GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #1

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He kinda reminds me Luka Mag in Canada

not a sports person !! What do ya think the tickets cost. What was the name of the hospital she worked for?

re smart moms page. I thought that was really creepy also. I went to the website good lord what is a 37 year old playing there ? Got some sexual fantasy about single moms??

Re y smoozing the female jurors. Is the consenus here that he is nice looking. There was a black and white where he looked "cute " (actually sweet belive it or not) but all the other pictures he scares me

In some pics she reminded me of Eva Lagora -- totally stunning,

hating on limp biscuit what does that mean italics not mine!

I do not do facebook can someone post pics other than the stupid glasses

RE a simple background check would have revealed his past. I think that is a generationial deal. I mean I think the youger you are the more likly you are to be aware that you can get info you want on anyone these days. I think she would have grown up without "an" internet"

Hi Curious -- nice to "see" you !!

I would like to know wha tthey found in car .

Shoot, when I'm drunk I cant even get a French fry in my mouth without ketchup on my face--. funny!!

Starting to think (with just learning about the shelter) that it was a group home anyone know the address - we can find out if it was a govt funded home, which would give us "criteria" for that placement which might tell us a lot .Someone local do you know the exact address of that gray building wiht 6 guys. I also have found it interestingthat we have heard little from them which sways me more to group home as well. For mentally disabled???

RE ) to say those negative things about her mindset- IMO, I did not "read" that as a judgement, the implication of the post just struck me as yeh, a single mom. wants a night out with an adult male - no judgement IMO about that notion jmo - her behavair indicates that is what she wanted , there is nothing negative in that
Love your posts CARIIS.

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I wonder...if after 21- 28 years in prison, any mentally ill killer would just get out and kill again.

Inslee, the govenor, stated no criminal will be executed while he is in office, even though WA allows for the death penalty.

my 1st thought after seeing the posts and his FB was that he was tired of trying to measure up and pay bills and wonder if he did this to get free housing, I know it sounds crazy but i think he is crazy and didnt want to work and pay bills like the rest of the world
I was trying to connect dots from her house to where the remains were found. Based on information that this criminal worked as a boat repair mechanic or similar, he would probably have knowledge of the area along the water from Renton to Seattle. He would probably want to avoid traffic cameras, so taking either Martin Luther King Jr. Way or Rainer Ave. along Lake Washington. He probably knew places that he could quickly dump remains. Also, looking at the trash and recycling collection along these routes, it appears that pickup wasn't until Tuesday or later so trash or recycling wouldn't have been out.
As for the area where he dumped the remains, I read through some FB or related post that he worked for someone in that neighborhood. A place he was familiar and they had trash cans out from the previous day pickup.
Looking at the most expedient route, according to google
maps, it would be the 405 to the 90 along the east side of lake Washington. Lake Washington would be my guess for the rest of dear Ingrid. To dispose of the larger and heavier portion of her first. I would ask the family or neighbors if they notice any large blocks or boulders missing from the landscaping in her yard. Rope? Or similar? Something to weigh her down. Start canvassing residents along lake Washington to try to recall anything unusual or to look though video of businesses along these routes. I think when he reached the final drop point at 1600 21st. He was somewhere familiar and saw the recycling out for a morning pickup. i believe his premeditation was to get her back to Seattle so he could say that she made it home but went back out. I thin that he was overwhelmed by the time and forgot the saw in the bathroom.
Plus her wallet and phone being there helped him initially if more time elapsed before finding him. i think the quickness with which he was contacted in the AM by the mom threw him into a tailspin and couldn't keep his stories straight. Within two days he had four or five different versions- telling mom that he didn't spend night with her, telling ex that he was robbed- but still had 2600 dollars on him when arrested, telling cops that he wasn't injured but had obvious injuries (kudos to the judge for
making sure that a jury pool isnt tainted by pics of these injuries- keep the jury focused on details as much as possible), telling cops that he remembers only selected parts of night from I don't recall going to her house to remembering her acting weird at her house to having sex. Too many stories to keep straight. Also being at her house a couple of times before, any witnesses or info on this.
Hioefully they have his phone and can check pings off cell towers during the night. Or has a phone that they can check his history- maps, routes,
im sure Seattle PD has some good tech guys. Was he only posting dating sites from his phone or
using a computer. They should be able to tell the IP address used during his posts and get more info through those. Hopefully they can get into the emails or texts that were sent between these two.
I think he had a plan BD that was blown through the tireless efforts of friends and family on FB. I know personally that her disappearance reached international shores as soon as the mom didn't get a response from him. The mom did everything right through the questions she asked and he went on the defensive since the police were looking for him immediately. Really messed up his plans.
Not sure what we can believe from him. But the acting weird comment just bought be some feelings of comfort. Maybe he roofed her so at least she might not have been tortured . I hope we find out that dismemberment was post mordim......... the implaications of that not being the case ... well we wont go there ...and hope for the.............

Thank you Caris your one of my favorite posters. Ty I enjoy yours as well!!!

re slept all day before boarding the bus to his ex-gf's house. oh did i miss that -did he arrive at 1030Pm, for some reason I had it in my head as AM

Wish someone knew what miles were on her car before this we could get a radious of where the rest of her is..(that was very hard to type - I wanted to say it in another way)

.maybe a dealership?

Hi Taste! re because his DNA (possibly hair, blood, semen and/or saliva) and I got this same feeling from an earlier post. I am just under the assumption he did it. But when , the way you worded, it it was like are they still looking for "proof" and then I thought I guess they are. BUT if that is the case , how did they arrest him if this makes sense??? Feel like I am missing something - he did do it correct?
I wish I could say why I feel that she may have been trying too hard to date.

You are entitled to your own opinion but I don't see the need to judge the victim. She was taken advantage of and brutally murdered by someone who was probably charming and handsome and maybe even fun before he got too drunk. She doesn't need to be judged by us too.
Nope, nope nope nope. She wasn't trying to hard to do anything... she's hot 40 year old women. I say do you're thing girl. She made no mistakes, she is the victim of a sick, sick individual.

Thank you heartgoesout. 1000 times yes.
It's not just HarvestMoon. Lots of comments on low self esteem or what was she doing with this guy, etc. We should focus on the criminal not the victim.
Not sure what we can believe from him. But the acting weird comment just bought be some feelings of comfort. Maybe he roofed her so at least she might not have been tortured . I hope we find out that dismemberment was post mordim......... the implaications of that not being the case ... well we wont go there ...and hope for the.............

Thank you Caris your one of my favorite posters. Ty I enjoy yours as well!!!

re slept all day before boarding the bus to his ex-gf's house. oh did i miss that -did he arrive at 1030Pm, for some reason I had it in my head as AM

Wish someone knew what miles were on her car before this we could get a radious of where the rest of her is..(that was very hard to type - I wanted to say it in another way)

.maybe a dealership?

Hi Taste! re because his DNA (possibly hair, blood, semen and/or saliva) and I got this same feeling from an earlier post. I am just under the assumption he did it. But when , the way you worded, it it was like are they still looking for "proof" and then I thought I guess they are. BUT if that is the case , how did they arrest him if this makes sense??? Feel like I am missing something - he did do it correct?

I thought possibly he put something in her drink at the bar too. That could explain the weird part. That would be a good excuse to drive her home in her vehicle If she was groggy harder for her to say no if she wanted to separate go their own way after the bar.
Okay thanks that is what I thought I did a case search but haven't found it yet. I will keep checking.
Info goes online about 24 hours after it's entered into the system. Try looking again Thursday afternoon.
I can't imagine how badly his sister feels. Pretty sick, and as another poster said, used. As in he used her to seem normal. She must feel awful knowing she had just spent time with them hours before the murder. :(
Yes ma'am.

he was a very handsome man and im sure he is fully aware of that. he used what he had, his looks, and I could see him spinning a tale using the pics of his parents house etc so as to not look like the loser he really was. So it would be fairly easy to fabricate an image she would accept and thus let down her guard. Psychopaths are excellent at this. im sure this wasnt the 1st time he used his looks to get what he wanted. This time I wonder if she figured it out or he was drunk and acting foolish so she cancled the date and that led to her demise.
I'm just thankful the girls didn't walk in early and find their mom dismembered.

When I dated online I would give all my family members his phone number and would text my secret code to my friends that everything was going good. I had a few scary moments so I stopped online dating. It works out great for some but I was meeting some real weirdos. It wasn't worth the risk for me. So I met people other ways.

Hi Ninj!

Funny stuff. My day no internet. It was personal ads! Now, I could grasp someone who was really a janitor telling someone else they are a neurosurgon. OH my god. Never forget the three I did.

One said his hair was "thinning", Telly Savalas arrived! (totally bald actor for youngens!)

One claimed he had a bit of belly, a medically classifed "obese" indivdual arrives after squeezing through the door. Nowdays would have to buy two airplane seats!

Another said he does not drink...when I got there he could hardly stand up.

I quit with that. But my total amazement with the experice is how on earth can these people "think"that could ever work?

Like I said, if you said you left your jet stream airliner in Morocco - I could not know if that was true or not.

However the abovementioned ---what is thier beleif system as to how that could possibly "work"- and hey if you are that stupid to even not grasp that that cant fly -- see ya

I did have some humor with friends when Telly arrived ! Just blew me away! After the wobbley guy that was it for me , single is AOK ---at that point in life!
Mariners Tickets range from $10 to $70+
I think that's just for regular games. The Mariners have variable pricing so the popular games cost more. Opening day is always sold out way in advance. I was thinking she bought the tickets from a reseller and paid more than face value. Not sure what that game was going for or how good their seats were but I doubt the tickets were cheap.
Hi Ninj!

Funny stuff. My day no internet. It was personal ads! Now, I could grasp someone who was really a janitor telling someone else they are a neurosurgon. OH my god. Never forget the three I did.

One said his hair was "thinning", Telly Savalas arrived! (totally bald actor for youngens!)

One claimed he had a bit of belly, a medically classifed "obese" indivdual arrives after squeezing through the door. Nowdays would have to buy two airplane seats!

Another said he does not drink...when I got there he could hardly stand up.

I quit with that. But my total amazement with the experice is how on earth can these people "think"that could ever work?

Like I said, if you said you left your jet stream airliner in Morocco - I could not know if that was true or not.

However the abovementioned ---what is thier beleif system as to how that could possibly "work"- and hey if you are that stupid to even not grasp that that cant fly -- see ya

I did have some humor with friends when Telly arrived ! Just blew me away! After the wobbley guy that was it for me , single is AOK ---at that point in life!

Lol. It's a scary world out there being single. Been there done it. Too old now.
I'm caught up now, glad to see clarifications on earlier posts on Ingrid and theories on her dating life or approach. ;)
I think that's just for regular games. The Mariners have variable pricing so the popular games cost more. Opening day is always sold out way in advance. I was thinking she bought the tickets from a reseller and paid more than face value. Not sure what that game was going for or how good their seats were but I doubt the tickets were cheap.

I wish she never bought any tickets. :(
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