Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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I agree that it IS really sick, but please bear in mind the intentional sexual exploitation of younger and younger models, actresses, etc., in advertising, movies, videos, gaming, etc. This plants a seed in a young person's head (or an older person's head, for that matter). It's evil, it's wicked, it's taboo and everyone with a half of a moral knows it, but it's there all the same and getting more brazen all the time. Like the old saying goes "garbage in - garbage out". Obviously this doesn't mean everyone exposed to the sexual exploitation of younger people is going to become a pervert or a killer, but it does mean it's becoming more normalized and there are MANY arguing for lowering the age of consent or wiping it out all together, and removing "pedophilia" from the medical journals as a mental illness classification, and RE classifying it as "alternative sexual orientation". It's not something anyone really wants to think about, but it's out there all the same.

I do agree with all of that, but what I took more issue with is that the OP stated that a 17 yr old male would take an interest in anything. That's not true, and there was a tone there (perhaps inferred incorrectly on my part) that suggested it was normal. It's not normal for anyone, 17 yr old male or not, to become aroused by "anything", be it a 6 year old child or not. :gaah:
BREMERTON, Wash. - Bail was set at $1 million for 17-year-old for Gabriel Zebediah Gaeta, who will be charged as an adult in the death of 6-year-old Jenise Wright.

Gaeta appeared in a Kitsap County courtroom on Monday. Jenise Wright's parents and Gaeta's parents were in the courtroom, sitting about 10 feet from each other.

Gaeta is facing murder and rape charges with "aggravating" circumstances - trying to conceal a crime, sexual motivation and vulnerable victim.

Gaeta was booked Saturday. Court documents say Gaeta "clearly nodded yes" when asked if he was the only one involved.

The documents say Jenise Wright's body was found Thursday, covered by a wood pallet and almost fully submerged in a muddy bog. It appeared that her body was moved between a half-hour and three hours after she died, according to the probable-cause statement.

Court records say the 6-year-old died of blunt-force trauma to the head, and there was evidence she was strangled.

Earlier in the week, searchers discovered Jenise's underwear and shorts in a heavily wooded area near the mobile-home park.

Authorities say forensic evidence analyzed by the Washington state crime lab linked the clothing to Gaeta's DNA. During the investigation, the sheriff's office collected DNA cheek swabs from dozens of nearby residents, including Gaeta.

Detectives interviewed the teen Saturday, during which time he nodded yes when the detective asked whether he was the only one involved, according to court documents. Authorities then served a search warrant on his home and found evidence, including a blood- and mud-covered shirt and a bloody towel in Gaeta's bedroom.
I did not see this video of the probable cause hearing posted anywhere. My apologies if duplicate.

Probable Cause Hearing

(click the second video in this sequence, the actual url is not working).
IMO, a 17 y/o male (not meant as sexist, but I think it's more male than female) has sexual interest in almost anything. Certainly, good-looking & well-built females and maybe a couple of males, whether he's gay or straight). I've heard it called, "anything in a skirt." And guys of that age do a lot of talking, and have some wild dreams & fantasies which are boosted by media, TV, films, TV ads, etc., etc. I don't necessarily think some 17 y/o's (emphasis on "some" and 17 y/o) would think looking at a 10- or a 6-y/o and getting aroused would be that odd. It doesn't take much.

Certainly some young men might worry or wonder about it, because IMO it prolly isn't considered normal anywhere by anybody, but do teens hear this kind of thing anywhere? In school? At church, temple or mosque, from parents? -- I doubt it. And even if they did, so much of what kids see now is just all over the place with sex, sex, sex & violence, too.


I think you are saying that if boys or girls do have these urges than they don't have anywhere to go for help? Is that right?
I agree that it IS really sick, but please bear in mind the intentional sexual exploitation of younger and younger models, actresses, etc., in advertising, movies, videos, gaming, etc. This plants a seed in a young person's head (or an older person's head, for that matter). It's evil, it's wicked, it's taboo and everyone with a half of a moral knows it, but it's there all the same and getting more brazen all the time. Like the old saying goes "garbage in - garbage out". Obviously this doesn't mean everyone exposed to the sexual exploitation of younger people is going to become a pervert or a killer, but it does mean it's becoming more normalized and there are MANY arguing for lowering the age of consent or wiping it out all together, and removing "pedophilia" from the medical journals as a mental illness classification, and RE classifying it as "alternative sexual orientation". It's not something anyone really wants to think about, but it's out there all the same.

It has become a sexualized society that I hate so much..still doesn't rise to the fact that a 17 y/o teen would rape a 6 y/o child.

It appears to me he had the propensity for teen would just out of the blue take a child that he knew so well and rape/murder her...

I hope to hear those details of why....not that it matters but I like to get inside the mind of those like this...SMH
Right! But, OP stated that "a 17 yo male has sexual interest in almost anything". Very, very dangerous and sick mentality IMO.

And it almost goes along with the argument that boys are somehow unable to control their urges. Which then leads into the whole, "Boys will be boys excuse". It's a long slippery slope.

Boys can control their urges and from what I've witnessed, them wanting to stick it to everything that walks is the furthest thing from the truth.
Right! But, OP stated that "a 17 yo male has sexual interest in almost anything". Very, very dangerous and sick mentality IMO.

I think if you edit the rest and focus on this piece out then it reads differently. She is only responding to someone who has pedophilic urges. Not grouping adolescence as a whole.
The father of Jenise Wright and his past is off limits. You've been warned over and over about this subject. Timeouts begin from this point on.


This includes his work history, etc. Also, no sleuthing of GG's family either.
another thing that struck me when reading the PCW was that GG placed some sort of luggage or computer tote atop the pallet he used to cover little Jenise's body. Where did the tote come from? Was it his or just something he happened to find laying in or near the boggy area he left her in?
I'm getting my butt kicked by a kidney stone and way behind, is there anything new?
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another thing that struck me when reading the PCW was that GG placed some sort of luggage or computer tote atop the pallet he used to cover little Jenise's body. Where did the tote come from? Was it his or just something he happened to find laying in or near the boggy area he left her in?

It is not referring to those items listed, it is referring to a strap found that could have fit one of those items. A strap was found.
It is nothing more than a copout excuse to me. So what if they were abused as a child? Millions of children suffer the same fate each year and never harm another child or anyone else for that matter. Many childhood abuse survivors post on this site including myself.

Of course they want everyone to believe the abuse that happened years ago made them do it. Most are trying to get out of going to prison for life or get out of going to death row.

If prior childhood abuse was a trigger to make someone do something this hideous then our criminal justice system wouldn't be able to house all of the defendants.

Abuse is just an excuse to try and blame someone else for their own chosen wicked acts.

I agree that abuse should NOT be used as an excuse...

But family history is a useful tool when attempting to profile future pedophiles (future behaviors in anyone, for that matter)... So for scientific/sociological/psychological reasons... IMO... It is important to ascertain any correlations between abuse and deviant behaviors...

all... JMO...
I agree that abuse should NOT be used as an excuse...

But family history is a useful tool when attempting to profile future pedophiles (future behaviors in anyone, for that matter)... So for scientific/sociological/psychological reasons... IMO... It is important to ascertain any correlations between abuse and deviant behaviors...

all... JMO...

Agreed. There is a difference between a reason and an excuse. As long as reasons don't morph into excuses than I think reasons should be looked at. It helps us understand and potentially prevent the behavior.
IMO, a 17 y/o male (not meant as sexist, but I think it's more male than female) has sexual interest in almost anything. Certainly, good-looking & well-built females and maybe a couple of males, whether he's gay or straight). I've heard it called, "anything in a skirt." And guys of that age do a lot of talking, and have some wild dreams & fantasies which are boosted by media, TV, films, TV ads, etc., etc. I don't necessarily think some 17 y/o's (emphasis on "some" and 17 y/o) would think looking at a 10- or a 6-y/o and getting aroused would be that odd. It doesn't take much.

Certainly some young men might worry or wonder about it, because IMO it prolly isn't considered normal anywhere by anybody, but do teens hear this kind of thing anywhere? In school? At church, temple or mosque, from parents? -- I doubt it. And even if they did, so much of what kids see now is just all over the place with sex, sex, sex & violence, too.


I don't want to put words in your mouth but I think I understand what you're trying to say and I've bolded the sections that stood out to me.

Due to the fact that we have 3.5 teenagers living at home at once (our youngest is 11 going on 19) hubby and I have conversations on a regular basis with them about boundaries, what is acceptable, what is inappropriate, etc. Especially because of what they all see online, all the time. Where you say a 17yr old male has a sexual interest in "almost anything", I think what you're alluding to is how biologically, it is very easy for a boy to become physically aroused. As hubby has put it, for some teenage boys, all it takes is a stiff breeze. This doesn't mean boys are sexually attracted to wind, it just means that physically this stuff can happen and in many cases it's actually rather embarrassing for them.

You say that you don't think for SOME boys, a child causing those thoughts or feelings would be that odd. I can't stand to admit it, but due to the amount of cases where it was a teenage boy and a young child, I believe you are right. For some (and thankfully it's still the minority, and thankfully it's not always acted upon), it's not odd at all. I think case files prove that yes, for SOME, this is true.

Of course it's not "normal" and yes I suspect those boys worry about it and try to hide it because it is not acceptable behavior in our society but the sad fact is, the visual messages they see online and in movies, etc., doesn't help reinforce a positive attitude. It simply validates their abnormal thoughts and feeds them.
1. Are there mosquitos and other biting insects in that area?

2. Are there snakes?

3. Was there a clearing or level ground where he could do the unthinkable?

4. Him entering her had to be incredibly painful. No one heard her screaming?

5. I don't feel it happened there outside.

6. But where did he do it undetected?

4. Unless she was already deceased.
Okay, I'm going to throw this out there, just some profile / psychological brainstorming from last night. Not saying this is the case, just thinking out loud:

Based on some of GG's comments I've read online, which I don't think are linkable here, it seems to me he was aware of religious texts (as he quoted some things from the Bible--7 Deadly Sins, etc). If this is the case, and he had what might be considered to be impure thoughts (say, homosexual feelings while wrestling), this might have been quite an internal struggle for him. So, he tries to deny these feelings, etc, and tries to have a girlfriend, etc, but still can't get past his "impurities" (maybe he even had trouble functioning sexually in a heterosexual relationship) he is angry at women...we've seen this in some serial killers.
:) thank you. This case just hits way too close to home for me. I had to blog about it yesterday since there were just too many thoughts to share here. The pajamas/shorts thing got me at first until I realized not everyone puts their kids to bed in their jammies. A good reminder to me not to base my opinions on "what I would do".

I think that's something most of us do. I try hard not to base my opinions on what I would do but it can't be helped sometimes especially with something so heartbreaking.
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