Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Well, with my mistake or WFTV not dating the story/video, at least the stress relieved for a few minutes or at the least woke everyone up. Again, many oops/apologies.

Yeah, thanks for the wake up.:laugh::laugh: I'm way on the wrong side of 70 years old. My eyesight, hearing, & mind are not as good as they once were & I thought I was loosing it.
Agree 100%. This case should have never gone to trial. I pray that Zimmerman is found to be not guilty by this jury.

Thanks Rose. I feel so strongly that GZ is innocent. But I respect that we all come from different backgrounds, cultures and locations and everyone sees it somewhat differently. I feel like WS allows us to come and post our different views, like the one above from Logical. She says she can walk anywhere day or night. I live ten minutes from Louisville, KY and grew up in southeast TX. You better not try that here or in Texas. You may not live to see daylight. And I love Texas and Kentucky. There are just a lot of crazies in this world.

One thing I pray we all agree on is that this jury is protected. God forbid that someone take out frustration on them.

Someone posted yesterday they would never want to be in a community watch program. I never want to be on a jury. And it's getting to where everyone should be trained in how to shoot and carry a handgun. MOO.
You do realize that GZ was harassing a young man who wasn't committing a crime right? GZ didn't stop the supposedly numerous robberies that happened in his neighborhood.

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I think it's your opinion that he was harrassing anyone. It's certainly mine that nothing in the trial proved that.
Self defense from George?

So punching someone and breaking their nose and getting on top of them so they can't go anywhere and then proceed to repeatedly hit their head into the concrete is what Trayvon did in order to defend himself?

LE would disagree, They would have had Trayvon arrested and charged with a criminal act.

What Trayvon did to George is illegal and it's a crime period.


There is no proof that GZ did not threaten TM, maybe he even showed TM his gun to try to detain him.

I wish there were proof, but IMO, given GZ had been following and questioning's much much more logical that TM was indeed defending himself against a stranger with a gun who was illegally trying to detain him.

I wish there was proof for your scenario or for mine.

But imo, your scenario is not fact, it is your feeling of what happened, just as mine is my feeling of what happened.

Imo, Neither scenario is fact.
IMO George is terrified right now. I can't even imagine how stressful this is for him.

His demeanor and voice in the court room proved that in my opinion.


I can't blame him one bit, I'd be scared as hell.

I don't think I would have much sympathy for TM if I were GZ. TM created this mess when he attacked him and it's basically ruined GZ's life. He was defending himself imo.
And from my point of view:

I don't think I would have much sympathy for GZ if I were TM. GZ created this mess when he attacked him and it ended TM's life. He was defending himself imo
I guess I'll never understand how he had all this 'ill will' and determination to stop TM but yet the first thing he did was not get out of his car to follow TM, it was to call NEN and stay on the phone with NEN. I'll never understand how he's this criminal mastermind who thought all this up when he was willing to tell someone, anyone his story as soon as it happened. He did multiple interviews with LE, made himself available to LE, with absolutely no counsel.

I don't understand and I never will.

That's the thing about all these criminal mastermind theories, are they possible, yeah, sure, but it takes far more suspendion of disbelief to believe them that it does to believe GZ's story. And that is reasonable doubt.

But didnt he wait until the next morning? I have a 21 yr old college student son who lives with me and if he does not show up by a certain time... I am going to be greatly worried....

AND why didn't father call for a missing child report??

A few troubling tidbits for me about that night, in my quest for understanding the truth of this event:

1. Tracy and Brandi reportedly came home around 10/10:30p that night. They were at dinner in Orlando. (Brandi Green and Chad did an interview with a reporter from Geraldo, this is one of my sources.) You can find it online. How in the world did they not see or hear any of the police activity working on the scene when they came home? From the last defense witness that testified via video, there were cops all over the place that night.

2. Chad had been waiting for Trayvon to come home from 7pm-on. He testified that he spoke to Trayvon on his cell phone while he was out and Trayvon said he was coming home. He never did. Why was Chad not worried? Why did he not express his concern to the parents, or did he? Why didn't they do anything about it?

3. I can't remember my source for this, but I recall Tracy saying that they tried to call Trayvon that night with no answer. They also tried to call the cousin with no answer. They assumed Trayvon was with the cousin, who I guess lived in the area, and went to bed. Why would they just assume? Chad expected him home 4 hours earlier. How is nobody worried?

4. Trayvon wasn't officially considered "missing" until after 9am the next morning, according to the public statements from the family. That is when Tracy spoke to police and they matched him up with the John Doe from the night before.

There are some videos on YouTube that you can check out. I'm not going to link them, but you can look on your own. The day after this happened, both Tracy and Brandi in two separate interviews mention that Trayvon had come home from the store and was on the porch??? I'm paraphrasing a bit, but they both clearly mention him being on the porch. Where did that information come from? Were they there? Was Chad there? I have no clue, but it's weird. That has always perplexed me, as well as quite a few other people who have looked at the early information before everybody lawyered up.

As I remember it, he assumed Trayvon was out with a cousin who lived in the area.

Then in the morning he realized something may really be wrong, and began calling around trying to find him.


Yes, you are correct as I am. When he discovered he wasn't home he thought he might be with the cousin and called the police when he found he wasn't.

IMO this is so offensive. Perhaps if the police would have done an actual investigation he wouldn't have been brought to trial. TM life had worth also. Not just GZ. The reason he is on trial is because there is a question whether or not his self defense claim is valid. TM's family and the community at large deserve a hearing on the matter. Sorry if you don't agree. But an unarmed young man was shot and there is a question as to who was the aggressor. Who was defending himself?

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I didn't deny it. Obviously. You don't convict a man of murder just because he killed another. It's called self-defense. Zimmerman's life should be cut short simply because he killed a minor in self-defense? That's not how the law works. Some don't want to give any room for self-defense. If a person kills another then they want him to be accountable in some form or another even if it was a case of self-defense.

This case should have never gone to trial.
That's the thing about all these criminal mastermind theories, are they possible, yeah, sure, but it takes far more suspendion of disbelief to believe them that it does to believe GZ's story. And that is reasonable doubt.

I agree...

Self defense from George?

So punching someone and breaking their nose and getting on top of them so they can't go anywhere and then proceed to repeatedly hit their head into the concrete is what Trayvon did in order to defend himself?

LE would disagree, They would have had Trayvon arrested and charged with a criminal act.

What Trayvon did to George is illegal and it's a crime period.


BBM: And Trayvon would have been charged and tried as an ADULT -- NOT a "child" ... he was 17 years old ...

:twocents: IMO ... MOO ... JMO ...
Thanks Rose. I feel so strongly that GZ is innocent. But I respect that we all come from different backgrounds, cultures and locations and everyone sees it somewhat differently. I feel like WS allows us to come and post our different views, like the one above from Logical. She says she can walk anywhere day or night. I live ten minutes from Louisville, KY and grew up in southeast TX. You better not try that here or in Texas. You may not live to see daylight. And I love Texas and Kentucky. There are just a lot of crazies in this world.

One thing I pray we all agree on is that this jury is protected. God forbid that someone take out frustration on them.

Someone posted yesterday they would never want to be in a community watch program. I never want to be on a jury. And it's getting to where everyone should be trained in how to shoot and carry a handgun. MOO.

And the media has started their campaign to get to juror identity..tweet from Orlando Sentinel Rene Stutzman @renestutzman
OrlandoSentinel sends letter to #Zimmerman judge, asking for hearing on anonymous jurors. #Trayvon.1 Retweet ⌘
There is no proof that GZ did not threaten TM, maybe he even showed TM his gun to try to detain him.

I wish there were proof, but IMO, given GZ had been following and questioning's much much more logical that TM was indeed defending himself against a stranger with a gun who was illegally trying to detain him.

I wish there was proof for your scenario or for mine.

But your scenario is not fact, it is your feeling of what happened, just as mine is my feeling of what happened.

Imo, Neither scenario is fact.

That's not a given.

I don't think it is that surprising they would break at 3 pm on a Saturday. This is the weekend. They have been at it all week. I would want to break early and rest and ponder a bit as well. I don't think it means for sure they are 'hung.' Maybe they are making progress and need a break from reading documents and looking at evidence. JMO

Katy, if they weren't sequestered, I'd agree. So, what are they gonna do for the rest of the day? Why not get this done and go home? It's pretty obvious it's a hung jury. I hope it stays that way, and then maybe some outside investigations can take place, and halt this madness called the criminal justice system. This trial was a joke.
It's weird to me that they excuse them. Why not just keep them sequestered for a few more days in the event there is a problem with one of the chosen 6. Isn't that the point of them listening throughout the whole trial?


I'm with you on this. Makes no sense to let them go before deliberations begin.

What a waste, a huge waste.
--- Casey Anthony, 2008
There is no proof that GZ did not threaten TM, maybe he even showed TM his gun to try to detain him.

I wish there were proof, but IMO, given GZ had been following and questioning's much much more logical that TM was indeed defending himself against a stranger with a gun who was illegally trying to detain him.

I wish there was proof for your scenario or for mine.

But your scenario is not fact, it is your feeling of what happened, just as mine is my feeling of what happened.

Imo, Neither scenario is fact.


I'm sorry, but this is not a given. This is a opinion and a hypothetical. There is no evidence that actually supports your opinion, outside of RJ and I don't think someone should go to jail based on the testimony of one witness who wasn't even there and who has credibility issues to begin with.
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