WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #8

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When we are given a forum, they usually close the general discussion threads and we go to topic only discussions. I am only trying to prevent it here since I do like the flow of ideas and conversation on this thread. If we keep jumping around here without taking advantage of the forum, it will happen quickly. ;) I promise I am not trying to be bossy, but trying to keep the general discussion thread open as long as possible.

Cases literally blow up when the child is found and/or a suspect is arrested. It becomes very important at that point to have the threads already organized because the early information we have worked to obtain is lost on the general discussion threads. No one really wants to comb through 25-30 pages and 10-20 threads to find discrepancies or to find other things which could become crucial in the pre-trial and trial phases. (After you do this a time or two, you don't want to do it anymore. LOL)
SS - is it the protocol of this site to not discuss on the main thread? I'm wondering why every topic has to be moved to a separate thread...that leaves very little room for integration of thoughts. If this is how it's done, then please forgive my question...and if this is how it's done, please inform me as to why. TIA...

The reason the topic threads are there is to organize our information so we can find it easily later. So, if we get into something interesting in the discussion thread, we can open a topic thread for it and all that interesting stuff will be filed right there, not buried in here somewhere.

I'm with SS in wanting the discussion thread to stay open as long as possible. I see the general discussion thread as an important place to develop ideas for topic threads.

Believe me, if and when this goes to trial, we'll all be glad to have the topic threads! :)
Hi All ~ Am I out of my mind, or did I not watch a video of MK very early in the case in which she was being interviewed and was holding a pad of paper on which she had drawn stick figures of her and Lindsey and was babbling rather quickly and incoherently (at least that's the way I recall it at the time). It stuck out in my mind because it was at just about the same time that the girl's MS pages were being revealed and I remember thinking that her behavior and drawings were certainly not indicative of the age level of what we were seeing on her MS.

In the subsequent video that MK appears in, she is much more composed, issues a plea to bring Lindsey back, and appears to cry. (Just as a reference for you).

I have searched both the Lindsey media links forum and the Lindsey Forum Thread 1 through the first several pages and I am just not finding it ~ grrrrr.

Does anyone recall this news video? If so, can you provide the link? I would be most grateful! TIA
The reason the topic threads are there is to organize our information so we can find it easily later. So, if we get into something interesting in the discussion thread, we can open a topic thread for it and all that interesting stuff will be filed right there, not buried in here somewhere.

I'm with SS in wanting the discussion thread to stay open as long as possible. I see the general discussion thread as an important place to develop ideas for topic threads.

Believe me, if and when this goes to trial, we'll all be glad to have the topic threads! :)

OK, now I understand. I haven't been on here long enough for any of the crimes to go to trial..Your answer makes perfect sense. thanks!!

How do you get smiley faces in the reply? TIA
I don't recall ever seeing that video, but it doesn't mean anything like you are going crazy. :crazy: It only means I may have missed it. ;) LOL

ETA: To get smileys...you have to click on the Reply button at the top of thread instead of the quick reply at the bottom...or click Go Advanced. :) I was here an entire year before someone told me! LOL
OK, now I understand. I haven't been on here long enough for any of the crimes to go to trial..Your answer makes perfect sense. thanks!!

How do you get smiley faces in the reply? TIA

My good nature just spontaneously generates them.

(No, really, be sure you're posting in "advanced" mode, and you should see a collection of smileys to the right of the posting window.)
Can't seem to get thumbs up in reply box. Are the icons on the bottom different? TIA:clap:
Hi cyberswept! I thought this was Lindsey's first year in school in McCleary...before this she went to school in Elma. Gosh, I can't seem to keep anything straight in this case...so many different versions of EVERYTHING!

No, she went to Elma first then McCleary. Not sure of the specifics but I think it was 2007-08 school year in Elma and last year (2008-09) in McCleary.

They probably used MMs address to register her in the Elma school district.
Can't seem to get thumbs up in reply box. Are the icons on the bottom different? TIA:clap:
Yes, the ones on the right side will go into the post and the ones on the bottom will go into the title box above the post. :)

ETA: What time is it in McCleary right now? LOL I am trying to figure out the time differences and want to be sure not to miss the Candlelight Vigil tonight. Thanks~
I put a time-line up in the time-line thread. Hope you all read it and leave suggestions for improvement or clarification. I've been keeping it from the beginning and it is 'most' vague due to the lack of information from PD. TIA:thumb:
Yes, the ones on the right side will go into the post and the ones on the bottom will go into the title box above the post. :)

ETA: What time is it in McCleary right now? LOL I am trying to figure out the time differences and want to be sure not to miss the Candlelight Vigil tonight. Thanks~

It's always two hours earlier in WA than in OK.
Yes, the ones on the right side will go into the post and the ones on the bottom will go into the title box above the post. :)

ETA: What time is it in McCleary right now? LOL I am trying to figure out the time differences and want to be sure not to miss the Candlelight Vigil tonight. Thanks~

4:16 pm
Is anyone from the forum going to be there tonight? Meeting Place?
I was going to go but I have my granddaughter and it would be way past her bedtime.. break her routine and she turns into a brat.
Well if anyone is going PM me or post up
Is there any new home construction going on in McCleary right now?
And if so how close is this construction to where Lindsey dissappeared from?
I thought that was right, Steadfast...but wanted to be positive. So I will start that thread about 11:00 pm my time! :) Thanks!

LOL I have a headache and couldn't think straight. :banghead: I should probably stop beating my head against that brickwall so much.

Well, it is the weekend and hopefully this case will pick up some steam.
(TY about the advanced reply hint, I didn't know that either)

I don't see a specific topic thread for it, but wanted to say...
I remembered a while back I saved a lot of the vigil crowd pics, so today I uploaded them.
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Lindsey Baum/June 30 09 Vigil crowd pics/

Taken from the crowd vid uncut: http://www.kirotv.com/video/19920349/index.html

The main Lindsey album:
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Lindsey Baum/

I added Carrie Jelle, from the shop that gives kids a free balloon on their bday. Anyone remember what that store is called?
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