WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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i have no words chuckmaureen.....:eek:
Never seen anything like it. Ick.:puke:
There's a couple of boys at the high school I work at that have those in their ears. Disgusting...

I'm baffled cause this guy hasn't been caught yet! He is distinctive to look at - children will remember huge ears and he doesn't blend in with what normally is seen in a community. mho

He terrorized three children and the relatives of the Baum family..makes me wonder what his agenda is. Could it be to terrorize the community?

Really, can anybody be this stupid as to walk into a back yard of the cousins of a high profile missing child case, approach multiple school children within a short time span, interact with adults, with looks only a mother can forgive - and walk away free? I'm not sure he is a predator sex offender? Anybody else?
To begin with, I myself have worked a few car dealerships over the years (just washing cars, nothing special). The thing I remember is that all the sales people and management get to drive whatever they want. And very, very rarely would someone actually replace the plastic advertisement plate with their dealer plate. The only ones I've seen with an actual dealer plate mounted in the license plate holder was the lot owners. Sales people have their own dealer plates, usually with magnets on them but some attach straps that go into the trunk so the magnets don't release their grip on a bump and the plate goes flying off. Those dealer plates are NOT cheap to get or replace!

So, what I keep thinking here is that IF this creep with the Titus Will ad plate works at a dealer, he could easily have DELIBERATELY not mounted the plate, but instead kept it inside the car so his car couldn't be traced. Then if he got pulled over, he could simply play stupid and say "Oh, I'm sorry, Officer, it slipped my mind. Let me put my dealer plate on." to which a normal cop would say "Okay." and let the guy drive away. I know this from experience. Myself, I had to use dealer plates all the time when I ran cars for gas or to detailers or paint shops or whatever, or something as simple as running to the store for the boss.

The other theory that comes to mind is that this car MAY have had a temporary paper plate taped inside the back window but it might have had tinted glass, in which case it may not have been seen. Especially at night.

I used to deliver to Titus Will in Tacoma 10-15 times a day, 5 days a week, and always recall their logo on their shop vans and license plates. It ALWAYS has a white background. And ALL their company vehicles are white. Here is the exact logo you will see on a Titus-Will ad or car:


Another one of my suggestions/ideas is this: that creep most likely didn't pierce his OWN ear! So, how about someone like LE going to each and every tattoo/piercing shop in Olympia/Thurston??? They could take that mug shot in and do the famous "Do you recognize this person as a customer?".

Just a thought or two.
Hello Scandi, chuckmaureen, seventeen seconds. I didn't see any pictures at the search center of the person that they where speaking about there was just mention of the man with the bandage on hand. At one point I had wondered if that was one of the person involved in the accident with the ford truck on conquist rd think that was road the truck was found on, just after Lindsey went missing.

Sorry for the edit, but I'm still interested in ruling out the dui driver/passenger who crashed their truck on the logging road soon after Lindsey disappeared. Who was it?

Are you referring to the article about the truck crash I posted way back?

OK, here it is: under Miscellaneous in LB's forum

Since we are talking about the logging roads:

A 27-year-old McCleary man suffered critical injuries when he crashed his vehicle, allegedly driving under the influence on a logging road near McCleary on Tuesday afternoon, according to The Daily World of Aberdeen


Probably totally unrelated. But have to wonder if this has anything to do with the case since sometimes perps. will try to kill themselves or drink to get themselves drunk to work up to commiting a crime or to try and blot out the memory of that crime.
Unfortunately that article appears to be gone.
:waitasec: good afternoon all....i was wondering what KK and MB's relationship is like right now....are they still BFF's or have things changed since Lindsey went missing?
Does anyone remember the name of the family that the woman who broke up the fight between Lindsey and brother was visiting?

thank you
Does anyone remember the name of the family that the woman who broke up the fight between Lindsey and brother was visiting?

thank you

I don't recall if that information was ever revealed.
As the weeks and months go by with Lindsey still missing, Child Safety in McCleary has undoubtedly become a major concern for all.

Happened to find a City document from 2008 which inclues a public survey with verbatim comments made by residents, some are about safety concerns.


Page 53/72 Public Opinion Survey

Baseball field
Soccer fields
Park kitchen
Basketball Court
Tennis Court/Unfinished skate park
Playground at Beerbower
Playground at Community Center
Community Center
Walkways, Paths & Trails
Requested New Facilities or Activities

(below are a few comments worth noting)

PDF Page 55
Soccer fields
#15. “…There are many dangers to kids ranging from holes to old pipes and infield drag implements"

Page 58
Tennis court/skate park
#33. “…this is why you have teens skateboarding outside of town businesses and loitering. TROUBLE”
#35. “...this is why we have soo many teens loitering outside our town businesses…. If you look at the percentage of kids on skateboards (95%) you’d think it would be wise to put in something for them so they don’t retaliate to sex and drugs and partying in the woods! Like we did!!”

Page 61
Playground at Community Center
#5 (aaack, well it‘s supposed to be a verbatim survey, maybe the nearby cemetery scares the children)

Page 64
Walkways paths
#32. “...in dire need of sidewalks or paths before a child is hit by traffic”
#38. “…see kids all the time walking W/O side walk its dangerous especially w/ all of the logging trucks that go by”

Page 66
#29. “…stop the drugs & sex…McCleary as the worst town ever for children”


It was good to see how many people had safety concerns and took the time to participate in the survey. And maybe there's still a chance that someone who hasn't had the courage to speak up before now, will come forward with some information to help find dear Lindsey.

Another one of my suggestions/ideas is this: that creep most likely didn't pierce his OWN ear! So, how about someone like LE going to each and every tattoo/piercing shop in Olympia/Thurston??? They could take that mug shot in and do the famous "Do you recognize this person as a customer?".

Just a thought or two.

I don't know if it would do much good to try and find where someone had that done in Olympia...if you've ever been to The Evergreen State College you'll find that a decent portion of the students there have had their ears gauged, and so do many former students...and some of them come into town with it already done, some do it themselves...and there are a lot of underground tattoo and piercing artists around. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, there are just a lot of ways to have it done without going into a shop in town.
Those earrings, otherwise known as plugs, were more popular a couple of years ago. I live in CA and I don't see as many as I did then. They are mostly worn by men but I have seen a few women with them. I think it's just another form of expression, maybe even a novelty piercing.

I hope LE has checked the employment records of Titus Will to see if anyone matches the sketch. The idea of someone stalking this family boggles the mind. I mean, what are the odds that it's two different people?
The sketch posted above, of the backyard lurker guy...anyone want to hazard a guess as to whether that is a 0 guage or a 00 guage?
Not that it matters much, but if it is a double zero, that makes it a little more disctinctive and makes him more dedicated to the permanent types of modifications, so I would want to look for people from the area that are also into scarification or genital piercings and tattoos, maybe flesh tunnels or implanted hooks for hanging.

I am curious as to why this one piercing is seen as so menacing...is it something in the McCleary area? Having body modifications done to myself, as well as most of my friends and family having them, I don't see them as sinister. I'd appreciate it if someone could clue me in there. TIA.
The sketch posted above, of the backyard lurker guy...anyone want to hazard a guess as to whether that is a 0 guage or a 00 guage?

Sure looks like a 0 gauge to me. Personally, I like the cross lobe piercings. This guy is distintive looking for sure and he should not be too hard to identify.
Thanks Elepher, I was thinking zero too. Better for ID if it were a double...but it never comes that easy, does it?
Last Friday, four fourth-grade girls walking down Kingston Avenue toward Beach Elementary School saw a shirtless man exposing himself and masturbating, sitting in a silver Mazda sedan parked on Kingston.

"The girls reported the man had his pants pulled down past his thighs and was fondling his privates," Piedmont Detective Tom Kincaid said.

The girls screamed and ran, Kincaid said, and reported the 8 a.m. incident to the Beach school principal. The man did not say anything to the students, nor try to approach them.

He is described as a white male in his 20s with dark brown hair.

Related maybe to backyard stalker guy? I know it's a long shot, but I haven't slept all night, so my shots may get a little long.
Sorry if it's a repost.
It's from CA.

Also, does anyone know if Titus Will uses those magnetic car signs for their vehicles? If so, those are easy to steal, and he could have stolen it if he realizes the heat is on...or he thought he would have a need not to have an identifiable plate on his car. Some cops will let a plateless car slide if it's marked in some way as a dealer vehicle. Just thinking in type.

ETA: The number of events involving children and silver Mazda's is astounding. And not in a good way.
...does anyone know if Titus Will uses those magnetic car signs for their vehicles? If so, those are easy to steal, and he could have stolen it if he realizes the heat is on...or he thought he would have a need not to have an identifiable plate on his car. Some cops will let a plateless car slide if it's marked in some way as a dealer vehicle.

As I mentioned earlier, I used to deliver to Titus-Will in Tacoma many times a day. I worked as a delivery driver for an auto parts wholesale warehouse that specialized in General Motors & Ford parts, and we were the only authorized wholesale distributors in the region (will branches all over Western Washington from Olympia to Bellingham). So, needless to say, I saw a lot of their vehicles parked behind the building near their parts and service employee entrances. And being from Tacoma, whenever I was out of town or in another county, any Titus-Will vehicle stood out like a sore thumb.

So, my answer to your question (though I may be wrong) is that I have NEVER seen any magnetic sign on any vehicle in my 50+ years living in Western Washington or Pierce County. All their company vehicles are painted white with the logo painted on the doors and usually other advertising all over the sides and back of the vehicles.

Again, the only way a vehicle would have a Titus-Will ad plate in place of a real license plate would be if the vehicle is being test driven, in which case it would have a dealer plate on back, or if it's a salesperson who left his dealer place off, or if the vehicle was just purchased in which case their would (or rather, should) be a paper temporary taped in the back window.

I keep wondering if LE has gone to any/all of the Titus-Will dealerships and asked their General Managers if they recognize that composite sketch as an employee or customer. Or they could just check the corporate office's Human Resource dept.

SOMEONE is going to eventually recognize this composite or the vehicle description. It's just a matter of time.
At this link, there is a car salesman, youngish looking, initials GM (irony~chuckle)
Once you get his name run him through myspace search...freaky profile. Read the blogs, look at the photos...like for example, his ears.
If you are stuck in the same loop I am, you will then spend an hour looking at the Myspace, looking at the backyard creepoid sketch.
I am not linking to the myspace as this guy could be nothing but a harmless innocent eccentric.
Good eye! I see what you mean about his profile. Seems a bit creepy. And what a coincidence, he just got a new SILVER car. Not a Mazda, but maybe he traded in the Mazda for the Mercedes! Only thing I don't see is the ear thing. Ironic, but Titus Will has 5 used Mazdas that could be considered SILVER, especially by a scared kid (and countless brand new ones). Hmmmm. Things are getting really strange here.
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