VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44

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1:15 minutes in deliberations already. Anyone still think before lunch like Hayden predicted?

I didn't know about this prediction, but I posted earlier that I thought the announcement would be made by noon AZ time.
Discretion doesn't mean guarantee. If she behaves herself then she could get the opportunity to work. And if she causes trouble she just as easily could end up in AgSeg.

I was doing some reading on Perryville last night and the place sounds horrible, even for the best inmates in the lowest security. The Lumley yard will be hell for the convict. I doubt she'll ever make it out of max security; she is far too defiant.
Jodi will be 35 in July. If she were given LWP with time-served, she could be out of prison at age 53. Plenty of living left for Ms. Jodi and plenty of time to kill again :eek:

:seeya: Yep ... 53 years old ... But IMO, she will look 83 year old :scared:
I'll be honest. Could I give the DP if I were in a similar situation as these jurors? I'd like to say yes but I'm honestly not sure. I'd hope I would, were it warranted, I just can't swear to all of you 100% that I can know exactly what I'd do until after I lived that moment. I hope I never do, from any side. Juror, family of victim or family of the accused.

I do not envy the jurors. I do not blame the Judge. All his many detractors aside (I am one), Mr Nurmi may have done his job and done it well, in spite of his client.

I don't know if I support the DP. The conflict for me is the alternative: general population. But I would have known I was conflicted during jury selection and would have said so.
I totally understand people not being for the DP. What I do have a hard time understanding is people that ARE for the DP but don't believe Jodi should get it. I don't believe every crime deserves the DP either but I feel very strongly this one does. The murder itself and the things she did after the murder for 7 years.

But like I said yesterday, while it shocks me, I guess that's why there was a hung jury then and possibly now. No matter how shocking it may be to me, some have a different opinion.

ETA: I also wanted to add that even though I feel she should get DP, I'm not as worried as some are about her getting LWOP because I don't think it will be Party Central for her. She's good but she's not that good. There are bigger and meaner women in there that won't put up with her. She will have to manipulate and watch her back 24/7 for the rest of her life. That won't be fun for her, no matter how much she thinks she will have "won".
Is this for real? ANOTHER mitigation hearing? Isn't that essentially what this whole thing was? If I have to hear any more about JA's so-called "mitigators" I will puke. :tantrum:
as far as mitigators, Jodi herself admitted she had none. That's good enough for me
:thinking: The jurors have not taken their usual "morning break" yet ...

Hmmm . . .

Justice for Travis

FWIW (which isn't much) those who say JSS is another member of the defense team sound as nutty as those on other websites who say the opposite. She has shown no bias. Extreme caution, yes—but hopefully we will be glad when all appeals are slapped down lightning fast.

I do agree with this and at times I have been among her worst critics. I feel she will give her LWOP but of course that is not a certainty at this point because we just don't know.

She isn't blameless completely though. She tried a case within a case. The trial, both the guilt phase, and the penalty phase ,but she also allowed the defense team to put in many issues that should have been held for the appellate court.

I have seen many death penalty Judges admonish DTs very quickly when they stray into the appellate issues rather than remaining focused on the case at hand. I have heard them sternly say to the defense when they try the shenanigans this DT has done 'that is for another day and another court, move along' and it was respected by the DT and the subjects dropped. And the prosecutorial misconduct claim shouldn't have ever entered in front of this jurors but should have been one of the appellate issues used after the verdict.

Here because she seems overly paranoid about appeal issues she has allowed way too much in that really had no reason to be included. All Judges are fully aware all DP cases are going to be automatically appealed therefore the other Judges leave out all those issues knowing that will be looked at by an entirely different court. They forge ahead always mindful of the court and jurors' time and don't timidly do as JSS has done in this case. She was able to be manipulated by the defendant herself. I don't know one Judge other than JSS who would have really allowed a defendant to testify in total privacy in front of the jury only.... yet this is the decision she made. She was rebuked for it and now that is on record.

So while I don't think she is on JAs side or anyone sides ....she has made this trial slow down to a crawl and has made some very odd rulings along the way. I don't think the Az reporters are picking on JSS when they say she has tried this case in secret. I think it is true, and the media has never had to deal with someone like JSS, and her rulings to keep so much of this case hidden from view with ad nauseam closed sidebars, and in chamber meetings.

Most Judges I have seen on DP cases rule with an iron fist and move the trial along and refuse to let the lawyers get bogged down in irrelevant issues. They are confident and believe in their rulings.... which comes much faster than in this one... is sound and valid when they are made.
:thinking: The jurors have not taken their usual "morning break" yet ...

Hmmm . . .

They are obviously finding something to debate. I think after their lunch will be the 'make or break' time, and we will have them in court. What do you think?
Oh that canadian woman that killed her boyfriend and drown their kid after tormenting his parents and stalking him before murdering. What 15 years ago or so? Now is released and married with more kids? Documentary Zachary made me cry for an hour.
In Canada all inmates (but it usually falls on their family) must pay 75$ for their body bag. It is labelled for them and stored in case it's needed and we don't have either the DP or LWOP. A neighbor of mine had to had to buy one for her grandson.
I'll be honest. Could I give the DP if I were in a similar situation as these jurors? I'd like to say yes but I'm honestly not sure. I'd hope I would, were it warranted, I just can't swear to all of you 100% that I can know exactly what I'd do until after I lived that moment. I hope I never do, from any side. Juror, family of victim or family of the accused.

I do not envy the jurors. I do not blame the Judge. All his many detractors aside (I am one), Mr Nurmi may have done his job and done it well, in spite of his client.

It's a tough row to hoe, that's for sure. I think that if anyone knows they may not be able to prescribe the DP for a convict, they really have no business sitting on the jury. If you know its something you may not be able to do when push comes to shove, its the potential juror's responsibility to make that known to the court. Its only right.
It's just the fact that the prison has the discretion to put her in lower security facilities and allow her to have a paying job where she has the ability and freedom to harm other people. Jodi has already broken jail rules I imagine prison will be no different

If I understand it correctly from the regulations, Max-ers can't work up to anything more relaxed than Medium security. It would take years to be placed at that level. It requires earning a morass of brownie points. It will even take years, evidently, for Jodi to get to a level where she can get basic arts and crafts supplies and years more before she can get paints and paintbrushes.

I think there will be a lot of other Max-ers who won't want to see Jodi work up brownie points with any regularity.

By the way, inmates can evidently spend up to $80 per month in the commissary (presumably when they have full privileges). Those that qualify can also be sent specially-boxed prison-approved "care packages." Heck, this is more than my food budget!

I'm hoping the restrictions mean that it will take JA a long time to save up for one of those coveted black and white TV's with rabbit ears. Maybe she'll choose to get a fan first? She will make as little as $.10 per hour and will really have to behave to get it any higher. Since when has Jodi ever "behaved" in a work context?
Sorry but I don't think anyone on this board who believes she should get the DP is "dramatic". According to the LAW, she meets the criteria for the DP, therefore she should in most people's eyes receive it.

Well, I am still for the DP for Arias but I have to agree with Madeleine74. There are things being said on here and other sites that sound much more like vengeance than justice. Things like she should be butchered like TA was, wanting to see her beat to death in prison, etc. It is uncomfortable when I see things like that because those types of statements are ones that anti-death advocates use to say DP people are just spiteful. I want justice, but I don't want a lynch mob.
I'm still going for that it was simply question no. 5 and question no. 6 from the jury and had nothing to do with mitigation factors.

Perhaps some of the jurors were confused about these mythical mitigators as they hadn't been able to find any evidence of them... so of course the DT would claim hung and since the judge isn't allowed to help them(point anything out or directly tell them that, you're correct, there really wasn't any... under threat of mistrial) all that could be done was send them back to look harder. :/
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