Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #5 *Arrest*

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For its Uniform Crime Reports, the FBI defines rape as:

"Please note that this definition is rather graphic, which is inevitable when describing crimes this violent.
“Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."

Sexual assault victims may be forced through threats or physical means. In about 8 out of 10 sexual assaults, no weapon is used other than physical force. Anyone may be a victim of sexual assault: women, men or children, straight or gay."

Not sure why you defined incest and statutory rape. Neither pertain to this case.

The UCR is how the FBI collects data and performs statistical analysis. That's more than sufficient to put this discussion to rest - I hope :please:

ETA: the FBI definition (albeit graphic) is how the UCR is compiled. It is the foundation for local crime stats and how CJ & MH professionals conduct meta-analysis.

Frankly, as a two-time survivor (once as a minor and once as an adult), I'm not sure how constructive this continued discussion is to the thread. I don't need to see this argued out, when I've lived through it twice. I know what it is - and what it is NOT. truce:


I would be SO sad not to have this forum to continue to discuss and process everything that has happened today (and honestly since Day One) to Jenise. WS means a lot to me, and a closed thread would be awful...

I'm taking a break and walking away. Some people are here to argue, and others are experts at just about everything. I am neither.

The creep who raped and killed sweet little Jenise is a pedophile. I'm not sure why the definition of rape is being debated. The criminal in this case is clearly a sexual deviant. He's a child rapist and a child killer. There is no universe in which anything this person has done to Jenise is acceptable, let alone legal.
I was raped at 8. I didn't feel like I was being raped at 8. I gave the man consent to touch me and I touched him. I wanted someone to love me, I wanted to love someone. He made me feel safe.

At 11, I told him I didn't thinking him touch me was acceptable anymore. It stopped.

Was I raped? There was no force. I actually invited it because he loved me like I thought I wanted. Remember I was still 8.

No force, no violence. IT WAS STILL RAPE!

I was raped from the ages of 8 until an early teenager. I consented many of the times, and in the beginning no threats or physical violance was used. But I was absolutely forced every single time. That man took advantage of his relationship to me, his position in our family, his knowledge over my knowledge...every aspect of non physical/threatening forced was used, absolutely.
I am so sorry you had to go through that. :( That's heartbreaking to hear. I'm glad he stopped. That takes a lot of strength to get through something like that.

Thank you. It's made me a better person and a better mother. I wouldn't change my past. It has made me who I am.

I was just trying to point out, sometimes, rape isn't about violence or domination, especially with pedophiles.

I don't think this kid was a pedo, I just think he was looking for an opportunity to live out something that has been going on in his head for more years then we will ever understand.
Sexual violence may begin early in life. Researchers also found that among female rape victims surveyed, more than half (54 percent) were younger than age 18; 32.4 percent were ages 12–17; and 21.6 percent were younger than age 12 at time of victimization. [5]

About 44% of rape victims are under age 18. Three out of every twenty victims (15%) are under age 12. (Sex Offenses and Offenders. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997)
Seven percent of girls in grades five to eight and twelve percent of girls in grades nine through twelve and said they had been sexually abused. (Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Girls, 1998)
Three percent of boys in grades five through eight and five percent of boys in grades nine through twelve said they had been sexually abused. (Commonwealth Fund Survey of the Health of Adolescent Boys, 1998)
93% of juvenile sexual assault victims knew their attacker; 34.2% were family members and 58.7% acquaintances. Only seven percent of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim. (Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000)
In 1995, local child protective service agencies identified 126,000 children who were victims of either substantiated or indicated sexual abuse; of these, 75% were girls. Nearly 30% of child victims were between the ages of 4 and 7. (US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Maltreatment, 1995)
**** criminal justice-ch 3.pdf
I have a theory, which some her may be sick of, about why there are so many teens killing little children. THE PREMATURE SEXUALIZATION of children, through the 24/7 use of violent video games, R rated films, violence ridden tv shows, graphic internet content, and access to free *advertiser censored*.I think our little girls are hyper sexualized through what they see and the way fashion dictates they wear grown up clothing. And the older teens are in a constant state of frenzy through the constant barrage of violent, sexual images that are hard to escape.

When my brothers were young, they had to look at National Geographic and my Dad's hidden Playboy mags to get a hint of what a naked woman looks like. Those pictures are PG13 now. Most 11 and 12 yr olds have seen very graphic stuff on the internet and in films. Even if their parents try to shield them. But 16 and 17 yr olds have seen it all by that time. They get hyper-sexualized and they get desensitized to violence. That is a bad combination.

I can agree that all that kind of stuff does not help. But I cannot agree that is the source of what makes a monster like this.
I have been a member here a long time and I have to say this case has made me doubt why. So much judgment and innuendo it has made me sick.
I was raped from the ages of 8 until an early teenager. I consented many of the times, and in the beginning no threats or physical violance was used. But I was absolutely forced every single time. That man took advantage of his relationship to me, his position in our family, his knowledge over my knowledge...every aspect of non physical/threatening forced was used, absolutely.

It is so shocking how many victims there are on this thread alone. Hugs to you and all other victims.
Not all alone at age 6!!! My daughter is 13 and isn't allowed to travel anywhere all by herself. I'm a helicopter parent and proud of it because my daughter is alive and safe and I know where she is at all times! Walking home alone is NOT necessary to becoming an independent adult!!!

I agree 100%. Six year olds are very young and still quite babyish. My daughter (6 years old) is so dependent on me; I can't imagine sending her out the door to fend for herself and not care to check on her all day long. I mean, just today she cried twice: once because she couldn't get her sock on, and once because she thought we were out of toilet paper (we weren't). So the idea of her just going out and taking care of herself for a day is so foreign to me that I can't even begin to wrap my mind around it. Aside from the various dangers facing a kid left to their own devices, I wouldn't *want* my kid out roaming around because I love her and completely enjoy her company. What were her parents doing all day that they didn't even miss Jenise?
Without all the details, would it change anyone's mind about the patents blame if you found out the 17 year old took Jenice from her home at 4 in the morning and she was dead before the parents woke up?
It's possible their negligence had nothing to with it.
I realize it's unlikely but go with it.

Question was answered -- obviously.
I was raped from the ages of 8 until an early teenager. I consented many of the times, and in the beginning no threats or physical violance was used. But I was absolutely forced every single time. That man took advantage of his relationship to me, his position in our family, his knowledge over my knowledge...every aspect of non physical/threatening forced was used, absolutely.

Man. So many of us were victims of rape or another sort of violence at one point- maybe that's all of our common thread on here? That we just want it to stop. Especially to little kids. I'm glad they arrested this monster. I hope he can never hurt another soul so long as he lives.
Wrote a response, then put it aside.

Are we allowed to continue this discussion?

Apparently the killer could be a family friend per family's spokesperson.
I think many of us were right about the perp. He made himself known.
It is so shocking how many victims there are on this thread alone. Hugs to you and all other victims.

I wrote an anonymous article about it in high school and ended up saying I wrote it in one of my class when it was brought up.I swear half the class shared stories, some who had never told anyone before. It was really eye opening.

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Seventeen year old male. Six year old girl. There is nothing "minor" about this creep. Try him as an adult, string him to a tree and castrate him.

The good ole days of castration. If they brought that back, I wonder what would happen? It's cruel and unusual according the ACLU. ;)
I disagree with this idea that rape is about power and control that somehow sprouted in the 1970s. If that were true, victims would range from attractive to unattractive, old and young, male or female. The fact is, that rapists prefer a very specific target and it's usually young, attractive and female. It's about sex and violence. It's about having a fetish for violent sex. IMHO.

Jesus what??!!! I respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree. On behalf of every little boy too ashamed to tell, on behalf of every self- or other-described unattractive woman who thinks no one will believe her, for every elderly woman-and man- who has lain shaking with fear and self-hatred after being violated because of this ridiculous idea that only "young, attractive females" can be raped.

But people believe this drivel and that's huge factor in why many don't report rape. There's even a thread on WS about a man filing a police report about being raped by a group of women. Know where it was placed? In the Bizarre section.

I'd also like to see TOS address the issue of why everyone thinks it's okay to verbalized their hopes and dreams that a male perpetrator gets raped in prison.

It's rape. It's sexual violence. It can happen to anyone.

Anyone. God.
I was raped from the ages of 8 until an early teenager. I consented many of the times, and in the beginning no threats or physical violance was used. But I was absolutely forced every single time. That man took advantage of his relationship to me, his position in our family, his knowledge over my knowledge...every aspect of non physical/threatening forced was used, absolutely.

I am so sorry you had to go through that darlin'. I can relate and it does haunt. I understand how you feel like the 'influence' of violence or threat was there. I imagine it was terrifying.

I never felt that. When I said I was done, he stopped. (and promptly tried to hang himself in the barn, but that's another story). I never had any indication of violence to me, personally. I never felt forced. It was never violent. I was still 8-11, I was raped.

I do have guilt. It's too late at night and my therapist cost too much for me to talk about that right now.
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