GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #1

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I for one would be really happy if we could drop the subjects of whether or not he's a loser because he had a car or whether we find him ugly vs. attractive. Probably not really relevant, in my opinion.
I can't drive and don't own a car but I won't take offence at the idea that that makes me a loser... I know I'm a loser, just for slightly different reasons. :D

I don't think this guy has done it before. I think he's always had a fantasy of murdering someone (see the Hannibal threats to his mother) and he's finally gone through with it, and more.
This is embarrassing to admit but I got black out drunk when on a trip to New Orleans w friends. I was acting sloppy for a bit then I splashed water on myself and kept it going seemingly fine but I lost hours. I was accompanied the whole time so I know I didnt kill anyone. But it happens.

True......could he claim he "blacked out" while being seen on surveillance footage driving her car, for instance? And how many hours of being "blacked out" is he claiming occurred? I wonder how many times in the past has he used the "I don't know what happened, I just blacked out" to cover up his acting out on rage and his paranoid schizophrenia while not taking his meds & using drugs/alcohol??--just my hunch and (all moo).
You read and hear news reports over and over of these guys who purposely target single moms with kids because statistics show that moms with kids especially recently divorced because they are easy targets, very vulnerable, lonely, possibly low self esteem and easy to fall prey to these psychos then become victims. It's not as easy to get a single younger man when you have young children in your 20s and 30's. I'm sure Ingrid's self esteem wasn't at her highest and was flattered he showed interest in her so she was able to brush away any red flags if there were some.

I was like Ingrid, single with kids about her age and was on was on Match and POF many years ago. I have a police officer friend (my ex) when I was dating who would run criminal checks for potential guys I wanted to date. Since we had children we wanted to protect them from guys like this and me. Some did have records they had lied about. I since have stopped online dating. Too many crazies and criminals type lies on the keyboard. Not worth the risk.
Just some thoughts, based on the last few pages of threads I've managed to get through:

1) Nancy Grace calling him a "dream guy" is her being her overly dramatic self. I don't think we should read too much into that. :)

2) Everyone wants to know where the rest of Ingrid's remains are. LE has stated that there was an almost empty box of kitchen trash bags in her house that matched the ones dumped into the recycle bin. Maybe he placed her other body parts in additional bags and dumped them in various places along the way to where her car was found.

3) Someone had pondered which of them had the Mariners tickets for that game. If he purchased them, there would be a paper trail leading to him. However (and I'm sorry I don't have the link for this), I thought I'd read that she had season tickets. Regardless, if the tickets were pulled up on her computer, it makes sense she would have purchased them. Again, there will be a paper trail there.

4) Tickets have a bar code that is scanned when you enter the ball park. This is partly to ensure that the tickets are not fake, but they should be able to know if the tickets that were purchased were scanned at the gate.

5) There are cameras everywhere in MLB ball parks these days. Almost literally everywhere. At the gates, on the concourses, at the concession stands, even at the entrances/exits of the parking garages. However, that's a lot of footage to go through to see if Ingrid is on there.

6) Her car was found in the Belltown area, I believe. I would not be surprised if there were cameras monitoring the streets/intersections around there. However, again, it would take quite a bit of time to go through the footage, and that's if it wasn't automatically recorded over.

7) I think it's entirely possible that Ingrid did not know him as well as she thought she did. I highly doubt that she would have bothered with him if she'd known about any sort of shady past, drug use, violent tendencies, mental illness, etc. She was a mother to three daughters, holding down a responsible job. I really can't see her saying, "oh, well!" to his history, even if she was only looking for a good time after her divorce. I suppose it's possible, but I will bet that he lied to her and she saw no indication to believe otherwise a month or so into their relationship.

It's my belief that he knew what he was doing, as placing her in a bathtub to dismember her requires at least some awareness, and he most likely had to go find the pruning saw that was later located in the bathroom (sorry for the mental picture). He may have killed her in a fit of rage for whatever unknown reason, but it seems to me that he pretty clearly thought through how to get rid of her.
I can't drive and don't own a car but I won't take offence at the idea that that makes me a loser... I know I'm a loser, just for slightly different reasons. :D

I don't think this guy has done it before. I think he's always had a fantasy of murdering someone (see the Hannibal threats to his mother) and he's finally gone through with it, and more.

A couple things:
I doubt you're a loser. He is a loser because he killed and dismembered Ingrid.

Unrelated to your post but I think he placed the body parts in different areas, not as a way to conceal evidence but because this is a game to him and it would be no fun if he simply confessed. Same with the pruning saw. It made us all say, "Who does that?" That's likely part of the thrill for him.

I won't be surprised if other oddities pop up along the way, as if this whole thing isn't odd enough in itself.

Not sure if anyone has heard from Margarita but she may have some insight in this case. It also may hit too close to home for her and she's staying away. Anyway, if anyone sees her, invite her over here.
The parents then had the order rescinded I am assuming once he sobered up.
I honestly think people are giving this guy to much credit, with all my heart I am hoping he was blind drunk and killed her in a rage then tried to dispose of the body.

Saying that it is possible that this isn't the first time he killed someone is not giving him credit for anything other than being a murderer (he is one--no question there) who MIGHT have murdered before. IMO, to the contrary, I think it's giving him too much credit to assume he was just super drunk and lost it and didn't really know what he was doing. And then felt he needed to saw off her head and other body parts in her bathtub for the practical reason that her remains would be better disposed of that way. I am not sure I understand why one would "hope" for that scenario. Is it because it makes him less of a bad guy? Same grisly crime either way, right?
I was lurking in this thread yesterday and someone mentioned whether or not he had children.

Has that ever been determined?

My concern was there was a report he was seen with "his children" in his neighborhood. But if he really didn't have kids, where did the kids come from? His sister didn't seem to have any kids (based on her now deleted profile). probable cause doc_3674402_ver1.0.pdf

I just noticed something in the documents. It's says he told them they went back to her house after the game on Friday in her vehicle, but then the next sentence says he told them he was too drunk to remember how they got back to her house or what happened?

Did he say both things? Was one a slip? Or did he say one or the other?

I don't get the reasoning of the vehicle either. It would have been better for him to say they parted ways after the game and he didn't know what transpired with her after that. Why would be put himself at her house?

Not sure if this has been posted, if so sorry. It says that she met him online two months ago.

The photos in this article showcase just how truly beautiful she was... SOOOOO beautiful! And, it makes me so flippin' angry that this lowlife succeeded in taking away the life of a woman who appears just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside from the lives of those who love her. :tantrum: probable cause doc_3674402_ver1.0.pdf

I just noticed something in the documents. It's says he told them they went back to her house after the game on Friday in her vehicle, but then the next sentence says he told them he was too drunk to remember how they got back to her house or what happened?

Did he say both things? Was one a slip? Or did he say one or the other?

I don't get the reasoning of the vehicle either. It would have been better for him to say they parted ways after the game and he didn't know what transpired with her after that. Why would be put himself at her house?

he's playing cray-cray so as to get the Washington's slap on the hiney for 5 years in a nuthouse, whereas in Texas this dude would be on death row probable cause doc_3674402_ver1.0.pdf

I just noticed something in the documents. It's says he told them they went back to her house after the game on Friday in her vehicle, but then the next sentence says he told them he was too drunk to remember how they got back to her house or what happened?

Did he say both things? Was one a slip? Or did he say one or the other?

I don't get the reasoning of the vehicle either. It would have been better for him to say they parted ways after the game and he didn't know what transpired with her after that. Why would be put himself at her house?

Maybe because his DNA was in her house anyway and maybe he couldn't prove he was ever there before.

I also noticed in the docs it said he had $2650 on him. Did the author forget a period? Was he really carrying $2650 in his pockets when he was arrested? probable cause doc_3674402_ver1.0.pdf

I just noticed something in the documents. It's says he told them they went back to her house after the game on Friday in her vehicle, but then the next sentence says he told them he was too drunk to remember how they got back to her house or what happened?

Did he say both things? Was one a slip? Or did he say one or the other?

I don't get the reasoning of the vehicle either. It would have been better for him to say they parted ways after the game and he didn't know what transpired with her after that. Why would be put himself at her house?

BBM. I think he put himself in the house because they had sex (consensual or not, IDK). There might be his DNA on bedsheets, bathroom, etc....and perhaps it was also a slip in his mind that if they do find her, his DNA is on her. He had admit he was there.

Saying that it is possible that this isn't the first time he killed someone is not giving him credit for anything other than being a murderer (he is one--no question there) who MIGHT have murdered before. IMO, to the contrary, I think it's giving him too much credit to assume he was just super drunk and lost it and didn't really know what he was doing. And then felt he needed to saw off her head and other body parts in her bathtub for the practical reason that her remains would be better disposed of that way. I am not sure I understand why one would "hope" for that scenario. Is it because it makes him less of a bad guy? Same grisly crime either way, right?

Because it would lesson the horror she endured- hoping she died quickly and didn't suffer hours of torture.
Maybe because his DNA was in her house anyway and maybe he couldn't prove he was ever there before.

I also noticed in the docs it said he had $2650 on him. Did the author forget a period? Was he really carrying $2650 in his pockets when he was arrested?

Maybe he was ready to get out of town without a credit card trail? probable cause doc_3674402_ver1.0.pdf

I just noticed something in the documents. It's says he told them they went back to her house after the game on Friday in her vehicle, but then the next sentence says he told them he was too drunk to remember how they got back to her house or what happened?

Did he say both things? Was one a slip? Or did he say one or the other?

I don't get the reasoning of the vehicle either. It would have been better for him to say they parted ways after the game and he didn't know what transpired with her after that. Why would be put himself at her house?

Well... that's one way you can tell he's lying out his butt. He's contradicting himself all over the place. He probably thinks they have evidence that places him at her house, so he admits that he was there, but that he can't remember anything after that. Then he says they had sex, but he can't remember anything after that. Then he says she was acting weird, but that's all he can remember. He's lying about it all.

Frankly, if Ingrid was acting weird like he claimed, it could be because she wanted him out of her house, refused him sex, was fighting him physically or something like that. I'd act "weird" in that situation, too.
Also, the probable cause report listed $26.50 in the "cash on arrestee" block.
I think either his car was there or the public transit he needed to catch was there.

I agree that the parking makes sense for your average person trying to get home after the game.
But for a guy who just murdered his girlfriend and threw away her remains in a garbage can in the CD, it makes a lot less sense that he would park HER car there.
Sure, it's a convenient place to park to bus home. But it's Belltown. People are going to see that car.
Not to mention that this same line of bickering led to the board getting closed for a period of time yesterday.
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