WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #15

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I agree. I keep thinking maybe with JB's OCD she would feel compelled to "check" on where she put Sky. Unfortunately, she may have put him somewhere where that is not possible. . .like in the trash. . .a dumpster. . .etc. . . .or a body of water.

If there was one question I could ask LE, it would be if they found the stroller. I think they believe that JB disappeared Sky before she had her brother's car. Knowing that would shed some light on where to search for him.

Where are you, Sky? :(

Interesting thoughts hambirg. I too wonder if she is compelled to check on Sky. I wonder more so if she might have some concerns about M talking now that she is away from mom and can't be whipped into a frenzy by Julia. I tend to think she'd crack during a visitation than checking on Sky but both are possible.

With regards to the stroller. It would be very interesting to know if LE found it and whether cadaver dogs hit on the stroller. I think it would be too risky to abandon the stroller near where she left Sky. It would be too out of place. Though, it's also possible she used the stroller and covered the baby (which would not stand out) to dispose of him and then disposed of the stroller via the trash at a seperate time.

It would also be interesting to know if the witness who resides in the same apartment complex who recalled last seeing Sky about October 23rd saw them with or without the stroller.

Still praying for answers in Sky's disappearance.
Interesting thoughts hambirg. I too wonder if she is compelled to check on Sky. I wonder more so if she might have some concerns about M talking now that she is away from mom and can't be whipped into a frenzy by Julia. I tend to think she'd crack during a visitation than checking on Sky but both are possible.

With regards to the stroller. It would be very interesting to know if LE found it and whether cadaver dogs hit on the stroller. I think it would be too risky to abandon the stroller near where she left Sky. It would be too out of place. Though, it's also possible she used the stroller and covered the baby (which would not stand out) to dispose of him and then disposed of the stroller via the trash at a seperate time.

It would also be interesting to know if the witness who resides in the same apartment complex who recalled last seeing Sky about October 23rd saw them with or without the stroller.

Still praying for answers in Sky's disappearance.


That too. It would probably be killing her to say something to M to make sure she is still sticking to whatever JB was telling her at the time.

With the stroller, if she was on foot or on transit, she could have dumped Sky (trash or river) and then simply ditched the stroller in a dumpster, Goodwill pick up station, etc. I suspect it was long before the "ran out of gas" story and nobody would have any idea that a stroller would be tied to a missing child.

All things to ponder. :waitasec:

ETA-I wonder where JB is now. Do we think she is still held up at her brother's? Idk, but I have a hard time thinking she is still there. Maybe at her mom's? Idk if it really matters, but I do wonder.
Something has been in the back of my mind. If it's been discussed previously, please forgive.

About passports and travel with children. How does that work? Couldn't someone basically wrap up a child, use a passport that resembles them quite closely and take them to another country?

I know the idea is simplistic, but if a friend or family member - ie cousin etc has a child who closely resembles yours whisks one in a difficult situation away all the while using the situation to point a finger at the supposed-offending spouse? When my cousin and I were small children - we often couldn't be told apart. Looking back at pictures we sometimes still can't.

Please forgive my ignorance, I know there are visas etc, but could it be a possibility?

Good theory. I can see this being a possibility in many families. However, in this case I think Sky resembles his fathers side more so than his mothers side. IMO, to make this a viable possibility in this case, Julia would have had to align with someone from SM's side of the family who agreed to provide a visa for a similiarly aged child and hide Sky. I don't know if such a person exists on SM's side of the family. Though there could be someone who sided with JB versus SM even though they were on SM's side of the family.

With Julisa OCD , I've been thinking Sky HAS to be somewhere clean. I can't imagine her throwing him in the garbage at all...if he has passed.

That too. It would probably be killing her to say something to M to make sure she is still sticking to whatever JB was telling her at the time.

With the stroller, if she was on foot or on transit, she could have dumped Sky (trash or river) and then simply ditched the stroller in a dumpster, Goodwill pick up station, etc. I suspect it was long before the "ran out of gas" story and nobody would have any idea that a stroller would be tied to a missing child.

All things to ponder. :waitasec:

Great thoughts/idea's regarding the stroller. I hadn't considered that possibility.

With regards to these court ordered supervised visits. If they are anything like CA's system, a supervisor will not only monitor but also provide notes or take notes about the interaction between Julia and M which would be available to the courts. I really believe Julia would have a difficult time with self control and not trying to control M.... but time will tell.
What if she is telling the truth and he was abducted?

Highly doubtful. For one thing, her car was NOT out of gas. LE says there was
two gallons left. That is quite a bit of gas. Certainly no reason to pull over and leave a sick toddler alone.

And there was nothing wrong with the car because it started right up. So she lied about a major portion of her story.

And nobody ever saw a child in that parked car. And she walked past dozens of homes on the way to the phone booth. Why do that if you have a sick baby in your car, alone?
With Julisa OCD , I've been thinking Sky HAS to be somewhere clean. I can't imagine her throwing him in the garbage at all...if he has passed.

Idk, I would think somebody that has OCD and cleans compulsively probably throws a lot of stuff in the trash. But I'm not tied to that idea. She could have put him in a body of water too. I don't see her being able to bury him though. . .too dirty. JMHO
Good theory. I can see this being a possibility in many families. However, in this case I think Sky resembles his fathers side more so than his mothers side. IMO, to make this a viable possibility in this case, Julia would have had to align with someone from SM's side of the family who agreed to provide a visa for a similiarly aged child and hide Sky. I don't know if such a person exists on SM's side of the family. Though there could be someone who sided with JB versus SM even though they were on SM's side of the family.



- but I didn't state I thought that Julia had him abducted.

I might be stepping out on a limb here, but I've worked with a lot of men from other cultures very different from what is traditional here in the US. I'd find it very believable (if strategically possible) that someone having a child resembling baby SKY used a passport to transport him "somewhere safe". In a lot of cultures - you see it daily on the national news - women are second-class citizens, and mentally ill women are even lower. And their families are much more than the mother/father/children unit - it's far-reaching and their sense of community is very strong.

Sometimes things aren't always what they seem. I think a lot of assumptions are being made about life in the home based on what has been released to the public along with one person's side of the story. Not pointing any fingers, just saying that it's usually a combination of both sides of the story.

:fence: I'm still sitting on the fence myself, just tossing around a theory.

yes JB is suffering from a mental illness, and Sky has been abducted, but when, where and by whom is up for grabs in my book.

Something has been in the back of my mind. If it's been discussed previously, please forgive.

About passports and travel with children. How does that work? Couldn't someone basically wrap up a child, use a passport that resembles them quite closely and take them to another country?

I know the idea is simplistic, but if a friend or family member - ie cousin etc has a child who closely resembles yours whisks one in a difficult situation away all the while using the situation to point a finger at the supposed-offending spouse? When my cousin and I were small children - we often couldn't be told apart. Looking back at pictures we sometimes still can't.

Please forgive my ignorance, I know there are visas etc, but could it be a possibility?

That's an interesting theory. I know that both parents must be present when applying for a minor's passport. If it was used for another child that appeared similar, I don't know how thoroughly the passport would be scrutinized when leaving the country and entering another country.

At one point, I entertained the possibility that JB met some other people from Ukraine, or even Pakistan or another country (such as through a social organization for emigrants), who were returning to their native country. We know, though, that JB became more and more reclusive but it's possible someone did maintain ties with her and she could have duped them into believing they were doing something helpful. If so, it's likely that Sky was out of the country for a while before JB staged the abduction.

However, it really bothers me knowing that when SM was still in the picture before the restraining order against him, he was the one who fed the kids. We know that M was taken from JB's custody after JB admitted to leaving the children unattended (even if there truly was an abduction, JB was guilty of child neglect) and after she lied to police (about running out of gas in the car). Again, though, I wonder M's state of health when she was removed from JB's custody. If M was found to be malnourished, that could be another factor for JB losing custody. And, if M was malnourished, I can't help but think what condition Sky was in while in JB's sole custody.

Although M believed that Sky was in the car that day, there's no evidence he was taken from the car. Tracking dogs didn't pick up his scent outside the car. I think JB had poor M so brainwashed that she didn't know fact from fantasy. Maybe she will need professional counseling, or maybe her interactions with her dad will bring her into reality. I hope SM watches his daughter closely as she plays, for some clues. Children will often act out things they have experienced or witnessed while playing. Solving Sky's disappearance may very well rest with his sister.
Using a passport is one thing but a visa is an entirely different matter altogether. In order for Sky to establish residency in practically any country he would need a visa. To get that an application would need to be made to the consulate with passport, birth certificate, court order allowing removal of child and the child may also have to submit to biometrics as part of the application process - depending on the country the child would inhabit.

There are several layers a parent must go through when moving their children abroad.

- but I didn't state I thought that Julia had him abducted.

I might be stepping out on a limb here, but I've worked with a lot of men from other cultures very different from what is traditional here in the US. I'd find it very believable (if strategically possible) that someone having a child resembling baby SKY used a passport to transport him "somewhere safe". In a lot of cultures - you see it daily on the national news - women are second-class citizens, and mentally ill women are even lower. And their families are much more than the mother/father/children unit - it's far-reaching and their sense of community is very strong.

Sometimes things aren't always what they seem. I think a lot of assumptions are being made about life in the home based on what has been released to the public along with one person's side of the story. Not pointing any fingers, just saying that it's usually a combination of both sides of the story.

:fence: I'm still sitting on the fence myself, just tossing around a theory.

yes JB is suffering from a mental illness, and Sky has been abducted, but when, where and by whom is up for grabs in my book.


BBM. I'm sorry if I had somehow implied your theory being related to Julia having Sky abducted. When I mentioned a baby resembling Sky, I was thinking along the lines of where Julia might find someone with a child resembling Sky and the same age as Sky who would be willing to go out on a limb for her by allowing her to use their childs passport to transport Sky to a "safe" destination as you suggested.

My thoughts were along the lines of Julia having a limited ability to find such a child who is not Sky, but resembles Sky strongly enough for Sky to pass as this other child by using their photo on their visa or passport. I could only conclude Sky would resemble someone in his family, and when considering both his mother and fathers sides, he favors his fathers more so than his mothers side.

I hope that makes sense...

JMO but I would be quite disappointed in LE if they hadn't looked into friends, relatives and other connections of the parents and seen if anybody up and left with a child resembling Sky lately.

Particularly if they left a child resembling Sky behind although the child's passport is gone.
I don't believe for a second JB would allow her son to be taken somewhere "safe" while leaving the daughter behind. Considering she lost custody of that daughter, and the father now got custody. If she was concerned about safety of these children, no way do I see that happening.

- but I didn't state I thought that Julia had him abducted.

I might be stepping out on a limb here, but I've worked with a lot of men from other cultures very different from what is traditional here in the US. I'd find it very believable (if strategically possible) that someone having a child resembling baby SKY used a passport to transport him "somewhere safe". In a lot of cultures - you see it daily on the national news - women are second-class citizens, and mentally ill women are even lower. And their families are much more than the mother/father/children unit - it's far-reaching and their sense of community is very strong.

Sometimes things aren't always what they seem. I think a lot of assumptions are being made about life in the home based on what has been released to the public along with one person's side of the story. Not pointing any fingers, just saying that it's usually a combination of both sides of the story.

:fence: I'm still sitting on the fence myself, just tossing around a theory.

yes JB is suffering from a mental illness, and Sky has been abducted, but when, where and by whom is up for grabs in my book.



While it is true that Mr. Metalwala was not (so far as I know) a natural born citizen, I have seen nothing to indicate that he is in contact with or identifies himself with any other nation or culture. He lives here. I believe his entire family live here as well. It is even possible that he does not even know anyone who lives outside the United States -- let alone having a bond strong enough that they would secret his child.

While it is accurate to say that some other countries are even more misogynistic than this one, viewing and treating women even worse than we do here in America, I suspect that you are allowing Mr Metalwala's racial heritage and gender to influence your judgement. He is not a middle eastern radical muslim who believes women should be stoned to death for showing an ankle or reading a book, he is an American, a business owner, and apparently a devout Christian. His wife didn't wear a burka, she wore designer bling. He didn't oppress her or demand her subservience to his manly masterfulness, she dominated him to a level that probably challenged his Christian faith to its core.

That is what the evidence shows.

If fairness commands that we consider dad, and I am perfectly fine with that, then fairness also demands that we evaluate the evidence and the situation objectively. Which means that FIRST we need to ponder the questions how and why. It is here that the dad-did-it theory implodes, as there are no good answers to either question. How did he know the child would be left alone at the side of the road (and WHY was the child left alone at the side of the road)? How could he smuggle the child from the country with the police watching his every move? And why would he do this when he had just won visitation and catching Julia abandoning the kids yet again would shift that from bi-weekly visitation to full custody.

You state (bolded section) that the child was abducted. Do you have even a single fact or piece of evidence that supports this theory?
I don't believe for a second JB would allow her son to be taken somewhere "safe" while leaving the daughter behind. Considering she lost custody of that daughter, and the father now got custody. If she was concerned about safety of these children, no way do I see that happening.

IMO, IF Julia did in fact send her son into hiding, it wasn't to protect him. She would've done so out of spite. Obviously, JB knows that her accusations against Solomon are false because she preferred Solomon be given custody of M rather than having her sent into foster care. But, she repeatedly made false allegations against Solomon to keep the children from him in the past, and he just regained visitation rights prior to the staged abduction.
Respectfully disagree. The best and perhaps only shot they have here is to wait and watch for Julia to screw up or for new evidence to surface. In the same way that homicidal parents learned from Casey, so did Law Enforcement. We have a populace trained by television and schools to be incapable of critical thinking. The don't even understand what a term like "reasonable doubt" even means.

Hell, you can even see this at play in these forums. When talking about posters here at websleauths we at least know that everyone can read and has an interest in these cases, and they are certainly more savy than the average, yet how often have we seen people even here ignore an overwhelming preponderance of evidence in order to equate unanswered questions about trivialities, or even their gut feelings, with innocence? How much worse then a jury, where they know nothing about crimes of this sort, know nothing of the statistics, know nothing really about what is and is not possible in terms of real forensic science, and form their conclusions based on the magical and instant ironclad verdicts from TV programs.

Ouch! Truth hurts!
Highly doubtful. For one thing, her car was NOT out of gas. LE says there was
two gallons left. That is quite a bit of gas. Certainly no reason to pull over and leave a sick toddler alone.

And there was nothing wrong with the car because it started right up. So she lied about a major portion of her story.

And nobody ever saw a child in that parked car. And she walked past dozens of homes on the way to the phone booth. Why do that if you have a sick baby in your car, alone?

BBM: I agree, Katy!

NO ONE, in their right mind, would leave a sick child in a car alone! If Sky was sick enough to need a visit to an ER, she would have picked him up and toted him, and M would have walked alongside her. My son is over 30 pounds, but I'd tote him 10 miles if it meant him being safe. Because that's what a mom does!

I'll never believe Sky was in the car that morning. Julia needs to tell the truth and stop hiding behind her attorney. However, for me, she says more with each passing day when she does NOTHING to find her son. The only person who wouldn't want their child found is the one who has something to hide (ala Casey Anthony).

I'm sick of these "disappearing" children! People don't disappear, particularly not a 2 y/o child!

I wonder if she doesn't live with her mom - or go between her mom and brothers. There has to be a reason why a "loving" (insert sarcasm) grandmother wouldn't beat the pavement, handing out fliers, speaking (not emailing) with the media to LOCATE HER GRANDSON!!!! And, then she speaks negatively of SM getting custody of M? :waitasec:

Using a passport is one thing but a visa is an entirely different matter altogether. In order for Sky to establish residency in practically any country he would need a visa. To get that an application would need to be made to the consulate with passport, birth certificate, court order allowing removal of child and the child may also have to submit to biometrics as part of the application process - depending on the country the child would inhabit.

There are several layers a parent must go through when moving their children abroad.

There are a whole lot of children abducted from the US every year and taken abroad - no visas obtained because they didn't want to be caught. I lived in Italy for 3 years (with a visa, of course), but I could have visited there for 90 days without needing one. Now, after that 90 days, if I got "lost" in Europe, how long before I could be found? Where there's a will, there's a way!

With that said, I don't believe Sky was abducted abroad.
Good Evening,
I am a co founder of Search And Seek Association. we are a group of volunteers who are helping to find Sky. I am very interested in what you have come up with for background on jb. I dont have the ability to go back to the begining of the 15 sections of topic for Sky, so im hoping if i post here you may be able to highlight the info for me?
I also am wondering, does anyone know how the law and order show in question actually ended? thanks so much for all your help in bringing Sky home.

Welcome Search and Seek!!!! The L&O epised ended with the baby being buried in a sandy grave near water . . . baby actually died of SIDS (if I remember correctly) and the parents freaked out and tried to cover up the baby's death. There is a link to the episode here somewhere.

Also the search function is a great tool to find what you need quickly.
Ok this is what I have so far, feel free to add, not sure if I have all information as yet.

What we know

JB has severe OCD and has been committed 3 times.
SM and JB married in 2003 after 14 years together, according to JB this was only because SM was being deported back to pakistan.
They were both caught leaving sky in Target car park for 55 minutes in Dec 09.
They were both currently divorcing, in fact sky went missing 3 days after a 12 hour mediation session involving both parents.
SM has not seen either of his children for 10 months.
Date of temporary protection order 09-27-2010.
JB told SM that she had dreams of strangling her younger child.
Jb has admitted to leaving the children alone while she had her hair done, went shoe shopping and of course the 12 hour mediation session.
CPS was informed of SM had struck his daughter hard enough to cause bruises "preponderance of evidence"
They also received six referrals about the family between late 2009- and late 2010.

JB account of events on the day sky disappeared.
Lafrate people said there was no child in the car between the hours of 8am-10am.
Sky was last seen by a neighbour a couple of weeks before the day he disappeared.
No gas can near vehicle even though julia said she went for gas.
LE say the car still had 2.2 gallons of gas in the car, also the car started straight away by the LE.
JB stated she locked the drivers door, but wasnt sure of the rest.
Dogs picked up no scent of sky outside the car.
SO was the friend who picked up JB from gas station.
Surveiliance pictures show JB at a bank and a store hours before sky dis
Sky was dressed in A grey hooded sweatshirt and blue and grey striped pants on the day he disappeared.

Julias address Veloce Appartments 8000 block of 161st Avenue, NE, Redmond WA.
JB Refused lie detector test.
JB profile on sugardaddy site

What we dont know

Skys illess (if any)
The content of the 911 call
Sky's and M's medical records
JB Car accident

Bumping up for Search & Seek
OK. . .here's the car accident info. It came from a police report.

Wrecked vehicle:
2010 Gold/Beige Suzuki Forenza - 4 door
Accident - 8/8/10 - exit ramp to Rainer Ave South, Seattle
Rented from Aero Rentacar - Redmond, WA
Damage - appx $7,000
Lost control, hit barrier - no other cars/persons involved

I have driven this area a LOT and I think she was most likely heading to their store.. . .from the Eastside take I-90 westbound, exit Rainier Ave S, left on Jackson and that would take you right down to their store. Knowing traffic patterns and road projects for that summer, it's the way I would have driven that route.

So I don't think it tells us much except that she has been without a car for sometime. (Oh yeah, and possibly she's not a very good driver. .lol)


ETA- the pictures of MM getting her haircut I believe are at:

Brat Pack Salon
16116 NE 87th Street Redmond WA 98052


It's very close to Veloce Apartments.

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