GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #2

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I have a public Instagram page but it is not connected to my identity.

I looked through Ingrid’s Instagram page this afternoon. I see a young woman (40 is young imo) seeking to identify herself as ok in the world, a light side - fun loving woman, loves baseball, and a great mom with three happy and beautiful daughters with friends and family.

But- what I see in all the spiritual quotes, especially, is the very material a predator can potentially use to connect with a victim. As a cautionary note – it is not only dating websites that can be deceiving but the public info on social media can be the perfect ruse for a sociopath seeking to “mirror” to gain trust.

I was raised in the cold war era – so no facebook, no twitter, no identifiable connection is my motto. I have always been wary of putting info out there in the world, blind – I know times have changed and it is different for a younger generation but I feel this predator was able to assess and act on her vulnerability, in addition to her attractiveness.

She had just been through a divorce – without knowing the circumstances I would venture to guess she could have been emotionally compromised by that trauma, adjustment, and spiritual quest to move on. This made her very, very, vulnerable, imo. I can remember the intensity of entering midlife – very vital, very alive, but not 20 years old anymore. It is a crossroads.

My other strong feeling is that she was killed in the car where no one could hear her – You would think she would be screaming bloody murder – there is a good distance between me and my neighbors and yet, I can always hear when a fight escalates with one couple next door.

-Tragic doesn’t even come close to what happened to this beautiful woman. The trauma for her children and I am assuming the feelings of unthinkable regret of her ex must be so enormous.
I don't believe the serial killer notion is too far out of the realm of possibility. It's true there are many things he was sloppy about and he left a trail a mile long (thank God!), but I don't necessarily think that means anything.

SKs often have shorter "cooling off periods" and get sloppier over time. They might be meticulous about covering up their crimes at first, but the longer they succeed without getting caught, they start to think they are invincible and never will be caught.

It's like the Bundy quote I posted on the last thread: "It's like changing a tire... the first time, you're careful. By the 30th, you forgot where you left the lug wrench."

AFAIK, her mom didn't immediately notice anything amiss in the bathroom. The evidence wasn't found until they removed the plumbing under her tub. I think the saw was probably in a cabinet or bathroom closet (rather than just left out in plain view), which would explain why LE asked her mom if it was normally stored there. He took time to clean up the crime scene.

I'm still curious about the wording from the news reports that said the parts were "packaged" in trash bags. That leads me to believe that he may have "packaged" them in ziplock bags or possibly Saran Wrap before he put them in the trash bags. The dismemberment and scattering of her remains isn't typical behavior for someone who spontaneously killed another in a drunken rage.

Another thing that I think needs to be considered is his transient nature. He moves around a lot, and he never stays in one place for too long. This makes it difficult to track his whereabouts and past behavior.

IDK, I'm leaning towards this not being the first time he's done this. I think he's probably met other women thru online dating sites in the past, after meeting them out for coffee (or after "whatever else it is that friends normally do"). He may have groomed them online and killed them when they met in person. Maybe he's only done this in other states... and maybe the reason he hasn't been caught before is because he killed the others before they got close enough for their friends to know his name.
I don't believe the serial killer notion is too far out of the realm of possibility. It's true there are many things he was sloppy about and he left a trail a mile long (thank God!) but I don't necessarily think that means anything.

SKs often have shorter "cooling off periods" and get sloppier over time. They might be meticulous about covering up their crimes at first, but the longer they succeed without getting caught, they start to think they are invincible and never will be. Like the Bundy quote I posted on the last thread... "It's like changing a tire. The first time, you're careful. By the 30th, you forget where you left the lug wrench."

AFAIK, her mom didn't immediately notice anything amiss in the bathroom. The evidence wasn't found until they removed the plumbing under her tub. I think the saw was probably in a cabinet or bathroom closet (rather than just left out in plain view), which would explain why LE asked her mom if it was normally stored there. So he took steps to clean up the crime scene. I'm still curious about the wording in news reports that said the parts were "packaged" in trash bags. That leads me to believe that he may have "packaged" them in ziplock bags or possibly Saran Wrap before putting them in trash bags. The dismemberment and scattering of her remains isn't typical behavior for someone who spontaneously killed another in a drunken rage. Another thing I think needs to be considered is that he's a very transient individual. He moves around a lot, and never stays in one place for too long. That makes his past difficult to track.

IDK, I'm leaning towards this not being the first time he's done this. I think he's probably met other women thru online dating sites in the past, after meeting them out for coffee (or after "whatever else it is that friends normally do"), groomed them online, and killed them.

He may have only done this in other states before ... and maybe he killed previous victims before he got close enough that her friends knew his name.

I totally agree...nice post!
I spell checked !!!

My only desire here is to make it better for our to try and wrap our heads around this . I , even with Lunesta, could not get to sleep, until 514 (!) this am.

I am going to attempt to do this -its a little complicated at first ! It is called Axis , but that just makes it crazier. So, lets just call it line 1 and 2 . There are 5 lines for the total dx. 3 4 5 let just ignore.

Line one: is for the the medical disease, an illness depression, bipolar , schizophrenic, psychosis etc. Stuff , that contrary notions is a medical issue. It is NO different than diabetes. At it heart, neurotransmitter's are not in alignment. Which ones are not in alignment with one another determine what flavor mental illness you end up suffering with. Insulin is medical. Neurotransmitters are as well. We have no control over how our bodies do insulin, we have no control over how our brains (levels) generate neurotransmitters. Its medical deal.

There are 4 significant neurotransmitter. Others to but top 4. Some excite, some depress. Psyc meds are all about either lowering or increasing neurotransmitter production. But, so not get me going, there are neurotransmitter tests (controversal) out there. But basically MDs and big Pharm do not want them out there. Think there is a test for insulin, there is (neruotransmitters testing) but not used.

Think of how emtpy psychatrist offices would be if they got it close to correct the first time ! We dont have "new" diabetes meds coming out every other week. Big pharm loves it, they make fortunes throwing new ones out there. The reality is psychiatrists are guessing based on symptoms reported, and which drug manufacturers is offering the psychiatrist a trip to Hawaii for his family, which one they chose! (this has gotten a little less blatant) . SO if the psychiatrist guess wrong, often, the pt has horrible side effects. So they guess again.This is why they endlessly tweak meds. If they got it right from the beginning they would have to go from the Mercedes to a Lincoln!

So.................. If one of ones transmitters is actual high, and is his/her guess is wrong, and gives a meds that actually increases the one that is already too high, the pt suffers horrible side effects, quits taking, and back to square one for the poor person suffering. Goes on forever. If insurance companies would pay for neurotransmitter testing, in the beginning the first guess would be closer from the start! There is am interplay between between the the ones that excite and depress. So if on the other hand one of the depressive ones is on the low side, they will add in a med that increase, rather than decreases that one. That is line one.

Line two is for personality disorders, basically factors that influence how we interact with the world basically from childhood.Abuse, rejection from parent, being sexually abused, addictive parents, witnessing domestic violence etc etc. entirmenatal influences as opposed to what stuff our body is producing .

So what Taste of Honey was referring to in dual diagnosis is there can be more than one on both lines one and two.

Sociopath Psychopath have generally been replaced with antisocial personality disorder. But one can have a antisocial personality as well as a narrisist personality disorder, and what Taste was referring to Borderline personality disorder . Pls feel free to help me out here Taste..

I agree with Taste, this guy is both a Narcissus personality disorder and a Borderline disorder, with a antisocial personality disorder thrown in for good measure !

The differences we will get is which personality disorder court appointed mental folks thinks is the primary personality disorder, and then what order they put the next ones- again refer to taste, dual. He has more than one personality disorder for sure.And in likelihood has more than one entity on the first line as well!

The psychiatrist is more qualified to deal with the first line- medical - they are doctors. Therapists IMO can do better with the second line only mo, because they meet weekly and slowly learn about the abuse, addiction whatever as the pt build trust. There is disagreement here I am sure - however most people do not walk in to a stranger and say my father sexually abused me - that takes rapport development. So with the psychiatrist, the 10 minutes spent is focused on symptoms which is line one!

Others pls help clarify or challenge my attempt to overview it - . Personally I think only opinion there is some bad physical brain "injury" in childhood. Motorcycle crash, bad concussion , slammed with a baseball bat at 6, that physically messed up his actual brain. No a excuse but certainly contributory, in a very negative way. Ones arm being shattered in 8 places when 8 certainly will impact how you can use your arm , pretty much for the rest of you existence! There have been many studies, and folks like this brains are actually different, significantly so.

I thought last night, make yourself useful dude - tour the country with FBI near you, and go to grad schools , be with students - and they can see , all in one visit a whole variety of the disorders that are being discussed in classes !!

An aside here , do you guys think that we are ever gonna be allowed to see his face, and how he talks. And behaves. Is Seattle allowed or whatever the term would be to block cameras.

This notion of not wanting to impact a potential jury pool IMO is a legal crock. If one took this case to Africa, people all over the world tend to have a pretty intense repulsion, to human beings mutilating another human being . Any IMO "jury pool" is tainted just by the nature of his actions, and yes IMO I find it frustrating . I was so curious to see Holmes , and he did not let me down . Neither did the Planned Parent Hood dude, Dahmer (I read dads book , amazing). And at least Dahmer, in what appeared to be authentic, by doing interviews did help to try and help the rest of the world understand how he worked. If anyone has not seen his lengthy interview with his dad , IMO do it .

IMO Rodger Elliot's parents were authentic is sharing their shame with their sons actions.

I hope this does not get deleted, I spent time on it. My typing has improved - but running type check alone is longer than it takes you guys to write a whole post !! Hey accept deficits. Again tho most of you have endured. And yes I am thrilled that my fingers are doing better. I truly am . Practice makes perfect, well I remain far away from that !But, am proud of myself... and hope to make my fingers hits the keys better. Some of the I before c but d but before r , I think is an en-grained entity that ain't gonna be able to be changed however!! And I know what words are gonna be hard for me- but my brain goes to fast and spell checking all posts I would be on thread 1 post 287!!!

Gonna spell now, its repetitive and boring to my brain, but I shall/must do it-human behavior is complicated enough having to deal with my effort to be helpful, without removing my fingers and spelling would just be a turnoff! I think ya all are wonderful. Seeking to understand , the truthfully unendurable is human ; I so hope she was deceased before ..........................IMO I think we are talking necrophilia and cannibalism, and he spent time with her after death, almost like Dahmer,

Ugh time to start spell check see ya all on April 22 2017!!! Dread.............................
I know everything is speculation- friends report that they have been dating for a little over a month and he claims they were going out for a month. If that is the case , it makes me think that he perhaps was "grooming" her during this period of time- to make her believe that he was something he wasn't ? Made her feel comfortable- his ex says that he was charming and witty. I'm sure he was this way with IL, until that fateful night. Maybe his motive was to kill her.... But it wasn't going to be something he planned on doing on the first date.
Or, maybe this truly was their first actual date. I can agree with your points as well!
But, for a woman like IL to feel comfortable enough to allow JC in her home , makes me feels as though he groomed her for a period of time.

I take it all with a grain of salt Her friends speaking in the media could have been protecting her and her family. We don't know how close these friends were either maybe just people from her work. Just gossip. Friends at work don't know all my personal business but think they do. I don't know. JMO

My neighbors always see things when they don't. So many rumors go around this cul-de-sac mostly snoopy old neighbors that have vision problems think they see things when they don't. It could have been her ex they saw. Until I see it in a report other then what JC says he knew for a month. I'm not believing it.

My heart of hearts believe the grooming might have been by chats, messaging, phone, or email for a month like online relationship but my heart of hearts believe this was the actual first face to face. I believe she would have seen right through this phony character by looking at his lying eyes and also seeing his drinking problem.
One thing I am curious about is the blind drunk defense - I imagine the adrenaline of dismembering her would prevail over any drunken stupor? -How would it be possible to do it in a blackout?
One thing I am curious about is the blind drunk defense - I imagine the adrenaline of dismembering her would prevail over any drunken stupor? -How would it be possible to do it in a blackout?

BS he never blacked out. The oldest defense in the book according to a couple of defense attorneys talking about this case. They said he already said he thought they had sex and he thinks she drove him back and woke up on the sidewalk so according to these guys he screwed himself.
Imo. Scott Peterson was the poster child for being Narcissistic. While John seems like the poster child of being simply bat sh#t crazy.

Jmo for now.

Also alcoholics usually have their own liquor and laugh at the thought of paying $10 for a cup of beer when they are financially destitute themselves.

Now Ingrid probably didn't drink too much since she knew she would be doing the primary driving. This means that she probably seen through his act fairly quickly.

I just wish she had told him that my kids will be coming home tonight so we have to part ways now. Have your sister call you a cab.

R.i.p Ingrid.
Why didn't he take and dump her phone and wallet? He took her car. Wouldn't it have suggested that she left on her own accord and taken the heat off him temporary? Nothing he did makes sense, including the dismemberment.
My heart of hearts believe the grooming might have been by chats, messaging, phone, or email for a month like online relationship but my heart of hearts believe this was the actual first face to face. I believe she would have seen right through this phony character by looking at his lying eyes and also seeing his drinking problem.

I respectfully disagree, I believe the friends 6-8 weeks dating are true, I also believe JC about spending a few nights on occasion. Heck I will even go as far to say that IF they actually went to game and were spotted, most people would probably think a nice looking couple. Taking their ages into account, I think I would be more surprised if there was not any type of intimacy at that point, No way was this a first date.We have two good looking middle aged adults and I do not believe JC showed any red flags or signs previously. Ingrid did not tell her friends, hey this guy is kinda creepy so if anything it was quite the opposite, her friends clearly would have stated otherwise if that was the case.
Why didn't he take and dump her phone and wallet? He took her car. Wouldn't it have suggested that she left on her own accord and taken the heat off him temporary? Nothing he did makes sense, including the dismemberment.

Personally, I don't think he really cared much. Seems to me, that he wanted to get caught. He didn't really attempt to cover up his tracks! He was sloppy, careless and nonchalant- just as he was with the detectives. He probably gets some creepy gratification of his current "celebrity" status.
The fact that the FBI is involved means enhanced database cross-reference resources, DNA sampling, and status on other unsolved cases for comparison... There is very little info that is being released, so if the perp has done it before they will connect it. Imo...
I respectfully disagree, I believe the friends 6-8 weeks dating are true, I also believe JC about spending a few nights on occasion. Heck I will even go as far to say that IF they actually went to game and were spotted, most people would probably think a nice looking couple. Taking their ages into account, I think I would be more surprised if there was not any type of intimacy at that point, No way was this a first date.We have two good looking middle aged adults and I do not believe JC showed any red flags or signs previously. Ingrid did not tell her friends, hey this guy is kinda creepy so if anything it was quite the opposite, her friends clearly would have stated otherwise if that was the case.

I did the online thing for a few years. I consider myself attractive and met attractive men. I ALWAYS chatted with them a month or two before I would decide if I wanted to actually meet them. So just because you have two attractive people don't necessarily ASSUME they were hanging out. These days women have gotten smarter on the online dating thing and are more careful.
The fact that the FBI is involved means enhanced database cross-reference resources, DNA sampling, and status on other unsolved cases for comparison... There is very little info that is being released, so if the perp has done it before they will connect it. Imo...

A good phone ping analysis would be a great way to link him to possible others. They should have a last ping database for the missing. And if your phone pinged in that area at the same day and time while you are the #1 suspect in a recent killing and dismemberment; Then you should be checked further for a possible connection.
This is my first post, as I'm new here. I have read this entire thread and have been following this case closely.

Although it's entirely possible that JC has murdered before, I am not so quick to believe that. In my option he is an absolute train wreck in all aspects of his life. Being a SK requires some level of planning, execution and attention to detail. I don't see any of these qualities in JC. He is an unemployed (aside from day labor) drifter, alcoholic, ex-con loser.

I believe that (for the moment) IL was his first victim. I think he groomed her via online/texting, etc. I think it's possible that they did in fact meet up once (maybe twice) for coffee or something in the past. I say this because I believe she did in fact trust him to some degree. Personally, I would never go on a first time date to a three hour + baseball game - the whole event with parking/travel could go over six hours. This makes me believe she did like him enough to spend a significant amount of time with him.

I think they did in fact go to the game, as well as the bar downtown. I think JC was tipsy/slightly drunk, but nothing he wasn't already accustomed to. I think it's possible that IR brought him back to her place to continue the date, or maybe even to let him sober up, as a previous poster had mentioned. At this point, she began to pick up on his creepy vibes, and may have even started to panic (thus him saying she was "acting weird"). JC may have made sexual advances or was simply making her so uncomfortable that things began to escalate. I don't think JC wanted to leave her home - I think he actually thought it possible that he could develop a relationship with IR. His ego was shattered, and he became enraged. He choked her or suffocated her, causing her death. He then panicked, and thought of the best way to hide her body while he figured out what to do. In theory, the dismemberment and disposal of her body could have been very effective - IF he hadn't placed her remains in an empty recycling bin. Had he placed the remains in a GARBAGE (not recycling) bin that already contained trash (and hadn't already been emptied by waste management), he could have been some what successful.

This case is just horrifying. I just can't believe this poor woman's remains continued to sit in another garbage/recycling bin for an additional week.
I respectfully disagree, I believe the friends 6-8 weeks dating are true, I also believe JC about spending a few nights on occasion. Heck I will even go as far to say that IF they actually went to game and were spotted, most people would probably think a nice looking couple. Taking their ages into account, I think I would be more surprised if there was not any type of intimacy at that point, No way was this a first date.We have two good looking middle aged adults and I do not believe JC showed any red flags or signs previously. Ingrid did not tell her friends, hey this guy is kinda creepy so if anything it was quite the opposite, her friends clearly would have stated otherwise if that was the case.

What haunts me linked ealier, are ones that said ok on phone but "creepy" live. IMO is do I want to rape you, beat youp, have sex with your dead body, eat a dash of you, discard you in some garbage bags a prescreening if you will

.Whover triggered his mother stuff fair game., dont really, in the moment care if caught, copulsion fueled by crack and mentail illiness....................

But, mom and hate for woman the deal IMO. To get rejcected by a stunning woman, forget it. He (not sure if I buy this) wanted to show his sister) look i am not the loser you all have said I am, my date a registed nurse and stuuning so there.

And then she does not want to have sex with you, had throughout the game said oh I need to leave< not feeling well

Enraged, he knew then she does not want to get naked with him a whole mother rrection cycle was started
This is my first post, as I'm new here. I have read this entire thread and have been following this case closely.

Although it's entirely possible that JC has murdered before, I am not so quick to believe that. In my option he is an absolute train wreck in all aspects of his life. Being a SK requires some level of planning, execution and attention to detail. I don't see any of these qualities in JC. He is an unemployed (aside from day labor) drifter, alcoholic, ex-con loser.

I believe that (for the moment) IL was his first victim. I think he groomed her via online/texting, etc. I think it's possible that they did in fact meet up once (maybe twice) for coffee or something in the past. I say this because I believe she did in fact trust him to some degree. Personally, I would never go on a first time date to a three hour + baseball game - the whole event with parking/travel could go over six hours. This makes me believe she did like him enough to spend a significant amount of time with him.

I think they did in fact go to the game, as well as the bar downtown. I think JC was tipsy/slightly drunk, but nothing he wasn't already accustomed to. I think it's possible that IR brought him back to her place to continue the date, or maybe even to let him sober up, as a previous poster had mentioned. At this point, she began to pick up on his creepy vibes, and may have even started to panic (thus him saying she was "acting weird"). JC may have made sexual advances or was simply making her so uncomfortable that things began to escalate. I don't think JC wanted to leave her home - I think he actually thought it possible that he could develop a relationship with IR. His ego was shattered, and he became enraged. He choked her or suffocated her, causing her death. He then panicked, and thought of the best way to hide her body while he figured out what to do. In theory, the dismemberment and disposal of her body could have been very effective - IF he hadn't placed her remains in an empty recycling bin. Had he placed the remains in a GARBAGE (not recycling) bin that already contained trash (and hadn't already been emptied by waste management), he could have been some what successful.

This case is just horrifying. I just can't believe this poor woman's remains continued to sit in another garbage/recycling bin for an additional week.
Really good post, Seattle16.
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