WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #16

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Re Gargoyle, one photo looks as if the little critter is sitting on a broken motorcycle IMO
Photo NUMBER 914:

That tamp also appears similar to how overflow water from creeks lay out grasses as the continuous rush of water forces weak vegetation to bend and lay in place ... not saying that's the case there ...
No, I haven’t been looking for the foundation in MC’s senior photos. I haven’t even thought about that foundation for the last several weeks until I stumbled upon the one in photo #915.

There are a series of foundations that appear in the background of MC's photo.

Curious to know .. how many buildings were similarly constructed, and in what areas? Why did MC's photog select that area?
Is anyone knowledgeable or familiar with "Unique Wells?"

Not me, but I am intrigued by your question, and curious as to why the question was asked. Is there a business card, trademark or other marking on something with that name?

Google was not too helpful, but there are a couple individuals with the moniker of "Unique Wells," and one or two online businesses with that name, but none seem to have even a remote connection to this case.

"Unique Wells," just to SPECULATE, could be the name for a landscaping company, an artist, a well digging company, a surveying company that catalogs unique wells. Just throwing out possibilities without really knowing anything definite.
"Certain cell phone records of people who were associated with Cowell also are missing..."



I just had a thought about what Harum said in this interview. He talks about cell phone records of people associated with MC. It could be standard procedure, OR it could be that Harum just gave us a huge clue. I don't know if this has been brought up, but the fact that they're looking through cell phone records of people MC knew is kind of a big deal. I mean, the way I see it, this kind of tells me that this was not a serial killer or some random murder by a stranger. They've been looking into someone "associated" with MC, perhaps someone close to her.

Then again, it could mean nothing at all. Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this :)

I expect that LE would have had to submit for separate SWs for each of those 'people associated' with MC.

It is odd ('missing' data) unless each person uses the same service provider; the provide might have experienced an IT issue, such as a data link fail between the switches and database servers or other breakity-break brokeded thingamjingy ... that's technical talk for 'boogered'.
Ok, time for some more reservoir level info - skip to the next post if you like, but I still think the attachments/downloads are sweet, no matter where you believe the body was found.

For the rest, let's start on attachment #1 -- Reservoir Levels AFTER MC's Body Was Discovered

It appears LE allowed, (as in didn't ask them not to), Rock Island Dam to continue to release "surges" downriver that would have covered the area where a body, (with feet in the river), was found. (See attachment #1).

The Weekend MC was found:
There was significant amounts of water released on the Saturday evening after the body was found and there were also two events on Sunday that likely increased the water level at CB to cover where a body was found IF the feet had been in the reservoir/river "water".

Power generation on the weekends doesn't appear to fit any kind of "normal" pattern so it is difficult to guess if they attempted to change their operations on account of a request from LE -- so let's continue on to the weekdays.

Monday morning looks to be a fairly "normal" operational day for Rock Island Dam. There really isn't a "normal" per-say, but Rock Island Dam did start releasing large amounts of water at 6 AM increasing until around 11 AM with a water level that was 3 feet higher than the level at CB when MC's body was found. Not all of those 3 feet would be felt down at Crescent Bar but at least a foot would be, (probably more as elevations at Wanapum Dam, 22 miles south of CB, increased 2 feet during Rock Islands morning water releases). (See attachment #1)

Tuesday was another "normal" type day although Rock Island's morning activities was about a foot less than Monday's. Tuesday night also had a significant water release that was over 3 feet higher than the level at CB when MC's body was found.

Wednesday, Thursday:
Both Wednesday and Thursday left the CB area under many feet of water compared to the time MC's body was discovered.

Other side of the coin:
Trying to look at this the other way, Monday and Tuesday levels were less than Wednesday and Thursday, (possibly this could signify the end of the investigation at CB - at least of the shoreline). I don't think it did. Even if the dams had adjusted their water releases through Tuesday, those dam releases still would have created higher water levels at the CB property than the level water was when MC was found. Therefore, I think these variations are just part of the "normal" operations. Although ... ... ... I only have one other block of days to compare it to - the reservoir levels during the time MC was missing. See attachment #2 - although quite possibly worthless for the case, especially with del rio's recent pics showing an additional clearing next to the stream, I like to think of attachment #2 as my baby :blushing:

Attachment #2: Reservoir Levels While MC Was Missing

During the week MC was missing, Rock Island Dam created a significant amount of water on Tuesday, (at least the part that I have graphed), and on Wednesday. On Thursday the activity was less. And on Friday the activity was significantly less then Tuesday or Wednesday - Yet this would be called a "normal" operational "pattern" -- LOL... not really. The only thing I think is a consistent "pattern" is weekend fluctuations are generally less. There is much more information you could pull from the data, but I'm no longer sure what use it would be, anyone else see something?

Conclusions to the RUMOR of feet in river/reservoir "water":

Rock Island Dam released water that would have covered where the body was very likely Saturday evening/night during two different "surges", and possibly twice on Sunday. Monday it appears most definitely to have been covered. So, IMO, the RUMOR of feet in reservoir water appears to be much less likely, because LE wouldn't have wanted that to occur. Again that is In My Opinion - feel free to check out the data and make your own decisions.

ETA: Attachments appear to have shrunk so here are some download links.
Here's attachment #1 - Reservoir Levels AFTER MC's Body Was Discovered.
Here's Attachment #2 - Reservoir Levels While MC Was Missing
I also have Excel files for these charts, if anyone is interested let me know.

Then, why were there divers in the river? If the people that found her said her feet and legs were in the water and the term "feet were bobbing" in the water was used............and the water levels were down at the time she was discovered..............and LE sent divers into the river...............it seems safe to assume she was in the river at some point. It's as simple as that. JMO
I SPECULATE LE/prosecutor made that public request because they knew the perps did not walk out of PC. The purpose of this request was to prevent the defense attorneys from using that theory to put reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. The same rationale applies to LE's belated search of the Orondo Street boat launch (LE did not expect nor hope to find any evidence there).

To be clear, this is merely my OPINION.

If LE 'knew the perps did not walk out of PC' then they must believe the perp(s) used a vehicle to leave the area or they believe the perp(s) lives in the immediate area. If left by vehicle, LE would be asking about unusual vehicles or checking traffic citation records for the area. If living in the immediate area, we might expect a heavy LE presence in the area, door-to-door, etc.

Can any one confirm LE's activities post-car-discovery in the PCR site area?

I expect LE would not want to compromise potential evidence by delaying a search. My guess is that particular search was unrelated, or if it was related it might have been triggered by a tip or other case-relevant realizations.
I'm curious .. did MC speak Spanish? Could she have talked her killer out of raping her?

That just doesn't seem plausible to me. If the perp's original intent was rape and she could talk him out of it, then violent death follows? IDK. It just doesn't "fit". IMO, but I know very little about a criminal mind.
Is anyone knowledgeable or familiar with "Unique Wells?"

I think "Unique Well" on well logs is the place to assign a number or identification for a specific well at that location. I don't think it has any meaning beyond that. The well at the CB house is an artesian well. If you look at several well logs you will see it is a common place to give each well its specific identification number.

Is that what you are after?
That just doesn't seem plausible to me. If the perp's original intent was rape and she could talk him out of it, then violent death follows? IDK. It just doesn't "fit". IMO, but I know very little about a criminal mind.

Anger from having been manipulated by his victim ...
2 months today since Mac's been gone. Let's hope they get this case resolved soon!
Do you think the killer speaks Spanish?

No ... just throwing an 'idea' out there based on the woman's description of the recent alleged 'rape attempt perp' being Hispanic.


I now believe MC and the perp intended to have sex that day (yes, '15 minute' break-time and other-time trysts) but she said or did something this time (wanted to stop meeting him, insulted him or threatened him via exposure of their trysts, or she bit his lip or tongue) to steer that particular encounter in to becoming something else.

I also believe the perp moved MC's car *from* a location, not necessarily *to* a location. To clairify: it's not so much the perp wanted to hide the car in PC .. it's more he wanted to move the car *away* from where ever MC and he usually met or 'parked' and he had to drive it to an out-of-the-way area so as not to be seen abandoning it.

For that day's meeting, was the car wash the initial 'meeting' place? On other days, was it the SPEC house, the CB house? Perhaps other empty, for-sale houses listed in the WC catalog? A teen's paradise.

I'm sorry, but given that MC allegedly proclaimed to have 'cheated' on her bf, well, all paths must be followed.
Ditto!! One thing I cannot get over...I have still to this day, seen, ONE, 1, poster for MC asking for tips. I do not understand why the family does not see that the posters are EVERYWHERE!!! It would Not hurt the case!!! I have posted this tought I think, 3rd time now, and NO ONE repsonds?? So just get used to me reposting this thought until at least someone responds to this aweful feeling I have. If I was told to keep quiet, I would still post posters everywhere, for information, if it were my child...
I actually see those posters often; at the nail place I frequent, grocery store, pharmacy, coffee stand...
But I agree with you about getting that info out there anywhere and everywhere I could! I would never give up!!! Never Stop!!!
I'm sure LE was very reluctant to go through all that brush by hand. Can't say as I blame them. That stuff is the prickliest brush I've ever seen.

But, LE did go through quite a bit of it, I thought.
Not having spent much time in "prickely brush", what kind of wounds would that brush leave? A scratch? A puncture? Both?
Then, why were there divers in the river? If the people that found her said her feet and legs were in the water and the term "feet were bobbing" in the water was used............and the water levels were down at the time she was discovered..............and LE sent divers into the river...............it seems safe to assume she was in the river at some point. It's as simple as that. JMO

Divers might just mean due diligence and nothing more, (I wouldn't be surprised to learn they found something, although we have yet to hear any rumors of such?) IMO, if a body was found anywhere on that property, even the garage, they likely would have sent the dive team out just to make sure.
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