WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #9

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Totally O/T: Why do they always say that they are now learning.... It seems if they can tell us, they already finished learning it...now they're teaching it.
Sorry, the heat here has my brain fried, I truly have no idea how the Pac NW posters are even able to breathe.

The heat is staggering.106 degrees at 5:29pm :eek::eek::eek:
The heat is staggering.106 degrees at 5:29pm :eek::eek::eek:

yep yep yep, my pc tells me it's 108 in Corvallis. Unbelievable!!
I'm worried my van is going to melt into a mass of goo right there in my driveway..:eek:

any news on the search yet?
O/T: Maybe they should all opt for frozen brass bras instead? It could become WA's latest fashion craze. (Hey...I could market these! hehehe Victoria's Secret missed selling ta ta coolers. ;))

BOMBSHELL: Washington Women Break Out their "Witty Titches Brass Bras" To Stay Cool During Heat Wave! Film At 11:00pm!

LOL That woud feel so good! Much, much better than the over the shoulder boulder holder! :blowkiss: I can see them now, a simple coil of brass tubing wound round and round . . . .:crazy:
I hope they don't overlook the beehive this time around....

perhaps question a few residents since they tend to spend time looking out their window.
ok, It's a sterotype. :)
I just tried calling both the McCleary Police (360) 495-3107 (noone available message) and Grays Harbor County Information Hot-line (Tip line) (866) 915-8299 (number not available in my area at this time). I just sent an email off with a link to the comment and page.

Normcar did you ever call again today and try to get through to someone? And did you hea ranything form the email you sent?
CS SAID - I don't know when they did this, but when Kimster asked me to go look earlier, I was looking for anything, teams wandering, LE, extra LE vehicles and I saw absolutely nothing. Maybe they did that earlier today before it got hot.

NC21 - Must have been if the actual search was today. Video snippits from the search were in the video feed. Thanks for checking it out, by the way. Advantage WS! We got locals. :crazy:
The heat is staggering.106 degrees at 5:29pm :eek::eek::eek:

I can't believe the heat wave you guys are having. It's only 85 degrees in the Florida Panhandle. Come on down I have a lot of extra room and A/C. Hopefully it will cool off some for you soon!:blowkiss:
Normcar did you ever call again today and try to get through to someone? And did you hea ranything form the email you sent?

No, I didn't really expect to hear back and after I posted the tip something came to mind that I might have considered. I simply sent the following information:

I wanted to be sure that law enforcement has knowledge about a supposed sighting of LB - I provided the full name -- (5 days ago) under a King5.com news report. The web address for this story is as follows: http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_072109WAB-mccleary-missing-reward-SW.62c9e7a5.html

I'm sure that you already have information about this comment but I just wanted to be sure. The text of the comment is below:

i'm so distraught i know i saw your daughbter on the roy highway being led on foot by the woods i called 911 and they said they dispatched someone to drive by but thats all they did there were two males one without a shirt and no shoes i have seen him on the highway only once before the other white male was about 50 weariong a b lue plaid shirt they had the girl sandwiched betwqeen them she was snacking at the males arfm on the right as they led her down the highway shew was wering a pink tank top and tannish capri pan ts she looks like the picture with the darker hair ...i have been trying to get someone to go find her for over an hopur now..this is not a joke ....i hope you get this soon...you can call me on my cell 253v 439 9515 or the house phone 253 843 4107.. sorry i cant type well they wedre heading south bound between 4 and 5 miles from the turn off onto the highway going southbound the were walking toward traffic on the northbound side..i cant imagine what your going through i'm upset juyst because i cant get anyone to care..i emailed one of the investigators also but dont know whst else to do the men are two big for one person to take on..they are probably way into the woods on fort lewis by now..dear god i hope your daughter gets home soon...

Thank you

Immediately after clicking the send button I thought, "damn, I should have indicated my suspicions about the proximity of Roy to Fort Lewis and a possible link to that SO "Jeffrey Smiley" and possible relatives that he may have in the McCleary/Olympia/Elma areas

My reasoning for this is that I really wonder just how much various LE departments work together and share information relative to even different towns. Anyway, it was sent off but have not yet received any response.
It's a lovely 74 degrees right now in MI.
I have central air and would invite everyone to my house, but considering the crime rate here, we'd all end up with our own threads...and not in a good way.
LOL That woud feel so good! Much, much better than the over the shoulder boulder holder! :blowkiss: I can see them now, a simple coil of brass tubing wound round and round . . . .:crazy:

We dudes just put oversized ice cubes in our marble bags and hang around the broken fan. :eek::eek::eek:
too bad they didn't decide to do that the first day.
It makes me think of Jessica L.
I hope it doesn't turn out like that case.
I'm sorry for the sadness of this post.
and I am grateful they are doing due diligence now. moo

I still tear up when I think about little Jessica Lunsford.

I think with what info they have received and info they have gleaned so far in the case, it has taken to this point to execute this special search. They have had the finest advice on locating missing children thru the FBI and they are calling the shots in the case.

So it has to be their putting together several parts of the puzzle together with maybe a simple tip that has made their hair stand on end. That is usually how it happens.

Let's pray LE has had a Gestalt moment!

They are searching around Lindsey's house, right? This morning I thought it was up on Maple. xox
I still tear up when I think about little Jessica Lunsford.

I think with what info they have received and info they have gleaned so far in the case, it has taken to this point to execute this special search. They have had the finest advice on locating missing children thru the FBI and they are calling the shots in the case.

So it has to be their putting together several parts of the puzzle together with maybe a simple tip that has made their hair stand on end. That is usually how it happens.

Let's pray LE has had a Gestalt moment!

They are searching around Lindsey's house, right? This morning I thought it was up on Maple. xox

Extremely well said Scandi!
I would rather have one of you guys here in my nice cool house. Then someone else could kill the HUGE wolf spider that has taken up residence in my bathroom. ACK

He's about this long: _______________ without his legs.

Back on topic: Is is possible that LE did a house to house search briefly to appease the media and then take off to the area they really wanted to search. Just asking. It would explain why none of our locals saw signs of a search.
I would rather have one of you guys here in my nice cool house. Then someone else could kill the HUGE wolf spider that has taken up residence in my bathroom. ACK

He's about this long: _______________ without his legs.

Back on topic: Is is possible that LE did a house to house search briefly to appease the media and then take off to the area they really wanted to search. Just asking. It would explain why none of our locals saw signs of a search.


I sure hate to think they would do that! We did see a pic of a search dog on one of the media threads.
I hate to note this and to be gruesome, but with the weather around there being as hot as it has been, I think that if Lindsey were no longer with us and her remains were out in the open in the area they would have been found by now due to the smell of human decomposition. And by the same token, if LE is beginning door to door searches, I think that the minute they enter a home the smell will be evident as well.

We are at 31 days after she went missing. With decomposition, within the first 20 days after death the body has expanded with gasses and released them.

Then from 20 days up to 50 days the body dries out and takes on a different odour, a cheesy one, not the scent we associate with the putrification of the first 20 days.

And then every situation is different and there are many variables, mainly environmental, that affect the rate of decomp. xox


I sure hate to think they would do that! We did see a pic of a search dog on one of the media threads.

Honestly, that didn't come out as clearly as I hoped...the spider has me spooked. He gets any bigger I'm asking for rent.
Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of maybe LE having a plan to search a few houses on the stretch she was last seen as well as other locations. They could have allowed the media to see some locations, maybe the ones they felt were less likely to produce a hit, and then gone quietly and media free to continue the search in more outlying areas.
Did that clarify a little bit?
I woke up last night and couldn't get back to sleep. I went over every possibility that I could remember that has been discussed here, hashed over, re-hashed, frustrated over, and I found myself back to the same place where this apparent LE focused on.
- That's where LB was last seen (by either one or two...whatever)
- Thats where LB's scent disappeared into thin air

Then, I read about all of this SO activity surrounding McCleary within a 30 mile radius and supposed relatives of a few of these actually living in or near McCleary.

Then I read about persons like Jeffrey Smiley and the Tumwater "attempt"

Then I read about possible "sightings" of LB extremely approximate to at least "one" of these SO locations, the Smiley one actually resulting in an arrest less than 10 miles from a spotting.

To me it all seems to point to -- when boiled down to the bare elements -- an abduction and sweeping away from McCleary.

If this were not the case, then someone would have heard something else, seen something else, dogs would have smelled out something else, citizens of McClearly would be hinting, sharing hidden info, etc, etc. but

NOTHING, like some sinister pickup by the alien ship hovering overhead -- just what would be expected if indeed LB was just grabbed up in one moment and driven away, causing a complete and gigantic "question mark" for all citizens left behind.

To me, personally, imho, nothing else seems reasonable to assume.

I know that some of you accept that scenario as the most viable and I'm beginning to really head that way myself.
I would rather have one of you guys here in my nice cool house. Then someone else could kill the HUGE wolf spider that has taken up residence in my bathroom. ACK

He's about this long: _______________ without his legs.

NMK. You're ok unless he starts howling at the moon!
There is a sex offender that pulled two different pervy episodes a little while before Lindsey went missing, in CA, he then dropped off the radar during the time she disappeared and resurfaced a few days after, back in CA. Nothing has been said about his activities while he was on teh lam. I dug up the info on him before, I could go look again. It's not exactly local, but if he jumped on the freeway and just drove, he would have had time to get to WA, hide out, maybe do things more sinister and then get back to CA in time to get nailed there at the time he did. I have to admit, for some reason, I took the time to copy the links about him, so I must have sensed he was at least worth the time to type up.
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