WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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I can't seem to find which Lindsey thread it was---- but just a few days ago someone asked about an alternate link to a news article about two unnamed men who were injured in a pick-up truck/tree accident near McCleary several days after Lindsey went missing. The original newspaper articles have expired, but as of right now, there is a news summary here:



"Posted On: July 10, 2009 by The Farber Law Group
Man critically injured after running into a tree on logging road near McCleary
Aberdeen's The Daily World reports that a 27-year-old McCleary man was critically injured in a truck accident and his companion, a 23-year-old McCleary man, suffered minor injuries when the Ford Ranger truck the man was driving hit a tree off of a gravel logging road near McCleary."


The accident would have happened near the 4th of July holiday. Hopefully, both individuals quickly recovered from their injuries, and are doing ok now.

With the upcoming Holiday Season right around the corner, so to speak, it's a reminder to be extra cautious and alert at all times.

on safety patrol
After again reviewing the 'trespass suspect' sketch, I wonder if he is sick, as in life-threatening sick (cancer, AIDS). Perhaps it's drugs? He appears to be drawn, bony.

I wonder if LE has checked / circulated the sketch through local hospitals or treatment facilities?

Has he decided to go out with a bang, by doing things he's always wanted to do, as in 'bucket list'?

If so ... that makes him all the more dangerous.
I hate when the media just gives the city...makes it hard for mapping and for trying to match with other crimes.

Backyard incident occured in 1200 block of Ethridge Avenue. 8 blocks from there......the girl on her way home from school was approched
On Nov. 10, about eight blocks from the house where the man was seen, a man approached a 10-year-old girl and asked if she needed a ride. She ran home and police were contacted.

On November 24, about two miles from the home, a 9-year-old girl said a stranger asked her if she could help him load groceries into her car. She said no and ran away ( i remember reading about the school she was walking home from....when i find it ...i will add it here) :) ok found it...in the area of Lincoln Elementary School

im not good at being able to post stuff from google maps.....could someone map it :)

1200 block of Ethridge Ave Olympia wa 98506

Roosevelt elementary school 1417 San Francisco St. NE Olympia Wa 98506

Lincoln Options Elementary School • 213 21st Ave SE • Olympia, WA 98501
keep up the great work!!

Most of us know there is a huge off-road vehicle race track located within a couple miles from McCleary. Many of the events last all weekend, some only a day. During a lot of events, you'll see motorhomes and travel trailers all over the grounds. Being a huge drag race fan (quarter mile stuff, not mud) I know how a lot of racers come from miles away, many from several states away. So, a lot of them drive motorhomes or RV's or pull a camper trailer, etc. I 've seen them with a camper on a pickup, pulling a race car on a trailer.

Okay, here is the point I'm getting to...

I did some checking and found out there WAS a race there on Saturday, June 27th of 2009 (the day after Lindsey vanished). So, what I keep thinking is this: Maybe an out-of-towner got to the track early on Friday to claim a good parking spot for a trailer or something, or for whatever reason. Then, with nothing going on that night at the track and it got a little boring, maybe a person decided to go find something to do or a place to eat, or maybe they needed cigarettes or wanted to grab some beer or something. A GPS or maybe even a person who knew the area told this person that McCleary was the nearest town with a store or restaurant or gas station. So, they decide to run to McCleary. Maybe the person visiting the track for the race the next day was a perverted creep or even a registered/convicted sex offender. Maybe he likes young girls. Maybe a lot of things were going through his mind. But let's just say he went to get gas or cigs at Shell and saw Lindsey there. His wild fantasies start flowing. Then maybe he asked someone where a grocery store or eatery was. So after he sees Lindsey, he runs over to the store, grabs some milk or whatever, then decided to drive up a side street. Maybe he saw Lindsey at the video store.

Okay, you get my point. I keep wondering if this creep who snatched Lindsey out of thin air was an out-of-towner who maybe had never even been to McCleary in his life. Or maybe he was a regular ORV Park attendee and went to town every time he was there for a race.

This is about the only idea that pretty much shoots down my theory of it being someone Lindsey knew. If the perp was someone from the track who was there on Friday night, he/she would have had to have a camper, trailer, or RV of some sort.

Just some wild idea I keep thinking about. Anyone else share this theory?
Sex Offender Facts (mythbusters):
  • Most men who commit sexual offenses do not know their victim.
    90% of child victims know their offender, with almost half of the offenders being a family member. Of sexual assaults against people age 12 and up, approximately 80% of the victims know the offender.
  • Most sexual assaults are committed by someone of the same race as the victim.
    Most sexual assaults are committed by someone of the same race as the victim. An exception to this is that people who commit sexual assault against Native Americans are usually not Native American (American Indians and Crime, 1999).
  • Most child sexual abusers use physical force or threat to gain compliance from their victims.
    In the majority of cases, abusers gain access to their victims through deception and enticement, seldom using force. Abuse typically occurs within a long-term, ongoing relationship between the offender and victim and escalates over time.
  • Most child sexual abusers find their victims by frequenting such places as schoolyards and playgrounds.
    Most child sexual abusers offend against children whom they know and with whom they have established a relationship. Many sexual assaults of adult women are considered "confidence rapes," in that the offender knows the victim and has used that familiarity to gain access to her.
  • Only men commit sexual assault.
    While most sex offenders are male, sometimes sex offenses are committed by female offenders.
  • Child sexual abusers are only attracted to children and are not capable of appropriate sexual relationships.
    While there is a small subset of child sexual abusers who are exclusively attracted to children, the majority of the individuals who sexually abuse children are (or have previously been) attracted to adults.
  • Victims of sexual assault are harmed only when offenders use force.
    More than any physical injuries the victim sustains, the violation of trust that accompanies most sexual assaults has been shown to dramatically increase the level of trauma the victim suffers. Emotional and psychological injuries cause harm that can last much longer than physical wounds.
  • If a child does not tell anyone about the abuse, it is because he or she must have consented to it.
    Children often do not tell for a variety of reasons including the offender's threats to hurt or kill someone the victim loves, as well as shame, embarrassment, wanting to protect the offender, feelings for the offender, fear of being held responsible or being punished, fear of being disbelieved, and fear of losing the offender who may be very important to the child or the child's family.
  • It is common for both child and adult victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone about the abuse.
    It is common for victims of sexual assault to wait some time before telling someone. When the person was assaulted as a child, he or she may wait years or decades. The reasons for this are numerous: victims may want to deny the fact that someone they trusted could do this to them; they may want to just put it behind them; they may believe the myth that they caused the assault by their behavior; or they may fear how other people will react to the truth.
  • If someone sexually assaults an adult, he will not target children as victims, and if someone sexually assaults a child, he will not target adults.
    Research and anecdotal evidence indicate that while some sex offenders choose only one type of victim (e.g., prepubescent girls, post-pubescent boys, adult women, etc.), others prey on different types of victims. Therefore, no assumptions should be made about an offender's victim preference and precautions should be taken regardless of his crime of conviction.

It might be safe to assume LB was not being abused (by someone in the neighborhood; I do not suspect family) because she is described as being quite talkative and active.

But one question that is not asked / answered in the Facts list is if it is more common for abused children to become withdrawn and if the opposite also is true, where a child might become overly friendly?

We have LB's MySpace entry. Was it an 'innocent' entry, that she feared being 'caught' using MySpace? No ... that does not explain the 'getting a lot of nightmares lately' portion. Was she simply worried for JB, or MB, or SB, or her GPs?

We have much 'extraneous' information that very likely is not relevant to the disappearance and trying to weigh significance is almost becoming futile. Ghost lines can be drawn between much of the information, but that's all they'd be ... ghost lines, not *fact*.

Now, a current all too-real *fact* is that an individual was caught lurking outside the window of LB's cousins' bedroom. The individual also is suspected of presenting himself in some fashion or another to young girls in relatively close proximity (8 blocks to 2 miles) to the cousins house.

Coincidence? That *specific* house? Of how many houses in the Olympia area? Well, perhaps he only was caught at the cousins house. Has he 'visited' others houses as well? Has he become that comfortable with lurking? If so, then it might be coincidental he just happened on to the cousins house and was caught because of a recent family experience motivated the homeowner to be more vigilant than average?

The FBI should release a profile on the 'trespass suspect'. Certainly that might aid in narrowing focus and force him to change a habit or alter a routine which someone close to him might notice. I'm assuming those close to him might not recognize the sketch, as he temporarily might alter his appearance when on the prowl?

As for the vehicle ... he parked close enough to the cousins house from where the homeowner could see the vehicle but far enough away to make me assume it is his vehicle, not borrowed. For whatever reason, I believe he would park a borrowed vehicle farther away from the scene. I know that seems bass ackwards but for some reason, for him it makes sense.

Drivers license photos? Does anyone have access to the WA DOT db?

Mazda -- not a common vehicle, but it is niche-popular.
Ear Gauge -- not a common pursuit, but it is niche-popular.

What other offbeat but niche-popular traits might we attribute to Mr. Sketch? Clothing? Shoes? Mannerisms? Food?

Is he overwhelmed with friends? Who, by now, has not seen the sketch? Is he currently 'in hiding'? Does he now operate away from the area? Does he recognize his news coverage? Does he take pleasure in the fact his sketch is made public? Will / does he toy with LE? Has he contacted / attempted to contact or taunt LE or any other entities?

Is he a loaner, living with his parents and driving their car? The parents are rich, their house is situated on a large spread and he comes and goes without them noticing much of anything. He goes on-line to search for news articles referencing his antics. He is nervous, wondering when someone will come knocking on the door. He's looking for another means of transportation ... because he can not stop himself. The hunger is too great, it is never satisfied.

Or ... does he simply go home to a significant other and his children on 123 Main Street, Somecity, USA and say: "Lucy! I'm home!"

Most of us know there is a huge off-road vehicle race track located within a couple miles from McCleary. Many of the events last all weekend, some only a day. During a lot of events, you'll see motorhomes and travel trailers all over the grounds. Being a huge drag race fan (quarter mile stuff, not mud) I know how a lot of racers come from miles away, many from several states away. So, a lot of them drive motorhomes or RV's or pull a camper trailer, etc. I 've seen them with a camper on a pickup, pulling a race car on a trailer.

Okay, here is the point I'm getting to...

I did some checking and found out there WAS a race there on Saturday, June 27th of 2009 (the day after Lindsey vanished). So, what I keep thinking is this: Maybe an out-of-towner got to the track early on Friday to claim a good parking spot for a trailer or something, or for whatever reason. Then, with nothing going on that night at the track and it got a little boring, maybe a person decided to go find something to do or a place to eat, or maybe they needed cigarettes or wanted to grab some beer or something. A GPS or maybe even a person who knew the area told this person that McCleary was the nearest town with a store or restaurant or gas station. So, they decide to run to McCleary. Maybe the person visiting the track for the race the next day was a perverted creep or even a registered/convicted sex offender. Maybe he likes young girls. Maybe a lot of things were going through his mind. But let's just say he went to get gas or cigs at Shell and saw Lindsey there. His wild fantasies start flowing. Then maybe he asked someone where a grocery store or eatery was. So after he sees Lindsey, he runs over to the store, grabs some milk or whatever, then decided to drive up a side street. Maybe he saw Lindsey at the video store.

Okay, you get my point. I keep wondering if this creep who snatched Lindsey out of thin air was an out-of-towner who maybe had never even been to McCleary in his life. Or maybe he was a regular ORV Park attendee and went to town every time he was there for a race.

This is about the only idea that pretty much shoots down my theory of it being someone Lindsey knew. If the perp was someone from the track who was there on Friday night, he/she would have had to have a camper, trailer, or RV of some sort.

Just some wild idea I keep thinking about. Anyone else share this theory?

Much preparation preceeds any (drag, orv or otherwise) race event; unload the vehicle(s), tools, parts, inspect the vehicle, make adjustments, meet other racers, check out their rides, etc.

Been there, done that. M&W Racing.

Rarely do racers travel alone. They have at least a partner and / or a crew entourage. Tear-down-n-rebuilds are a b@tch, a real PITA if you'd have to do it alone. You're geared up for the race, ready to rock-n-roll. :twocents:

A spectator? Yes, I agree it present a great crime of opportunity scenario. As you detail:

A GPS or maybe even a person who knew the area told this person that McCleary was the nearest town with a store or restaurant or gas station. So, they decide to run to McCleary. Maybe the person visiting the track for the race the next day was a perverted creep or even a registered/convicted sex offender. Maybe he likes young girls. Maybe a lot of things were going through his mind. But let's just say he went to get gas or cigs at Shell and saw Lindsey there. His wild fantasies start flowing. Then maybe he asked someone where a grocery store or eatery was. So after he sees Lindsey, he runs over to the store, grabs some milk or whatever, then decided to drive up a side street. Maybe he saw Lindsey at the video store.

All possible ... but why does that alll have to coincide with there being a race event that weekend? It could just as easily have been someone using the park-n-ride or stopping along 3rd to get a pizza while on their way to Canada ... or or or ... :angel:

My money is on the perp being the same 'trespass suspect' that lurked LB's cousins' house. What are the odds? :waitasec: :banghead:
I think the guy lurking around the cousins' house is a follow-on crime. Read about it, knew they were near and vulnerable.
I have been told repeatedly to try to adhere to the standard of thinking horses when I hear hoofbeats. And although, that is difficult for me, as I am very creative, I think the easy answer is the most reliable option in a lot of cases.
With that in mind, I have mulling over backyard stalker guy. And I can't really decide what is the more logical answer.
Is it logical to assume that a man that kidnapped one child already would attempt to peep on or take another child from the same family? Is it logical to assume that this person would be satisfied peeping when he could just easily observe them and grab the girls off the street?
Is it reasonable to assume that two incidents of this type in the same family have the same perpetrator? (It is for me, but admittedly, my brain is a bit addled.)
So, general opinion, is this something that is more logical to assume that this is the same person, or that it isn't?

Oh, and should creepy stalker have his own thread?
Most of us know there is a huge off-road vehicle race track located within a couple miles from McCleary. Many of the events last all weekend, some only a day. During a lot of events, you'll see motorhomes and travel trailers all over the grounds. Being a huge drag race fan (quarter mile stuff, not mud) I know how a lot of racers come from miles away, many from several states away. So, a lot of them drive motorhomes or RV's or pull a camper trailer, etc. I 've seen them with a camper on a pickup, pulling a race car on a trailer.


I keep wondering if this creep who snatched Lindsey out of thin air was an out-of-towner who maybe had never even been to McCleary in his life. Or maybe he was a regular ORV Park attendee and went to town every time he was there for a race.

This is about the only idea that pretty much shoots down my theory of it being someone Lindsey knew. If the perp was someone from the track who was there on Friday night, he/she would have had to have a camper, trailer, or RV of some sort.

Just some wild idea I keep thinking about. Anyone else share this theory?

It might still be somebody she knew -- if there's a track that close to town, a lot of locals will be involved in it. Even more likely is that somebody who races there regularly had spotted her before, had run into her at the gas station for instance.
...But one question that is not asked / answered in the Facts list is if it is more common for abused children to become withdrawn and if the opposite also is true, where a child might become overly friendly?

You made a nerve twitch inside me on that one...

I myself was a child traumatized at the age of 1 by seeing my 6'4" dad beat my 2 year old brother so bad he broke his nose. There was blood all over the house. To this day, it's caused me to pass out from the site of blood. I've even had help to figure out what caused this. A professional (who was actually a close friend) as well as a book I have on my shelf "Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Childhood Memories" have both helped me realize my fear of blood was caused by the trauma I endured at age 1. So, from that day on, I've always had "issues" with male authority figures, especially if they are bigger than me. I know, it may sound weird. But I just can't get some fears out of my mind. BTW, after my mom gathered us kids up and went to the hospital, the hospital called the police, who came and took a report. Mom then got a restraining order because she feared dad, and filed for divorce. It's a long, drawn-out story but needless to say, I was placed in a foster home at that time, as were my 2 year old brother and 3 year old sister.

After being tossed around from foster home to foster home (I only remember 5, but my sister thinks it was more like 7) until age 8, I came home to my family. That was when my living hell started...

Mom beat us with Hot Wheel tracks, coat hangers, yard sticks, belts, or whatever else she could find. And her boyfriends and their buddies thought it was funny to watch us kids get drunk, so I was introduced to beer at age 8. Lovely. I was an alcoholic before I entered 3rd grade!

So, in case you haven't guess my point here (I tend to ramble, sorry) I lived my life being a loner, filled with feelings of being unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, and live my life as a loner who usually spent all my time by myself. I had very few friends. I was very withdrawn and isolated.

At age 14 I was introduced to a child psychologist/counselor when I got locked up for getting into trouble. That woman changed my life forever. The first thing she pointed out was that I was ALWAYS looking down, and I never looked anyone in the eye, especially adults.

Okay, I'm rambling again. Your statement quoted above reminded me of one thing that sounds like what I went through...

Where I became overly friendly and craved attention and affection was from adult females. I still feared grown men, but my heart cried out to be loved and appreciated by adult women. I was looking for the love I had missed out on as a child. I just wanted someone to accept me and not abuse me.

Sorry if this seemed a bit O/T, but how I wanted it to relate to Lindsey is only that perhaps she experienced the same emotional issues that I had as a child. Heck, when I was 10, I was drinking for 2 years and just started smoking. Hey, I had to be "cool" and thereby (I thought) make friends. But I longed for attention and affection. Maybe Lindsey felt the same way. Maybe she was drawn to a certain person who might say just that one right thing that melted her heart and made her immediately feel she had made a new friend. She might have trusted that new "friend" (stranger) enough to get into a vehicle.

I am NOT assuming or insinuating that Lindsey was EVER abused at home, either physically or emotionally. Let that fact be known now and forever.

I'm only saying, again because of your comment quoted above, she MAY have been drawn to something a certain person might have said to her, and therefore trusted that person enough to make a bad split-second decision that she later regretted.

When I was Lindsey's age, if a pretty female approached me and said something like "Hello, young man. Boy, aren't you just a cutie! I always wished I had a son like you. You look sad. Can I buy you a hamburger or something. Do you like kittens? I have several at home and you can take your pick and have your own kitty... (and so on and so on)", I would have most likely jumped right into her car and drove away with her!

Okay, sorry about all my whining about my past. I just had a point here and hope someone figured out what I'm trying to say.
I have been told repeatedly to try to adhere to the standard of thinking horses when I hear hoofbeats. And although, that is difficult for me, as I am very creative, I think the easy answer is the most reliable option in a lot of cases.
With that in mind, I have mulling over backyard stalker guy. And I can't really decide what is the more logical answer.
Is it logical to assume that a man that kidnapped one child already would attempt to peep on or take another child from the same family? Is it logical to assume that this person would be satisfied peeping when he could just easily observe them and grab the girls off the street?
Is it reasonable to assume that two incidents of this type in the same family have the same perpetrator? (It is for me, but admittedly, my brain is a bit addled.)
So, general opinion, is this something that is more logical to assume that this is the same person, or that it isn't?

Oh, and should creepy stalker have his own thread?

I believe this: if a perp is driven to kidnapping a pre-pub girl, most likely it is for a sexual purpose.

I do not want to extrapolate to details here so let's just say after the perp no longer has his kidnap victim with which to do as he pleases he needs to seek for another. His desire is too strong?

Perhaps somehow the perp obtained from his kidnap victim if she has sisters or female cousins. After all he enjoyed the company of the kidnap victim so much that his sick mind wants to repeat the scene

I'm stopping there, you get that drift.

If someone is that bold and / or desparate to kidnap, stalk and to peep, probably with an intent to kidnap again: hide beneath the window, listen to the person's routine, what do they do, how long does it take, when is the best opportunity to attempt a grab, etc.

A desparate act of a desparate and perhaps irrational being?

What are the odds of different perverts intersecting with members of the same family and given that the family members live in separate towns?

I believe odds favor it is more likely the 'trespass suspect' perp is the same perp involved in the LB disappearance.
I agree with you all here. I was just trying to think up something new to ponder. Someone on another forum had wondered if there was a race that weekend, and maybe a stranger was in town. That was my reasoning behind my new theory. Only because nothing else is working.

I do, however, stick to my original theory/opinion that it was someone she knew, more than likely someone who lives in her area.

And yes, I agree that the window-lurker is somehow connected. Could it be that he HAS Lindsey, and maybe he convinced her to give up a relative's name and address? Could it be that he convinced her of something like "I'm sorry you have to be here alone. If you tell me where your cousin lives I'll see if I can bring him/her here to be with you..." or something wild like that? He may have convinced Lindsey that he would let her go if she gave up some private family information. Anything is possible.

Her disappearance is a mystery that needs to be solved. And because of that, we all want to do whatever we can to bring her home. Part of this includes coming up with whatever off-the-wall, hair-brain ideas we can to shed new light on the case. Since LE isn't helping much, we all tend to use our imaginations and come up with whatever ideas we think might help or might produce an idea as to what happened to her.

So, my ORV park idea may have been without warrant, but has anyone else come up with anything better that has helped solve the case? Who knows, maybe by tomorrow I'll come up with something ever more far-fetched, like aliens swooped down and took her to mars. But until someone comes up with some good, solid ideas that bring her home, we all need to just use our vivid imaginations and think of ANYTHING we can that might be possible (or might not).

I'm with the majority of you on a few things here...
1. I believe window-lurker boy is connected to Lindsey's disappearance.
2. I believe a sex-offender is responsible.
3. I believe someone she knew from town is responsible.
4. I believe she is alive.

I also believe WE at WS are doing a better job of solving the case than LE has been! I think LE basically gave up. I highly doubt they have a detective or team of them working on the case around the clock like they would have it had been some high-profile child like maybe a Mayor or Judge's child who was missing. But it wasn't, so I truly feel they've put the case on the back burner. I can assure you that if Lindsey was the child of a County or City Government Official, they would have dogs out every day, helicopters overhead and the reward fund would be up in the 6-digit area.

WebSleuths is doing a much better job of helping bring Lindsey home than anyone in the LE community. So let's just keep our imaginations running wild and think of whatever possibilities we can come up with.
I wonder if the disappearance of Lindsey and the recent luring attempts in Olympia have to do with human trafficking. Maybe some people are out "shopping".

ChuckMaureen brought up the good point that the sketch of the Olympia man seems to portray a man who is ill in some fashion, perhaps this person is an addict, working for drugs or money.

I don't know. All I do know is that we all want Lindsey home. That is my Christmas season wish and prayer.
I think LE basically gave up. I highly doubt they have a detective or team of them working on the case around the clock like they would have it had been some high-profile child like maybe a Mayor or Judge's child who was missing. But it wasn't, so I truly feel they've put the case on the back burner. I can assure you that if Lindsey was the child of a County or City Government Official, they would have dogs out every day, helicopters overhead and the reward fund would be up in the 6-digit area.
I just want to respond to this quote I clipped out with my observation that LE has not given up at all.

The newspaper The Daily World has a weekly version they distribute in the McCleary area for free called East County News. Recently they did an article stating that Lindsey's case is by no means cold, interviews are being done regularly, this is an active case with full LE attention and investigation. Unfortunately not all East County News articles are available online, I've not yet found a copy of it anywhere web wise.

Folks from the search center are also telling us here that Grays Harbor County Sheriff's department has people very very active on this case. They are so busy they can't respond usually to tips, but all tips are very requested and welcomed.

Now, in regards to the reward fund, I really hope some more money comes in during the holidays, seems like a larger reward may help.

I wish LE could tell us more but I do understand that they cannot. They are doing what they need to do. I know they want Lindsey home just as much as we do.
I think the guy lurking around the cousins' house is a follow-on crime. Read about it, knew they were near and vulnerable.

Hi, carbuff,

Possible, but I'm not so sure....

A perp, possibly already having proven himself to be perverted when he asked a pre-teen girl if she needed a ride, reads about LB's disappearance and by luck he happens to know LB has family in the Olympia area and knows where they live so he temporarily stops asking pre-teens if they need a ride and decides to lurk the cousins' bedroom, not the adults' bedroom but the young girls' bedroom, in broad daylight just to see what's going on and perhaps he'd get lucky because one of them needs a ride?

Ummmmm .. . no. :angel::dance:

Please forgive my reply stylings, above ... sometimes I have to amuse myself. I am exhausted over this case, worrying about LB and her family. Here we are, 2000 miles from WA and don't know the Bs, in fact I know only one person living in WA state, trying frantically to help find a solution and the pervasive seriousness of it all is unrelenting.
Hi, carbuff,

Possible, but I'm not so sure....

A perp, possibly already having proven himself to be perverted when he asked a pre-teen girl if she needed a ride, reads about LB's disappearance and by luck he happens to know LB has family in the Olympia area and knows where they live so he temporarily stops asking pre-teens if they need a ride and decides to lurk the cousins' bedroom, not the adults' bedroom but the young girls' bedroom, in broad daylight just to see what's going on and perhaps he'd get lucky because one of them needs a ride?

Ummmmm .. . no. :angel::dance:

Please forgive my reply stylings, above ... sometimes I have to amuse myself. I am exhausted over this case, worrying about LB and her family. Here we are, 2000 miles from WA and don't know the Bs, in fact I know only one person living in WA state, trying frantically to help find a solution and the pervasive seriousness of it all is unrelenting.

I know, I've only been here a couple of months and it's getting to me, too. It must be a hundred times worse for the people on it from the beginning. But it's pretty hard to offend me :)

I was assuming that with all the publicity and so forth, it was more or less public information about who Lindsey's relatives were, so a bad guy looking for girls might easily have stumbled across a picture or something to follow up on. But if the relationship isn't well known, then I'd have to agree it's a bit too much coincidence.
I just want to respond to this quote I clipped out with my observation that LE has not given up at all.

The newspaper The Daily World has a weekly version they distribute in the McCleary area for free called East County News. Recently they did an article stating that Lindsey's case is by no means cold, interviews are being done regularly, this is an active case with full LE attention and investigation. Unfortunately not all East County News articles are available online, I've not yet found a copy of it anywhere web wise.

Folks from the search center are also telling us here that Grays Harbor County Sheriff's department has people very very active on this case. They are so busy they can't respond usually to tips, but all tips are very requested and welcomed.

Now, in regards to the reward fund, I really hope some more money comes in during the holidays, seems like a larger reward may help.

I wish LE could tell us more but I do understand that they cannot. They are doing what they need to do. I know they want Lindsey home just as much as we do.

Hi, SarahC,

I couldn't imagine LE, probably many with children of their own, giving up on LB.

I wonder though, just how many tips can they be receiving at this point? I'd expect follow-ups with the search teams, and some overloading from during the Oprah and Newsweek national publicity ... but now?

Perhaps I'd be surprised ...

I'd also like to think that no one is holding out for a larger reward before coming forward with THE information that will bring LB home ...
You made a nerve twitch inside me on that one...

I myself was a child traumatized at the age of 1 by seeing my 6'4" dad beat my 2 year old brother so bad he broke his nose. There was blood all over the house. To this day, it's caused me to pass out from the site of blood. I've even had help to figure out what caused this. A professional (who was actually a close friend) as well as a book I have on my shelf "Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Childhood Memories" have both helped me realize my fear of blood was caused by the trauma I endured at age 1. So, from that day on, I've always had "issues" with male authority figures, especially if they are bigger than me. I know, it may sound weird. But I just can't get some fears out of my mind. BTW, after my mom gathered us kids up and went to the hospital, the hospital called the police, who came and took a report. Mom then got a restraining order because she feared dad, and filed for divorce. It's a long, drawn-out story but needless to say, I was placed in a foster home at that time, as were my 2 year old brother and 3 year old sister.

After being tossed around from foster home to foster home (I only remember 5, but my sister thinks it was more like 7) until age 8, I came home to my family. That was when my living hell started...

Mom beat us with Hot Wheel tracks, coat hangers, yard sticks, belts, or whatever else she could find. And her boyfriends and their buddies thought it was funny to watch us kids get drunk, so I was introduced to beer at age 8. Lovely. I was an alcoholic before I entered 3rd grade!

So, in case you haven't guess my point here (I tend to ramble, sorry) I lived my life being a loner, filled with feelings of being unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, and live my life as a loner who usually spent all my time by myself. I had very few friends. I was very withdrawn and isolated.

At age 14 I was introduced to a child psychologist/counselor when I got locked up for getting into trouble. That woman changed my life forever. The first thing she pointed out was that I was ALWAYS looking down, and I never looked anyone in the eye, especially adults.

Okay, I'm rambling again. Your statement quoted above reminded me of one thing that sounds like what I went through...

Where I became overly friendly and craved attention and affection was from adult females. I still feared grown men, but my heart cried out to be loved and appreciated by adult women. I was looking for the love I had missed out on as a child. I just wanted someone to accept me and not abuse me.

Sorry if this seemed a bit O/T, but how I wanted it to relate to Lindsey is only that perhaps she experienced the same emotional issues that I had as a child. Heck, when I was 10, I was drinking for 2 years and just started smoking. Hey, I had to be "cool" and thereby (I thought) make friends. But I longed for attention and affection. Maybe Lindsey felt the same way. Maybe she was drawn to a certain person who might say just that one right thing that melted her heart and made her immediately feel she had made a new friend. She might have trusted that new "friend" (stranger) enough to get into a vehicle.

I am NOT assuming or insinuating that Lindsey was EVER abused at home, either physically or emotionally. Let that fact be known now and forever.

I'm only saying, again because of your comment quoted above, she MAY have been drawn to something a certain person might have said to her, and therefore trusted that person enough to make a bad split-second decision that she later regretted.

When I was Lindsey's age, if a pretty female approached me and said something like "Hello, young man. Boy, aren't you just a cutie! I always wished I had a son like you. You look sad. Can I buy you a hamburger or something. Do you like kittens? I have several at home and you can take your pick and have your own kitty... (and so on and so on)", I would have most likely jumped right into her car and drove away with her!

Okay, sorry about all my whining about my past. I just had a point here and hope someone figured out what I'm trying to say.

Hi, Hairball,

Thank you for posting that. Although I can not possibly claim to know what you experienced growing up in such an environment, I can say that successfully surviving adversity can make a person stronger. Your success, to this point, is quite obvious :bow::thumb::applause:
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