant say she was going to tell the truth.
I would love to be from Texas but stuck up here in the frozen Canadian province of Manisnowba
Paul Sanders, former juror explains it took his jury 15 days! #TravisAlexander
"Our search for justice for Dale Harrell changed my life in the most unexpected of ways as it will forever change some of the individuals on the Arias jury. I have faith in a system that has survived over two hundred years. Millions of jurors have sat in these jury boxes and each has searched their souls from the smallest of trials to the behemoths such as Arias and DeVault.
It took our jury fifteen days, within a period of five weeks, to find a decision for life or death in DeVault. Ultimately, in our responsibility for the life of the defendant as well as the life of the victim, we put our hands on every single piece of evidence that had been admitted for our observation. Although it took time, we did not want to risk second guessing our decision the rest of our lives." Paul Sanders @The13thJurorMD

Here is his entire , brilliant blog

The DeVault jury penalty phase did not last 15 days. It lasted 3 days.


A jury on Wednesday spared the life of an Arizona woman convicted of beating her husband to death with a hammer, sentencing her to life in prison instead of the death penalty.

The decision in the penalty phase of Marissa Devault's trial comes after the jury deliberated for about three days since April 22. Devault nodded when jurors were polled about their decision, and she hugged her attorneys before leaving the courtroom smiling.
What made me laugh right away in the interview after he puts the mic on her he wants to do a mic check and he says "can you count to 10 for me?", and she asks, "out loud?"...... uhhhmmmmm

I just watched the whole interview by Troy H. One thing that stood out to me was when she was talking about being on the stand she was there to answer questions. It sounded like she was going to say something else but changed her mind. So evem she cant say she was going to tell the truth.
I would love to be from Texas but stuck up here in the frozen Canadian province of Manisnowba
I just watched the whole interview by Troy H. One thing that stood out to me was when she was talking about being on the stand she was there to answer questions. It sounded like she was going to say something else but changed her mind. So evem she cant say she was going to tell the truth.
I would love to be from Texas but stuck up here in the frozen Canadian province of Manisnowba

Hey there neighbor. Becky Sharp and I are Manitobans too, Brandon. What about you?
I just watched the whole interview by Troy H. One thing that stood out to me was when she was talking about being on the stand she was there to answer questions. It sounded like she was going to say something else but changed her mind. So evem she cant say she was going to tell the truth.
I would love to be from Texas but stuck up here in the frozen Canadian province of Manisnowba

Hey Seanna :seeya:

I had to say hello to someone who is also stuck in Manisnowba! Why do we live here??? It was -40 when I walked to work this morning. And now I'm about to re-wrap myself (long underwear, fleece pullover, wooly socks, scarf, coat, another scarf, fake fur hat and mitts--all this on top of my regular clothes--it's exhausting) to walk home. I hear that Spring is coming, but that has to be somewhere else!
Is Manitoba pretty rural? I am fascinated by this part of CA pretty much due to TV. I bet it is beautiful!

I wouldn't say we are rural. 2 major cities, few smaller ones and lots of farmers fields in between. Not much to see and we only get about 4 days of summer per year, but it's home lol
I have not caught up today but I wanted to write this before I forget. Last night I was thinking about the jury and wondering if any of them would consider just HOW cruel this was by demonstrating stabbing 29 times? I sat on my bed and just threw my arm down on the bed that many times and WOW it takes a long time for one thing, and for another it means she had ALOT of rage to do that AND THEN go on to slit his throat the way she did AND THEN to shoot him, which IMO, she did because his body was probably still making noise and she wanted to make it stop. Also I was basically just pounding the bed. I did not have a knife that I was stabbing into anything or anyone. If they did this, again IMO, they would rule out any question of anything they thought would be a mitigator. That's just my opinion. Have any of you tried what I described. She wasn't just mad, she was hell bent on ending him and making him pay. again JMHO
About possible connections between DeVault and JA.....

I don't know if the rumors are true that DeVault and JA were podmates at Estrella, and that the two were close. It is interesting that JA changed her story from ninjas to abuse and pedophilia after DeVault arrived in Estrella. It's all the more interesting because of the huge emphasis DeVault's DT placed on finding child *advertiser censored* on a key player's computer. Hmmm. I really wonder who the they hired to do their computer forensics........
Hi neighbor down the road in Winnipeg. Manitoba is known for extreme winters hot summers and mosquito s that can carry away small children. Lots of outdoor activities lots of lakes and being in the prairies very very flat
Is Manitoba pretty rural? I am fascinated by this part of CA pretty much due to TV. I bet it is beautiful!

C'mon up and watch the wheat grow. Or count the cows.

Actually, it's pretty lovely here. Except the climate: frigid winters and scorching summers. I grew up in BC and so my first winter here was pretty miserable. I will say that it's the perfect place for cross-country skiing.
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