Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #5

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Several cell phones? That's so odd. I'm curious to know whether several possibly means 3 or 20. Either way, it's weird to me. It's not like they were simply on the side of the road, they've been completely scouring that place for days. They had to be pretty well hidden, which throws up about a million red flags for me. I'm anxious to find out what's up with that.

As for the guy in the Caprice, I'm also anxious to hear what he has to say. I'm guessing he's met him before or has just seen his car around town since it's so noticeable. That's too detailed of a description for him to just make up randomly. I agree with most of you here, though...although it's possible some people are just so naive they wouldn't think anything of it, I can't see Alexis thinking it's normal to go to some creepy dude's camper next to a creepy house in the woods. And knowing how active she was on social media, I can definitely see her tweeting about the situation if she was put into it.

And man, I was panicky when the threads were down for over an hour. I was refreshing like a crazy person, lol :scared: Also, I haven't been following this case, but Adrienne Salinas body was found..for any of you who have been following it. Sad :( sad. :(
After Hearing RAT’s side this story makes perfect sense:
AM sees RAT at local gas station. They talk “RAT-How’s the weather,
supposed to get cooler,
RAT- smoke any good weed lately?
No, no I don’t smoke anymore, however I really enjoy sitting watching old men smoke with my dealer. RAT-Really? Cause I was looking to by $60 dollars worth.
Oh okay let me just ride to his house and get him. I am sure he would love to go to your house (because dealer’s deliver now!) and smoke weed and drink (even though he’s only 20 and can’t buy it yet, but I am sure RAT didn’t provide it, I always bring 1 beer with me when I am hanging out with my homies selling drugs).
RAT-okay just don’t stay past dark it may be dangerous, and take your own car for safety.
Okay and even though I tweet all the time, watching you guys drink and smoke will be so engaging and entertaining I won’t tweet once!
Utter bull Poop!
I am not trying to be disrespectful but REALLY? Leads me to wonder: is RAT that out of touch with reality that he feels this is a believable story? Is RAT so arrogant that he thinks that he is untouchable and can come up with any ridiculous story and it is enough? Is RAT’s lawyer a complete moron that in two days they couldn’t come up with something better? Is RAT’s lawyer allowing his client to dig his own grave so to speak? Is RAT a complete moron?

I agree. Twenty something, black male, weed man, with cornrows who drives a big body car with flashy rims and an almost 50 year old white man with what looks like sleeves, who drives a big raised camo-ed out SUV with a spotlight, hanging out in a little camper in the boonies drinking Icehouse?? Ha yea right. I'm not sure too many "urban" weed men drink Icehouse and just chill with some random old guy, shooting the breeze!! Not too good for his street cred. Just saying.
OT, a body was found that could be Adrienne Salinas...not identified.
Dam*. Parasearchers. They found phones, but not close to finding Alexis.

I hope she is found soon. I don't know anything about Parasearchers, seems a bit odd, but it is very wooded there. I am now very sad.

Is Anchorage Farm near where Alexis went missing?

Does anyone really think a perp would use an actual populated area twice? Wouldn't a perp use off the highway, or parks that don't get visited, or woods that no one goes through?

Dumping sites are for convenience and lack of people, not necessarily repetition. Anchorage was convenient, but had people.
Or his victims.
This guy has quite a few breaking and entering (B&E) charges as well as petit and grand larceny. I think I found at least a half a dozen charges of the sort and I have yet to do a thorough search on the Circuit court list. I only checked EVERY COUNTY listed on the Virginia General District Courts. Those phones could belong to anyone he robbed.

Also, they could be burner phones that he used to either stalk or threaten people. he has both those charges on his as well.

And, they could belong to other missing people..........damn.
We asked Hallahan if he thinks Taylor is innocent. Hallahan says his opinion is irrelevant; he will defend his client to the best of his ability.

We also asked Hallahan whether Taylor knew where Alexis is today. "I didn't ask him 'where is she.' I don't ever ask a client that 'cause I don't want to know," he stated.

Just wow
How long had he lived there? For some reason, I thought it was not that long.
The phones could be part of some scam thing, I guess, though why they would be in the woods or fields is beyond me (if that is where they were found.)
Ha ing her phone among them would be huge, obviously.
Dam*. Parasearchers. They found phones, but not close to finding Alexis.

I hope she is found soon. I don't know anything about Parasearchers, seems a bit odd, but it is very wooded there. I am now very sad.

Is Anchorage Farm near where Alexis went missing?

Does anyone really think a perp would use an actual populated area twice? Wouldn't a perp use off the highway, or parks that don't get visited, or woods that no one goes through?

Dumping sites are for convenience and lack of people, not necessarily repetition. Anchorage was convenient, but had people.

Anchorage farm is between Lovingston and C'Ville. About 20 miles from where she was last seen. And it was secluded enough for MH's killer to dump her there unseen. But I'm not sure why they are searching there or even if they are doing it at the request of LE. Seems kind if odd to me.

Anyway...good ok' Parker and his sources.

I may not return tonight. Can only seem to get in for a quick look before the forum goes down again!
Just jumped in to see if there's any new developments - having a hard time getting on, the page is playing up I think.

Hoping to find Alexis safe and well.
Racial profiling is exactly right!, based on his 1970s perception of black people from black exploitation flicks no doubt, clearly not knowing any personally, and based on having looked at the victim's twitter account AFTER THE FACT! I maintain the family should have had the account closed and tweets forwarded to LE. This is quite sickening to watch someone demonize a victim like this. Again, still doesn't explain why every time he talks to a teenage girl, she disappears. It's like ground hog day. If he gets out and returns to this community, watch your daughters, lock your doors. Since AM was a popular girl at school, who clearly had lots of friends at school and in the neighborhood, how come noone knows about her repeated encounters with Mr. Creep. Wouldn't a teenager tell someone "oh, I just had a conversation with a really creepy guy"?
If I can manage to get this to post!

We asked Hallahan if he thinks Taylor is innocent. Hallahan says his opinion is irrelevant; he will defend his client to the best of his ability.

We also asked Hallahan whether Taylor knew where Alexis is today. "I didn't ask him 'where is she.' I don't ever ask a client that 'cause I don't want to know," he stated.

I know he has to represent his client without bias, but damn.


The FBI has confirmed that several cellphones have been recovered. They are working to determine if one of them belongs to Alexis Murphy. They have not said where the cellphones were found, and there is no indication if anything else from Alexis was found. The FBI is unclear about whether an active search will resume Friday, and there is still no total on the number of tips that have come into them.
It takes about two minutes to plug in a phone and see what the number is...they know if they have her phone, IMO.
How long had he lived there? For some reason, I thought it was not that long.
The phones could be part of some scam thing, I guess, though why they would be in the woods or fields is beyond me (if that is where they were found.)
Ha ing her phone among them would be huge, obviously.

I think he moved there in 2012. But he had connections to that property through his MIL, at least I would imagine he did, for who knows how long? (will this post? This is seriously getting annoying)

I think they would know it was her phone just by looking at it. But if it was damaged they might have a bit more work to do to verify it was her phone. But no, I don't think it is going to take them days and days to figure out. They likely already know.
Okay. I'll ask this again.

Why is this an FBI case?

There is absolutely nothing that has been made public that gives any hint of extending outside the state of Virginia. Even if he's guilty of every single murder and missing person in the Colonial Parkway, James River, and Rt. 29 murders, nothing extends out of the state or involves a Federal crime. Yes, they get involved for minors and kidnapping. But the FBI does not normally come in and take over an investigation. Even when they're heavily involved, as in the recent Allana Gallagher case, they usually let local LE front the public and take the lead.

This strikes me as very very odd. I'm taking that remark that suggested RAT wasn't working alone a lot more seriously all of a sudden.

Sorry, you are not correct. I am not sure if FBI has asserted jurisdiction in the Alexis Murphy case-- the Virginia State Police may have asked for their assistance, and I have read that the FBI may have jurisdiction in missing persons cases involving minors.

The FBI absolutely does have jurisdiction in the two of the four Colonial Parkway Murders since they happened on federal property-- the Colonial Parkway National Park. So my sister Cathy Thomas and Rebecca Dowski's 1986 murders are FBI cases, as are the 1989 disappearance of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey also from the Parkway. The FBI also has jurisdiction in the 1996 Julie Williams and Lollie Winans case from the Shenandoah National Park.

A couple of other thoughts:

Randy Allen Taylor's criminal record extends back to North Carolina, so that could trigger FBI involvement.

From everything I have read, Virginia State Police and local law enforcement can use all the help they can get.


Bill Thomas
I believe FBI got involved at the request of local or state authorities. I cannot recall which one but I do know I read that in an article.
How long had he lived there? For some reason, I thought it was not that long.
The phones could be part of some scam thing, I guess, though why they would be in the woods or fields is beyond me (if that is where they were found.)
Ha ing her phone among them would be huge, obviously.

It is my understanding that he moved there in late maybe 8 or 9 months. But criminal records showed he lived in Lovingston in 2003 also.
In addition, the land is owned by and was abandoned by his son's grandmother "years ago."
If he is guilty of Samantha's disappearance, and possibly others, it seems unlikely he would so careless as to leave belongings of Alexis' on his property. But hoping he was.
It takes about two minutes to plug in a phone and see what the number is...they know if they have her phone, IMO.
Also don't all cells have some ID numbers that can be almost immediately traced to either an owner or retailer? The cell phone service provider can give up that info in like 2 seconds. I hope they checked them for fingerprints, too and that they can determine if some of them belong to missing people.
O/T Anyone ever thought about how odd it is that we use French terms for theft? petit and grand larceny. Petite=small, grande=large, larcin=theft.

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