WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #12

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Karen I sure wonder if that is true about the dogs? If it is it should have been made public so more people could maybe remember anything about that particular area.
Is that where that search was by LE that no one was privy to until one of the locals alerted us to the fact they were there ?
I have a growing concern as well for Lindsey that things are getting to quiet especially on these threads if it gets to quiet it will go way cold, I wish LE would speak up.
Karen I sure wonder if that is true about the dogs? If it is it should have been made public so more people could maybe remember anything about that particular area.
Is that where that search was by LE that no one was privy to until one of the locals alerted us to the fact they were there ?
I have a growing concern as well for Lindsey that things are getting to quiet especially on these threads if it gets to quiet it will go way cold, I wish LE would speak up.

The only thing I am seeing on other sites that is being discussed should only be classified a RUMOR. The original poster who brought this up on the other forums is not even a local, so it is pure hearsay.
I hope I'm not here alone this afternoon. On the coast and am thinking of all you who are searching. I'v been on two other sites today and folks working on this case (DD & InSessions) are up in arms about people central to the case not telling the truth about many things. It is stated the search dogs did hit on a scent that led to a house east of the highway. Members feel this information should have been handed over to the last search organization, Laura Recovery Center & Brad. Some are suspicious of MM & MD and the account or accounts set up. If the search account was set up recently ( right before search) how was the other account monies spent? Wasn't LB just working 2 days a week before Lindseys disappearance? According to the one site the poster feels MB is being led astray by these two. Yes this is a few people who have concerns that could be called hearsay or rumors but they are passionate for Lindsey and furious people that are in the know won't speak up. So what to do with this info? Do we look into these concerns at a deeper level? Some of these subjects are sure to bring appropriate debate that may ruffles some folks sensibilities. Some of this info may help searches in the future or it may not. I'm bringing this up because we have lost more than two local members and the threads are comming to a standstill in the sluething arena. I'll take someones lead if we should get this ball rolling instead of spinning. Anybody else feeling like a gerbal trying to get someplace but only staying inside the wheel that spins?

I know this is being nit-picky, but I have a problem with the idea of a house "east of the highway" because the highways from town both run technically east-west...like I said, I know it's nit-picky...
Lindsey being missing tugs at my heart - I want to send out a heartfelt thanks to all who are participating in searches for Lindsey - godspeed in the searches and praying that Lindsey is brought home.
I was wondering if any of the searchers might be able to answer a question for me:

When out doing searches, do you approach property owners for permission before looking on their property?

Mostly I'm curious because I live on a rural road, about 3 miles from town, and the only time we saw any searchers out here was during the original search, and the only area we're aware of them looking was along the creek. None of my neighbors even saw them then...so part of me is wondering how much area close to town hasn't been looked at, except by the property owners themselves who wouldn't necessarily know what to look for.
I know this is being nit-picky, but I have a problem with the idea of a house "east of the highway" because the highways from town both run technically east-west...like I said, I know it's nit-picky...
Thats not nick picking, thats sluething! :) So sad the public doesn't know the direction of Lindseys case as I'm sure it could help in some areas. The amount of sluething that has been done in the Caylee case has brought information to light for LE. I wish some of our wizards on that thread would come here & take a look. Problem is after sluething the inside and out of Caylee's murder we would doc dumps from interviews LE & FBI. These would show what rumore needed to be put aside and which became true to investigate further. Orlando is a big city & there Sunshin Law allows release of info. Also LE put the suspect in jail in Oct after her initial arrest July 16, 2008. What makes this case difficult is the public can only rule or rule out rumors. Very frustrating for everyone who wants this criminal caught. One of the most disturbing things this poster said is that people are lying & not comming forward that are aware of info. Too bad this person wouldn't elaborate further. So here we sit with a heavy heart & only want her found. If this person is caught I fear there will be an uprising and not just from locals. I don't know which direction to go except to see if some friends will come to this thread to give it fresh eyes from a non emotional view point. One thing I'm seeing comming through members post all over the net is the frustration surfacing and I don't think it will be long till many will be saying, "Were fed up & were not going to take it anymore." ):
I was wondering if any of the searchers might be able to answer a question for me:

When out doing searches, do you approach property owners for permission before looking on their property?

Mostly I'm curious because I live on a rural road, about 3 miles from town, and the only time we saw any searchers out here was during the original search, and the only area we're aware of them looking was along the creek. None of my neighbors even saw them then...so part of me is wondering how much area close to town hasn't been looked at, except by the property owners themselves who wouldn't necessarily know what to look for.

We were asked to get permission first before searching someone's property and if the property owner refused, to make note of that. When they sent us out, they gave us a map of where to search, told us how to search, what to look for and how to make note of it. The team leads were given GPS units that could record our exact movements over the search area. It was a very well coordinated effort. Brad Dennis and his team did a great job of bringing it all together.
I'll tell you sincerely that I am so so pleased that Lindsey has you locals flying about dangling body out of aircraft taking photos, wandering about losing expensive flashlights, getting all frustrated and pissed off doing computer, printer, and office work, taking the time to embrace KK and MB, and others, wandering through the woodlands checking out and recording every jot and tittle of evidence surrounding...I went to work today and found myself checking the ground round about, wondering if I would have recorded this or that beer can, piece of paper, chewing gum wrapper, etc. etc. , what a task, and endless days sweating it out, heading home with cramps, soiled clothing, and sleepless nights because you are thinking about what "else" you can do, or what you have missed, and whether or not you could do more.

I'm sorry, I am so amazed at you people that I wake up in the middle of the night wondering about what you are feeling about tomorrow.

ALL HEROS, and I dearly hope that one day we will all at WS experience the morning after, the time when little Lindsey can meet each and every one of you, embrace you, and say "thanks"
I would hope that MB and KK understand our love and hope for a very positive result and return of Lindsey to Mom so they can do their TV and reading nights. I would personally love to see Melissa share here on WS as well as KK.
Ok, lets see if I can set this straight.

DD is confused or is getting wrong info someplace. First, No last weekend we were not told about what the search dogs hit on or not.

Myself and a few others were forwarded what was the report from the private search (with dogs) that the family of Lindsey had done. Kara had questions and figured we could answer them. It gave a supposed route. I forwarded the report to Brad Dennis, he said he'd like this "supposed area where the dogs led them" searched but NOT because the dogs led them there.. but because it's an area that was on the list that we didn't get to search last time.

Then DD comes along and starts talking about how the police dog search took everyone in the opposite direction, down 6th, across 3rd (which for DD is the highway.. don't you just love it when people start to blab crap before the verify where they are talking about? Yeah, me too). Anyway supposedly the dogs ended up on a house on Cedar and the cops asked the people if they could search the house, the people said yes, the police figured if they said yes then they must not have anything to hide so they didn't search it. AGAIN--THIS IS ALL COMING FROM DD. I have not talked to Kara about this information and the MPD told me when I called them about today that the scent dogs picked up NOTHING.

so either DD (a non local who can't even tell the difference between a main two lane road through town and a highway) or the Police are lying.

I've tried to join both SM and DDs forum so I could attempt to set her straight.. yeah, no, I keep getting denied. In the words of DD.. Hmmmmm wonder why?

Kara, if you are reading this and I know you are.. stop feeding DD information, she isn't trying to help you. I honestly think she gets off on posting random crap and having everyone think she's an almighty god.
I was wondering if any of the searchers might be able to answer a question for me:

When out doing searches, do you approach property owners for permission before looking on their property?

Mostly I'm curious because I live on a rural road, about 3 miles from town, and the only time we saw any searchers out here was during the original search, and the only area we're aware of them looking was along the creek. None of my neighbors even saw them then...so part of me is wondering how much area close to town hasn't been looked at, except by the property owners themselves who wouldn't necessarily know what to look for.

If you don't mind, could you PM me and tell me where you live? It might be an area that wasn't searched last weekend because we ran out of time. I can make a note of it and have it searched ASAP.
If you don't mind, could you PM me and tell me where you live? It might be an area that wasn't searched last weekend because we ran out of time. I can make a note of it and have it searched ASAP.

Ok, lets see if I can set this straight.

Respectifully Snipped:

Anyway supposedly the dogs ended up on a house on Cedar and the cops asked the people if they could search the house, the people said yes, the police figured if they said yes then they must not have anything to hide so they didn't search it.

So your saying that they didn't search this house on Cedar because the people said it was ok to search and the police felt that they must not have anything to hide. Does that sound right. It doesn't to me. Think I would be concerned also if the dogs caught a scent to there wouldn't you.

As for DD, I have found that she is very good at what she does. She seems to follow things through and thoroughly crossing out many people. But I have to admit does opens a lot of avenues to be searched especially those that have been closed. IMO
And search funds? I honestly don't know if there is any..

MB didn't pay for anything during the search weekend that I know of. Water, food, office supplies were all donated (Pepsi Co, Subway, Simpson door company, Breanna and a few others supplied food and water, Aberdeen Office Supply supplied the copier and paper, Laura Recovery Center and Klasskids brought or purchased the paperwork, pens, paper clips, staplers (as crappy as they were), orange tape, sharpies, note pads.. )

Supposedly a search fund was supposed to have been set up last Monday at a bank. But I haven't heard anything about it.

I've had people wanting to donate money to the search.. asking if they could send it to me or if I could set up a paypal account because they would prefer to do it that way than to send it to MB for some reason.
So your saying that they didn't search this house on Cedar because the people said it was ok to search and the police felt that they must not have anything to hide. Does that sound right. It doesn't to me. Think I would be concerned also if the dogs caught a scent to there wouldn't you.

As for DD, I have found that she is very good at what she does. She seems to follow things through and thoroughly crossing out many people. But I have to admit does opens a lot of avenues to be searched especially those that have been closed. IMO

That is the story that DD is telling. But the police are telling a different story. The police said (in the media) and to me today when I called and asked (I was going to stop in there when I was in town and forgot, so I called on my way out of town) that the search dogs did not pick up a scent.

The route DD is talking about isn't even the route that the hired dog guy reported. I thought at first maybe KK was mistaken and told DD the wrong thing. But the private one that the family had done is a completely different thing all together. It doesn't even mention 6th in the report.
I have no idea where all the information is coming from. I know KK talks to DD.. I'm wondering if KK is confused and giving out the wrong info.
First and foremost we are all here trying to help find Lindsey and hopefully she will be home soon. This is kind of shock to me also as well as a few other members here.
Every one is under a lot of pressure and stress all looking very hard to find anything they can to bring Lindsey home. All have spent many hours with research, searching many area's doing everything and anything we can possibly do. Maybe we should try to keep mind open to the possibilities. I do not no about the sense but seems there was some curiosity that she might have gone down one of the streets. What if this is true.. Would we be wrong not to follow up on it. I know if it was my daughter and I heard this I would want it followed up on. But that is just me. My heart goes out to MB, her family I can only imagine what she is going through.
We have someone posting false info, people believing it to be true and I'm supposed to step back?

If DD is so good at what she does why isn't she calling the FBI with all of this info that is supposedly true instead of posting it on the internet?
I happen to be a dog lover, and a big believer in K9 search and rescue.
I happen to be a dog lover, and a big believer in K9 search and rescue.

I didn't say that I didn't believe in the K9 search and rescue.

This is about DD and some incorrect information that was posted. Not the dogs.
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