Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #5 *Arrest*

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I think I was mistaken on the identity of the suspect fwiw. I'm on the wrong trail -

Mea culpa.

No prob.

I still have my original male teen + two more possible suspects. I could be on the wrong trail, too.
I am not sure that it does not lead anywhere or have a negative societal impact. Lots of kids have been desensitized to extremely violent images. Many have spent countless hours shooting victims in GTA or similar games. Many have watched countless graphic videos of violent sexual images, which include rape and torture. How could that not be a negative thing for us as a whole?

Many of the spree killers and school shooters practiced their aim while playing video games. I will freely admit that my son played many hours of video games as he was growing up. I don't think it automatically makes someone into a violent person. But as a society, we seem to be reaping the effects as a whole. jmo

I think the real problem with exposing kids and teens to violent and overly sexual media is when they come from troubled backgrounds and/or have neurological or mental health issues. That stuff seems to incite them.

No. Parents have a duty to protect their children. If they were watching her and she had half hour check-ins or was to stay within sight of their home and something happened then that is different. So very, very different. I keep hearing that it could still happen even if she was watched and while that is true I think the likelihood is way smaller. Same as accidents happening less if a parent keeps an eye on their kid. Just because it happens sometimes when a parent does watch shouldn't mean all parents just give up and leave it to chance. Moo.

The "chance" of something like this happening is exceedingly, exceedingly rare. So parents who allow young kids to roam are not leaving it up to chance. They have more to worry about with accidents, the number one killer of young kids, and then next, health issues.

Homicide after being abducted by a non-family member is extremely rare. It always has been.

The only victim here is Jenise, and I am not blaming her one bit.

Everyone who knew and loved Jenise is a victim. That's why others give victim-impact statements at the trials of murderers.

For those who blame the parents, in my opinion, there are men who are determined to rape and kill a child. They bide their time and wait until they can find one to cull from the herd.

If they can't find one, like in the case of this child who was very available, they snatch one out of the comfort of her bed or porch in broad daylight. Where there's a will, there's a way. If Jenice weren't available, this perp would have waited and waited and if need be, grabbed one who WAS very well-attended. I honestly don't think the numbers of raped and murdered little girls would rise or fall depending on how careful parents supervision is. There are a number of them who will be killed to satisfy a specific number of sickos, and it would just make the sickos work harder - not give up - if children were better supervised. Keeping Jenice supervised wouldn't have saved a life, IMHO - although it would probably have saved her life at the expense of another.

(Keeps trying to remember the name of that adorable little 4 year old who was snatched off her front porch, playing with a 7 year old girl friend, in broad daylight. Summer? Samantha?)

Samantha Runnion. My neck of the woods. That murder absolutely killed me. She was one of the sweetest, most innocent children ever.

As a mother, as a grandmother, I am going to hold my tongue and simply see this as a learning experience. I will tell my daughters about this as a lesson for them to be vigilant in supervising and protecting my granddaughters.

Rest in paradise, little angel. I'm sorry you were not protected.

But given the stats for this kind of thing, such vigilance is probably not warranted. I know I keep saying that, I know it's an emotional subject and not what people want to or really can hear when discussing a horrific case like this, especially when the death of another baby has just smashed us in the gut, (and I also admit to being a hypocrite when I talk about this, because my behaviors and fears are similar to everyone else when it comes to this issue), but the facts are the facts. And the facts are this: More kids were not being killed during the 40's, 50's, 60's or 70's when kids like me were allowed to roam free everywhere, all the time.

Another beautiful, precious little girl gone at the hands of some of the scum of our society. Why is the murder only 2nd degree, when he kidnapped the girl, raped her, and killed her? Seems like it should be 1st degree murder to me and he should be tried as an adult. I wonder what kind of a family and life the 17 year old came from that would make him want to do something so horrible? We can't take our eyes off our children and grandchildren for a second in our society these days. My own daughter was molested by a church worship leader and girls' soccer coach, the father of her best friend. He molested his own daughter too. He got a felony conviction when we went to court. He pleaded no contest so the girls wouldn't have to testify but the charges were lowered a lot.

Things have not gotten worse in our country. They've kind of stayed about the same over the years, when it comes to these monstrous crimes.

But as parents, we needn't make it easy for the perp. Hmmm?

Because the risk of such a thing happening is so incredibly low, relatively speaking, we have more to worry about with lightening strikes, animal attacks, car and other accidents, cancer, etc., it's not like parents are serving them up for any perp to enjoy, when they allow them to play outside unsupervised.

Don't get me wrong - I'm paranoid and you'd never catch me allowing my baby to roam around for hours. I certainly dont' agree with allowing kids to be gone for hours and hours with no check-ins, etc.. But again, the risk of this kind of thing is just super, super low. It doesn't feel that way, but it is.

I don't mean to annoy everyone. But, I;m repeating this for two reasons: One, in defense of a family who made different choices than me and who are suffering incredibly right now. Two, because I have struggled with anxiety disorder all my life, used to be panic disorder (and agoraphobia as a teen for awhile), and so the culture of fear in our country especially, fear mongering in general, and misstated or misunderstood risks is something that is a huge sore spot for me because I think that being infused with unwarranted fears led to my problems and does the same to others.

So, I have to constantly combat irrational thought it my own mind and I challenge it when I see it sometimes in other areas, because it reaffirms for me that the world, although it has its significant problems, is not a fanged monster waiting to attack me. I guess I'm saying I repeat the truth about the things we discuss on here (also things like plane crashes, epidemics, the safety of the flu vaccine), because it helps me.

Finally, I like to make these points because my paranoia and my choices should not determine whether others are taking heedless risks or are making bad parenting decisions. I've learned to give others slack. I've learned that the upside to freedom from fear, to freedom in general, can be far greater than any risks associated with a freer mindset or lifestyle.
By definition:

"Sex Offenses - Non-forcible
Unlawful, non-forcible sexual intercourse.
A.Incest: Non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
B.Statutory Rape: Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent."

Those descriptions are using 'physical' force in their definitions. But all rapes are forced, even though some do not have physical force. Incest usually has some force involved, but by authority and dominance, but not necessarily at gunpoint.
By definition:

"Sex Offenses - Non-forcible
Unlawful, non-forcible sexual intercourse.
A.Incest: Non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
B.Statutory Rape: Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent."

That only means that violence wasn't used. Non Forcible sex offenses, within the law, also cover people are who paralyzed and can't fight back, as well as people with other disabilities, and those who cannot consent. That does not mean force wasn't used. There are different types of force that don't include a physical forcible compulsion.
Exactly. I roll my eyes when I hear that rape is about "power and control." Fact is, most rapist/child molesters have a type they go after. Obviously they go after someone they are sexually attracted to.

David Westerfield's rape of Danielle van Damme was not about control and power. He's been watching her out of his bathroom? window for who knows how long. He knew he was going to commit a violent act upon a seven year old little girl. Her parents were raked over the coals because one of them didn't check on Danielle during the night, and of their lifestyle because to save a like Westerfield. I go back and forth between did he think past raping her. The imprint of her little hand on the bedside console was heartbreaking.
Those descriptions are using 'physical' force in their definitions. But all rapes are forced, even though some do not have physical force. Incest usually has some force involved, but by authority and dominance, but not necessarily at gunpoint.

Well, I am talking about physical force.
Could you provide links to these controlled studies?

Sure, here's a link to just one of hundreds heavily notated papers on the topic:

Following the footnotes to actual studies is a good starting point to finding actual studies that have been referenced.

If you want to go freestyle, type some related search terms into google scholar. Here's some results for the keywords "rapist" + "profile",31&as_sdtp=
We all have different thoughts on the subject of rape. Please dont
get the board closed.. I feel we are all right in our own way.:loveyou:
potatoes13, I wish I had an answer for you. I live with my granddaughter,grandson in law, and grt.grandson.
I called them home one night from a movie because a tornado was around! We have buried our two children.
One at birth, one at 36yrs. I am scared to death. I finally left my son go to a movie with friends a matinee at age 11.
my fears will be with me the rest of my life. :loveyou:

I'm so sorry.

I was just told after briefing, 17-yr-old's stepdad was at home during the arrest. Mom was not home but is now talking to investigators.
4:42pm - 9 Aug 14

I'm still trying to catch up! It sounds like his parents had no idea of his involvement ahead of time (like Austin Sigg's mom turned him in). I can't imagine how shocking it was for the family when that knock on the door came, or for the mom who was informed during/after the arrest. I can't imagine how I'd tell someone to hurry home because their kid was getting arrested for murdering the little neighbor girl.

I feel badly for the (alleged) murder's family. They must feel awful that their son did this. I feel worse for Jenise and her loved ones, but I know I would be devastated if my child did something like this.
Nick McGurk ‏@NickKIRO7 1m

Family spokesperson says #JeniseWright killer could have been family friend Jenise played with often. Family is relieved suspect in custody
This is senseless.. The tragedy occurring to this baby is horrible, I raised 2 daughters in the country with no close neighbors. They were always outdoors I could hear them from inside riding 4wheelers all over the hills around our home,Yes i knew where they were I could hear them, but I did not sit and watch every move they made. Now I have grand kids 9 in fact.I will help raise them the same way. I still live way out in the country. One granddaughter rides horses more then 4wheelers( her choice and yes she does wear cowboy boots and shorts even to town) but I will not ride one step behind her all the time .But I pity any stranger who gets too close,between the dog who will take my arm off if I so much as tickle her and she screams, to the guns which I know how to use and would to protect any of them.
You Can't lock them indoors that's abuse its all about checks and balance, common sense and alot of prayers,But bashing anyone who has lost a child,,sorry not this old ladys style.
I was raped at 8. I didn't feel like I was being raped at 8. I gave the man consent to touch me and I touched him. I wanted someone to love me, I wanted to love someone. He made me feel safe.

At 11, I told him I didn't thinking him touch me was acceptable anymore. It stopped.

Was I raped? There was no force. I actually invited it because he loved me like I thought I wanted. Remember I was still 8.

No force, no violence. IT WAS STILL RAPE!
Any information on what Jenice's parents/family were doing from the time they woke up and found she was not home until 830 that night? This is just unbelievable! I don't understand it and don't accept this as appropriate behavior for a parent.
No. Parents have a duty to protect their children. If they were watching her and she had half hour check-ins or was to stay within sight of their home and something happened then that is different. So very, very different. I keep hearing that it could still happen even if she was watched and while that is true I think the likelihood is way smaller. Same as accidents happening less if a parent keeps an eye on their kid. Just because it happens sometimes when a parent does watch shouldn't mean all parents just give up and leave it to chance. Moo.

Whoo--eee -- do I remember that "directive"!! As long as I checked-in during the day when I was playing outside -- every 30--40 minutes or so, things were fine. But my mom said if she ever had to come looking for me, it was not going to be good. (I am old enuff to have been "switched" -- with a "switch" which is a very slender two-foot-long, not-big-enuff-to-be-a branch from a bush or shrub -- it never hurt or left a mark -- absolutely NOT abuse, but oh! would it sting my legs!) That's as bad as it ever got for me. But she never did have to look for me.

My little girlfriends were "directed" the same way, and all was always well. That's all most children need -- a good direction and to know that it would be enforced. Simple, and for me and my friends, we were always safe in our little neighborhood. And most children grow up to be parents with the same or similar ideas when they have children. We lucky ones, anyway. (I gave up the switches for time-outs for my son.)

I'll get off my soapbox now.

Rest in peace, little Janise. You will never be scared or hurt or made to drift around again.
I was raped at 8. I didn't feel like I was being raped at 8. I gave the man consent to touch me and I touched him. I wanted someone to love me, I wanted to love someone. He made me feel safe.

At 11, I told him I didn't thinking him touch me was acceptable anymore. It stopped.

Was I raped? There was no force. I actually invited it because he loved me like I thought I wanted. Remember I was still 8.

No force, no violence. IT WAS STILL RAPE!

I am so sorry you had to go through that. :( That's heartbreaking to hear. I'm glad he stopped. That takes a lot of strength to get through something like that.
FWIW I would hardly call the death of your child a "free pass." They have also lost custody (at least temporarily) of their other children. They will live with this for the rest of their lives and for me, that's a tremendous burden to bare.

Respectfully disagree with blaming the parents in totality for this situation.
I didnt mean they arent victims and havent suffered. I meant people shouldnt just turn a blind eye as if allowing a 6 year old to wander unsupervised is OK. Its not and Jenise suffered most...her family and community will suffer for years to come.

When does it become "not okay" to leave your minor child unattended? In my state, the age is 12. Any younger and the parents can be charged with neglect.

ETA: If the suspect is a family friend who often watched Jenise...not by default but because he was asked and trusted by her parents then IMO they are not responsible in any way...if she was abducted from her room..same. If he was given opportunity via her just wandering unsupervised then IMO that is wrong.
I was raped at 8. I didn't feel like I was being raped at 8. I gave the man consent to touch me and I touched him. I wanted someone to love me, I wanted to love someone. He made me feel safe.

At 11, I told him I didn't thinking him touch me was acceptable anymore. It stopped.

Was I raped? There was no force. I actually invited it because he loved me like I thought I wanted. Remember I was still 8.

No force, no violence. IT WAS STILL RAPE!

:hug: So sorry for what you had to endure.
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