Was BR involved? #2

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Maybe someone can help me understand why this is all being brought forward now. Why is BR doing these televised interviews? I don't understand the point of it all. I read that he said he wanted to do something to remember her instead of her just being a news article.

Did the DNA evidence that supposedly cleared them all, was that later decided to not have cleared them?

Whoever convinced BR to do this didn't do him any favors. The video of him watching himself interact with a psychologist and then drawing a family picture is a very chilling video. As he explains to DP why he didn't draw JBR in the picture, all I can say is WOW.
DNA hasn't cleared them, technically. It's a myth the media like to peddle. The pineapple was significant because PR and JR said they didn't feed JB any pineapple but it was found in her stomach at autopsy. BR and PR fingerprints were found on the bowl but JB's were not. Which begs the question, how did it get in her stomach?!

I thought I just read that the main police chief (a woman) released a statement that declared they were completely cleared of all wrong doing. Going so far as to issue an apology to them and stating the reason they were cleared was due to new, (at that time) DNA evidence from the waisteband of a pair if long johns JBR had on.

What am I missing here?
In one clip Dr Phil asks Burke if he (and or JBR) ate pineapple that night.

Burke's response: "... maybe?"

that's it.

that's all you're gonna get.

Told you there'd be nothing new going on.
I think it was PR writing the note to try and convince JR to leave the house the AM and not call police so she could get rid of the body undetected. Ithink JR made PR call the police before he figured it out. Then he decided to go with the coverup

Well damn...that thought never occurred to me once in all these years. Excellent post, Mrseeker!

And that certainly would explain why Burke (if he's telling the truth) could hear John in the kitchen saying, "We can call the police." Or alternately, it could explain why on the 911 call,we have that strange conversation between John, Burke and Patsy. WERE JR and PR arguing over what to do? WAS she telling him to just go get the damned money? And he was saying, no. We can call the police?

reaction to the first installment of the Burke interview, what little there was of it, is probably odd and I find myself a little surprised by it. However, I am more convinced than I was before this that it was Patsy, all the way.

I have been open to BDI (the head blow) and the parents covered, probably thinking she was dead.But I have a couple of problems with that, and I think what has come together for me with the interview is that I really don't think he would give it (the interview) if he was responsible for the head blow.

He is a terrible interview subject. Not only the goofy and totally inappropriate grin, but this entire manner is off. So off that I think JR would have raised hell to get him to decline the interview and if he was involved himself why on earth would he fight to do it? My answer (to myself) is he didn't do it. Any of it.

Certainly he is socially awkward. He reminds me quite a bit of our IT genius at work. It is beyond difficult to hold a social conversation with him, but ask him about reports you need created, or data you need disbursed and his genius rushes forth. Suggestions, ideas, confidence abounds. Ask him how his weekend was and he becomes tongue tied.

I don't doubt that Burke is very, very smart. I also don't doubt that he has been shielded as much as possible by his family. He had a crazy, perfectionist mother. So did I. Fortunately I had a funny, relaxed indulgent dad, but mom still left her mark on all of us. His mother likely killed his sister in a fit of rage. That one, I have no experience with, thankfully, and cannot even imagine what it must be like. But he being so smart and all....... my bet is he knows it, on some level, he knows.

Then, mom dies relatively young from a disease that is certainly a horror show. Does he deal with guilt/anger/love/hate/pity for her ? Probably all of the above.

Dad wants to play the victim and has lied and lied and lied for almost 20 years.

So Burke isn't 100% all American boy? We're lucky he isn't a serial killer.

I actually feel really sorry for him. Kolar wrote a good book. So did Steve Thomas. I don't believe Burke was involved in the murder of his sister.
Nothing has ever been confirmed but a lot of people feel Burke displays traits associated with spectrum disorders like Autism, although I don't believe that would be classed as a learning difficulty (feel free to correct me if that's wrong). I must say, I find your comment about UK kids a little odd though (I'm from the UK too).

All I meant was maybe children are more grown up in the uk hence why he was 9 years of age but it seems his behaviour was that of somebody a lot younger.
I thought I just read that the main police chief (a woman) released a statement that declared they were completely cleared of all wrong doing. Going so far as to issue an apology to them and stating the reason they were cleared was due to new, (at that time) DNA evidence from the waisteband of a pair if long johns JBR had on.

What am I missing here?

DNA hasn't cleared them. The long and short of it is touch DNA on her clothes could have come from anywhere - somewhere like the factory they were manufactured imo. It's pretty meaningless in proving IDI imo.
So Burke got the electric train that Christmas?! He says when he came to the tree he saw an electric train and bike. So that's what John and Burke were putting together when they came home. I always thought it strange they gloss over what they were putting together that night.

They were putting together the train with tracks that could leave those strange marks on JonBenet?
DNA hasn't cleared them. The long and short of it is touch DNA on her clothes could have come from anywhere - somewhere like the factory they were manufactured imo. It's pretty meaningless in proving IDI imo.
Well that's what I was thinking. I haven't taken any time to research 'Touch DNA', but wow at this rate any of us could get charged with murder! My purse get's tossed around like a sandbag when I'm in a hurry.
Well that's what I was thinking. I haven't taken any time to research 'Touch DNA', but wow at this rate any of us could get charged with murder! My purse get's tossed around like a sandbag when I'm in a hurry.

Exactly. I really wish the media would stop with the whole "they were exonerated" talk. Money talks I guess.
A dear friend of mine was married to a very violent man. During her counseling sessions she was asking her psychologist why this man would act this way and they both discussed whether he was a narcissist. Apparently narcissistic personality disorder is frequently associated with domestic violence.

As their sessions continued however and more details were revealed about this man, the psychologist determined he likely he has Asperger's syndrome. This is on the spectrum of autism and I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY when I read the description of Asperger's as it relates to very difficult interpersonal relationships and violent, violent outbursts because the person has very little to no coping mechanisms for daily life.

Personally I don't have any experience or expertise with this type of personality so I don't know enough about how it would relate in this case. It's worth a read though, really opened my eyes.
Maybe someone can help me understand why this is all being brought forward now. Why is BR doing these televised interviews? I don't understand the point of it all. I read that he said he wanted to do something to remember her instead of her just being a news article.

Did the DNA evidence that supposedly cleared them all, was that later decided to not have cleared them?

Whoever convinced BR to do this didn't do him any favors. The video of him watching himself interact with a psychologist and then drawing a family picture is a very chilling video. As he explains to DP why he didn't draw JBR in the picture, all I can say is WOW.
Money?! Just a thought...
I watched part 1 of Dr. Phil last night. Someone is lying. When Dr. Phil asked Burke who told him that JonBenet was dead, he said it was his dad at one of their friends' house and that his dad told him she was in heaven and Burke stated that he 'began to cry." Well ... in the Ramsey's book in Patsy's own words she relays who told Burke that JonBenet was dead and how Burke reacted. She states that it was SHE that told him. She said that she put her arm around him and said, "Honey, JonBenet has gone to heaven" and said that Burke nodded his head and ran off to play. Both accounts cannot be the truth!
I think Burke was most definitely coached before this big interview. I think he was given every question and told exactly how to respond. But apparently Lin Wood and John Ramsey forgot to cross-check the Ramsey's own words of that account in their book!
So, now onto the bruises on her body.

Has anywhere anyone can find, found anything that determined the AGES of the bruises on her?

Looking at a photo as opposed to live examination just chaps my hide and is supremely difficult to fully look at correctly. To me, in my humble armchair opinion on my old computer those bruises on the tops of her shoulders have a red hue to them/red brown and they look older than something inflicted at the time.

Also, I understand that the garrote has been investigated, examined and discussed, whole blogs written about it. But today for the first time I was able to see the actual photo of this around her neck.

That's no playtime toy there that got out of hand. There is INTENT there and petechiae. With a finish that there was no coming back from. That was deeply imbedded in her neck.

The whole thing just makes you sit back in your chair and say????????

Also, on one of the DP fish hooks was this, "Later Burke will talk about hitting his sister in the head with a golf club." (paraphrasing) What ever came of that?
I watched part 1 of Dr. Phil last night. Someone is lying. When Dr. Phil asked Burke who told him that JonBenet was dead, he said it was his dad at one of their friends' house and that his dad told him she was in heaven and Burke stated that he 'began to cry." Well ... in the Ramsey's book in Patsy's own words she relays who told Burke that JonBenet was dead and how Burke reacted. She states that it was SHE that told him. She said that she put her arm around him and said, "Honey, JonBenet has gone to heaven" and said that Burke nodded his head and ran off to play. Both accounts cannot be the truth!
I think Burke was most definitely coached before this big interview. I think he was given every question and told exactly how to respond. But apparently Lin Wood and John Ramsey forgot to cross-check the Ramsey's own words of that account in their book!

This is why these interviews are so pointless as its just a ratings spinner. Why not pull him on the lies - oh wait unless the producers toed the like they would not of got the interview.
When they were playing replays of J & P first interview and she started to cry while talking the look on JR's face spoke volumes. I would hope my husband if in that situation would out his arm around me. Not keep looking straight ahead.
The way he patted her lap was so awkward! It's like they never touch, but he was trying to look comfortable. I was cringing!

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Maybe someone can help me understand why this is all being brought forward now. Why is BR doing these televised interviews? I don't understand the point of it all. I read that he said he wanted to do something to remember her instead of her just being a news article.

Did the DNA evidence that supposedly cleared them all, was that later decided to not have cleared them?

Whoever convinced BR to do this didn't do him any favors. The video of him watching himself interact with a psychologist and then drawing a family picture is a very chilling video. As he explains to DP why he didn't draw JBR in the picture, all I can say is WOW.

I'll take a crack at answering your questions:

The 20th anniversary is coming up so the networks saw an opportunity to make some $$$ before the election.

Dr. Phil said that Burke wanted to control the narrative. I'm thinking Burke wanted some of the $$$$.

The DNA did not clear anyone - no no.

Well it depends on what favor Burke was looking for. He can now say that he did talk publicly. And he can buy some new toys.

WOW is the correct response.
So, now onto the bruises on her body.

Has anywhere anyone can find, found anything that determined the AGES of the bruises on her?

Looking at a photo as opposed to live examination just chaps my hide and is supremely difficult to fully look at correctly. To me, in my humble armchair opinion on my old computer those bruises on the tops of her shoulders have a red hue to them/red brown and they look older than something inflicted at the time.

Also, I understand that the garrote has been investigated, examined and discussed, whole blogs written about it. But today for the first time I was able to see the actual photo of this around her neck.

That's no playtime toy there that got out of hand. There is INTENT there and petechiae. With a finish that there was no coming back from. That was deeply imbedded in her neck.

The whole thing just makes you sit back in your chair and say????????

Also, on one of the DP fish hooks was this, "Later Burke will talk about hitting his sister in the head with a golf club." (paraphrasing) What ever came of that?

Yes, the garrote was no accident.

Patsy claimed the golf club in the head was an accident. She said JonBenet walked into Burke's swing.
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