VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 42

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And ALV's realistic fear of perjury charges being filed at any moment.

How upset does it make you that on top of Dr Karp, Dr Samuels and ALV.....the taxpayers had to pay the C team all over again? I want to see the breakdown of all of Jodi Arias' experts bills. We started with Dr. Karp. She spent many hours with Jodi, did testing, and charged for reviewing the texts, emails , journals.
Then withdrew.

It has yet to be made public why and how Dr. Karp was allowed to withdraw. She fought very hard to not be called to the stand.Both times! In fact Nurmi filed motions asking that her findings not be mentioned, whatsoever. WHAT?!! Check this out. 1798588_612567168819429_831313727_n.png The judge seemed to compromise. She did allow Dr. Karp's reports to be referenced this time, only her name was shielded and she was called "female psychologist #1 Some thought that was a reference to ALV. Alyce LaViolette is a number of things. One of them she is NOT is a psychologist.

With Karp having withdrawn, the taxpayers were charged with they dynamic duo of Samuels and ALV. The hours they claim to have spent reviewing boxes of information is likely enough to rival the Warren Commission.

I wish there was a cap on how many new experts can be hired on our dime to review the exact same things and opine on the exact same things as the prior A and B team did.

For whatever reasons, real or imagined, #JodiArias was allowed to set Dworkin, Samuels and ALV on a shelf and hire new experts.

I'll leave Dworkin alone, for purposes of this discussion. I have an opinion on what went on with the computer experts, but that is a whole other show.

Regarding the domestic violence and psychological experts, the taxpayers were forced to pay for a new sexpert and an entire team of people who work under Dr. Geffner. What is the total for Jodi Arias' experts? It is of biblical proportions.

Folks are livid and on a mission about it. A month does not go by that I do not receive notices and alerts that ALV is speaking on this trial publicly. After the thousands and thousands of dollars she charged the AZ taxpayers for the months and years she spent reading Jodi Arias' bullchit and then for testifying for days she withdrew. You'll recall the drama of Kiefer leaking she was on the way to hospital over a stress induced panic attack, etc. I send it all to Juan every single time. He has bigger fish to fry. However, like many others, Bryan for example.....the next time her name shows up on any case in the future there, Phillip will be forwarding that file to impeach her to any colleague . This is only if as and when she even thinks about stepping into Maricopa County Courthouse again. Judging on her current actions , hubris may get the best of her. She may be under the mistaken idea that this will blow over for her.
Some call it blackballing, in slang they call it a chitlist. Whatever one wants to label it......she is on a list alright. Juan Martinez will be informing any one of his ADAs in his office; or elsewhere, all about her. It is done all the time. You can bet your home it will be done for her, Samuels, Geffner, Fonseca Bryan Neumeister and any other expert he caught in overt lies on the stand.

#JodiArias expert #AlyceLaViolette lied to court to withdraw from case, in my opinion. Here is why.
Many things in the #JodiArias trial frustrate beyond measure, but one in particular I find outrageous.

Kirk Nurmi and Jen Willmot are perpetuating falsehoods to the court. Much like Jodi Arias so obviously tracing local photographers photos, national ads, and copying other authors blogs verbatim....ALV should realize folks are going to learn of her public speaking about this case and alert the prosecutor and judge. Why do you think she feels she can get by with it? She didn't even lay low until AFTER THE TRIAL. If I were her counsel, I could tell her to avoid speaking on this case publicly well into the future, if not forever. She didn't even wait months!

The premise is ALV has been threatened and remains in fear for her life, literally, and she simply cannot emotionally, physically endure any more public ties to the #JodiArias case. Therefore, she cannot testify again.

The trouble is.........she is out giving public speeches, and interviews ABOUT THE JODI ARIAS CASE. In them she makes overt claims of prosecutor misconduct, and that is me being overly generous in my characterization of what she opines.

Jodi Arias' supporters, often misguided, exposed her in this You Tube video of her "Railing Against Jodi Arias' Prosecutor" People tell on themselves.

She draws attention to these speeches/interviews on her own website. ( she has the particular interview marked "private" )

Here it is friends: Alyce trashes Juan Martinez throughout.

She is no more afraid than Jodi Arias who is blogging, tweeting, selling art and giving interviews, signing manifestos.

You just can't make this stuff up!

I believe the jury has set to the side all of Jodi Arias experts' opinions. In total. They were thoroughly discredited. Indeed. I believe they will vote for the death penalty and Jodi Arias experts will be forever notorious as hired guns. At best.

Juan Martinez brought it home in his closing.The jury gets it that their entire testimony is not to be believed. If one accepts that position, there are no mitigating factors substantial enough to tip the scale. Here is his closing, via Twitter
Or not....

Of course she is. She is never getting out. Not ever. She is not going to be found innocent, She is not going to do anything but be a legend in her own mind for the rest of her life.
From Monica:
Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom · 15s16 seconds ago

Today on @HLNTV I will give a #JodiArias #verdictwatch update with @JoeyJacksonEsq
Of course she is. She is never getting out. Not ever. She is not going to be found innocent, She is not going to do anything but be a legend in her own mind for the rest of her life.

but at least on death row she won't be around other people, if I'm not mistaken. She will be all alone. With life, she will probably be able to live the high life in prison.
JA while waiting; :spinner: :cowcouch: :eat: :puke: :panic:
Idle question: Did Sky ever pipe up to deny she trashed JM's closing?
Cathy ‏@courtchatter 22s23 seconds ago

Detective Flores has now joined Juan in the victim room. #jodiarias
Prison is high life?

Hmmmm....makes you wonder why most citizens work so hard to stay out.
Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 29s29 seconds ago
Detective Flores has now joined Juan in the victim room. #jodiarias
but at least on death row she won't be around other people, if I'm not mistaken. She will be all alone. With life, she will probably be able to live the high life in prison.

She will be in prison and no different than any other convicted inmate. That autonomy will be torture for her.
From News20:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 44s44 seconds ago

Just got back from a break. I'm drenched. It's pouring outside. #JodiArias

From Cathy:
Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 44s44 seconds ago

Detective Flores has now joined Juan in the victim room. #jodiarias
Execution of a woman tonight is on for 7pm E in Georgia

Gissendaner’s last meal request was for lemonade, two cheeseburgers, two large orders of french fries, cornbread and a side of buttermilk, cherry vanilla ice cream, popcorn, and a salad with boiled eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, carrots, cheese and buttermilk dressing.

I'd just keep telling them I'm still thinking.

I hope this isn't another hung jury!!

The jury I was on was well hung. Not that that has anything to do with anything here, just sayin'. :angel:
How upset does it make you that on top of Dr Karp, Dr Samuels and ALV.....the taxpayers had to pay the C team all over again? I want to see the breakdown of all of Jodi Arias' experts bills. We started with Dr. Karp. She spent many hours with Jodi, did testing, and charged for reviewing the texts, emails , journals.
Then withdrew.

It has yet to be made public why and how Dr. Karp was allowed to withdraw. She fought very hard to not be called to the stand. In fact Nurmi filed motions asking that her findings not be mentioned, whatsoever. WHAT?!! Check this out. View attachment 70457 The judge seemed to compromise. She did allow Dr. Karp's reports to be referenced this time, only her name was shielded and she was called "female psychologist #1 Some thought that was a reference to ALV. ALV is a number of things. One of them she is NOT is a psychologist.

With Karp having withdrawn, the taxpayers were charged with they dynamic duo of Samuels and ALV. The hours they claim to have spent reviewing boxes of information is likely enough to rival the Warren Commission.

I wish there was a cap on how many new experts can be hired on our dime to review the exact same things and opine on the exact same things as the prior A and B team did. I will look it up and report back, but I trust in Texas there are such limits.

For whatever reasons, real or imagined, #JodiArias was allowed to set Dworkin, Samuels and ALV on a shelf and hire new experts.

I'll leave Dworkin alone, for purposes of this discussion. I have quite an opinion on what went on with the computer experts, but that is a whole other show.

Regarding the domestic violence and psychological experts, the taxpayers were forced to pay for a new sexpert and an entire team of people who work under Dr. Geffner. What is the total for Jodi Arias' experts. It is of biblical proportions.

Folks are livid and on a mission about it. A month does not go by that I do not receive notices and alerts that ALV is speaking on this trial publicly. After the thousands and thousands of dollars she charged the AZ taxpayers for the months and years she spent reading Jodi Arias' bullchit and then for testifying for days she withdrew. You'll recall the drama of Kiefer leaking she was on the way to hospital over a stress induced panic attack, etc. I send it all to Juan every single time. He has bigger fish to fry. However, like many others, Bryan for example.....the next time her name shows up on any case in the future there, Phillip will be forwarding that file to impeach her. This is only if as and when she even thinks about stepping into Maricopa County Courthouse again. Judging on her current actions , hubris may get the best of her. She may be under the mistaken idea that this will blow over for her.
Some call it blackballing, in slang they call it a chitlist. Whatever one wants to label it......she is on a list alright. Juan Martinez will be informing any one of his ADAs in his office; or elsewhere, all about her. It is done all the time. You can bet your home it will be done for her, Samuels, Geffner, Fonseca Bryan Neumeister and any other expert he caught in overt lies on the stand.

#JodiArias expert #AlyceLaViolette lied to court to withdraw from case, in my opinion. Here is why.
Many things in the #JodiArias trial frustrate beyond measure, but one in particular I find outrageous.

Kirk Nurmi and Jen Willmot are perpetuating falsehoods to the court. If she needed to withdraw for health reasons, I am the Queen of England. Much like Jodi Arias so obviously tracing local photographers photos, national ads, and copying other authors blogs verbatim....ALV should realize folks are going to learn of her public speaking about this case and alert the prosecutor and judge. Why do you think she feels she can get by with it? She didn't even lay low until AFTER THE TRIAL. If I were her counsel, I could tell her to avoid speaking on this case publicly well into the future, if not forever. She didn't even wait months!

In the court minutes in February, 2014 we learn several things
1) Jodi Arias' defense asked for an was granted much of what would be filed in case to be sealed
2) A un-named expert asked for a subpeona to be squashed
3) A un-named expert for JodiArias asked to withdraw from the case

We know Dr. Geffner indeed remained on the case, as we have heard from him,"Ad nauseam", as Jeff Gold would say. So that leaves Dr. Samuels and Alyce LaViolette . One of them formally withdrew, and moreover asked to have subpeona squashed.

The premise is ALV has been threatened and remains in fear for her life, literally, and she simply cannot emotionally, physically endure any more public ties to the #JodiArias case. Therefore, she cannot testify again.

The trouble is.........she is out giving public speeches, and interviews ABOUT THE JODI ARIAS CASE. In them she makes overt claims of prosecutor misconduct, and that is me being overly generous in my characterization of what she opines.

Jodi Arias' supporters, often misguided, exposed her in this You Tube video of her "Railing Against Jodi Arias' Prosecutor"

She draws attention to these speeches/interviews on her own website. ( she has the particular interview marked "private" )

Here it is friends: Alyce trashes Juan Martinez throughout.

She is not afraid to be publicly tied to this case. She overtly seeks limelight about it, advertises talks she gives on it on her website.

Nurmi, Wilmott and Aylce LaViolette are lying to court on her fear factor. It is egregious. Jodi Arias lawyers also lied about Darrell Brewer being afraid to testify. Here he is saying he flew in with bells on and for strategic legal reasons Jodi's lawyers told him never mind.

Guess who posted that little gem? Once again a Jodi Arias supporter.

You just can't make this stuff up!

Deleted- my oops....
Me too. It's my ONLY day off. Tomorrow I will be flying ALL day. Of COURSE that will be the day when I have NO internet that they jury will make up their dang minds. I be 40,000 feet above frikkin El Paso or some bulls*(#.


I'm flying on Thursday, maybe we'll meet in the air. :)
She will be in prison and no different than any other convicted inmate. That autonomy will be torture for her.

She can earn more privileges though with life. For me, that's the easy way out for her. It's not about how she dies or when.. it's about what access she has while incarcerated.
My heart goes out to the Alexanders. Will this ever end for them? I know exactly how bad this is.....

To me, this all is a sign that JA is a sociopath (and probably BPD, too)-I really, truly see the last couple of years as, not just Jodi trying to save herself, but Jodi putting the screws to the Alexander family and friends, because they are an extension of Travis-and she has to destroy them, too. When I listened to Jodi testifying during her trial, all I could think of is the devil disguised as a woman, and I am not a religious person (at all!). I hope nobody's offended!
Idle question: Did Sky ever pipe up to deny she trashed JM's closing?

No. I noticed last night that Chris Hughes was very active on Twitter, posting tons of pictures of Travis. I guess the finger is on that button, waiting to release the book that the family does not support. JMO
OOOOHHHHHHHH!!!! verdict watch is like waiting for a baby to be born :/
She can earn more privileges though with life. For me, that's the easy way out for her. It's not about how she dies or when.. it's about what access she has while incarcerated.

To me that does not matter. It is what it is. What is most important is that she won't be leaving jail. We have no control over any of it.
I thought prisons in the US had done away with that last meal thing. :dunno:
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