Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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By the looks of it, no one could have predicted that there was a sociopathic 17 year old in the MHP. It seemed like a very safe place. Much safer than if she were in an urban area. That coupled with the presence of her older siblings, I don't understand the harping on her family here.

Before someone says "the neighbor warned him to stay away from her daughter" please note that i understand this but I think people always say things like that after the fact. THere is always one who is like "I knew he was a creep"

I hoenstly don't think people are harping on the family. Heck, I wouldn't want to be them...ever. No one would.

I just don't think it's harping to recognize that nowhere in the world is safe for a young child's wherabouts to be unaccounted 24 hours. That could pertain to a caregiver, parent, whoever is in charge of the child. You are exactly right, it's impossible to know who could or could not be dangerous. Especially, when you feel like you know someone. That is precisely why a child should not be missing for 24 hours before being reported, and the reason should not be because that is normal.

Look, that monster killed her. It's HIS fault, and he will be held responsible. With that said, it's not wrong to say the parents might have really dropped the ball on accounting for a caring for their child. The other children were removed and stayed that way after a hearing. I think the specifics of this situation deserves a CPS investigation, and I don't feel like I'm beating down the parents to say so.
Growing up in western Washington myself, I can tell you that if it wasn't raining, we were outside whether we wanted it or not. Our parents thought it was good for us to have fresh air and play outside. Compared to my friends, I had strict parents and couldn't cross the main street without an adult but I still never checked in if I was at a neighbor's house.
That trailer is tiny. It is hard to imagine that no one would notice if he came in the middle of the night.

And I imagine there would be a lot of things to navigate around in the middle of the night in the dark. After all, 6 people lived there with clothes, shoes, toys, furniture and what else?

I agree. After my grandmother retired, she bought a two bedroom, single wide. You couldn't walk down the hall without the glass knick-knacks on the shelves clinking together. You definitely could hear the front door opening, and shutting, and people coming & going. You could hear almost everything between the thin walls. I don't see how she left without anyone hearing her, or how someone went in, and snatched her without waking anyone up. jmo
I grew up in the Twin Cities. Small suburb. Both of my parents worked. I had an older sibling who was 3 years older. We would be outside every day that the sun was out in summer time. Since as far back as I can remember. I seriously doubt that my parents would notice if I was gone for a whole day. Why? were they terrible parents? No. But they were trusting. Of me. Of my community. Of my neighbors. Never in a million years would they dream of this happenng.
Growing up in western Washington myself, I can tell you that if it wasn't raining, we were outside whether we wanted it or not. Our parents thought it was good for us to have fresh air and play outside. Compared to my friends, I had strict parents and couldn't cross the main street without an adult but I still never checked in if I was at a neighbor's house.

So indoor games the other 360 days?
I think the wording of "did not report her missing for 24 hours" is not really what happened. She was reported missing within a couple hours of the family realizing that no one in the family had heard from her all day. During those couple hours family went door to door which led to additional neighbors searching, which led to the missing child phone call. Whether parents made the call or a neighbor made the call does not matter too much to me in that the parents could have been crying and unable to speak at that point, or a neighbor might have just made the decision while parents were still frantically searching the neighborhood.

She was last seen 24 hours (plus or minus) prior to the missing child report.

So it is not that they waited 24 hours to file. They searched for a couple hours, then the call was made.

Do you happen to have a link?

In every article I've read, it clearly says they last saw her Saturday night and called authorities on Sunday night.

Just wondering if I missed something?
I grew up in the Twin Cities. Small suburb. Both of my parents worked. I had an older sibling who was 3 years older. We would be outside every day that the sun was out in summer time. Since as far back as I can remember. I seriously doubt that my parents would notice if I was gone for a whole day. Why? were they terrible parents? No. But they were trusting. Of me. Of my community. Of my neighbors. Never in a million years would they dream of this happenng.

Those days are long gone, We spent summers at the lake. Age 8. Gone all day building rafts and going down the lake. No life jacket.

My friends and I marvel. Even though we were raised that way, we know darn well there were plenty of close calls when we were growing up where only by luck did we survive. And we would never in one million years tell the parents.

In town, there was a horrible neighbor boy who came from a rich family. Dysfunctional, now I know. But he chased me with a knife one day. I was a really fast runner and got away. Never ever told my parents.

Or the time I was waiting for a city bus with my friend. When she got on, a car came and chased me, but I knew how to run through yards where they could not drive. That would have been the day I told my parents! Not! They would have not let me out at night with friends,

Other stuff, but you get the idea
2012 yes but how about 2014, do we know? Did his success record climb or was it dropping over the years and how did he rank on the state level? I am just wondering if maybe his wins were not up to where he wanted them to be in order to achieve the state wrestling champ title. Maybe he was a perfectionist and couldn't handle it, in addition to having an attraction to young girls.

Just speculating.

Even though he excels in wrestling, something tells me his academic record isn't the best IYKWIM. JMO
It almost looks to me that he wanted her to be found.
Way to much evidence left in plain sight.
Do you happen to have a link?

In every article I've read, it clearly says they last saw her Saturday night and called authorities on Sunday night.

Just wondering if I missed something?

I don't think we missed anything :waitasec:

According to court records

She was last seen by her father Saturday, August 2nd at 2200 and reported missing Sunday, August 3 at 2153. Now somebody please check my math, but isn't that 23 hours and 53 minutes went by between when Jenise was seen and when she was reported missing?
I'm one of six kids. During the summer, we would get up, have breakfast, get dressed and go outside. Staying in the house wasn't an option. And my mother locked the door behind us so she could have some peace and quiet without the six of us running in and out all day, banging the door, letting in flies, and tattling on one another.

We were called in for lunch, then sent back outside. We were called in for dinner, then we had to stay in the rest of the night.

My mom did not stand on the front porch and watch us. We rode our bikes, went to our friends, played with our siblings. As the oldest, I had to keep an eye on the rest of them.

If she called for us, we'd better come arunnin' or there would be hell to pay.

Mom didn't worry about someone taking us. I think she believed no one would want us. LOL Or if they took us, they'd bring us back.

She also use to leave the 6 of us in the car while she went shopping.

And she wasn't a bad, horrible parent, it was a different mentality back then. FWIW
When is the autopsy being done? Will that be made public before trial? Probably not, right?

Good questions, Schmaley -- also my own!

Hoping someone local there will know -- Approximately how long does it take for a criminal trial to begin after an arrest?

This, of course, varies from state to state... In NC (please excuse, but it's all I know), it takes about 2 years in a county with a fairly large (pop 500,000 -- 700,000+). I was wondering about this earlier today. If there is a trial...

And, again in NC (Ack!), a MSM-published Autopsy Report is so difficult to get -- (maybe it's a Southern thing, IDK), and often they are sealed for 30--60 days, if you can find 'em at all. And I wonder, since it is a child's A/R, will we see it at all? 'Scuse the pessimism & doubt -- it's not at all a slam on the state of WA nor WA's MSM. I've been impressed by both.

Just wondering...

I'm one of six kids. During the summer, we would get up, have breakfast, get dressed and go outside. Staying in the house wasn't an option. And my mother locked the door behind us so she could have some peace and quiet without the six of us running in and out all day, banging the door, letting in flies, and tattling on one another.

We were called in for lunch, then sent back outside. We were called in for dinner, then we had to stay in the rest of the night.

My mom did not stand on the front porch and watch us. We rode our bikes, went to our friends, played with our siblings. As the oldest, I had to keep an eye on the rest of them.

If she called for us, we'd better come arunnin' or there would be hell to pay.

Mom didn't worry about someone taking us. I think she believed no one would want us. LOL Or if they took us, they'd bring us back.

She also use to leave the 6 of us in the car while she went shopping.

And she wasn't a bad, horrible parent, it was a different mentality back then. FWIW

Yeah, the key phrase being 'back then'
But didn't they wait over 24 hours (What was it, 26?) to report her...because she was known to be out? Even if she slept 12 hours, there is a whole half a day where no one saw her.

I don't think it's greatly exaggerated, because they waited a day to report her, because they were used to it. That sounds like a child who was almost never supervised, if it was not worrisome after hours and hours that she had not been seen or returned home.

ETA: "Her parents did not report her missing for nearly 24 hours because she had previously wandered the mobile home park with family members and friends."

I'm going to paraphrase Salem from last night here. There have been ongoing discussions about the parents' supervision of the minor children and also of which minor children were where during the day, if Jenise was being supervised.

Salem said that at this time we are keeping this off the table. When the case with CPS is settled, if the parents are denied their children's return, things may change. At this time, all minor children are with relatives out of the area and we are sticking with MSM only. Continued discussion of this topic doesn't serve Jenise's case as we do have an arrest in this case.
Is there any more links regarding the possible BK sighting beside the CNN transcript? As I said last night if that sighting was true then the timeline will make more sense to me. I do not think LE has told the whole story and they don't have too. Right now the timeframe window of not knowing where she was is too big
What I cannot get over in this scenario is why strangulation and head injuries . To keep /kill a five year old quiet ...I would expect smothering unfortunately. why why rage?

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Probably because she wasn't very accepting of his actions; like he believed she would be. Once she threatened to tell on him the second he let go of her, it was all over for Jenice. This guy was delusional in his thinking, and he had crossed some weird boundary between reality and fantasy.

If he was as close to the family as has been reported, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that in the past Jenice had said "I love you" to GG. He most likely told her the same thing, and so back and forth it went, no one in the family thinking it was anything but sweet. Most of us would understand what a child would mean in that context. I don't think Gabe saw it in the same way, he took it as "I love you and I want you", such as in a relationship context.

When he stripped her down and began the sexual advances, it probably became pretty damn apparent that he had gotten it all wrong. By that time though, it was too late to turn back the clock, and she had to be silenced. The rage you referred to was due to frustration at being wrong, and her rejection of him as it was happening. He was basically blaming her for everything going wrong, thus the beating and strangling.

I don't think it would be very hard to choke the life out of a six year old, especially by someone with his size and strength. He was in a rage because he had been rejected by his secret fantasy girl.
Yeah, the key phrase being 'back then'

I imagine that MHP was like a little village, a very small community, where people lived for years, knew each other well and trusted their neighbors. I imagine they all looked out for one another. And as I said before, Jenise not being the first child, but one down the line, probably made a difference of how she was treated. The parents had learned the ropes by then, pretty much knew the neighborhood, and I see Jenise as being what I would call a "camp kid." It's a term I used with my kids when they were little and we went camping. They would go where they wanted to go, play, swim, climb, do all sorts of fun activities but come back when they wanted something. We camped a lot with family and my kids were always with one of the relatives doing something, eating something or sleeping someone else.

What people have described Jenise as being, is my idea of a camp kid.
Speculation, but I was thinking rage came as a look what you made me do. I know far too many that it's never their fault, believing they were the victim of circumstance regardless that their actions trigger situation to begin with.

What I cannot get over in this scenario is why strangulation and head injuries . To keep /kill a five year old quiet ...I would expect smothering unfortunately. why why rage?

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