Was BR involved? #2

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andrew ...

this is a good de stress for watching DP
(contains vulgarity)


YESSSSS!!!! This was totally me yesterday. I just had to turn everything off including the tv and sleep. :gaah::gaah:
Don't kids just eat chunks of pineapple using
their fingers?
maybe just the sticky handed kids in my family

lol My little kids actually had pineapple last night with dinner and yes, they used their fingers to eat it. The other foods they were eating were finger foods and they were eating off a plate not a bowl so giving them a spoon didn't occur to me. But if JBR had cream over hers (no idea where that tidbit came from or if it is true), she'd probably use a spoon.
Who leaves a ransom note for 118,000 dollars, and then takes the victim to the basement and leaves her there dead?

I'm thinking parents who found one child murdered by their other child, who blamed themselves for not seeing it coming, as they desperately tried to salvage what was left of their family.
Well if I found such a note or my daughter dead with a garrote, I too would be acting "psycho". The way Burke describes his mother (if she wasn't the evil witch of the west) makes me think he still doesn't get the gravity of the situation. And I think he's lying. - jj

Heyya jj

DP's so scripted, I don't know what to
make of BR responses, or mannerisms.
I am wondering if Burke does hold the key to this mystery - if he overheard anything - but maybe he suppressed it. I am thinking this because he doesn't
seem like he was even curious about what happened to his little sister.

To not question anything - to not even read or feel a desire to read a ransom note that was involved somehow in his sister's murder? He basically mentions
his mother going into his room, an officer going into his room, his sister's funeral and that's it - end of chapter of his sister's life for him.

This really is beyond "atypical". Especially if a person has an analytical nature - interest in computers, etc. Usually when one has an analytical nature it
extends to all parts of one's life - not just work-based analysis.

Many times denial serves as a way to keep fear at bay.
Hi Luckymanuh,

I agree but thank goodness Tadpole has introduced us to the new coping mechanism. Thanks again Tadpole!
I don't think so, maybe. Have we seen how he wrote then?

I wouldn't rule it out considering we are discussing the possibility that he could have harmed her... he could've been advanced for his age. I don't think he wrote it I think PR did BUT I could see her standing over him telling him what to write and each time he made a mistake she would scream and "go psycho" and make him start over throwing the mistakes in trash.

Is it just me or did PR look a lot like Joan? I'm just sayin'....:thinking:

NO, never.

2nd grade going into 3rd? I can remember my best friend running his dads computer with ease when were in first grade. By then a kid has had time to write, watch awful movies from the 80's, and possibly rape his sister for the first time.
I hope I can ask this ?!

Has it ever been said that Burke has learning difficulties or was slow for his age as I know no 9 year old that would stay in bed when everybody is frantically Running around or screaming for a kidnapped member of the family. Children more than adults are more curious and naturally want to know what's going on.

So how could he just stay in bed and not wonder what the hell was going on?!

Maybe children in the UK are more socially aware as his behavior is not normal imo
2nd grade going into 3rd? I can remember my best friend running his dads computer with ease when were in first grade. By then a kid has had time to write, watch awful movies from the 80's, and possibly rape his sister for the first time.

As a psychologist and amateur graphologist, I would say there is no way, especially now having seen more of BR now and then in videos, he would have used terms such as "foreign faction" (shameless plug for my screenname), or the other phrases and words, never would have called JR "John," nor really know about the exact amount to put down as a ransom.

I really don't see any evidence that could convince me that ANYONE OTHER THAN PR could have written that stupid, meandering, longest-ever-ransom-note-in-history BS note.
2nd grade going into 3rd? I can remember my best friend running his dads computer with ease when were in first grade. By then a kid has had time to write, watch awful movies from the 80's, and possibly rape his sister for the first time.

Attache? Be rested it'll be exhausting? Small foreign faction? There's nothing about that note that says 9 year old to me. Not even the most intelligent precocious 9 year old. It does, however, scream Patsy at me.
In my opinion, "doing the right thing" would never occur to people like the R's who seemed to only consider their outward appearances the most important way to live.
Disregard anyone's feelings or struggles - how they "look" as a family is so much more important.

This superficial way of living including house tours and beauty pageants, when clearly deeply emotional manifestations were occurring with both of their children, was
detrimental to their children's health.

The message which must have been interpreted by the children as they were not "good enough" to be helped - they
must always maintain an external view of the "perfect family". To me, this is a type of child abuse.

To me, the R's behavior demonstrated that they considered prestige and the appearance of a "perfect family" paramount to any struggles/emotional
issues within the family.

I am not meaning to be judgmental
but this is a horrible way for anyone to live - stuffing down emotions and striving to show "perfection at all times" is a recipe
for psychological issues. And if there are psychological issues to begin with - well this seems to be a cruel way to live.

This is sad and tragic that these children lived in that atmosphere. Just my opinion.


I so agree and I am going to be judgemental here. It is horrible the way people like them valued their outward appearance more than anything else. It is that kind of living that creates kids who feel "entitled" in our society.

Kids that grow up to be spoiled brats and kids that expect things to be handed to them their whole lives. It is horrible to be like they were.

Personal hand-made dolls that look like their child? WTH? It literally makes me want to throw up.

Dont get me wrong. Being well-off is great and the people that are blessed to have a good education and end up being successful in life is fantastic. But it is usually due to hard studies and hard work too. Where parents like them go wrong is when they let that success start to make them behave like they are "kings of the town". I think PR was more of the problem than JR was because he seemed to be a hard worker but what happens is the other spouse rubs off on the other and they both end up being too good for their britches.

What I envy the most in the world is the people that end up being hugely successful but you would never know it unless you know them personally. You wouldnt know it from any fancy cars or fancy clothes or fancy houses. They look like the next Joe on the street and yet they are hugely successful. Those are the parents that end up raising normal kids that grow up to create their own successes in life.

The kids of the R's were doomed to have issues because they were being raised in a sheltered capacity and when things go wrong and real life hits them they dont have the skills to cope with them. I feel sad for any kids having to grow up in an environment like they were living. Its no wonder they were peeing the bed. It was probably the only way they could get some real honest attention.

I can guarantee you that JBR would have wanted just a regular nice doll instead of one that looked like her. She probably wanted to be like other kids and never could.

sorry. i kind of went on a rant there. :)
So Burke got the electric train that Christmas?! He says when he came to the tree he saw an electric train and bike. So that's what John and Burke were putting together when they came home. I always thought it strange they gloss over what they were putting together that night.
sorry. i kind of went on a rant there. :loser: - H

No. Good to consider
That house was a materialistic mess.
posted in media thread, full episode:



Thank you for posting this (I forgot to record it). Some of my thoughts:

I am reminded that during John and Patsy's early CNN interview, John shakes his head yes as he says he did not kill his daughter (I believe he caught himself in the middle of it and tried to make it looks like he was instead acknowledging each of the people assembled in front of him, if there were such people.)
In same interview and many times subsequently, Patsy says she had "nothing to do with it". That's always bothered me. What exactly does she know about "it"?
When BR is asked when the last time he saw JBR, he replies, "I want to say in the car on way home." it's a weak statement. Why include the "I want to"?
I couldn't help but feel that BR had been abandoned while he 'slept' alone in his room that morning. Poor kid!
BR stated that, "Part of me doesn't want to know" in regards to why he didn't press or ask more questions about what happened to JBR directly after he learned she was 'in heaven.' DOESN'T want to know? As in present tense? A major spontaneous utterance blunder IMO.
With a distasteful snear, JR describes the place where JBR's body was found (WC) as a 'junk room'. That really bothered me.
And of course JR's describing finding the body as a moment of "overwhelming sense of joy." Very inappropriate.
There's one more thing that BR said, "but not really". But I didn't take good notes and can't remember what it's in reference to. However, it was significant, anyone remember?

I devoured Kohler's book, but I know men Burke's age (ok, I know one guy) who smiles this way no matter what the subject, and I don't believe BR is responsible for the head blow, and certainly not the subsequent strangulation. The longer I study videos of JR, and consider his statements and behavior, the more I believe that Patsy accidentally killed JBR, woke JR up to tell him and get his help, and they both participated in the cover-up. And JrRdid the garrote. And that's what Patsy means by the "it" she did not have anything to do with.
Within the house, only JR would have the skills
to mimic PR's style
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