Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #6 *Arrest*

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Wow, sorry but IMO there is something majorly off with his quick forgiveness. His little angel has only been gone a week from this earth and he's proclaiming that he can forgive her evil murderer/rapist? Way too premature if you ask me. And I hate to say this but early on after she first went missing, in his media interviews, him describing her as a "spoiled brat" rubbed me the wrong way. I almost got the impression that she annoyed him a great deal. He didn't, at least to me, seem all that upset/distraught/emotional/worried/stressed.....not like you'd generally expect a Daddy to be. Maybe he's not as emotionally affected by her loss and therefore it's easier to forgive because there's no more 'spoiled brat' to contend with. Sorry, just what I'm thinking and this is MOO, I could be wrong.

my speakers are not working so I could not listen to the "spoiled brat" interview and as much as I am irked by parents who refer to their kids as such I think he meant it as a misplaced affectionate term. He has to be aware that public sentiment was very,very negative towards him so to express forgiveness becomes a gracious gesture that somewhat affords him some grace. Many years ago when my kids were little they were allowed to roam pretty freely - we lived very rurally on an island - they were responsible and tended to be homebodies in the evening and yes - times were different but I still think there by the grace of god.......
Is WA a sunshine state like FL is with regards to legal documents and the publics right to access?

I was born and raised in Snohomish county up the Sound. Because of this, I read the local papers and news sites daily. I do see quite a bit of Freedom of Information Act stuff published on, mostly in regards to getting police dash cam tapes released to news organizations, etc. In my home county and in King county, the county governments aren't very forthcoming and have been in lawsuits with the KOMO. I don't know a lot about the Kitsap county government.
my speakers are not working so I could not listen to the "spoiled brat" interview and as much as I am irked by parents who refer to their kids as such I think he meant it as a misplaced affectionate term. He has to be aware that public sentiment was very,very negative towards him so to express forgiveness becomes a gracious gesture that somewhat affords him some grace. Many years ago when my kids were little they were allowed to roam pretty freely - we lived very rurally on an island - they were responsible and tended to be homebodies in the evening and yes - times were different but I still think there by the grace of god.......

someone have a link to the spoiled interview?

nvm found it
If his parents were there when LE came & asked for DNA/cheek swabs, I figured how could he refuse right in front of them? No excuses for him at all, but he was 17 y/o, still at least somewhat a "child" to them. No way he could say "No, I won't give one." Pressure, especially if his folks were assuming he had nothing to do with it.

The only other reason I could see was if he didn't understand how a cheek swab could be matched with anything he did (if he did it) to little JW.


Plus, everyone else was readily giving their samples so he knew he'd look sketchy if he DIDN'T. Maybe he hoped they would lose his sample. Maybe he gave it before her body was located and he had some misguided hope that he hid her well enough and that by the time they found her, there would be no DNA to find. Hard to say. But I agree that if his parents were present when they requested his sample, he was between a rock and a hard place. I feel the same way about him attending the vigil, and I don't think its that shocking that he went. If his whole family went (I don't know either way), but he didn't want to go, that would probably seem odd to them. If all his friends and members of the community were there, he probably assumed his presence would be missed if he didn't make an appearance. He was just trying to maintain the status quo and pretend everything was fine.
I want a link please. Where is all this forgiveness stuff coming from? I am not seeing it in MSM, so where is it coming from, please?

my speakers are not working so I could not listen to the "spoiled brat" interview and as much as I am irked by parents who refer to their kids as such I think he meant it as a misplaced affectionate term. He has to be aware that public sentiment was very,very negative towards him so to express forgiveness becomes a gracious gesture that somewhat affords him some grace. Many years ago when my kids were little they were allowed to roam pretty freely - we lived very rurally on an island - they were responsible and tended to be homebodies in the evening and yes - times were different but I still think there by the grace of god.......

You really need to listen to it when you get a chance. It's absolutely bizarre. It wasn't used in a loving affectionate way. At all. He almost seemed angry with her. The whole interview have me the heebie jeebies and I hope CPS, therapists and LE work out whatever family issues there are before sending the minor children back to the home. Something is very off there. Might not be murder, but something.

IMO and all that
my speakers are not working so I could not listen to the "spoiled brat" interview and as much as I am irked by parents who refer to their kids as such I think he meant it as a misplaced affectionate term. He has to be aware that public sentiment was very,very negative towards him so to express forgiveness becomes a gracious gesture that somewhat affords him some grace. Many years ago when my kids were little they were allowed to roam pretty freely - we lived very rurally on an island - they were responsible and tended to be homebodies in the evening and yes - times were different but I still think there by the grace of god.......

some parents are like that! ((others who don't really know the family ''don't get it'' and can leap to conclusions)) I've witnessed it a thinking of fishing & logging towns especially. People love their kids but they are bit rough around the edges KWIM
ITA with everything you said. The "spoiled brat" comment really bothered me too. That is not a loving statement.

One of my dear friends theorizes that parents of missing/murdered children who appear very suspicious but turn out to be innocent of any involvement in what happened to their child either 1) relish the attention or 2) are secretly relieved to be rid of the "problem" child.

You may well be on to something.

This is cruel towards people that are real and have had a part of their very beating hearts ripped from them.

Maybe he was just caught off guard and are in the spotlight and with all the things running through his mind to describe her, that's just what came out. I thought at the time he was a little exasperated like he had perhaps convinced himself she was just hiding...I thought it was a candid comment "she's a spoiled brat" I took it to mean "We cater to her and give her more freedom than we should have, and we're dying inside, and desperately want her back"....but all that came out is "she's a spoiled brat" And the producer of the report chose the portion he or she wanted to.
There are no classes on "what not to say when your 6 year old disappears and all your deepest darkest secrets are exposed by reporters, and the internet will be taking apart every syllable." I just find the attitude towards this dad horrible -

I think the anger belongs solely to a 17 year old that will be charged tomorrow.
Yeah I do understand that. I can only hope that I would be able to do this. It just seems so soon. I feel like I would still be numb at this point.

I'm not going to tell people how they should or should not grieve, but I'll be honest and say I'm shocked to hear that he was off speaking at church so soon. Was his wife and kids there? I don't know... it just seems odd. They didn't attend the vigil for their daughter, so I'm just surprised that they would be anywhere speaking in public. I am pretty sure I would still be sedated in a hospital.
I'm going to close this thread for the night. It's a good time to take a break, I think and tomorrow morning is Monday, so there won't be much time for clean up while everyone is trying to get ready for work.

One of the early mods will open in the morning for everybody. It should be an interesting day given that the perp is scheduled for his first hearing.

Here's hoping he is charged as an adult.

Google says it's 5:25am in Bremerton. It's 10:25pm here in Aus so looks like I will miss all the action by the time it's 3pm there!
if the fatal event occurred in either the home or the auto by the named insured or their minor children there would be damages payable (death of JW)

There have legal opinions posted that say if the act is intentional, then no payment.
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