WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #15

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She hasn't been charged nor arrested for anything. She may be guilty in the eyes of the public but not in a court of law.....yet.

Solomon wasn't arrested or charged with child abuse or domestic violence either, when he lost custody of his kids.

An arrest or a charge is not required to deny her custody. Social services is now involved and the juvenile dependency court has denied her custody based on the reported facts of this case. No charges are needed. Child custody cases and criminal cases are two different things.

Julia is never going to be granted custody of M again.
That's what I said in my original post so I don't understand why it's even being discussed and disputed.

You inferred that custody of M would not be denied her if she has not been charged with a crime. That is what the discussion was about, not whether we feel she is guilty or not (it has veered from the original conversation a bit).

As I stated above, however, that is not true.
Solomon wasn't arrested or charged with child abuse or domestic violence either, when he lost custody of his kids.

An arrest or a charge is not required to deny her custody. Social services is now involved and the juvenile dependency court has denied her custody based on the reported facts of this case. No charges are needed. Child custody cases and criminal cases are two different things.

Julia is never going to be granted custody of M again.

ummm no. The discussion was child neglect/child endangerment. Some believe Julia should get arrested. Read back to the posts.
Gitana, I am so grateful to have you on this site -- you're always wonderful at clearing up confusion and I am appreciative for your expertise! I feel like I learn something new every day.

Does anyone recall what is the absolute last thing we heard from LE? As I recall it, they said they didn't have anything new to report and then, two or so days later, came out with the bombshell of surveillance photos and then a short while later searched Watershed Park, saying that they'd retrieved some items of interest that they were sending to a lab. I think that's the last we heard from them, right?

If that's the case, it makes me think we'll hear from them again soon -- if only to say that they haven't found anything new in the lab results. But, I don't think we're headed in that direction.
So, there is no law against leaving a child unattended in a car?

We know she's done it before. I wonder if she was placed on probation after the first offense. At the very least the court should order a psych eval on her. jmoo
There is a 9 week old baby missing here in Canada - the mother has been charged. Seems like some of the charges laid against this woman, would be suitable for Julia, from the information I have heard/read. Just my opinion.

Read it on Global News: Global Toronto | Mother of 9-week old George Doodhnaught has been charged


As for the video of M screaming about going with dad, I can't make up my mind. I Know that children her age are very susceptible to influence. One day my opinion is that mom spent a whole lot of time speaking meanly about dad and 'reminding' M of how horrible he always was. On the other hand, I never want to ignore the cries of a child, just in case. Why hadn't dad seen the kids for so long? I have no energy to look, but could someone tell me, please, what the court order was? Did he have visitation? Supervised? And why didn't he comply with his appointed right? or do we know for sure, or just what he has said?

This is what I can gather from court documents that have been released or discussed in the media, the court docket, which is public, and comments to the media from Solomon and his attorney:

1. Solomon filed for divorce and initially got temporary custody when he alleged that his wife was mentally ill and not getting adequate help after being released from the hospital, but refused to refrain from being alone with the kids or allowing them to come back to his mothers house where they were when she was hospitalized.
2. Julia countered with a domestic violence restraining order request. It was initially denied and Solomon had visitation.
3. Julia's allegations, via court documents, and new dv restraining order requests, increased in severity. They began with allegations that he abused her and threatened her, then that he bruised both kids and finally, that he molested M.
4. CPS investigated due to Julia's allegations. Solomon voluntarily took lie detector tests. He passed when asked whether he bruised his kids or molested M. He failed when asked if he knew how the kids go the bruises and said "no". He claims that is because in his heart, he believed Julia was responsible.
5. CPS cleared Solomon.
6. Meanwhile, in family court, a child custody investigation/evaluation was conducted. It concluded that while Julia was severely mentally ill, it did not prevent her from adequately parenting the kids. Although no report has indicated this, logic tells us that the investigation concluded either that Solomon did abuse Julia or did harm the kids, and/or possibly that the kids were traumatized by going with him.
7. Julia was granted sole physical custody in family court. Solomon's visitation was halted until he completed months costly of domestic violence classes, which he had neither the money or time to do (he runs his own business).
8. Solomon had warned, via a declaration, that if Julia's allegations were believed by the Court, and she was granted custody, she may hurt herself of the children. Here is that declaration: http://images.bimedia.net/documents/Decl+of+Solomon+Metalwala.pdf
9. The couple met for court-ordered mediation prior to trial. Julia agreed to give Solomon every other weekend visitation, to commence quickly.
10. Three days later, Sky went missing.
11. Solomon was granted visitation at a CPS hearing after that. Julia was not. At that hearing, Julia, through her attorney, requested that M be placed in Solomon's custody, rather than in foster care.
12. Finally, the domestic violence restraining order against Solomon was vacated in family court. That paved the way for Solomon to be granted custody of M. He has had her since December 18, 2011. Julia was granted supervised visits only that could be terminated depending on what M's therapist recommends.

And that's where we stand today.

BTW, it is not video of M screaming. It is audio, which Julia publicized before Sky disappeared. Many of us believe that Julia is whipping her child into a frenzy in the tape, with subtle alienation efforts. Here is a transcript of one of those exchanges: http://www.examiner.com/missing-per...ow-into-dysfunction-of-sky-metalwala-s-family

Here is an article that explains everything that happened, and Solomon's perspective. It is a must read: http://www.examiner.com/missing-per...or-said-he-warned-mother-s-friends-months-ago
Here's the conversation about Julia not being arrested and custody of M:

I don't think her plan involved M being taken from her and placed in foster care and daddy getting custody of M. She may have felt everyone would believe her abduction story.

Think about it. If it had gone as she planned, she'd still have M with her. IMO, she still thinks they'll eventually reunite and that's why she's going along with it probably at the advice of her attorney.

If LE has nothing on her, they can't charge her. She won't get arrested. She got supervised visitation. She'll eventually get custody of M.

It's gotten eerily quiet since dad got custody for some reason. I can't find any updates since Dec. 5th.


JB is never going to regain custody of M. The system has figured out the huge mistake they made. More important, Sky went missing in her care after she admitted abandoning him on the side of the road. No court in the country would be crazy enough to ever give JB custody of any child, again. She is at the least, guilty of neglect leading to serious harm to a child.

Snipped and BBM.

The following was your response to the above post:

She hasn't been charged nor arrested for anything. She may be guilty in the eyes of the public but not in a court of law.....yet.


Solomon wasn't arrested or charged with child abuse or domestic violence either, when he lost custody of his kids.

An arrest or a charge is not required to deny her custody.
Social services is now involved and the juvenile dependency court has denied her custody based on the reported facts of this case. No charges are needed. Child custody cases and criminal cases are two different things.

Julia is never going to be granted custody of M again.


You inferred that custody of M would not be denied her if she has not been charged with a crime. That is what the discussion was about, not whether we feel she is guilty or not (it has veered from the original conversation a bit).

As I stated above, however, that is not true.

ummm no. The discussion was child neglect/child endangerment. Some believe Julia should get arrested. Read back to the posts.
I think LE is pretty much stuck unless they find a body. No body, no crime.

Rspectfully, this is usually true, but not always.

When my coworker was murdered by her husband last year, he dumped her body into a fast-moving, treacherous river. Her body has STILL never been found.

We celebrated a victory in court just last month, in which he was found guilty of murder, by a jury of 12 peers, because our DA and his Deputy DA did such a bang-up job of presenting the evidence that our LE had so carefully collected. :woohoo:

I understand it was a very rare event, but sometimes it DOES happen. Many threads ago someone mentioned a website devoted to "no body" cases. Does anyone remember that site?
Rspectfully, this is usually true, but not always.

When my coworker was murdered by her husband last year, he dumped her body into a fast-moving, treacherous river. Her body has STILL never been found.

We celebrated a victory in court just last month, in which he was found guilty of murder, by a jury of 12 peers, because our DA and his Deputy DA did such a bang-up job of presenting the evidence that our LE had so carefully collected. :woohoo:

I understand it was a very rare event, but sometimes it DOES happen. Many threads ago someone mentioned a website devoted to "no body" cases. Does anyone remember that site?
I agree, but it's so rare to prosecute without a body. Even with a body the jury can just let a parent walk off scot-free.
This is how I feel. . .blah, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah. . .. let's find Sky! Julia is an irrational loon who is lying her hiney off! I don't care any more about their custody battle or who said what when. Sky is somewhere. . .he didn't just fall off the face of the earth! She is not smart or sane enough to have come up with the perfect plan. She flubbed it somewhere. . . let's find out where! He's out there and this needs some resolution so that there can be some justice. IF JB did do something to Sky. . .I want to see her butt in a cell for the rest of her life. . .a very dusty one with no wet rags! :mad:
What friends? Did he just decide to go visit these friends, at two years old?

LOL. Amster was only being sarcastic. I.E., someone is responsible for Sky's disappearance because Sky didn't decide to just up and leave on his own. :seeya:
Rspectfully, this is usually true, but not always.

When my coworker was murdered by her husband last year, he dumped her body into a fast-moving, treacherous river. Her body has STILL never been found.

We celebrated a victory in court just last month, in which he was found guilty of murder, by a jury of 12 peers, because our DA and his Deputy DA did such a bang-up job of presenting the evidence that our LE had so carefully collected. :woohoo:

I understand it was a very rare event, but sometimes it DOES happen. Many threads ago someone mentioned a website devoted to "no body" cases. Does anyone remember that site?[/QUOTE]

So sorry to hear about your coworker and glad to hear of her murderer's conviction. I hope her body will be found for the sake of her family. I know that would give them peace.

I believe you are referring to "No Body Cases". Here is the link:

Well, I have learned that there is reason to believe that there was possible evidence that Sky was deceased in JB's apartment. Considering where I learned this, I took it to mean there was a cadaver dog hit. :(

I have no way to verify this, so if MODS don't think this should be here please remove.

Well, I have learned that there is reason to believe that there was possible evidence that Sky was deceased in JB's apartment. TIA
Respectfully snipped to exclude information pending verification.

At this point, I am not surprised if that's true. Considering that JB and the children didn't eat unless Solomon fed them:

He said the primary reason his daughter hadn’t eaten all day was that Julia refused to store any food in the house. He said he would take their little girl to a market to get healthy food and stay while she ate. He would bring food home for Julia, which was at times the only food she ate in a day. He said it was the only way to get food into the house. One time her condition became so bad, he said, that one day while she was out cleaning the yard she passed out and a neighbor had to call for medical treatment.

And Solomon hadn't seen the children in over a year, I think there's credence to the theory that Sky died of starvation. JB's friend SO would have fed them while at her house, but what happened when they moved out? The only pictures of the children eating in JB's house show them on the floor with paper towels covering the carpeting (M) and in the sink (Sky). It's doubtful there was a dining table in the house, let alone food except to stage a photo.

I'm wondering what physical condition M was in when she was removed from JB's custody? What is JB's physical condition? I believe Sky was already deceased and his body disposed of days, maybe weeks, before JB staged the abduction. If he was nothing but a "bag of bones" in his last days, I suppose M wouldn't have suspected anything amiss if JB wadded up a blanket and tried to pass it off as Sky.
Well, I have learned that there is reason to believe that there was possible evidence that Sky was deceased in JB's apartment. Considering where I learned this, I took it to mean there was a cadaver dog hit. :(

I have no way to verify this, so if MODS don't think this should be here please remove.


This may or may not be true- I think it is ok to post as you did, prefacing you can't verify the information.

Whatever the case, it's pretty clear LE is going to keep whatever evidence they have in this case very close to the vest as they have the results of the second poly taken by SM.

I just pray for Sky's sake LE finds all the answers and is able to successfully prosecute and convict the person or persons responsible for Sky's disappearance.
Well, I have learned that there is reason to believe that there was possible evidence that Sky was deceased in JB's apartment. Considering where I learned this, I took it to mean there was a cadaver dog hit. :(

I have no way to verify this, so if MODS don't think this should be here please remove.


Thanks for sharing Hambirg. It's not the news that we are hoping for but one that I suspect we have all known from the beginning. I just hope for his sake that it was quick and painless. I don't want to have to imagine that he suffered at her hands.

Additionally, I hope that Julia realizes that Solomon is not going to give up his search for Sky. He is a determined man at this point and he isn't going to stop until he knows what happened.

I pray right now that in this season of giving, that God will touch her heart and she will tell where he is.
BTW, it is not video of M screaming. It is audio, which Julia publicized before Sky disappeared. Many of us believe that Julia is whipping her child into a frenzy in the tape, with subtle alienation efforts. Here is a transcript of one of those exchanges: http://www.examiner.com/missing-per...ow-into-dysfunction-of-sky-metalwala-s-family

Here is an article that explains everything that happened, and Solomon's perspective. It is a must read: http://www.examiner.com/missing-per...or-said-he-warned-mother-s-friends-months-ago

Resp. cropped by me for space :)
Thanks so much for the answers. I followed originally but got very frustrated. It all came back to me when I read your post - very well done ~ thanks again.

I have heard the audio -- my mistake in typing video. It broke my heart and brought me to my two thoughts previously posted. I'm still leaning towards mom influencing M on a constant basis.
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