Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

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Between LE not wanting the public's help and seemingly going way out of their way and doing back flips to placate the parents by publicly acting like their explanations are totally understandable and overly-stressing how cooperative they are being makes me think they know something and are watching for something specific. Sadly this makes me believe that precious little girl Janise is no longer here. :( I hope I'm wrong about that last part. But I hope not about the former as if I am than I have little faith in LE's judgement in this case.
I wonder if this type of parenting was mutual among the parents in her community. We hear LE say Jenise ate her meals at other houses, but I want to know if Jenise's parents were feeding the neighborhood kids too. Nobody said anything about this being the standard and acceptable way things were done here, just that Jenise ate at other houses.

I assume, and forgive me if I'm wrong, that in your tribal community, if kids are getting snacks or drinks and playing at one house or another, once the kids make their way back to your house they would be treated the same way? Like a give and take. They all get snacks at everyone's house and all the parents look out for all the kids.

Actually I said this a few pages back. Yes, in my experience this is normal for such a community; with aunts, uncles and cousins all living nearby.
This is just some idle speculation based on that thought here - maybe the older kids got tired of having her around them and one put her somewhere to "shut her up and leave them alone"? Not meaning to hurt her, but just aggravated with her.

I'm so scared that they are not going to find her, like the Haleigh Cummings case. :(

This crossed my mind too, after hearing Dad speak that first day.

This article and video's at the link below are worth another read and watch ...
Some residents were unhappy that they were not being allowed to take part in the search effort.

Search coordinators have had to tell several volunteers they could not help crews searching for Jenise because they had not had the training needed to take part.

“When you bring in folks that are not specifically trained they will probably hamper the effort more than assist,” said Wilson.

Investigators said they would continue their 24-hour search for the missing girl for at least another week and possibly longer.

This almost made me laugh out loud when I read it, but not quite. How many "extensive searches" have we seen the cops conduct and yet still not find the person ?? The missing individual was later located by a jogger, hiker, hunter or private citizen while doing mundane tasks.

Jennifer Huston, Holly Bobo, Caylee Anthony, Hailey Dunn, Leanne Bearden, Alfred Wright, Karen Swift and the list goes on and on and on.........

The Alfred Wright case:

A man who authorities have been searching for 18 days was found dead Monday afternoon, according to the private investigator hired by the family.

Investigator Chuck Foreman said the body of Alfred Wright, 28, was found during a ground search conducted by the family, around 4 p.m. He was found with no clothes on, near the same location he went missing, near Coussons Road.
He was ultimately found about 50 YARDS from where he was last seen.

Sounds to me like they could use all the help they can get.

I hope this expanded search is successful!

I'm having a flashback to a time I was at a lakeshore when a child went missing. Volunteers were asked to form a human chain and walk in the lake to find the body. I was only a teen, but I jumped to join the chain because I was a strong swimmer, I knew the lake bottom very well, and I got caught up in the community spirit.

Then, as I was walking in the water, arm-in-arm with others, I realized I could find the body with my feet and I sort of freaked out. I stuck with the search but really wished at the time I had left it to braver people. (In hindsight I'm glad I had the instinct to help.) I guess I'm feeling for the property owners - I hope they find something useful (and I pray they find J alive!!) but yet want to spare them any awful discovery.
Making progress, not much in the way of updates, but have some new updates.
Investigators are working hard 24 hours a day. Continue to bring in resources.

Making progress. Slowly but surely. Very methodical to make sure it's done right.

Tips are coming in. Getting a lot of leads. Additional resources are due to the tips coming, and it's been very helpful.
"specialty canines" from the FBI? Cadaver dogs in the field, perhaps?
Progress is good!

But I wonder: what progress?

I'm thinking it might mean they're confident she's not in the MHP and can eliminate that area as a site???
So if Jenise really is 36", that's important to me. She is the size of a preschooler. People need to know that so they realize who they need to be looking for.
This press conference reminds me of a Seinfeld episode.

" A press conference about nothing".
I can somewhat understand the concept of this community parenting...however, common sense tells you that when you don't see hide nor hair of your SIX YEAR OLD for damn near a full day, wouldn't it behoove you to pick up the damn phone and CHECK to see where she is? Or...jeez, send your slew of kids around the neighborhood to bang on doors to make SURE she was "just wandering".

Maybe it's just beyond my comprehension, this whole "free range" parenting. Hell, when one of my daughters friends has been at our house for more than about 20 -30 minutes I make sure to ask "do your parents know you're here?" just to make SURE she won't have them in a panic wondering where she is.

Why is the road re-closed? Recanvasing. Keeping outside people out. People asking for privacy.

Said canvasing was done, going back in? Yes, for a specific purpose.

How is LE handing things 5 days in? Everyone is tired but hanging in there because that's what we do.

Any talk of scaling back? No.

Has the 16yo child been removed? Don't know.

Still in contact with parents? Yes, we know where they are and they are extremely cooperative.

Still hopeful? Always have hope. However... only 1 chance to do it right. Plan for anything.

Asking people to help, any tips? Not sure on what tips came in.

Searching found anything? Can't discuss what searching recovers.

Next presser scheduled for 4:30 pm.
Did anyone else here someone say "Yes, we're planning on a 4:30" to the press off camera after the interview was over? I wonder if he was referring to another presser this afternoon.
The going back in the park today with a specific purpose jumped out at me. Would not expand either hmmmm
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