GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #2

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Because he handed her the 'hannibal' movie during a rage with parents which led to the restraining order taken out by them against him. The 'smart moms' like on fb (in light of the current situation, that's absurd). A few other things. Just a feeling something is not right there. That's all..and its just moo
I know everything is speculation- friends report that they have been dating for a little over a month and he claims they were going out for a month. If that is the case , it makes me think that he perhaps was "grooming" her during this period of time- to make her believe that he was something he wasn't ? Made her feel comfortable- his ex says that he was charming and witty. I'm sure he was this way with IL, until that fateful night. Maybe his motive was to kill her.... But it wasn't going to be something he planned on doing on the first date.
Or, maybe this truly was their first actual date. I can agree with your points as well!
But, for a woman like IL to feel comfortable enough to allow JC in her home , makes me feels as though he groomed her for a period of time.

I am leaning towards that as well. I feel that if this was a first date and Ingrid was not happy with his behavior or he was drunk - she would have been the type to drop him off with his sister or have him call someone to pick him up....not allow him to stay her home.
Because he handed her the 'hannibal' movie during a rage with parents which led to the restraining order taken out by them against him. The 'smart moms' like on fb (in light of the current situation, that's absurd). A few other things. Just a feeling something is not right there. That's all..and its just moo

I'm guessing there is more to the story - his parents probably feared his behavior for a very very long time- the Hannibal movie was probably a tip off- they must have honestly feared their son was capable of honestly contemplating hurting them.
I'm guessing there were some experiences in which he was violent towards his parents.
I just think it really says a lot for your own damn parents to file a restraining order against you! That's crazy!
There's a website called where parents can find babysitters, I've used it myself. There's an option to get a background check for additional $$. This should/needs be an option on all dating sites, creeps like JC wouldn't be able to get away with their phony profile.
Briefly here, regarding the crime scene. I can get that it's possible that she was killed in the car, but given that he has scratches on his chest, I am more inclined that it was in her home, before or after sexual encounter. I know you can scratch through a shirt but unfortunately I'm picturing him initially on top of her so she was making contact with chest and face. :(

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I'm guessing there is more to the story - his parents probably feared his behavior for a very very long time- the Hannibal movie was probably a tip off- they must have honestly feared their son was capable of honestly contemplating hurting them.
I'm guessing there were some experiences in which he was violent towards his parents.
I just think it really says a lot for your own damn parents to file a restraining order against you! That's crazy!

Yes, it's very telling that his parents filed the restraining order. I also think the order was to protec the MOM. If the dad felt threatened, I honestly think he would have a physical fight with his son. However, the threat with the Hannibal DVD was against his mom, and that's why they got the restraining order- they had a strong enough belief that their son could hurt his mother.

I also think (total speculation) that he left Ingrid's wallet and phone at her house because it's all the scarier for her family. If her things were also missing, the family might think she was in a car accident, took off on her own, etc....troubling scenarios but within a sane world. To have a loved one DISAPPEAR without their things is terrifying. I honestly think he was out to hurt the family as much as possible because he has mommy issues and rage against "normal" families. He is self-described as "not normal" and I think his crimes against Ingrid are his way of shouting out to the world how "not normal" he is.

Yes, it's very telling that his parents filed the restraining order. I also think the order was to protec the MOM. If the dad felt threatened, I honestly think he would have a physical fight with his son. However, the threat with the Hannibal DVD was against his mom, and that's why they got the restraining order- they had a strong enough belief that their son could hurt his mother.

I also think (total speculation) that he left Ingrid's wallet and phone at her house because it's all the scarier for her family. If her things were also missing, the family might think she was in a car accident, took off on her own, etc....troubling scenarios but within a sane world. To have a loved one DISAPPEAR without their things is terrifying. I honestly think he was out to hurt the family as much as possible because he as mommy issues and rage against "normal" families. He is self-described as "not normal" and I think his crimes against Ingrid are his way of shouting out to the world how "not normal" he is.


It is more eerie to leave her belongings behind - but I also think he was just careless- didn't care, because ultimately this is what he has always wanted to do (I'm not sure if he killed before) - he's probably always had this deep murderous desire.
He probably had some euphoric release doing that to a human being . He knew he had to get rid of the body and didn't have much time. But he also didn't care about the trail he left behind.

Also, leaving that murder weapon at the scene is "ballsy" too. In the history of crime, usually that's the first thing that gets ditched. It's almost like he left a trail of bread crumbs .
The Psychology of Corpse Dismemberment - The Motivation Behind the Most Grotesque of Crimes
Posted: 08/06/2012 16:50 BST Updated: 08/08/2012 10:12 BST

Couldn't make the above article into a link but you can copy into your browser for an interesting read about the 5 motivations of dismemberment.
The Psychology of Corpse Dismemberment - The Motivation Behind the Most Grotesque of Crimes
Posted: 08/06/2012 16:50 BST Updated: 08/08/2012 10:12 BST

Couldn't make the above article into a link but you can copy into your browser for an interesting read about the 5 motivations of dismemberment.

I'm going with # 2 - aggression.
This is my first post, as I'm new here. I have read this entire thread and have been following this case closely.

Although it's entirely possible that JC has murdered before, I am not so quick to believe that. In my option he is an absolute train wreck in all aspects of his life. Being a SK requires some level of planning, execution and attention to detail. I don't see any of these qualities in JC. He is an unemployed (aside from day labor) drifter, alcoholic, ex-con loser.

I believe that (for the moment) IL was his first victim. I think he groomed her via online/texting, etc. I think it's possible that they did in fact meet up once (maybe twice) for coffee or something in the past. I say this because I believe she did in fact trust him to some degree. Personally, I would never go on a first time date to a three hour + baseball game - the whole event with parking/travel could go over six hours. This makes me believe she did like him enough to spend a significant amount of time with him.

I think they did in fact go to the game, as well as the bar downtown. I think JC was tipsy/slightly drunk, but nothing he wasn't already accustomed to. I think it's possible that IR brought him back to her place to continue the date, or maybe even to let him sober up, as a previous poster had mentioned. At this point, she began to pick up on his creepy vibes, and may have even started to panic (thus him saying she was "acting weird"). JC may have made sexual advances or was simply making her so uncomfortable that things began to escalate. I don't think JC wanted to leave her home - I think he actually thought it possible that he could develop a relationship with IR. His ego was shattered, and he became enraged. He choked her or suffocated her, causing her death. He then panicked, and thought of the best way to hide her body while he figured out what to do. In theory, the dismemberment and disposal of her body could have been very effective - IF he hadn't placed her remains in an empty recycling bin. Had he placed the remains in a GARBAGE (not recycling) bin that already contained trash (and hadn't already been emptied by waste management), he could have been some what successful.

This case is just horrifying. I just can't believe this poor woman's remains continued to sit in another garbage/recycling bin for an additional week.

I agree with you and to add a bit more,

"He came across as this charming, witty and intelligent man. He seemed to have a good strong head on his shoulders. I was very smitten by him," she says, adding that Charlton spent time "dabbling in the stock market."

These are the words from his ex-girlfriend.

This is the way he presented himself to Ingrid.

She says that when Charlton drank, the charming man vanished and he became a completely different person: "He was very mean and very violent," she recalls.
The fact that the FBI is involved means enhanced database cross-reference resources, DNA sampling, and status on other unsolved cases for comparison... There is very little info that is being released, so if the perp has done it before they will connect it. Imo...
I agree and see very strong similarities to Jessica Ridgeway. The FBI got involved fairly quick with her case as well and I am so very thankful they are with Ingrid's case.
I'm going with # 2 - aggression.

My hunch is #3....dismemberment was the goal all along, though not specially for that night. He took the opportunity when it presented itself - they were alone in her house and she was "acting weird"...that was all it took for him to put his fantasy into action.

has anyone else experienced this: When I was a kid and then growing up and on to college i would meet people and sometimes notice they were not only somewhat odd but had this " look" in their eyes. I see it loud and clear in this guy. I cannot tell you exactly what this look is I just know it when i see it. Especially light colored eyes for some reason. I always wondered if I was correct when I made this observation and with this guy there is no doubt. Just odd what is it in his eyes?
Why didn't he take and dump her phone and wallet? He took her car. Wouldn't it have suggested that she left on her own accord and taken the heat off him temporary? Nothing he did makes sense, including the dismemberment.

He wanted it to look like she had returned home after the date.
It is more eerie to leave her belongings behind - but I also think he was just careless- didn't care, because ultimately this is what he has always wanted to do (I'm not sure if he killed before) - he's probably always had this deep murderous desire.
He probably had some euphoric release doing that to a human being . He knew he had to get rid of the body and didn't have much time. But he also didn't care about the trail he left behind.

Also, leaving that murder weapon at the scene is "ballsy" too. In the history of crime, usually that's the first thing that gets ditched. It's almost like he left a trail of bread crumbs .

I do not think that JC purposely left Ingrid's wallet and phone and the murder weapon behind as a way to make an arrogant statement or to scare her family even more. If he really wanted to completely scare her mother, Jorga Bass who also lives in Renton, he would have driven Ingrid's body parts to her mother's house and left Ingrid's head at Jorga's front door (sort of like the scene from the 1995 movie "Seven"). I imagine that once he started to cut her up, he was in a hurry to remove the body and leave the house, in case some friend or neighbor unexpectedly showed up at the house. So in his haste with his adrenaline pumping, he left the pruning saw behind and did not consider taking other items such as her wallet/phone/purse. He obviously has severe problems with alcohol, as previous ex-girlfriends mentioned. So if he was also still a bit drunk, that also made him more careless.
He wanted it to look like she had returned home after the date.

I think she did return home from the ballgame and bar alive. How would he kill her out and about in Seattle? I don't get that scenario.

I think he killed her in the privacy of her own home. My hunch is he choked her when she "acted weird," just like he tried to choke his exgf.

Agreed. Like I had stated earlier in this thread , I find it hard to believe that a highly intoxicated person would be able to accomplish everything he did that night. There's no way.
Yeah, he was probably a drinker as claimed, but he's using it as an excuse or a crutch.
People that knew him claim he was violent when he drank- well I just think that he is purely an evil , violent, monstrous person. The drinking probably brought out that disgusting side of him easily, but the root of that evil has always been there - and sometimes he was good at "hiding it." It's a scary thing. The world never ceases to amaze me. A human being being capable, able and nonchalant about doing something so brutal and horrific just blows my mind- yes, I know evil exists out there and there are evil people ( it's in the news everyday)- but it will always be shocking to me. This poor innocent and beautiful woman - I feel for her poor family and friends. Disgusting

It is likely that our murderer is mixing the concept of an alcoholic "back out" with a psychotic episode.

And I am not implying that gives him an excuse for his actions.....nope.

He has probably been clinically diagnosed every which way but Sunday by professionals since he was a young adult via caring family (& maybe even per the recommendations from scholastica) & he knows he should be on meds. But that dulls him out & there's no more "highs" no meds 'cause it's the "highs" that fool him into thinking he is like Superman--gregarious, charming, a winner, unbeatable, yet maybe just a tad too special for ordinary women. Uff! He has a smorgasbord of treatable diagnosis--imho.

All moo & hypotheticals, of course.
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