WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #7

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Can a past list of prisoners for every day from the months of January and February be found online?
Yeah Nancee Drue...I think that is a real possibility. IMO the perp could have texted back "Hey" to MC's BF... just to create more time before anyone started worrying about her... or MC did send that last text. IMO either way whether she knew it or not, I really think the perp was involved with her already by 3:40 on 2/9.
I still wonder if the "HEY" text was sent by someone using MC's phone.

A WS was down at the boat launch today (or was it yesterday) and noticed LE hanging out. The WS specifically asked police if they KNEW it was MC who used her phone to send out that last text message. The officers said, Yes, they KNOW she was there, her car was there and her phone was there at that time.

They have more information then they are telling, (likely video - and lots of it).

I'm recalling this from memory, so don't quote me.
Can anyone figure out how the spec home on School and Ridgeview fit in? It is on the north end of Wenatchee about as far from CB and PC as one could get. There have been three searches of that property that we know of (this is not rumor but fact). :waitasec:

Hmmmmmmmmmmm. If you draw a line from the spec house to the car in Pitcher Canyon and then to CB and then back..........Is that a triangle?
"Sortof? Not sure if that would have any significance or not.......

"Moore said seven detectives are working on the case: three from Chelan County, two from Douglas County and two from the Wenatchee Police Department. He said Cowell was last seen about 3:30 p.m. Tuesday when she left the hair academy for what colleagues said was a normal drive to get coffee at Aut-To Mocha at Fifth and Chelan streets."

Snipped from http://www.wenatcheeworld.com/news/2010/feb/11/separate-searches-go-airborne-rescuers-comb/ posted Feb. 11 on WW website.

They were inaccurate about the time she left, so maybe they were inaccurate about where she was going. But initially, anyway, it seems like they were under the impression she went to get coffee.
  • Was MC's cosmo class a 5-day / week class?
  • When (last year, last month) did MC begin leaving cosmo class mid-late day to 'get coffee'?
  • How often did that occur during class weeks?
  • Did MC always leave (for coffee) at the same time, every time?
  • Did MC always return to class after a 'coffee run'?
  • Did MC always / sometimes / never return to class holding a coffee?
  • Did MC always go alone? (this is a key point- repetition, was she 'watched')
  • Did any classmates ever ask MC if they could go with , but were 'denied'?
Given where MC's body was 'placed', I expect the perp was someone between 19 and 30 years old, probably inexperienced with river flow (at least in the CB area), and had a weak stomach for but a strong desire to act out the crime committed.

I do not believe such 'rage' would build up and 'explode' during a 'coffe break' meeting. The perp's rage had built up over time, but not necessarily for 'typical' reasons such as, MC refused the perp's advances. But if it was for that 'typical' reason, MC was probably not aware but if she was aware she probably knew why and enjoyed the 'power' (only in that it made her feel good to know someone really liked or loved her, besides family).

If this was not for typical reasons, something else was occurring that caused that pent-up rage and eventual release. Jealousy? Money? *Ill-perceived* attacks (mentally ill person believing MC was 'out to get them' or otherwise do/cause them harm?).

Maybe that day, MC told the perp she no longer wanted to meet for ... 'coffee'?

I have a feeling the perp was 'stalking' MC ... not in the traditional sense, but in clandestinely meetings with her during the day and that no one was to be told about their meetings. Something happened that caused the perp to enrage to an ugly horror ... what was the perp ultimately after but on that day felt it slipping through his fingers?

Maybe it was a love-sexual crime, but extreme rage resulted in that love persisting to the point where the perp simply could not 'perform' (oddly: 'violate her') after the physical damage had been done to her body.

I expect the perp felt extreme remorse ... almost to the point of suicide, but not quite ... perhaps the perp left town, at least for a short while?
We are in agrement. That is why we are confused about why the spec was searched not once but three times. There must have been something, but what? Why was WC with LE last time? What made LE even think about that place? Was it becaue a neighbor suspected something? Did someone called in a tip? Why wait until the body was found before searching it? We just don't know.

"Why was WC with LE last time?"

WC would have been with LE the last time through the spec house to ask her if she noticed anything out of the ordinary - but mostly LE would be there to gauge her reactions to what she saw. It's also likely a specialist in reading facial expressions was present.

What made LE even think about that place?

Good question. I have an idea. Although hearing that this neighborhood seems to keep an eye out for things I think a tip could be possible - although still not likely. Why wouldn't the tip be remembered and called in on Wednesday or Thursday? The video asking for tips wasn't released until the next week, Feb.18th, so that couldn't have been a factor in jogging someone's memory.

Continuing further on how police may have found out about this location:

I believe the semi-solid rumor is also that LE arrived there on Friday even before the body was found. So, I am speculating that LE may have got cell phone records that included evidence of the phones location on Friday, (or copies of prior text messages MC sent or received which may have given away that location).

The reason I am speculating LE got this information on Friday is because on Saturday at 11:03 am this WW news article reports LE "will pore over more than 1,000 pages of phone records" then quotes LE saying, “That will be our major task today. We are going to see if we can develop a pattern.” So, Saturday morning they said they would focus on developing a pattern with those cell phone records. But, wouldn't the FIRST thing you did when you got those records would be to focus on the day MC went missing, before attempting to "develop a pattern"? Wouldn't that have been on, say Friday, with the evidence they found leading them to the spec house location? (Maybe MC texted someone this location was where she was headed? Maybe it was information collected by the cell phone tower as to her location? {Although, it is my understanding that that type of information wouldn't have come back in this 1000+ pages of records?})

That reminds me - I have a question for the cell phone expert we had on here the other day. Since this neighborhood appears to be on the edge of town wouldn't it have less towers covering it? How much would/could that effect the ability to locate the phone through pings? As I understand the more towers the better? But what if only 1 or 2 towers receives a ping from cell phones in this neighborhood? Any thoughts?
Del Rio, would you care to speculate the timing of the brush cutting? Did it appear as a long established duck blind might appear.....or....if it was freshly prepared, were the cut branches, sticks etc arranged for concealment of the body or more concealment of perps (fort like)?

One of del rio's posted pics (small redg flag and white card marker?) was of where he thought MC's body was placed .. if you look closely at the surrounding ground there is an impression, a flattened area ... it looks like it's been that way for a while. Duck blind? Sex-blind? Drug-blind? Any or all of those?

Someone knew that that area ... a hunter? Hunters typicaly carry a hunting knife ... hmmm.
Originally Posted by del rio View Post
One last tid bit of info:

I left a couple things in the duck blind which I never bothered to retrieve.

One was a blow-up floating mattress (which I’m fairly certain I popped).

The other was a bag.

Del Rio: What was in the bag? What did it look like?
About the spec house...

I think the info that we've received is most important not because it may have been a crime scene, but because LE thought that there was even a possibility that it could have been a crime scene.

Tells us which direction they're looking, as far as suspects.

If MC had the ability to make it into the spec house herself, I'm not sure it really points to a suspect(s)
I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, another thing that kind of bothers me is the white buoy in the river near the CB house. It's one of those buoys you tie your boat up to. I know that wasn't there before February 2010. It could just be from LE's divers, but then why is it still there today?

Perhaps that's where a murder weapon was found (after having been thrown in the river by the perp)?
I was wondering this too, and my theory was that maybe they didn't pick them up because they could tell she hadn't been shot.
So maybe that is why they didn't collect them?

The shells most likely were not collected because of their apparent age from weathering ... they appeared too old to have been used in any recent activity.

Previous posts revealed a CB neighbor witnessed MC's body before all LE arrived on scene ... the person revealed there was no visible blood on the body, and a cut on 'only' one arm.

If there was no bleed-out at the CB scene, we might suspect blunt-force trauma or asphyxiation as cause, with the cut possibly sustained while being removed from a vehicle or being moved through bushes.

Something I dreamed makes me ask this: any word on possible mutilation post-mortem, such as a missing tongue or ear? Souvenir?

Also, regarding the spec house and possible evidence and LE searching the house before MC's body was discovered ... I suspect MC's cell phone records might have included a registration or text ping near that location @ 5:42 pm on 2/9. MC's BF checking in on her? The perp, surprised by MC's cell phone noise from his pocket grabs it and removes the battery?

The perp needed a place to wash up but didn't want to linger at the CB house so s/he hit on the spec house? What 'something' did the open house attendee see? Pinkish-tinted towel? Condom? Cell phone battery? Footprint? Bloodied tool?

remember: CONJECTURE
Hi All Again,

Regarding the time period on pufnstuf's timeline between 2/9 3:01 PM (Hair Academy Parking Lot Video) and 2/9 3:40 PM (two "Hey" text messages on MC's cell phone)... I have looked at the parking lot video on the youtube version with screen expanded, and if you closely watch the last seconds of the video in the top right, it really looks like her car crosses South Mission Street, heading west WSW on Kittitas St. Isn't this away from the boat dock or Golds Gym? Am I wrong? Are her favorite coffee shops and stands in that direction?

I just viewed that video (again) and would agree that it appears her car crosses Mission St heading west on Kittitas. However, Mission is a three lane one way heading north and the video cuts off (both in time- it ends- and in view- the car leaves the focus about half a lane into the intersection). So, I wonder:

- did she simply turn north on Mission in one of the other lanes. I have done this seveal times, depending upon traffic and where I want to go. Often I turn into the middle lane. She could have done this and the video would not have recorded it.
- if she did cross the intersection, she may have gone west on Kittitas one more block and turned south on Chelan- a one way heading south. This would be the route to get coffee, as a couple of blocks south on Chelan, there is an Auto Mocha coffee stand. The one way steets- Chelan and Mission meet and become one four lane road at this point as well, so she may have grabbed coffee at this point and then headed back north up Mission, passing the lot again that she exited and heading to the park.
-If she did take Kittitas to Chelan St, the federal building (post office) is located on the northwest corner of that intersection. It is likely a camera on that corner of the building caught her car on video.
- She may have continued up Kittitas all the way to Okanogan street and proceeded somewhere else. Possibly even to the high school to pick up an aquantience, as the dismissal time at WHS is 3:00 PM and students would be getting rides at this time. If this occured, I'm certain it is on video, as WHS has several exterior cameras that I know record and save images. I dont think she likely went this route, but it is possible.

When I first heard the details of her missing, I assumed something happened as she was going to get coffee. I thought that somewhere between the parking lot and Auto Mocha something ocuured to detour her. Now, as more details have come forward, I have come to think she never intended to get coffee and went down Mission to Orondo and then the boat launch.

Keep in mind, there is a lot of "missing time" between the 3:00 approx. time she left the parking lot and the 3:42 she is known to have been at the boat launch. She could have left the parking lot, gone nearly anywhere in the city and still been at the boatlaunch by this time.
MC was not expected to a “special” dinner at RC that night. She was living with him and every night dinner was at a certain time. So the expected for dinner just means she was expected home at dinner time, as usual. MC obviously met someone, somewhere. We don’t think the car wash is pertinent as from what we can surmise it was an eye witness account several days after and eye witnesses are not reliable (he could have had date wrong, mis- identification, etc.) Lowe’s, brothers are not involved either.

The spec home was searched right after the body was found, maybe MC had a key on her that had that address on it and that is why they searched it. Maybe she was using the house as a rendezvous place. She knew the place as she had helped WC in past with yard and clean up work there, she may have had her own key to it.

This might have been where she and killer met, there was an argument and MC was killed. The killer called for help, to move MC vehicle (neighbors at that time did not suspect because they were use to seeing MC vehicle at the spec home.) what ever did happen at spec home (if anything) was not bloody as realtors held an impromptu open house the Sunday after they body was found. We were thinking that a realtor showing the home called LE but since the home was not searched until shortly after the body was found we have dismissed that idea.

MC body was moved to CB during daylight hours. The property is listed and neighbors would not think about a vehicle being there and people looking around. It had to be daylight for the killer(s) to see trail, maybe use a wheelbarrow that was on site (in photos there is other equipment visible) and haul body down trial. They weren’t expecting blind it was an unexpected bonus. The feet were in the water because the body was put head towards handles and when the barrow was dumped, the feet went out first and into water.

The killer probably figures they were buying time and were surprise that someone stumbled across it so fast. We do not think there were any plans to use a boat.

Uh! Forgot to specifically state that the message above is pure speculation on all of our parts and we don't even agree on some of it.
LOL! Makesmewonder is the posters username. Makesmewonder dicusses and receives info about this case with his/her personal friends and refers to them as the "makesmewonder team". Kinda like all of us here online are a Websleuths team. Hopefully that makes sense and hopefully Makesmewonder won't mind me answering this question!

Indianagirl you must be a mind read. You hit it right on.
Here's a newsflash!

My daughter, who works for WW, tried organizing a fundraiser to raise more money for the reward fund. SHE WAS TURNED DOWN! She was told to donate any money to the fund for the family.

Hello?? McFly???? Get some sleep, everybody!

She was turned down by whom?

She was told by whom to donate to the family fund?
Here's a newsflash!

My daughter, who works for WW, tried organizing a fundraiser to raise more money for the reward fund. SHE WAS TURNED DOWN! She was told to donate any money to the fund for the family.

Hello?? McFly???? Get some sleep, everybody!

Yeah, this to me speaks VOLUMES! I have believed all along that they have a POI and they have just kept it hush hush until lab results come back.

It makes me sad for Mackenzie that she was referred to as "plastic". Teens these days can be soooo misunderstood and I am sure that is exactly the case here. She had soo much going for her. Even if she dabbled in drugs a little that doesn't mean she wasn't a good girl.
Yes, he is still in town...and no, it's not first hand, meaning I haven't seen him still there with my own eyes. But I am related to his soon-to-be ex-wife and I would imagine she'd probalby tell me if he all of a sudden skipped town.

Miss Maple, can you tell us if him and WC are still together? I think that is the million dollar question right now. Any info on this would be MUCH appreciated!!! :)
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