By the looks of it, no one could have predicted that there was a sociopathic 17 year old in the MHP. It seemed like a very safe place. Much safer than if she were in an urban area. That coupled with the presence of her older siblings, I don't understand the harping on her family here.
Before someone says "the neighbor warned him to stay away from her daughter" please note that i understand this but I think people always say things like that after the fact. THere is always one who is like "I knew he was a creep"
I hoenstly don't think people are harping on the family. Heck, I wouldn't want to be them...ever. No one would.
I just don't think it's harping to recognize that nowhere in the world is safe for a young child's wherabouts to be unaccounted 24 hours. That could pertain to a caregiver, parent, whoever is in charge of the child. You are exactly right, it's impossible to know who could or could not be dangerous. Especially, when you feel like you know someone. That is precisely why a child should not be missing for 24 hours before being reported, and the reason should not be because that is normal.
Look, that monster killed her. It's HIS fault, and he will be held responsible. With that said, it's not wrong to say the parents might have really dropped the ball on accounting for a caring for their child. The other children were removed and stayed that way after a hearing. I think the specifics of this situation deserves a CPS investigation, and I don't feel like I'm beating down the parents to say so.