WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #8

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5 cents to 5 bucks is the stores name
After you have been on here long enough, you will realize there is no end to their stupidity. :doh: Right now in the Coleman case, people are floored that LE could easily trace back the threats towards his family to his own computer and he was head of security for a major ministry worth millions plus. He should have known better being so tech savy, but he did it anyway.

A sociopath truly believes they are smarter than everyone else. It is not unheard of for the perp to find some way to insert himself/herself into the case. Some show up to search, some contact the family to "share their grief", and some will make media statements right n left. It is bizarre to say the least, but it happens.

That is so true SS IMO, For instance at a vigil tonight! Possibility, and sure our gumshoes will be on the ground ;}
I got a couple of pictures of the pool today. Kind of a run down area right there, says it's under construction. Lots of brush, hiding places. The pool is visible from every street around it. I also included a map of it's location. This is the pool that was pointed out to me by KK.

Hi again LadyBug, It is a common mistake made when the qualifications for an Amber Alert are not there and the child is thought to have wandered off or run away. The stats say 70% of those children that go missing are either lost, run aways, etc and are found eventually.

Then the local boys called for help from the FBI and maybe other LE agencies like the GH Sheriff's office, maybe Thurston county as well, and BAM, the case opened up to a most professional investigation IMO. Not knocking the local boys, but as you said, how often do they have to deal with locating a missing child that has seemingly vanished into thin air?

I think sometimes people think not much is being done in the case when they hear Scott talk to the media. He is limited as to what he can say

I am just thankful the FBI responded in kind to the seriousness of the situation with Lindsey, bringing all their training and experience from each one of them {huge X 6 IMO} to focus on one young girl - Lindsey. Very fortunate indeed IMO.

Upon further reflection today (while I was *supposed to be working (ye gads) )- thinking about what I posted and how I phrased it :doh: :footinmouth:- I sincerely hope I did not offend anyone who resides within the vicinity of McCleary by my comments regarding local LE and how this case was originally handled. I did not mean to imply that LE was involved or botched the case in any way.

All I intended to say was that, based upon what we've learned in more recent cases (for example the Sandra Cantu case), we should probably keep our minds open to all possibilities, rather than toss out ideas because "that could never happen", because our eyes have been opened to the fact that things like that *can happen (unfortunately) :( . What I meant was I thought we needed to look at "everyone", and not exclude based upon preconcieved notions.

What I meant by "bungling", was not the ineptness or a reflection of local LE by any means. :( I was referring to the Amber Alert system. I believe that if a child goes missing for *any reason, whether it be abduction or running away - it should be broadcast immediately at least locally for the simple fact that what may start out as a "runaway" could easily be taken advantage of by a sharp-eyed SO and it could quickly escalate to an abduction - or the child may inadvertantly out themselves in a dangerous situation of another type. Yes - there would be children reported missing that may have run off and were found an hour later - - but it also may save the lives of those children who are actually in danger during that all-important 2-hour window after they disappear. Also - a witness is more apt to remember something "off" they witnessed an hour ago than they are something they witnesses a day later.

Once Lindsey's missing status was broadcast - LE rocked - amazingly well for such a small town. :clap:

I was thinking about the small town my best half and I are planning on relocating back to after my son graduates next year. It's a town I grew up in - central IL - population maybe 5000 - I think the last recorded murder was in the early 1920's and it was a misfire from a hunting rifle thru a window. If a child were to vanish in that town today? Even with an Illinois State Police Station 5 miles away - I don't think they'd handle this nearly as well as the LE in McCleary.

Again - I am sincerely sorry if I inadvertantly offended anyone........

(Can't find a "Sorry" or "Apologize" Smiley so I'm whacking *myself w/a Trout!)

My wife, daughter and I are going to try and go JvK. I am going to take some pictures too.

Oh I wish I could meet you there but my car is in the shop and I don't want to drive my rental that far up and back.

It would be interesting to see if there are any 'loners' there, standing a bit off. Maybe not tho, as they could be tagging along with the wife, eh? I bet there will be a lot of photos taken tonight for immediate review!!!! xox
Hi All ~ Am I out of my mind, or did I not watch a video of MK very early in the case in which she was being interviewed and was holding a pad of paper on which she had drawn stick figures of her and Lindsey and was babbling rather quickly and incoherently (at least that's the way I recall it at the time). It stuck out in my mind because it was at just about the same time that the girl's MS pages were being revealed and I remember thinking that her behavior and drawings were certainly not indicative of the age level of what we were seeing on her MS.

In the subsequent video that MK appears in, she is much more composed, issues a plea to bring Lindsey back, and appears to cry. (Just as a reference for you).

I have searched both the Lindsey media links forum and the Lindsey Forum Thread 1 through the first several pages and I am just not finding it ~ grrrrr.

Does anyone recall this news video? If so, can you provide the link? I would be most grateful! TIA

This might be the video:
Upon further reflection today (while I was *supposed to be working (ye gads) )- thinking about what I posted and how I phrased it :doh: :footinmouth:- I sincerely hope I did not offend anyone who resides within the vicinity of McCleary by my comments regarding local LE and how this case was originally handled. I did not mean to imply that LE was involved or botched the case in any way.

All I intended to say was that, based upon what we've learned in more recent cases (for example the Sandra Cantu case), we should probably keep our minds open to all possibilities, rather than toss out ideas because "that could never happen", because our eyes have been opened to the fact that things like that *can happen (unfortunately) :( . What I meant was I thought we needed to look at "everyone", and not exclude based upon preconcieved notions.

What I meant by "bungling", was not the ineptness or a reflection of local LE by any means. :( I was referring to the Amber Alert system. I believe that if a child goes missing for *any reason, whether it be abduction or running away - it should be broadcast immediately at least locally for the simple fact that what may start out as a "runaway" could easily be taken advantage of by a sharp-eyed SO and it could quickly escalate to an abduction - or the child may inadvertantly out themselves in a dangerous situation of another type. Yes - there would be children reported missing that may have run off and were found an hour later - - but it also may save the lives of those children who are actually in danger during that all-important 2-hour window after they disappear. Also - a witness is more apt to remember something "off" they witnessed an hour ago than they are something they witnesses a day later.

Once Lindsey's missing status was broadcast - LE rocked - amazingly well for such a small town. :clap:

I was thinking about the small town my best half and I are planning on relocating back to after my son graduates next year. It's a town I grew up in - central IL - population maybe 5000 - I think the last recorded murder was in the early 1920's and it was a misfire from a hunting rifle thru a window. If a child were to vanish in that town today? Even with an Illinois State Police Station 5 miles away - I don't think they'd handle this nearly as well as the LE in McCleary.

Again - I am sincerely sorry if I inadvertantly offended anyone........

(Can't find a "Sorry" or "Apologize" Smiley so I'm whacking *myself w/a Trout!)


You didn't offend me by any means ;} What I tried to do was show why there might have been not a lot of activity in the case until it was put out in the media.

I don't know when the call went out that she was missing and will have to go back and re-read the first links in the case. xox
Oh I wish I could meet you there but my car is in the shop and I don't want to drive my rental that far up and back.

It would be interesting to see if there are any 'loners' there, standing a bit off. Maybe not tho, as they could be tagging along with the wife, eh? I bet there will be a lot of photos taken tonight for immediate review!!!! xox

Yeah Scandi, then I could have slapped you with a real fish. hehe. :trout:
Yeah Scandi, then I could have slapped you with a real fish. hehe. :trout:

LOL And I'd be all ready to lassoo you

Ya Ya

Running to the store but will be back in a flash. It looks like there is some reading up to do on several of the Lindsey threads.
I got a couple of pictures of the pool today. Kind of a run down area right there, says it's under construction. Lots of brush, hiding places. The pool is visible from every street around it. I also included a map of it's location. This is the pool that was pointed out to me by KK.


Ew, sorry the yard that pool is in really creeped me out. Do I have to edit this post to take that out? LOL White car in pool yard, old RV, briars/brush.
Who owns this house? I will go look at the records just thought someone may already know. And it looks like you can see the shell station from this house, is that correct?
Again, I can edit or delete this post - I honestly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Well, maybe any RSO but nobody here or in McCleary.:crazy:
I got a couple of pictures of the pool today. Kind of a run down area right there, says it's under construction. Lots of brush, hiding places. The pool is visible from every street around it. I also included a map of it's location. This is the pool that was pointed out to me by KK.

Thanks~ The pool is right there for everyone to see the girls swimming that day. It would be difficult to miss if they were screaming and squealing like girls that age do in the pool.

It doesn't look like a construction zone to me and I would venture a guess the person who put it up did it for the "Keep Out" sign only unless they are doing the construction inside.

The one thing the bike and the pool have in common is they were both in view of the PD.

ETA: I guess that isn't the case since you can't see the Shell station from the pool.
Random thought here......(scary, I know....:eek:) Re: The unnamed County Worker who spied Lindsey @ 9:15 between 5th & 6th while on their way to work? What County positions in that area would have shifts that start (I'm assuming at 9:30 - 10:00) that time in the eve?. I know in my area (huge sprawling St Louis) that there are several facilities where there might be a skeleton crew so to speak during the evening hours, Park Rangers, etc - but the only County facility in my area that would have substantial staff during evening hours would be the County Police Station. Is it possible that one of our witnesses may be LE - or work for them? I'm thinking if this *is the case - their powers of observation may be better "honed" than the casual observer and mayhaps we can count more on that witnesses accuracy...........am I making any sense? :confused: (It's been a loooong day)
Ew, sorry the yard that pool is in really creeped me out. Do I have to edit this post to take that out? LOL White car in pool yard, old RV, briars/brush.
Who owns this house? I will go look at the records just thought someone may already know. And it looks like you can see the shell station from this house, is that correct?
Again, I can edit or delete this post - I honestly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Well, maybe any RSO but nobody here or in McCleary.:crazy:

From the front of the house, yes you can see the Shell Station, but you can't see it from the pool.
I'm four hours away....give or take the traffic in Portland. I think I'll be late since it is 6:52 PM here right now!
(TY about the advanced reply hint, I didn't know that either)

I don't see a specific topic thread for it, but wanted to say...
I remembered a while back I saved a lot of the vigil crowd pics, so today I uploaded them.
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Lindsey Baum/June 30 09 Vigil crowd pics/

Taken from the crowd vid uncut: http://www.kirotv.com/video/19920349/index.html

The main Lindsey album:
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Lindsey Baum/I added Carrie Jelle, from the shop that gives kids a free balloon on their bday. Anyone remember what that store is called?
These are great!! Thanks, Amanda~ You never know who is going to turn up in the crowd shots. ;)
Thank you Cyberswept for the photos.
I sure hope that oven and motor home have been searched.

Re: whether Lindsey would ever have met up with someone older on the internet to run away: IMO never. She NEVER would have left Kadence behind.
Scandi, yes, Montesano and Elma also have their own PDs. We also have the County Sheriff in Montesano. The State Patrol is in Aberdeen.

Jennifer - It really sounds like your area is very well covered!!!!! Also, from the pics I've seen - very beautiful!

O/T - {{{{{{Congrats on your Son's Homecoming!!!!! }}}}}}} I am so happy and excited for you!!!!
Thanks~ The pool is right there for everyone to see the girls swimming that day. It would be difficult to miss if they were screaming and squealing like girls that age do in the pool.

It doesn't look like a construction zone to me and I would venture a guess the person who put it up did it for the "Keep Out" sign only unless they are doing the construction inside.

The one thing the bike and the pool have in common is they were both in view of the PD.

That was the first impression I got SS when I saw that sign. I bet they were getting more attention then they wanted. I don't know who's house that is, but I'd have to say that they should be suspects. Someone could have been watching Lindsey all day in her bathing suit and got ideas. She could have gone missing there without too much trouble. Why would she be afraid of going there when she had been swimming there all day long? As you can see from my map, she could have easily strayed there while walking home.
Random thought here......(scary, I know....:eek:) Re: The unnamed County Worker who spied Lindsey @ 9:15 between 5th & 6th while on their way to work? What County positions in that area would have shifts that start (I'm assuming at 9:30 - 10:00) that time in the eve?. I know in my area (huge sprawling St Louis) that there are several facilities where there might be a skeleton crew so to speak during the evening hours, Park Rangers, etc - but the only County facility in my area that would have substantial staff during evening hours would be the County Police Station. Is it possible that one of our witnesses may be LE - or work for them? I'm thinking if this *is the case - their powers of observation may be better "honed" than the casual observer and mayhaps we can count more on that witnesses accuracy...........am I making any sense? :confused: (It's been a loooong day)

North of McCleary (in Shelton) is a prison, west of McCleary is the county jail (Montesano) and a prison (Aberdeen), east of McCleary is Thurston County (a county jail).

I know the prison has a shift 10pm to 6am. I do not know what shifts the county jails have.
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