VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 42

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Some tweets suggest some jurors look tired <---- would this be synonymous with disagreements? . . . :sigh:

JMO, I don't think it is disagreements but going through all the information. Trying to match up and look at what each side said, matching up the info from the experts, who should they believe, the phone calls, the lies or the truth by FJA. That has to be a huge task. Lots of reading makes anyone tired. I hope they have good lights and nice chairs. They need the breaks and stretching. If they are eating in the room for lunch the only time they go out is for breaks.

With all of this said, if we are ever called for jury duty, that there is a lot more to it then we think. We need to remember all the questions and comments WS members have said, media info, rumors, etc. so that we can be fair in our decision. I missed my chance for jury duty, was excused as the doctor and the judge did not want me anywhere near the court...I had a life threatening super bug. I was excused and I have waited since 2005 but never have been called again. Sigh. Maybe one day I will get another chance.
Relevant things are allowed in even if they are harmful to the defendant. The "prejudice" rule does not exclude relevant evidence. IMO if JM had wanted to argue that the weapons in the car showed a lack of PTSD and if Dr. DeMarte had agreed that this was true, he could have used that information. We don't know if he just didn't think of it (I know I have never thought this information was important--maybe JM didn't either), or DeMarte said, hmmm, IDK, if they are just kitchen knives in a box I don't think that's a big deal, or what. It's possible that he tried to use the information and it was excluded because the relevance ("probative value" in lawyer-speak) was pretty low compared to the potential prejudice, but if so, the prejudice would have been the risk that the jury would assume she was off to kill victim #2, not the risk that the jury would think she didn't have PTSD!

TY! That makes sense. I get caught up in all the things I know the the jury doesn't and I WANT them to know. I know, legally they can't be included, but I want them to know. LOL I had the same issue with the Anthony trial. There was so much I wanted them to know that they didn't.
@lisawJ13: 3 female jurors back. 2 were with the earlier group. I didn't recognize the one with short dark hair #jodiaris

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Feeling a little impatient, emotional, nervous, hopeful...oh all of those things. I remember when the jury came back with a verdict of death for Scott Peterson.

I hope the jurors think about what it must have been like for Travis to be stabbed in the heart, to have his throat cut from ear to ear. No living being should have to go through that. Some think the lethal injection is too cruel so imagine what it must have been like for an INNOCENT man to be butchered to death. That's barbaric and the only proper verdict is death.
She had a gun taped under the hood of the rental car, didn't she? The rental she had when arrested.
What happens if the defense hires a psychological expert and they come to the same conclusion DeMarte came to? Can they squelch it or do they have to turn it over to the prosecution?
From Gold Patrol:

The Gold Patrol&#8482; @thegoldpatrol · 19s 20 seconds ago

#JodiArais some of TA family came up to floor and left after 15 min
This part of our system drives me NUTS! I think there is a lot juries should know that they never do because of this rule. For instance the fact Jodi had multiple weapons in her car when she was arrested. This delicate flower had another gun and another knife in her car. I believe that is HUGELY relevant. The only reason Juan got to tell the jury that other people viewed her as a crazy nut job was because Nurmi opened the door with look it how much people love her. And truth is always prejudicial if you have done something wrong, that shouldn't exclude the truth from trial.

I totally agree with this.. I feel our criminal justice system is exactly that.Justice for criminals..we need a victims justice system and an over haul on everything that they seem to deem FAIR and RIGHT and Prejudicial. Yes jurors should know everything..otherwise to me it is already loading the Defense and the criminal stacking the deck in their favor and I for one and TIRED of it .
Some tweets suggest some jurors look tired <---- would this be synonymous with disagreements? . . . :sigh:

Good chance it means that they aren't close to agreement. I know many of us want Jodi to get the death penalty, because we don't want her to "win"- but if winning for her is LWOP, then I tend to think that will do for punishment, so we can go about the business of forgetting about her. It's not much of a win if she can't appeal the sentence for a couple of decades, and her name is out of the news, which it wouldn't be if she gets the death penalty. She's going to hate LWOP-and there isn't any way she'll get LWP (wait and see!)
I was thinking that she was off to kill somebody else--either Deanna, Mimi, Lisa, or Sky and Chris Hughes. To me it also means if she ever gets out of prison, there's a chance she'll kill somebody else.
There's a boatload of evidence in that room from trial and retrial, I would imagine one or more jurors want to cover as much of it as they deem necessary in order to be sure of whatever verdict they believe she deserves.
so i took a trip to the darkside (JAII) and i am seriously worried for these peoples mental health.

she admitted she killed him admitted it and got caught in her lies...god help anyone who comes in contact with these twits
Yeah, I think all of us are likely to agree on that note. Some are convinced she's innocent. Others are arguing on premeditation. One claims Jodi is stronger than any of them in an emotional/spiritual sense.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love it here? ;)
Execution of a woman tonight is on for 7pm E in Georgia

Gissendaner&#8217;s last meal request was for lemonade, two cheeseburgers, two large orders of french fries, cornbread and a side of buttermilk, cherry vanilla ice cream, popcorn, and a salad with boiled eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, carrots, cheese and buttermilk dressing.
From Gold Patrol:

Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq · 1m1 minute ago

#JodiArias jury at lunch.

Rainy day at court.

Most of Alexander family hanging in there out of rain. Must be agony for them. Jury #GetErDone

NOTE: This is the only tweet I've seen about Jury at lunch -- so not sure.
Crockpot - for anyone who hasn't had one or is looking for recipes, there was a woman, Karen Peterson, who did a blog called "365 Days of Slow Cooking." If you google it, there are tons of recipes on her site. Her blog was from a few years back, so don't get sucked into the new stuff out there or buying the book. It's all online. Hope it's ok to post this link?
^ Wolfpack, I'm sure Jodi has a 'hit list" for everyone she feels has wronged her during the trials.

From Gold Patrol:

Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq · 1m1 minute ago

#JodiArias jury at lunch.

Rainy day at court.

Most of Alexander family hanging in there out of rain. Must be agony for them. Jury #GetErDone

NOTE: This is the only tweet I've seen about Jury at lunch -- so not sure.
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