GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #2

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It's not protocol in the county jail in which I work. The cheek swab isn't done on everyone either. It varies from place to place and also what the charges are.

Here in CA it is if you are a convicted felon and have been to prison. And I know because my mentally ill son has been to prison. He never even hurt anyone either. Just a bunch of accumulated drug charges.

I hope JC gets LWOP because this psycho should never given the chance to walk out on our streets again
What is the attraction? Perhaps the attraction is found in the periodic table of elements & as formulaic as simple "chemistry".

My mother was a saint. She was a widow same age as Ingrid. I begged her not to date "Jon". But,Mom experienced that euphoric chemistry fueled by the fact "Jon" was handsome,fun,went to church and very attentive.OK,there is no comparison with my mom's experience because personally I think Ingrid caught on very quick to John Charlton's character! My point only is "Jon" was a sociopath & able to dupe my mom and morph into what she wanted him to be.

Because of my own experience with "Jon" and my mother. Way back-before I married & I was dating;I intentionally didn't engage easily and was somewhat detached when I met men. I would even go so as to say I would scare the poo out of any guy remotely like "Jon".It broke my heart to see my mom's spirit broken by "Jon" and it rips my heart out to think of Ingrid and her girls.


This makes me so sad for you and your mom. I wish people weren't so bad to each other =(
Here is a missing female in Thurston County Wa and there are tool and cut marks on the body. Wonder where JC was when this happened.

"Sunday’s search was the extension of a search that began Saturday afternoon after a dog returned to its owner in the 13600 block of Peter Kalama Drive on the Nisqually Indian Reservation with the lower portion of a leg with foot.

The lower portion of the human leg that was found on Saturday was partly skeletal, Brady said.

Thurston County Coroner Gary Warnock added that some tissue was attached.

Warnock said Saturday that the leg would be examined for tool marks, such as those created by a handsaw or something electric.
Brady said anyone with information is asked to call Thurston County dispatch at 360-704-2740 or Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS

Read more here:

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That could be right of course.

I think luck would have played a part here too if her remains hadn't been found. I'm sort of sticking around this thread because of the possible serial killer angle. I think there is something to that. It's the dismemberment. He cleaned up enough that her mother and ex husband didn't notice anything murder-like in the house. Forensics had to find that later. But his DNA there and in the car could be explained because of the date. Unless of course it's with the remains. And if those remains had gone to the landfill, would he be charged right now? I really wonder.

If you browse around the Unidentified remains forum, you'll find quite a number of victims who were found in bags or other containers, in trash bins of all sorts, either dismembered or not. Yeah, people get away with it, and I can believe he got away with it before. The FBI doesn't usually say things like that lightly.
This makes me so sad for you and your mom. I wish people weren't so bad to each other =(

Thanks,this hug includes everyone who has suffered at the hands of a psychotic egomaniacal predator.
I find it hard to believe that no one in the neighborhood noticed the smell of human remains in the outdoor garbage bin. Maybe I am the only one with over curious and vigilant neighbors? Nothing gets passed this crowd.

He knew that she would give him the boot as soon as she found out the truth about him and that it was just a matter of time before she figured him out. And I think she started asking questions about his past that night. The fb entry "Studied at: All of Them" posted the day after he killed her makes me think she was asking about his fake education and his conflicting answers made no sense. Psychopaths do not like to be challenged with their lies.

There is no way that this young woman would intentionally get involved with someone she knew to be a career criminal, alcoholic, homeless, drug abusing, drifter with psychological disorders. There is nothing in it for her.

When he gave "Hannibal" to his mom, I think he was trying to tell her what he was really all about - he was already a serial killer by then but had not left a trail behind.

ITA with everything in your post!

One point that I wanted to mention is this: our murderer was found out quickly due to texting, phone bills, social media & online dating other words....***a digital/electronic footprint***

Now, hypothetically speaking....if he had done this sort of thing a few decades ago, our victim would've been likely to only verbally tell her Mom & friends his name before a date and that could be easily forgotten. There was no online profiles....nope, nothing in print. And that could've let him do things like this and get away with it. Witnesses would be left to say "she was last seen with a middle aged guy of average build at a game" (& back then...very little surveillance cameras were anywhere).

Point being, we don't know how much this murderer has gotten away with but we know he has an arrest record back to the early 1990's & he got around. Maybe he hasn't gotten sloppier--but technology has gotten savvier! Maybe he has dinosaured-out as a "serial-killer" (thank goodness) as he really was struggling to fit in at a superficial & basic level within society?

And then there's this: Maybe he didn't want IL to tell her Mom & friends about him (& could've made up a lot of bogus reasons why), hence his "what has she told you about our relationship" text reply to her Mom? Maybe he was shocked that IL went against his wishes and told people.....because he had this planned.....because he had done this before. Just my hunch, moo. And it is just my hunch that he may NOT have always dismembered his victims---not necessarily.

And guess what----if it wasn't for IL writing his name down in texts sent on her phone or Mom seeing phone calls on a shared phone & his online dating site historical correspondence to IL, there may be ZERO suspect right now!

So yes, his digital/electronic footprint did him in now. But maybe in previously less sophisticated times, he has gotten away with similar things?

Heck, I remember the days when I would drive late at night alone without so much as a cellphone! Now that makes me cringe!

All moo; all hypothetical, of course
Strange he or she would have used the word "relationship" especially because he made it perfectly clear on his POF profile he just wanted to date and make friendships, to do what friends do have coffee etc..

I really feel this is was her first face to face and they chatted or messaged prior for a few weeks. Its easier for an alcoholic to hide behind a PC because once together physically in a place that sells libations it's hard for them to control non-stop drinking.

definitely think he pursued her. Her friends might have just said they dated longer to the media in order to protect her family that she met him once and brought him back to her home. I know my parents would have been devastated if I brought a man home the first night. Her family could have religious beliefs and wouldn't be happy so friends might have lied to cover it up.

I think Ingrid is very sharp and picked up on his drinking problem and weird behavior that night. His true colors came out and she probably told him it was over in a polite way hence she probably wanted nothing more to do with that creep and he didn't take it well especially since he was full of alcohol aka high on his mean mood drug (alcohol)
Here is a missing female in Thurston County Wa and there are tool and cut marks on the body. Wonder where JC was when this happened.

None of the linked MSM articles are still there. The post said they would be inspected for tools marks which is different than saying they would be found.

From what I can see this is a typical decomp/predation situation. Someone dies in the woods, and critters move the remains all over the place. We had a case up north just like this, Rover brings him a body part. It doesn't mean that someone chopped a person up. It means the remains are now in pieces. We're often working with bodies that are not intact.

If people create a timeline of his movements and can link cases based on the time and his location, and missing persons cases, that might be more credible.
But there's no more connection between the suspect here and the Nisqualy case than there is with all the feet washed up in Canada.
None of the linked MSM articles are still there. The post said they would be inspected for tools marks which is different than saying they would be found.

From what I can see this is a typical decomp/predation situation. Someone dies in the woods, and critters move the remains all over the place. We had a case up north just like this, Rover brings him a body part. It doesn't mean that someone chopped a person up. It means the remains are now in pieces. We're often working with bodies that are not intact.

If people create a timeline of his movements and can link cases based on the time and his location, and missing persons cases, that might be more credible.
But there's no more connection between the suspect here and the Nisqualy case than there is with all the feet washed up in Canada.

WA - Nisqually Indian Reservation, Female Adult Leg Found By Dog , Nov'13

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Has a thread here
I would love to see a brain scan of this guy. There is so much research that has and is being done on that.

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I would prefer to view the frozen slides.
I wonder if the car was parked in IL's garage. If it wasn't, the neighbors video camera would have seen 'someone' going to and from it before it drove away at 4 am.
The only other scenario that's pops out at me is it was reported she picked him up at his day labor job so she probably thought his car was parked near there. What ever excuse he gave she agreed to drive. Which in reality he didn't have a car.

After he got more smashed at the bar, I do believe she ended it or was going to end it because set saw the real him. She probably offered to take him back to his car but he gave her some story that he had a DUI and couldn't drive drunk and being the kind hearted person she was agreed to take him to her to get sobered up with coffee before driving him back to his car but in reality he had no car. I bet she didn't know that. The mean drunk was not going to be kicked out of her home like that.
I do not believe he snapped. I believe once he seen her pic and profile contact, he targeted her to do this. I don't care how much of a drinker, alcoholic he was, I do not believe anyone in a "blackout" could function to this point, and driving how far without getting pulled over or an accident?:rolleyes::liar:

ETA can we have a "pants on fire" icon?

Agreed. Like I had stated earlier in this thread , I find it hard to believe that a highly intoxicated person would be able to accomplish everything he did that night. There's no way.
Yeah, he was probably a drinker as claimed, but he's using it as an excuse or a crutch.
People that knew him claim he was violent when he drank- well I just think that he is purely an evil , violent, monstrous person. The drinking probably brought out that disgusting side of him easily, but the root of that evil has always been there - and sometimes he was good at "hiding it." It's a scary thing. The world never ceases to amaze me. A human being being capable, able and nonchalant about doing something so brutal and horrific just blows my mind- yes, I know evil exists out there and there are evil people ( it's in the news everyday)- but it will always be shocking to me. This poor innocent and beautiful woman - I feel for her poor family and friends. Disgusting
The only other scenario that's pops out at me is it was reported she picked him up at his day labor job so she probably thought his car was parked near there. What ever excuse he gave she agreed to drive. Which in reality he didn't have a car.

Was this actually reported?

I've been confused reading the threads here as to what was verified by police vs. told to media by friends / family vs. speculation that people have posted here (much of it great speculation, but speculation nonetheless).

As far as I know, very few details of what John and Ingrid did on Friday night have been verified.

Has any of this been verified - did they meet downtown? actually attend the ball game? really visit a bar after the game that JC's sister worked at? get picked up a security camera together?
Was this actually reported?

I've been confused reading the threads here as to what was verified by police vs. told to media by friends / family vs. speculation that people have posted here (much of it great speculation, but speculation nonetheless).

As far as I know, very few details of what John and Ingrid did on Friday night have been verified.

Has any of this been verified - did they meet downtown? actually attend the ball game? really visit a bar after the game that JC's sister worked at? get picked up a security camera together?

I believe I read that in the charging docs that she picked him up at the day labor job. Can't remember but I think it was from a credible source.

I have seen no verification that they actually were at the game. I asked that same question earlier. Why hasn't someone sitting near them at game verify this. It's easy to do as every ticket is scanned. I did read they went to a game in the docs. I believe LE has verified that and knows a lot more but has not been leaked to the media.
Agreed. Like I had stated earlier in this thread , I find it hard to believe that a highly intoxicated person would be able to accomplish everything he did that night. There's no way.
Yeah, he was probably a drinker as claimed, but he's using it as an excuse or a crutch.
People that knew him claim he was violent when he drank- well I just think that he is purely an evil , violent, monstrous person. The drinking probably brought out that disgusting side of him easily, but the root of that evil has always been there - and sometimes he was good at "hiding it." It's a scary thing. The world never ceases to amaze me. A human being being capable, able and nonchalant about doing something so brutal and horrific just blows my mind- yes, I know evil exists out there and there are evil people ( it's in the news everyday)- but it will always be shocking to me. This poor innocent and beautiful woman - I feel for her poor family and friends. Disgusting

Great post!!
Was this actually reported?

I've been confused reading the threads here as to what was verified by police vs. told to media by friends / family vs. speculation that people have posted here (much of it great speculation, but speculation nonetheless).

As far as I know, very few details of what John and Ingrid did on Friday night have been verified.

Has any of this been verified - did they meet downtown? actually attend the ball game? really visit a bar after the game that JC's sister worked at? get picked up a security camera together?

Totally agree with you. There's a TON of speculation going on that's being repeated as fact and causing a lot of confusion, even down to whether or not he had a vehicle and where he lived or with whom. Fact is, no one knows yet.
None of the linked MSM articles are still there. The post said they would be inspected for tools marks which is different than saying they would be found.

From what I can see this is a typical decomp/predation situation. Someone dies in the woods, and critters move the remains all over the place. We had a case up north just like this, Rover brings him a body part. It doesn't mean that someone chopped a person up. It means the remains are now in pieces. We're often working with bodies that are not intact.

If people create a timeline of his movements and can link cases based on the time and his location, and missing persons cases, that might be more credible.
But there's no more connection between the suspect here and the Nisqualy case than there is with all the feet washed up in Canada.

Well there's a little more:

"The sheriff’s office said Thursday it has learned that the body was “dismembered by human means, but unknown method at this time.”"

This is right outside Yelm. That's where his parents lived in 2006 at least, when they filed the restraining order.
We don't know where he was in 2013, though.
Strange he or she would have used the word "relationship" especially because he made it perfectly clear on his POF profile he just wanted to date and make friendships, to do what friends do have coffee etc..

I really feel this is was her first face to face and they chatted or messaged prior for a few weeks. Its easier for an alcoholic to hide behind a PC because once together physically in a place that sells libations it's hard for them to control non-stop drinking.

definitely think he pursued her. Her friends might have just said they dated longer to the media in order to protect her family that she met him once and brought him back to her home. I know my parents would have been devastated if I brought a man home the first night. Her family could have religious beliefs and wouldn't be happy so friends might have lied to cover it up.

I think Ingrid is very sharp and picked up on his drinking problem and weird behavior that night. His true colors came out and she probably told him it was over in a polite way hence she probably wanted nothing more to do with that creep and he didn't take it well especially since he was full of alcohol aka high on his mean mood drug (alcohol)

I know everything is speculation- friends report that they have been dating for a little over a month and he claims they were going out for a month. If that is the case , it makes me think that he perhaps was "grooming" her during this period of time- to make her believe that he was something he wasn't ? Made her feel comfortable- his ex says that he was charming and witty. I'm sure he was this way with IL, until that fateful night. Maybe his motive was to kill her.... But it wasn't going to be something he planned on doing on the first date.
Or, maybe this truly was their first actual date. I can agree with your points as well!
But, for a woman like IL to feel comfortable enough to allow JC in her home , makes me feels as though he groomed her for a period of time.
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