VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 42

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Relevant things are allowed in even if they are harmful to the defendant. The "prejudice" rule does not exclude relevant evidence. IMO if JM had wanted to argue that the weapons in the car showed a lack of PTSD and if Dr. DeMarte had agreed that this was true, he could have used that information. We don't know if he just didn't think of it (I know I have never thought this information was important--maybe JM didn't either), or DeMarte said, hmmm, IDK, if they are just kitchen knives in a box I don't think that's a big deal, or what. It's possible that he tried to use the information and it was excluded because the relevance ("probative value" in lawyer-speak) was pretty low compared to the potential prejudice, but if so, the prejudice would have been the risk that the jury would assume she was off to kill victim #2, not the risk that the jury would think she didn't have PTSD!

I guess my mind thinks differently cause I feel like someone who just murdered a man with a gun and a having another gun (not registered to her legally, which doesnt matter to me) and more knives in her care at the time she was arrested sure tells me that she was up to something AGAIN. JMO
I really hope that today is the day. Are they taking more breaks than usual today??? I've only been half hazardly following along on twitter.
I was thinking that she was off to kill somebody else--either Deanna, Mimi, Lisa, or Sky and Chris Hughes. To me it also means if she ever gets out of prison, there's a chance she'll kill somebody else.

I completely agree. I think she realized she'd be caught soon and wanted to really take advantage by getting her sick money's worth aka killing others she thought harmed her according to her sick and twisted, evil mind.
I guess my mind thinks differently cause I feel like someone who just murdered a man with a gun and a having another gun (not registered to her legally, which doesnt matter to me) and more knives in her care at the time she was arrested sure tells me that she was up to something AGAIN. JMO

It tells me there is, at the least, no PTSD and no remorse for those 'few minutes out of her life'. I think the jury would have taken notice of that info.
There's a boatload of evidence in that room from trial and retrial, I would imagine one or more jurors want to cover as much of it as they deem necessary in order to be sure of whatever verdict they believe she deserves.

Thus, the call last Thursday for an "exhibit list". And now they're seeking the answers to whatever areas of disagreement remain. I hope there's a dictionary available for them to look up "remorseful", because they didn't hear any evidence of it from JA or the DT on her behalf.
The crime cries out for the death penalty. That is obvious to us and I believe to the jury as well. The question now is are there mitigators? That is what the jurors are deciding. If there are none, or if there are some but they do not outweigh the aggravator (cruelty) it has to be a death sentence.

I did not see any mitigators proven. KN listing some on a sheet of paper does not make them fact but he is hoping the jurors read the list and assume some to be fact (otherwise they wouldn't be on the list).

It's all coming down to if the jurors believe any mitigators exist and if so, how strong are those?
Me too. It's my ONLY day off. Tomorrow I will be flying ALL day. Of COURSE that will be the day when I have NO internet that they jury will make up their dang minds. I be 40,000 feet above frikkin El Paso or some bulls*(#.


I really hope that today is the day. Are they taking more breaks than usual today??? I've only been half hazardly following along on twitter.
She blames JM? C'mon, she's a professional 'victim'.

Well if ALV hadn't been such a hostile, snarky witness with her "do you need a Timeout?" crap, maybe Juan wouldn't have had to treat her that way. She has only herself to blame.
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What does Gemalto mean? Thanks :)
Jury out three and a half hours so far today. I'm beginning to get restless. Just made a pot of Stash Chocolate Hazelnut (decaf) tea :)
yummm! I think I am gonna make some tea! Maybe read the leaves, too. ; )
She had a gun taped under the hood of the rental car, didn't she? The rental she had when arrested.
I intially read somewhere that it was taped to the engine block of the Chevy Cobalt rental. But I also saw/read "wheel well". Not sure.
There's a boatload of evidence in that room from trial and retrial, I would imagine one or more jurors want to cover as much of it as they deem necessary in order to be sure of whatever verdict they believe she deserves.

Yes, and in all fairness to this jury, I'm sure they are proceeding very seriously and thoughtfully in their endeavor, as they should be. It's an awesome responsibility, sentencing someone to death-one not to be taken lightly. I think they'll come to some consensus. The other jury, I think, did their job by convicting her-this one will do theirs, too.
AT this point it doesn't matter. It is over either way. So if they really can not all decide then it is still over and JA goes away for good.

Unfortunately, this is not over until the appellate court makes the final determination. However, since the DP matters to the Alexander's, that is what I wish as JA will be in solitary confinement 23 hours a day.
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