WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #18

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Good afternoon/evening Sky Crew!

What beauty I saw in nature this weekend with my boys. How I wish that Sky could be enjoying the beauty that nature has to offer with his daddy Solomon.

One day closer...
Morning all...I had to post this...first, I don't know why, but this morning I woke up thinking about a signature someone had a while back, I think it was Cocomod.
It was a quote by Sky's dad, about wanting people to look for HIM if he went missing, but, Sky, he's just a little boy and would want everyone to look for him...or it was similar to that.
But, the point is, I woke up thinking the phrase I have bolded..."he's just a little boy". I can't say why. I only came on here to check his thread a few months ago.
Shame on me for not checking regularly, but just thought I'd say I was thinking about him, for whatever reason why I was.

Also, was reading back a few pages, I saw the pic of Sky eating watermelon in the sink, and read a post about it maybe having a negative connotation. It brought back such happy memories of my childhood to me. So, IMO, I don't believe it was a negative thing at all. And, maybe, he'll have great memories, too. I thought this would make some people feel better about the "sink picture", so I wanted to post it..
When I was a little girl, my dad worked in A&P, so, every now and then he'd bring home a watermelon. We'd all go next door to my aunts and cut it up on the counter in the kitchen. Everyone would stand around in the kitchen eating the watermelon....my dad would be in charge of cutting it, he worked in the deli at A&P, so, naturally, he da "watermelon man". LOL
Well, guess where I was??? On the side edge of the counter with my feet IN THE SINK!!! LOL I remember lots of times I had my feet "in the sink". Even baths "in the sink". (Funny, I can remember the earliest times of my childhood, but, now, I can't even remember if I took my pills half an hour later.)

Anyway, this morning, when I was thinking that thought about Sky being "just a little boy", I began thinking that his mom sent Sky to be with relatives. Either to "the old country", as we of Russian/Slovak decent call it, OR, to one of the "Russian pockets".
There are these areas where tight knit Russian community form, like Chinatown, etc. I know you guys knew that. But, it's BEYOND a tight knit community. You can be darn well sure there's a type of "underground railroad" thing goin on with them. We got one here...it goes "there and back"...."tom eee nazat".

The mom reminds me of a typical "pawn - nyee", best I can do with the pronunciation.
She's a spoiled brat, who thinks she can do whatever she wants, and answers to NO ONE....feeling she's entitled to everyone's respect. Her attitude is more like, "I'm gonna do this, because I CAN" and, more importantly, it's gonna hurt Sky's dad sooo much, she almost believes he DESERVES it!
IMO, people in the "pocket" I'm in, would see NOTHING wrong with having a family member raise their child....preferably their mom, grandmom, sister, etc....either HERE or "over there".

Again, I'm sorry if I missed any type of blood evidence, etc, that points to Sky's being with the angels.

This is ALL just my opinion and what goes on here. I haven't a clue what goes on in her life, as far as community. Also, maybe it'll bring some hope to everyone.
(AND, I'm not trying to be rude or come off sounding like a know it all, either, sorry if I do.)

Watermelon in the kitchen. I'm not in my position yet, but, I've got my hand up, there in the back...gettin ready...have to wait till dad finishes. Mom's behind dad and to the right by the door...my brother has his "View Master" in his hands. My Aunt Helen, and my one sister in the front. Hope Sky was enjoying his melon, too....I'm almost sure he was.


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Saying prayers that Bellevue Police Department get the information, tips, etc. they need to solve this one. It's time.

Sky baby, every day not knowing where you are we are one day closer to finding ya. We love you sweet angel.
It would be nice if someone organized another vigil for Sky. Something, anything, to get his name in the news there in WA. If I lived there, I would certainly try. He has been missing at least 9 months now (reported missing anyway).

I wonder if little M is remembering anything. I cannot tell you my relief that she is no longer in her mother's care.

Where are the people who loved Sky in his lifetime (I am not referring to Solomon here)? Why are they so quiet? Even IF they believe Julia's story, why aren't they organizing searches or vigil's? Why in the world would other adults care so little about this precios, beautiful little man that they too have moved on with their lives as if they have no care in the world? I just do not get it!!

Thinking of you Sky! I have a busy day ahead, but I will check on you again tomorrow Sky Crew's little man. One day closer...
I just returned from dinner with my family! I blew out my birthday candles (in one breath mind you!) and I made my wish. I hope that my wishes come true very, very soon!!

Thinking of you Sky.
Tinkie, I just wanted to thank you for your input - especially regarding the Slovic culture. We also have "pockets" in the area I live and a few years ago there were numerous referrals to CPS for parents leaving their children unattended (ie: in a car while parent was shopping) with many families of this culture. I believe this may be a culturally acceptable thing in the "old country" but forbidden in the US due to the risk of harm to the child. There were many efforts to explain the laws to the Russian community so they would understand and recognize they still must follow the local laws - despite their cultural more's and values.

The picture of you enjoying watermelon with your family is precious. Many of us have similar memories and I too remember bathing in the kitchen sink and have pictures of that when I was very small. The thing that startled most of us is the fact that Solomon continually stated Julia would not allow food in the home, he would take the children out to eat at the local grocery store each night and keep the kids out until 10 or 11 at night. The rituals around bringing the kids in the home to bathe them and put them to bed. The fact that the no one was allowed to enter their bedrooms or sleep in their own beds as those rooms were clean and pristine. The washing of the same clothing 3 - 4 times each night an only allowing the family to wear 1 or 2 outfits. Virtually No pictures of Sky but hundreds of Maile. And the few pictures of food (ie: watermelon) picture in the home appeared to be staged for proof in court that she offered food. Julia's extreme OCD fixations had become so overwhelming that the whole family suffered. Had we not had the info about her obsessions and compulsive cleaning, and the no food allowed in the home - I do not believe we would have read so much into the picture of Sky eating watermelon in the sink. I guess what I am trying to say . . . . the picture of you and your family enjoying watermelon in the kitchen looks happy, comfortable, loving, nurturing and wholesome. The picture of little Sky stuck in the sink eating watermelon did not give off these sweet and loving emotions. Knowing what we know about how underweight and malnourished Maile was when she entered foster care - we were thrilled that Sky was able to enjoy something to eat but it still felt "weird" to see the picture. Much the same with the picture of Maile eating on the paper towel pallet on the floor with a HUGE bowl of food - felt so staged. Julia's OCD had become so debilitating for the entire family. The children had been "incubated" in these rituals and they knew them to be "nomalized" - yet our hearts break for how many times those kids felt hungry, stiffled from normal play and development, and lack of interaction with others due to Julia's serious mental health issues.

For Sky, we will always be here!
Tinkie, I just wanted to thank you for your input - especially regarding the Slovic culture. We also have "pockets" in the area I live and a few years ago there were numerous referrals to CPS for parents leaving their children unattended (ie: in a car while parent was shopping) with many families of this culture. I believe this may be a culturally acceptable thing in the "old country" but forbidden in the US due to the risk of harm to the child. There were many efforts to explain the laws to the Russian community so they would understand and recognize they still must follow the local laws - despite their cultural more's and values.

The picture of you enjoying watermelon with your family is precious. Many of us have similar memories and I too remember bathing in the kitchen sink and have pictures of that when I was very small. The thing that startled most of us is the fact that Solomon continually stated Julia would not allow food in the home, he would take the children out to eat at the local grocery store each night and keep the kids out until 10 or 11 at night. The rituals around bringing the kids in the home to bathe them and put them to bed. The fact that the no one was allowed to enter their bedrooms or sleep in their own beds as those rooms were clean and pristine. The washing of the same clothing 3 - 4 times each night an only allowing the family to wear 1 or 2 outfits. Virtually No pictures of Sky but hundreds of Maile. And the few pictures of food (ie: watermelon) picture in the home appeared to be staged for proof in court that she offered food. Julia's extreme OCD fixations had become so overwhelming that the whole family suffered. Had we not had the info about her obsessions and compulsive cleaning, and the no food allowed in the home - I do not believe we would have read so much into the picture of Sky eating watermelon in the sink. I guess what I am trying to say . . . . the picture of you and your family enjoying watermelon in the kitchen looks happy, comfortable, loving, nurturing and wholesome. The picture of little Sky stuck in the sink eating watermelon did not give off these sweet and loving emotions. Knowing what we know about how underweight and malnourished Maile was when she entered foster care - we were thrilled that Sky was able to enjoy something to eat but it still felt "weird" to see the picture. Much the same with the picture of Maile eating on the paper towel pallet on the floor with a HUGE bowl of food - felt so staged. Julia's OCD had become so debilitating for the entire family. The children had been "incubated" in these rituals and they knew them to be "nomalized" - yet our hearts break for how many times those kids felt hungry, stiffled from normal play and development, and lack of interaction with others due to Julia's serious mental health issues.

I was thinking about what I posted, and I basically came back to post that we're not a bunch of crazy gypsies like on TV, at least my family isn't...LOL
Then I saw your post, wenwe4. Thanks sooo much for helping me to understand the full extent of the circumstances behind little Sky's being missing.
I had followed in the beginning, but after being so involved in the Caylee Anthony travesty...well, you know the story, the same thing has been posted over and over.
The parts I DID follow about Sky's mom, just got placed in the "she's a spoiled brat Russian Princess" folder.
A whole hearted apology to all who have been here religiously keeping precious Sky in the forefront. Especially those who thought I was trying to defend a monster, I now see it came out that way in my post. It was only because I was lazy and didn't go back and read all of the threads.

To be honest, I know how many of you feel. It iritates me when you're spending all your time researching and following a tragedy such as this, and someone - like me - comes on and, out of the blue, posts something like I did.
Again, I'm so thankful wenwe4 took the time to answer my post with the actual facts and I'll go back and read the posts I didn't read, so maybe I can be able to post something useful, as opposed to what "I" perceived as such a simplistic solution to what I now see as a totally infuriating set of circumstances.
Tinkie, I just wanted to thank you for your input - especially regarding the Slovic culture. We also have "pockets" in the area I live and a few years ago there were numerous referrals to CPS for parents leaving their children unattended (ie: in a car while parent was shopping) with many families of this culture. I believe this may be a culturally acceptable thing in the "old country" but forbidden in the US due to the risk of harm to the child. There were many efforts to explain the laws to the Russian community so they would understand and recognize they still must follow the local laws - despite their cultural more's and values.

The picture of you enjoying watermelon with your family is precious. Many of us have similar memories and I too remember bathing in the kitchen sink and have pictures of that when I was very small. The thing that startled most of us is the fact that Solomon continually stated Julia would not allow food in the home, he would take the children out to eat at the local grocery store each night and keep the kids out until 10 or 11 at night. The rituals around bringing the kids in the home to bathe them and put them to bed. The fact that the no one was allowed to enter their bedrooms or sleep in their own beds as those rooms were clean and pristine. The washing of the same clothing 3 - 4 times each night an only allowing the family to wear 1 or 2 outfits. Virtually No pictures of Sky but hundreds of Maile. And the few pictures of food (ie: watermelon) picture in the home appeared to be staged for proof in court that she offered food. Julia's extreme OCD fixations had become so overwhelming that the whole family suffered. Had we not had the info about her obsessions and compulsive cleaning, and the no food allowed in the home - I do not believe we would have read so much into the picture of Sky eating watermelon in the sink. I guess what I am trying to say . . . . the picture of you and your family enjoying watermelon in the kitchen looks happy, comfortable, loving, nurturing and wholesome. The picture of little Sky stuck in the sink eating watermelon did not give off these sweet and loving emotions. Knowing what we know about how underweight and malnourished Maile was when she entered foster care - we were thrilled that Sky was able to enjoy something to eat but it still felt "weird" to see the picture. Much the same with the picture of Maile eating on the paper towel pallet on the floor with a HUGE bowl of food - felt so staged. Julia's OCD had become so debilitating for the entire family. The children had been "incubated" in these rituals and they knew them to be "nomalized" - yet our hearts break for how many times those kids felt hungry, stiffled from normal play and development, and lack of interaction with others due to Julia's serious mental health issues.

This was a really fantastic post wenwe4. The "thank you button" just didnt do it for me this time. :)
I was thinking about what I posted, and I basically came back to post that we're not a bunch of crazy gypsies like on TV, at least my family isn't...LOL
Then I saw your post, wenwe4. Thanks sooo much for helping me to understand the full extent of the circumstances behind little Sky's being missing.
I had followed in the beginning, but after being so involved in the Caylee Anthony travesty...well, you know the story, the same thing has been posted over and over.
The parts I DID follow about Sky's mom, just got placed in the "she's a spoiled brat Russian Princess" folder.
A whole hearted apology to all who have been here religiously keeping precious Sky in the forefront. Especially those who thought I was trying to defend a monster, I now see it came out that way in my post. It was only because I was lazy and didn't go back and read all of the threads.

To be honest, I know how many of you feel. It iritates me when you're spending all your time researching and following a tragedy such as this, and someone - like me - comes on and, out of the blue, posts something like I did.
Again, I'm so thankful wenwe4 took the time to answer my post with the actual facts and I'll go back and read the posts I didn't read, so maybe I can be able to post something useful, as opposed to what "I" perceived as such a simplistic solution to what I now see as a totally infuriating set of circumstances.

We LOVE to talk about our Little Man!!! We can fill you in on any info you cant find.
And I thought your post was great....ya gypsy!! ;)
I am checking in... have been a little hesitant to pull up Sky's thread for fear there hasn't been any charges made, or arrests!

Happy, Happy Belated Birthday, Rouge!

:Happybirthday: :cupcake: :bdsong: :cake4u:

Your dedication to finding Sky is inspirational!

As is the dedication of ALL of the Sky Crew!

Here's hoping that a break comes soon in finding our handsome little man! :praying:
OHHH NOOO Cocomod...I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday on Wednesday...Im sorry :doh:


I just wanted to take this opportunity to share my immense, heartfelt gratitude with each and every member of Sky Crew. Your dedication, steadfast perseverance, and selfless love for a lost little boy is moving beyond words. I am so honored to be a part of this community with you.

My greatest wish is that one day, Sky comes home, and sees for himself how very many people out there love him and prayed for his safe return.

Countless thanks to you all!! Keep the faith!!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to share my immense, heartfelt gratitude with each and every member of Sky Crew. Your dedication, steadfast perseverance, and selfless love for a lost little boy is moving beyond words. I am so honored to be a part of this community with you.

My greatest wish is that one day, Sky comes home, and sees for himself how very many people out there love him and prayed for his safe return.

Countless thanks to you all!! Keep the faith!!


Awww,dangit Rouge...ya made me cry.
I've never been in better company...then here with my Sky Crew family.

Little Man,youre on my miind and in my heart every day. :heartbeat:
Sky, another day and no word. But I'm not discouraged because we are one day closer to finding you. We will, I just know it. Keep it up Bellevue Police Department, we appreciate your hard work and diligence.
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