Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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Jenise's parents have previously said that GG was like family to them.

And I found the article quote. We don't know what loss he is referring to. The loss of his child, the loss of Gabe...that is the problem without having a direct transcript of the entire conversation versus a news article that is a composition of statements, not necessarily in chronological order and not necessarily everything said.

<<When asked about the arrest of neighbor Gabe Gaeta, &#8220;It&#8217;s over. It&#8217;s closure now we need to start to heal. Who knows how long that&#8217;s going to take?&#8221; said Jim Wright.
The Wright&#8217;s considered Gaeta a friend, he&#8217;d been in their home, even eaten dinner with them. Jim Wright said it is betrayal he didn&#8217;t see coming. &#8220;A family member infiltrating our family and creating harm. It&#8217;s much deeper than the harm done itself from the loss,&#8220; Wright said.>>

I can read this both ways. The hurry to get on with it and heal is odd to me. It just happened two seconds ago, it's ok not go right back to normal. That is part of healing actually, you need to take time to process before you react in any definite way. There seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in actions and thoughts all over this case, so much so that I cannot take anything that is being said literally. It's like when you talk to a sociopath (not the referencing the quote above, but the circumstances of the case) and they talk in circles and you get to a place where you forget what the initial conversation was about. By then you just want to give up and nod and say "ok..ok..." can we just forget I even cared to ask? But you walk away very frustrated. That's how I feel right now, about this, anyway. So much seems obvious, but yet there are no answers yet to explain the gaps. & there are gaps.
Anyone know why it says murder 1 twice?


Also the jail roster for bookings the last 72 hours hasn't been updated since 12:05 am 8/14/14, so no idea if someone was attested for the car arson.

My guess would be that one of them is for the murder and the other is for a death/murder while committing a felony.
I am not sure if I may comment on this .. if not, mods, edit away!

Since JW's father commented during an interview that she is a "spoiled brat", gets her way, siblings don't like it, etc., I suspect JW's demeanor was the same even outside the home and therefore, some of those with whom she hung around with may hold the same opinion. Older kids 'tolerating' a six year old hanging around, etc. Of course, when it would come down to it, no one *really* disliked JW, we can be sure they probably cared for her and, I know for a fact per SM that some referred to JW as being their "little sister" in a sense.

Now, is it possible that GG found it 'easy' to do what he did to JW, based on the typical teen banter he would hear now and then (and perhaps knew that JW's father thought she was a "spoled brat"), that JW was a 'pain' or 'she's always' bothering us' or some such verbiage, and his self-justification was that he was doing everyone a favor and might come out of this a hero? Yes, a sick scenario of thought but I am attempting to determine how a seventeen year old described as being a 'shy, quiet kid' in social situations whom apparently has never given rise for anyone to suspect he could be capable of such a crime .. came about to actually commit such a crime.

Was it a purely sexual motivation, or are there other factors involved, such as the speculation above?

Yes, it wasn't just the father who seemed to resent her enough to add insults while speaking to media about his missing daughter. A teen neighbor was in the media saying Jenise was annoying, too. I understand saying that about kids laughingly to someone when they are safe and sound but it really was shocking that in such a short paragraph describing a missing 6 year old for the public that there was even one who did let alone two.

I have the sinking feeling she was liked more once gone, in memory than when she was there.
Oh, and one more thing... my sweet little 5 1/2 year old boy still needs to hold my hand to go to sleep. He's not old enough to be on his own for any amount of time. The law says so! If I leave him home alone, I will go to jail. Unless you have someone designated to be responsible for your young child, you are held responsible. It is not bashing anyone, it is law. It is not a matter of opinion, it is law!

And thank you for this. This made me tear up. I get it.
(o/t, speaking of supervision, etc---it bothers me bc my friend lets his small boys ride around on their bikes unsupervised (ages 5 and 8).)
I can read this both ways. The hurry to get on with it and heal is odd to me. It just happened two seconds ago, it's ok not go right back to normal. That is part of healing actually, you need to take time to process before you react in any definite way. There seems to be a lot of hypocrisy in actions and thoughts all over this case, so much so that I cannot take anything that is being said literally. It's like when you talk to a sociopath (not the referencing the quote above, but the circumstances of the case) and they talk in circles and you get to a place where you forget what the initial conversation was about. By then you just want to give up and nod and say "ok..ok..." can we just forget I even cared to ask? But you walk away very frustrated. That's how I feel right now, about this, anyway. So much seems obvious, but yet there are no answers yet to explain the gaps. & there are gaps.

And his words were "now we need to start to heal". I doubt that he means that they need to get back to normal. Just that they need to start to heal.
Good question. Gitana, yoo hoo, where are you.

Also, good to have the next court date info.

August 28, 2014 at 1:30 pm I wonder if they'll allow camera this time.

Could the Manslaughter charge have already been changed to a definite Murder 1?
BBM I think there were probably a few reasons that GG targeted Jenise. I am so limited as to what I can say on here as far as MOO, but I think he probably picked up on some cues as to why he thought he could get away with the abuse. And possibly had in the past, who knows?

yep,ITA :(
My "Uncle" who was my Dad's best friend committed suicide when I was younger.
He was wanted by the cops for raping his stepson for years.
His wife (my Mom's best friend and my "Aunt") found the pictures.

That was an enormous blow to my Dad, because he "considered him family" and trusted him.
This man was my Godfather, my brother's Godfather, my Dad's best friend in the entire world.

He was my Uncle, far more than my Dad's brother who I met a few times in my whole life.
His ex wife, my "Aunt" is still very much in my life... far more than my 2 remaining biological Aunt's on my Mom's side. :twocents:

Most of the people I refer to as Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins... have NO biological relation to me.
That happens when you have a really crappy biological family and look for others to fill that roll.

I certainly understand what he means by the betrayal when it's someone you "considered family." :dunno:
I guess I'm not a super literal person. I see that exact quote to mean that the insider killing her was worse than just her death. See, it's just interpretation. I don't think anybody is trying to spin him one way or another purposely. I'm a "glass half full" kind of person so I look for the positive. Others are literal, others look for the worst.
I agree. I'm not trying to spin his words in the least. I just think he's a poor communicator. *shrugs* To each their own.
And his words were "now we need to start to heal". I doubt that he means that they need to get back to normal. Just that they need to start to heal.

Ok, but to me, the bolded part (BBM), leading up to "we need to start to heal" says a lot. It is really over? Closure already? This is what I meant. Everyone heals differently, but taking some time before you decide that it is now "over & time to start to heal" is always a good idea. But I can't say anything having to do with a certain subject on here so I cannot elaborate. Which I understand for purposes of an objective discussion.

<<When asked about the arrest of neighbor Gabe Gaeta, &#8220;It&#8217;s over. It&#8217;s closure now we need to start to heal. Who knows how long that&#8217;s going to take?&#8221; said Jim Wright.
The Wright&#8217;s considered Gaeta a friend, he&#8217;d been in their home, even eaten dinner with them. Jim Wright said it is betrayal he didn&#8217;t see coming. &#8220;A family member infiltrating our family and creating harm. It&#8217;s much deeper than the harm done itself from the loss,&#8220; Wright said.>>
I'm lost....what family member infiltrated his family? Sounds like espionage or something.....

I think he is talking about the one he decided to mentor to become a fine upstanding member of the community. But it would seem I'm wrong.
And his words were "now we need to start to heal". I doubt that he means that they need to get back to normal. Just that they need to start to heal.

I dont think things will ever be normal, but for the sake of the other sibilings they have to move forward and heal.

my husband brother drowned when he was 15 My husband was 11 there was 3 younger siblings,. it was really rough time for the siblings it took a lot for her to move on. some things she did. I felt should never have been done. I have never lost a child or sibling. example setting the table for him and not letting any kid go near his chair.

I went over some stuff that had went on in there house when they were growing up, My mom answer was, I have never lost a child, but I think I would have to move on if I had other kids to take care off, not right away, but you cant grieve for 4 years (you will always grieve but you have to go on)when you have other kids depending on you.
I dont think things will ever be normal, but for the sake of the other sibilings they have to move forward and heal.

my husband brother drowned when he was 15 My husband was 11 there was 3 younger siblings,. it was really rough time for the siblings it took a lot for her to move on. some things she did. I felt should never have been done. I have never lost a child or sibling. example setting the table for him and not letting any kid go near his chair.

I went over some stuff that had went on in there house when they were growing up, My mom answer was, I have never lost a child, but I think I would have to move on if I had other kids to take care off, not right away, but you cant grieve for 4 years (you will always grieve but you have to go on)when you have other kids depending on you.

BBM, I have to respectfully interject that sometimes we do grieve those that we have lost for many years and are not ready to move on (or go back to a normal routine, it takes time and effort to find your new normal). It does depend on the person and circumstance. But no matter what your faith, it takes time. Words are easy, but in your heart, it can take a very long time. Without getting too personal on here, I can say that it is beneficial to have that time to work through issues instead of jumping right back into the swing of things. Yes, as you said above, not right away. It isn't even an idea in your mind (MOO) that right away you need to move on. You are still in shock and deep in grief. (IMO)

ETA I feel that I should add some people will say strange things while in shock, so this should be considered.
I read it as, the arrest of Gabe is closure as to "who did it". Now we need to start to heal.

I think another part of the conversation had to do with getting his other children back in the home. So who knows if his brain was still on that or not. No doubt the man has got to be anxious to get the other children together so that they can "start to heal".

Visitation was granted but it is a minimum two and a half hour trip each way to the city where the other children are staying. JW is not going to win parent of the year in my book ever, BUT, I have no doubt that he loves his children and wants to be reunited with them so they can start to heal.
My husbands grandmother married her brother in law after her husband died of a heart attack at 54. The sister in law died from the same thing a few years before. Then she adopted his kids,her.neice and nephew. My husband is adopted as well. It's been too confusing to me. So... your dad's cousins are now his brothers and their aunt is also their mom. It made my head hurt.
I dedcided to keep it real.
I do want to find out about this vehicle vandalism. Why on earth take it out on friends of Gabe's mom. Unless the friends have knowledge of something else and spoke with LE. OR the children are GG's friends as well and it was to destroy evidence. Burning a car points to DNA to me. I will wonder if it was the crime scene until I hear it wasn't.
Shades of Mickey Shunik... :(

All posts are MOO
BBM, I have to respectfully interject that sometimes we do grieve those that we have lost for many years and are not ready to move on (or go back to a normal routine, it takes time and effort to find your new normal). It does depend on the person and circumstance. But no matter what your faith, it takes time. Words are easy, but in your heart, it can take a very long time. Without getting too personal on here, I can say that it is beneficial to have that time to work through issues instead of jumping right back into the swing of things. Yes, as you said above, not right away. It isn't even an idea in your mind (MOO) that right away you need to move on. You are still in shock and deep in grief. (IMO)

ETA I feel that I should add some people will say strange things while in shock, so this should be considered.

my grandmother died when my mom was in her early teenage years, My mom is in her 80's now, but you can tell when she talks about her mom. she still grieves. you will always grieve,
Visitation was granted but it is a minimum two and a half hour trip each way to the city where the other children are staying.

Sbm. Yep, 3 hours one way whether you take the ferry or not. Not a short drive.
ETA I feel that I should add some people will say strange things while in shock, so this should be considered.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. As I have been reading the NUMEROUS pages of the statement analysis by everyone of Mr. Wright, all I could think of is, "why is so much importance being put on what this poor man is saying while he is in the middle of grieving the loss of his 6 year old daughter due to a heinous murder?" I am surprised the man has the presence of mind to put on his pants the right way right now. There is no way this man can be thinking right or be expected to make sense and to sound well educated and intelligent when he's giving interviews while in a daze, a nightmare that won't end of him and his family.

I also keep thinking that I hope I never have a tragedy such as this one and then have every word I utter examined under a microscope because I won't be making any sense, I won't be able to put a coherent thought together for a long time.
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