Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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I can't believe anyone is questioning buying skittles and a canned drink as if this is odd or suspect. I seriously can't. That's not even the ingredients of what I know is being implied here.


IMHO, people are only bringing this up to make Trayvon Benjamin Martin look sinister, what is more disturbing than to see a Black teen walking in the rain with a hoody up?
Zimmerman could have avoided killing an innocent teen by staying with his vehicle as he was told and wait for LE or driven to the back gate "where they all get away".

All this sympathy for Zimmerman is perplexing, perhaps it is because many are from high crime areas or areas where there are no people that don't look like yourselves.

Florida may have some "strange" laws but they sure do have stiff penalties for using a gun to kill someone.

Interesting to hear Judge Alex say last night that he really believes that Zimmerman had his gun out already when he approached Trayvon Benjamin Martin.

Now I will take a break and cool down, again!

FYI now by orlando sentinel

Jury instructions: Jurors cannot convict on manslaughter in this case if #TrayvonMartin's death justified, excusable, negligent or accident.2 Retweets Collapse

So does that mean if they find him not guilty of murder 2 then they can't find him guilty of manslaughter?

I'm confused
I think that one or two jurors are holding out for not guilty and the others are trying to get them to vote for manslaughter. That's why they asked for some help via this question to get the holdouts to change their mind. MOO.

Sounds likely, but they maybe going backwards. As opposed to considering GZ innocent, they started by ruling out Murder 2 and are now working through Manslaughter towards NG. They should have ruled out NG and gone forward, but I have read some juries do this when a minority is holding out for one verdict. I think your scenerio is more likely, but it may not be accurate.

Why do we assume murder is off the table now?
Maybe they are just comparing the two?

Prayers for both families. I'm sure it's a lot to deal with, as even I am on edge.

If they're following the jury instructions, they won't be able to discuss manslaughter unless they have voted "not guilty" on murder2.

:twocents: I am not a lawyer and not an expert and not a chemist :waitasec:

But it ticks me off that the State is allowed to throw in this "manslaughter charge" when they were originally going for a 2nd Degree Murder charge ...

It's NOT fair to the defendant at all -- regardless of WHO the defendant is ...

All this does is CONFUSE jurors ... these laws need to change ...

You know, it's like this : if I can't have steak, I'll settle for a hamburger ...

:waitasec: I know ... not the best analogy ... but y'all know what I mean ...

I'm going to put on a pot of coffee ... :cup: ... maybe it will calm me down ...


All My Opinion JMO MOO !
There are generally lesser included offenses under the law. But, perhaps they wanted the jury to be aware of that?? Kind of like an exclamation point!! Cause I remember another case when the jury seemed to disregard those lesser offenses completely.
Yes, I saw that. He predicted when the jury went into deliberations at the end of the trial that they would find him Guilty of Manslaughter.

I'm pretty sure he also predicted it would be overturned on appeal...imo
If I had been GZ, and that question was asked, I would have broken down and cried like a baby. I think this jury thinks manslaughter is a big nothing. I'd let them know that isn't the truth!

If that were me, I'd be crying so loud I would not be able to hear myself cry.
So car accident with fatality can mean 10 to someone??
Yes, I saw that. He predicted when the jury went into deliberations at the end of the trial that they would find him Guilty of Manslaughter.

I believe he also said that he believed it would be overturned on appeal? Last night on Tricias radio show, but I was in lala land so I may have dreamed it...

IMO, if the NG jurors knew about the sentence, IMO, they wouldn't vote for manslaughter.

I agree. If they knew that, they wouldn't feel that it was a compromise from murder 2 because they both carry a possible life sentence in this case. MOO.

:twocents: I am not a lawyer and not an expert and not a chemist :waitasec:

But it ticks me off that the State is allowed to throw in this "manslaughter charge" when they were originally going for a 2nd Degree Murder charge ...

It's NOT fair to the defendant at all -- regardless of WHO the defendant is ...

All this does is CONFUSE jurors ... these laws need to change ...

You know, it's like this : if I can't have steak, I'll settle for a hamburger ...

:waitasec: I know ... not the best analogy ... but y'all know what I mean ...

I'm going to put on a pot of coffee ... :cup: ... maybe it will calm me down ...


All My Opinion JMO MOO !


It should never be a laundry list of "this person may have done this, this or this". NO! Tell me what this person is accused of, show me the evidence, and we will decide if they are guilty or not. Period.

If I had been GZ, and that question was asked, I would have broken down and cried like a baby. I think this jury thinks manslaughter is a big nothing. I'd let them know that isn't the truth!

Honestly, I've said before, if GZ would have shown any kind of emotion with regard to TM's life or even his own, I think it would have bought him a lot of sympathy with the jury.
Broward county power outages and cable outages in some areas including my DD residence...there are storms..hopefully that will reduce any violent protests
I just don't believe anything was proven without a doubt to justify a ruling for murder. Manslaughter I could see as a possibility.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I came in this on the prosecution side...then I was with the defense for the last year. Only while watching the trial did I change to siding with the prosecution again. And I also do not believe murder was proven. I don't think he should be convicted of murder.
So does that mean if they find him not guilty of murder 2 then they can't find him guilty of manslaughter?

I'm confused

that's what that white haired talking head i just heard said.

Possibly it has taken the jury all this time to eliminate 2nd degree murder.

The prosecution never argued for manslaughter. The charge was just thrown in at the end. It's possible the jury has to be comfortable with its definition to eliminate manslaughter as well.

BTW....I am 68 years old and have learned never to get into a pi$$ing contest with a person with opposing views. Just plain silly.
I read last night that if GZ is convicted of either 2nd degree murder or manslaughter that in the state of Florida he would have to serve his full term with no possibility of parole. All the more reason people in Florida need to be very careful about using their weapons. The penalty is stiff.

Quick question, the jury can only convict him of one or the other right? Not saying they will. They can't find him guilty of both can they? Forgive me if that was an ignorant question. I sometimes see defendants getting convicted of several charges at once so that part always confuses me.

BBM. Having had a family member incarcerated, just to clarify, there is no parole in the state of Florida. The convicted may receive a (without a particular crime in mind, as an example) 20 yr. sentence that must be served in full with 1 days credit per month served but it can't go beneath the convicted serving 85% of their sentence. That said, regarding certain crimes, the convicted may also be given a split sentence as was the case of my family member -- 15 yrs. 7 1/2 in and 7 1/2 on probation.

In regard to your question (which has probably already been answered), he cannot be charged of both M2 and Manslaughter. It must be one or the other or Not Guilty of either.

It just feels UNFAIR that the jury does not understand the automatic 15 to 20 yr sentences that come with manslaughter. I think most people assume it carries a 2 to 8 yr sentence, or something smaller like that. If they wanted him to go to prison for 20 yrs, why not find him guilty of 2nd degree? JMO
Broward county power outages and cable outages in some areas including my DD residence...there are storms..hopefully that will reduce any violent protests

Everything I've seen has said everyone is being very calm and peaceful. Why are we assuming violence? Or did I miss something?
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