Was Burke Involved? # 4

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LOL, all this time and you still don't get it. Lets start at the beginning.
Come on now. I don't need to be talked down to like I'm a child or a moron.

Especially considering you just said this....

So in the case of the neck injury, BR might have only wound the cord once around JonBenet's neck, Patsy wound it around again, knotting it, attaching the paintbrush and eventually asphyxiating JonBenet.

What I believe is that BR strangled JonBenet and whacked her on the head, without killing her, i.e. she was left in a coma.

Those are two different scenarios entirely. Kolar believes he did it all but the note, apparently you do as well, but here's Patsy participating with Burke in the strangulation in that post.

Its not surprising someone would ask the question. I follow your posts fairly closely and I noticed a slight change. Nothing wrong with that of course but someone asking a question concerning your stance on the issue doesn't need to be mocked.

Interesting that a lot of BDI members think its the only thing that fits and say other theories have holes that Stevie Wonder could fly a B-52 through yet BDI waffles a bit on the strangulation for starters. Patsy helping her nine year old son strangle her six year old daughter?!? Really?

So I guess its a partial strangulation or just winding the cord so Patsy can do the real dirty work. That's a hop, skip, and a jump from Burke assisting in the writing of the note.

BlueCrab was the only person way back then to develop a BDI theory everyone else was thinking pedophile ring, PDI, JDI, etc.
Wait a minute....was BlueCrab the person who came up with the original N64 theory before he made his theory very complex? I didn't know that....it was so many years ago.

Also I believe JonBenet was not killed in the basement because that's where she happened to be
I certainly agree with that.

So the parents attempted to stage away both the neck and vaginal injuries by overlaying both with similar injuries but inflicted by different instruments.


How does a strangulation hide an earlier strangulation
UK has been laughed at a few times for believing in the possibility of an earlier, secondary strangulation. I'm in the minority that also believes its possible but disagree with him on who would've done that obviously. I think she could've been choked in the initial attack in a domestic dispute by Patsy before the major poop hit the fan.

I also realize there's no solid evidence to back that up. It's just a hunch. I think the horrors that night played out like a domestic dispute and everything didn't happen within minutes as if it were a movie.


Perhaps not a stance taken by you personally, but for the past 20 years I have heard over and over and over that Burke was too young, too small, too innocent to have killed his sister. When people refuse to even consider Burke as a suspect, these are invariably given as the reasons. No doubt you've heard this as well?
I should've worded that whole statement differently. There might be a few members in these huge Burke threads the past couple months claiming this.

You're right that people have generally mentioned his young age but IMO when its said(especially by an investigator) they are referring to the overall complexities of the crime(and the crime scene) and they are right....a child could not do all that. Can a 9 year old kill? Absolutely. Can a 9 year old child molest a six year old girl? Absolutely. Can a 9 year old initiate, partially participate, and create a paradoxical crime scene that would stump the world's experts for decades and maybe centuries? Of course not.

For the record, I'm not criticizing people posting info and/or statistics in general. This kind of stuff certainly adds to discussions and is probably a great help to newer members here.

And conversely, it's an oft repeated view that BDI because -

1. The parents just would NEVER dream or be able to live with the shame of having put big knickers on JBR,
2. The parents would ONLY cover for Burke, for some unexplained reason they COULDN'T both have been involved and have a reason to never reveal what happened,
3. The GJ thought the parents were aware that Burke posed a danger to JBR's health and life, despite there being no evidence forensically linking him to her death and the burden of proof for a true bill not being of the standard required to prove it at trial,
4. Pineapple and poo and a flashlight were in the house,
5. He has an odd affect.
6. He drew a picture of family members that did not include JBR.

All I can say is I hope I'm not ever judged by these standards if I'm accused of a murder OR a fatal accident.
Gold star for you....that was the post of the week.

1. I don't understand this stance from BDI either since we know she sometimes wore his clothes. Even WS members have said they sometimes wore their older brothers clothing as a child. BDI seems to believe its impossible as they would keep JOnbenet immaculate at all times even though that house was a pig sty and Patsy even admits Jonbenet would sometimes go days without bathing.

Patsy and her mini-me were perfect looking princesses on the surface and for appearances. Once walking into their home its a whole different story.

2. Of course. There are many reasons either would cover for the other. THis "they'd only cover for Burke' stance doesn't cut the mustard.

3. Absolutely. The GJ bills are not smoking guns that kill any theory. All it definitely tells us is the GJ didn't buy IDI.

4. Yep...none of that instantly points to Burke.

5. Yeah he does....and so do tons of other children

6. If this can be perceived as a negative, it shows they did not have a great relationship or was simply his way of acknowledging her death.

All I can say is I hope I'm not ever judged by these standards if I'm accused of a murder OR a fatal accident.
Me too. THis is how incidents like the WM3 happen. They wear Metallica shirts, look mean, and aren't remorseful. Lock em up and throw away the key!

My husband died from cancer, at home, when my children were aged 18, 14 and 10. While he was dying, my two youngest (sons) went to watch TV in a room upstairs. Later that day some friends came to the house and offered to take the boys back to their house to play with their children and stay overnight for a sleepover. I thought it was inappropriate and that my sons would want to stay at home with me and their sister, and talk and cry. They didn't, they wanted to go. They obviously didn't want to or couldn't process yet what had happened, it was too much. They are and were not odd children,
Sorry to hear about your husband. I am 41 and been dealing with a cancer scare the past few months. Supposedly I don't have it but going in for the major scan on the 7th to find out once and for all.

When my grandpa died when I was 10 from cancer(which was horrifying), right after his funeral the only thing I was interested in was eating most of the carrot cake some distant relative brought. Its still the best carrot cake I've ever ate. To some this would be considered disturbing I suppose but as far as I'm concerned, it was normal.

My aunt was murdered by her husband in 2004 and while us adults were dealing with it as expected, the children weren't sobbing uncontrollably and the few children who were at the funeral did not just stand there....they went exploring the cemetery. I eventually joined them to help me look for the grave of one of my best friends Shane Souza who died in a car accident back in 1982 when we were in second grade. To them it was like a scavenger hunt.

when he was not going to show his innermost feelings, not everyone does share with strangers, in fact I'd be more surprised if he did.
I'm one of these people. I do not cry in front of others. As a child I did a few times but even then...I would go to my room. When my mom had a TIA stroke back in 03, I started crying on the drive to go pick up her sister and my grandma to take them to the hospital. Imagining my mom dying then(she was 48 at the time, she survived) caused me to cry during the drive to Ceres(where they lived) and as I was approaching their house, I quickly pulled myself together.

He demonstrated a stabbing. His parents rushed around his room pretending to look for JonBenet, if not for their own benefit, then whose?
Yeah this doesn't compute. Its in the category of Burke as the killer asking rhetorical questions at 6 am during the 911 call.

Oh yeah, some think he was brainwashed to forget what he'd done or to think he'd dreamed it, by the next morning.
Yep.... I don't buy into this brainwashing or "gaslighting" stuff either. Its an attempt to oversimplify a very complex series of events.

Having said that, its possible that he was traumatized by the events that night and may have buried it. If a domestic dispute broke out that evening after arriving home and it escalated, he's certainly a witness to at least some of what transpired that night. Even if he didn't see it, he might have at least heard the arguing. On the other hand, if domestic disputes were part of the norm in this household, children can adapt to this and will sleep through it since its 'business as usual'. Obviously that night it wasn't though.

He was safe enough to ship off to another house, where he wouldn't slip up and say one tiny thing that would bring the whole house of cards crashing down.
Yeah this is a major sticking point for me. I am also in the group of people who say if Burke killed her, they are not gonna allow him out of their sight for even a nanosecond. There was a huge risk of him being interrogated at that point in the kidnapping phase or even the FBI stepping in and taking Burke elsewhere for protection and of course an interview. Keeping him at home would allow the Ramseys to control access to Burke. Allowing him to leave meant they gave up all that control and would've had to pray no one goes there to talk to him. They allowed him to leave IMO simply because he had nothing to do with it and wanted him gone when the coming chaos went into overdrive.

To allow their 9 year old murdering son to leave the scene meant they were placing their own lives, John's job, and the whole kit and kaboodle in the hands of a child. They never would've took that risk. There were literally millions and millions of dollars at stake. You're not going to trust a 9 year old with that and yeah I know people say John would simply tell him to not speak to anybody. That still doesn't change the fact they would be putting their lives in his hands and his comment does nothing to erase the possibility of the feds or BPD speaking to Burke and getting him to crack.

If your son murdered someone and you wanted to keep yourself(or him) from getting into trouble and ruining all your lives and your future, do you....

A. Keep him near you at all times and monitor how cops are interacting with him.

B. Let him leave which exposes him to potential interrogation, being taken to BPD or FBI due to the kidnapping, and you getting arrested in your house full of friends due to his statements even before the body is found.

People would rightfully choose A. Only reason to send him away is if he had nothing to do with it so you have no worries in that department. They can rest easy knowing Burke gets to sit at the Whites playing Nintendo til the cows come home while they get the freak show on the road.
I agree singularity.

I'm sorry to hear about your scare! I send you all my best wishes for a clear result on 7th.
Its 1 am here in the UK and I'm off to bed. The slight change is because I've adopted BDI All as a working theory and as before I'll amend or drop it if it conflicts with new evidence or reality.

So again I'm offering explanations of what possibly happened.

Not explanations of what actually happened, people tend to confuse the two.

Come on now. I don't need to be talked down to like I'm a child or a moron.
You are a sensitive fellow.

I can believe both Patsy and Burke strangled JonBenet but only one of them actually killed her, as per BDI All.

Without the All Patsy would be the only person asphyxiating JonBenet.


but here's Patsy participating with Burke in the strangulation in that post.

I'm assuming you are an intelligent person, so abbreviated the theory, i.e. minus all the details. At a different point in time PR ligature asphyxiated JonBenet using the same cord as BR. BR was likely celebrating in his bedroom.

That was assumed so I could make BDI All consistent with the known forensic evidence.

That's all folks, I'll post more tomorrow.

Celebrating what exactly? Murder? Like Ed Gein dancing in the moonlight?

My prediction on how BDI would go following the CBS hoopla was spot on. As it runs out of gas, the general theory must make him be involved in everything as it coasts on fumes. Before, it supposedly "all fit" and there were "no more unanswered questions" thanks to the CBS presentation although I do know that you personally did not buy into that and saw it for what it was(entertainment to garner ratings/controversy).

No offense to you or any BDI members of course but when we've got him sharing strangulation duties with Patsy, some have him sitting there advising Patsy on what to put in the note, and the poop monster maniacally laughing about his evil deeds while Patsy finishes the job, BDI is reaching the point of jumping the shark. I realize why its going in this direction of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks....its because there's little to no evidence that actually links him to her murder. He either has to do it all(without leaving any trace of this of course) or has to tag team with Patsy and/or John since those two did leave traces of what they've done.

So again I'm offering explanations of what possibly happened.

Not explanations of what actually happened, people tend to confuse the two.
I realize that when we're not posting transcripts, articles, videos, etc. we're all basically speculating here.

I knew you believed in the possibility of two strangulation events(so do I) but I didn't realize until now you believed in the possibility that two different people strangled her and to that extent of participation.

You are a sensitive fellow.
Actually I'm not but that line was an insulting way to address someones post to you...especially when that person thinks you're one of the best contributors to the forum, agrees with many of your opinions on certain aspects of the case(not BDI obviously), and looks forward to reading your posts in these threads.

Maybe I overreacted to the line and I loathe our culture of faux outrage so don't take it that way. I probably should've just sent a message about it in a PM.

I'm assuming you are an intelligent person
Thanks for the correct assumption. :drumroll:
I'm having trouble with imagining PR strangling her beloved child. Even from behind. I know the woman was screwed up but are we seriously supposed to think she could do something like this?

But when you think of BR doing it all - it all makes perfect sense. BR walloped his sister with the flashlight and she went down like a ton of bricks. His dislike for her (and his jealousy) was such that he decided to try out something that he had fantasized about. He had a 'thing' about knots and had read some macabre stuff about strangulations and garrotting. He may have already tried some of it on friends at school. Who knows?

PR came down and found her daughter dead (she had no idea that her skull had been split in two because there were no visible signs).

PR screamed. John came rushing downstairs. How was this going to look - to friends, family, church and, most of all - the police - if their 6 year old child was found GARROTTED inside their locked home when only the family was in residence? They had to protect BR at all costs.

They had to invent an "intruder" - one who kidnapped their daughter. Patsy sat down at the kitchen counter, got out her notepad and pen and began to write........
I'm having trouble with imagining PR strangling her beloved child. Even from behind. I know the woman was screwed up but are we seriously supposed to think she could do something like this?

But when you think of BR doing it all - it all makes perfect sense. BR walloped his sister with the flashlight and she went down like a ton of bricks. His dislike for her (and his jealousy) was such that he decided to try out something that he had fantasized about. He had a 'thing' about knots and had read some macabre stuff about strangulations and garrotting. He may have already tried some of it on friends at school. Who knows?

PR came down and found her daughter dead (she had no idea that her skull had been split in two because there were no visible signs).

PR screamed. John came rushing downstairs. How was this going to look - to friends, family, church and, most of all - the police - if their 6 year old child was found GARROTTED inside their locked home when only the family was in residence? They had to protect BR at all costs.

They had to invent an "intruder" - one who kidnapped their daughter. Patsy sat down at the kitchen counter, got out her notepad and pen and began to write........

I have a few questions on your theory -

Finding JBR dead, how did they know Burke had done it?

Why did they think they were protecting Burke, and not an intruder?

Why did they not ; call for an ambulance, stage a break in, and say an intruder did it - which they eventually claimed anyway?

Why did they not cut off the wooden stick, which would have Burke's prints and tDNA all over it, and get rid of it?
Celebrating what exactly? Murder? Like Ed Gein dancing in the moonlight?

My prediction on how BDI would go following the CBS hoopla was spot on. As it runs out of gas, the general theory must make him be involved in everything as it coasts on fumes. Before, it supposedly "all fit" and there were "no more unanswered questions" thanks to the CBS presentation although I do know that you personally did not buy into that and saw it for what it was(entertainment to garner ratings/controversy).

No offense to you or any BDI members of course but when we've got him sharing strangulation duties with Patsy, some have him sitting there advising Patsy on what to put in the note, and the poop monster maniacally laughing about his evil deeds while Patsy finishes the job, BDI is reaching the point of jumping the shark. I realize why its going in this direction of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks....its because there's little to no evidence that actually links him to her murder. He either has to do it all(without leaving any trace of this of course) or has to tag team with Patsy and/or John since those two did leave traces of what they've done.

I realize that when we're not posting transcripts, articles, videos, etc. we're all basically speculating here.

I knew you believed in the possibility of two strangulation events(so do I) but I didn't realize until now you believed in the possibility that two different people strangled her and to that extent of participation.

Actually I'm not but that line was an insulting way to address someones post to you...especially when that person thinks you're one of the best contributors to the forum, agrees with many of your opinions on certain aspects of the case(not BDI obviously), and looks forward to reading your posts in these threads.

Maybe I overreacted to the line and I loathe our culture of faux outrage so don't take it that way. I probably should've just sent a message about it in a PM.

Thanks for the correct assumption. :drumroll:

Sorry if I offended you, it was not intended to be an insult.

I knew you believed in the possibility of two strangulation events(so do I) but I didn't realize until now you believed in the possibility that two different people strangled her and to that extent of participation.
BBM: Its been a feature of the case from way back. many people think one person restricted JonBenet by the neck and a different person unknowingly asphyxiated her when staging the wine-cellar crime-scene.

The rationale behind two different people asphyxiating JonBenet is that the wine-cellar crime-scene is staged in an attempt to mask what went before, otherwise why bother?

I prefer BR to be manually asphyxiating JonBenet, then Patsy attempts to hide this with the ligature asphyxiation thereby finishing off JonBenet, similarly she was assaulted with the paintbrush to mask her prior acute assault.

I fail to understand how Kolar can reconcile BDI All, with PR's fibers all over JonBenet, i.e. in the knotting, etc?

It might be that Kolar is being technical and discounting the staging as anything to do with BR?

Coroner Meyer said there had been Sexual Contact and Digital Penetration, so this is what I reckon the use of the paintbrush is attempting to obfuscate?

The use of the paintbrush, ligature, ransom note, wine-cellar are all redundant in an Intruder Did It scenario. Since the same outcome can be obtained by leaving JonBenet violated in her bed and manually asphyxiated.

No need to hang about authoring ransom notes, carrying a body downstairs, cleaning her up, etc.

The staging wasn't done simply to deflect from the R's, it was to mess up the available forensic evidence, and relocate the primary crime-scene.

I have a few questions on your theory -

Finding JBR dead, how did they know Burke had done it?

Why did they think they were protecting Burke, and not an intruder?

Why did they not ; call for an ambulance, stage a break in, and say an intruder did it - which they eventually claimed anyway?

Why did they not cut off the wooden stick, which would have Burke's prints and tDNA all over it, and get rid of it?

Because Burke may still have been in the act of messing with his sister's body. They would have known it was Burke. Maybe he even admitted it was him.

I believe there was a lot of panic going on that night. Inventing an 'intruder' was one way of deflecting the focus away from the family.

And it worked, didn't it? Strangely enough a great many people believed them, and still do.
Because Burke may still have been in the act of messing with his sister's body. They would have known it was Burke. Maybe he even admitted it was him.

I believe there was a lot of panic going on that night. Inventing an 'intruder' was one way of deflecting the focus away from the family.

And it worked, didn't it? Strangely enough a great many people believed them, and still do.

So this theory requires BR's admission or being caught in the act.

Why didn't they remove the paintbrush stick?

If police found Burke's DNA on it, wouldn't they have risked all this pretence of an intruder for nothing?
I have a few questions on your theory -

Finding JBR dead, how did they know Burke had done it?

Why did they think they were protecting Burke, and not an intruder?

Why did they not ; call for an ambulance, stage a break in, and say an intruder did it - which they eventually claimed anyway?

Why did they not cut off the wooden stick, which would have Burke's prints and tDNA all over it, and get rid of it?
Off the top of my head:
He might have still been there when PR discovered him/them.
If not, maybe he left clues there that would only have pointed to him.
Perhaps he went upstairs to the kitchen where PR found him first.
Or maybe he went to his room and PR found him up there awake and then wrangled a confession from him.
Or.. who knows? Many possibilities, imo.
Off the top of my head:
He might have still been there when PR discovered him/them.
If not, maybe he left clues there that would only have pointed to him.
Perhaps he went upstairs to the kitchen where PR found him first.
Or maybe he went to his room and PR found him up there awake and then wrangled a confession from him.
Or.. who knows? Many possibilities, imo.

Which part do you have down to the parents, or either one of the parents?
So this theory requires BR's admission or being caught in the act.

Why didn't they remove the paintbrush stick?

If police found Burke's DNA on it, wouldn't they have risked all this pretence of an intruder for nothing?

They may not have been thinking 'DNA' - just how they can put the blame on an outsider.

As for the stick - they probably wouldn't have seen it. I suspect they didn't remove her clothing, just wrapped her in a blanket and hid the body.

For what it's worth I have a theory about the entire murder, which I have posted on the Members Theories thread.
Which part do you have down to the parents, or either one of the parents?
I think probably PR is responsible for the cover-up / staging in the basement and for writing the RN. For now, I'm not convinced JR knew anything about it until he pieced things together after PR showed him the RN. But it's just a theory.
They may not have been thinking 'DNA' - just how they can put the blame on an outsider.

As for the stick - they probably wouldn't have seen it. I suspect they didn't remove her clothing, just wrapped her in a blanket and hid the body.

For what it's worth I have a theory about the entire murder, which I have posted on the Members Theories thread.

If they weren't thinking DNA, why wasn't there any?

If they didn't remove her clothing, why were John's fibres inside the panties, under the long johns, that you presumably have Burke dressing her in?
I think probably PR is responsible for the cover-up / staging in the basement and for writing the RN. For now, I'm not convinced JR knew anything about it until he pieced things together after PR showed him the RN. But it's just a theory.

What do you have included in Patsy's cover-up/staging?
I think probably PR is responsible for the cover-up / staging in the basement and for writing the RN. For now, I'm not convinced JR knew anything about it until he pieced things together after PR showed him the RN. But it's just a theory.

I know lots of folks think John was in the dark until Patsy called for him after "finding" the note, but I'm not sure why this is.

If those who do think this could explain why they think John did not participate in the pre-cop-arrival cover up, I'd appreciate it. Personally, I can't wrap my mind around him figuring it out just a few minutes before the first officer arrived. Or Patsy waiting until the last possible moment hoping John just goes along without any questions or overt confusion/anger in front of the cops.

We can't know when the cover up began or what order the parents became involved, and I agree with those who think John did not help much or at all with the note. But it's hard for me to see Patsy pulling this all off on her own and it's hard for me to imagine John playing it that cool at 6 am if he hadn't been involved earlier with the plan to make it look a kidnapping.
Initially, I thought Patsy hit JonBenet, by accident, while trying to strike JR.

I always tend to circle back around to BDI, but this one is probably my second place theory. All of the "Patsy and John would never cover for each other, they'd only cover for Burke" goes out the window with this one because if that is what happened, John doesn't want anyone to know what he was doing to JBR and Patsy obviously doesn't want anyone to know she killed her.

It almost makes MORE sense than BDI, given if you found your one child had hurt your second child, wouldn't you call 911 for help immediately regardless? It would never occur to me it would be murder or whatever, my mom's mind would jump to "what a horrific accident, let's get help." BUT if you caught your husband with your 6 year old and went to strike him and got her... I can see not calling 911.
I know lots of folks think John was in the dark until Patsy called for him after "finding" the note, but I'm not sure why this is.

If those who do think this could explain why they think John did not participate in the pre-cop-arrival cover up, I'd appreciate it. Personally, I can't wrap my mind around him figuring it out just a few minutes before the first officer arrived. Or Patsy waiting until the last possible moment hoping John just goes along without any questions or overt confusion/anger in front of the cops.

We can't know when the cover up began or what order the parents became involved, and I agree with those who think John did not help much or at all with the note. But it's hard for me to see Patsy pulling this all off on her own and it's hard for me to imagine John playing it that cool at 6 am if he hadn't been involved earlier with the plan to make it look a kidnapping.
My hunch is primarily based on JR's behavior that morning. Like anything else, it's just a theory. I'm not even convinced that he fully had it figured out before the first cop arrived. Or that PR hoped he'd go along with it. I think she expected everyone, including JR, to actually buy her BS.

After PR wrote the Magna Carta RN, I think she called out to a formerly unaware JR and showed him the RN. I think he might have recognized her handwriting on some level but didn't want to believe she could do such a thing. He might have even questioned her. They had terse words and he insisted on the 911 call. He went upstairs to dress and she called in her posse of friends.
JR distances himself from PR throughout the morning, which furthers my suspicion that he wasn't in on any of it up to this point. He is trying to put the pieces together. There's a chance he found JB's body during the 80 minutes that nobody knew his whereabouts, but he was dumbfounded about what to do and was scared he might be accused. At any rate, he became complicit in this crime at some point. Both JR and PR are accessories after the fact.
I agree that B did it. His past history of acting out (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...d-older-brother-Burke-smeared-feces-wall.html) his strange behavior the morning of the murder (staying in his bedroom pretending to be asleep) and his lack of affect (sic.?) and emotion when speaking of JonBenets death spell guilt out to me unequivocally.

My theory is as follows:

->JB wakes up and as was previously suggested she goes to B's room to see if he is awake and possibly snuggle (Evidence: the pillow in the kitchen). She discovers that he is not in his room and that the lights are on downstairs.
-> She meanders sleepily downstairs (Evidence: the pillow in the kitchen) to find B, who she discovers is drinking tea and eating pineapple and milk (Evidence: B'e fingerprint on the spoon and tea cup).
-> JB sits down and asks B for a bite. B declines, JB wines (you know the noise tired children make when they want something) and asks again. B again says no.
-> JB reaches over and takes a slice of pineapple (as children do) and eats it (Evidence: the fibrous material found in her duodenum and the pineapple and milk on the table half eaten). Taking the pineapple makes B angry(Evidence: his behavior and acting out suggest resentment towards JB possibly because of all the attention she receives from her mother and father [Refer to the above article]).
-> B gets up and grabs his flash light off the counter (possibly used this to get downstairs in the dark undetected) and chases JB. B is faster than JB and catches up to her. In a rage B hits his sister in the back of the skull with the flashlight intending on hurting her (he would not have understood the damage this hit could cause JB, aside from pain). JB falls over and passes out due to the damage to the impact site from the flashlight (Evidence: Dr. Henry Lee's examination of the evidence in http://www.cbs.com/shows/the-case-of-jonbenet-ramsey/).
->B turns and before leaving kicks JB in the vigin (little boys kick each other here to hurt each other when fighting [Evidence: blood in JB's underpants * Think injury similar to falling on your bike bar as a female, it does a similar thing {JB is still alive just unconscious therefore blood flow is still possible]).
->Afraid to get in trouble B runs upstairs and jumps back into bed.

-> PR and JR wake up and head downstairs to make breakfast for the children.
-> PR and JR discover JB unconscious on the kitchen floor. PR screams (or something) and JR tries to resuscitate JB unsuccessfully. Noticing B's flash light beside JB on the floor, they can deduced that the children got in an argument and assume B got upset and hit his sister (this is pattern behavior [Evidence: previous incident where B hit JB in the face leaving her cheek bruised.)
-> When JB does not respond they assume she is dead and PR and JR set into action to protect their remaining child and devise a plan(PR writes the infamous ransom note and JR moves the body down stairs)
-> Once downstairs JB begins to come to and is screaming in pain and suffering horribly.
-> In equal parts to protect his son and relieve JB's suffering, JR grabs a near by cord (possibly his shoe lace) and strangles JB.
-> PR runs down the stairs when she hears JB's cries and witnesses JR strangling JB. Horrified she breaks down and goes into shock.
-> JR sends PR upstairs to call the police and "report" the crime.
-> PR calls her friends for comfort as she is in shock and not clearheaded

From here the rest is history.

I think that PR and JR's behavior over the years can be explained by this theory. B's denial of his actions at this point is beyond me.

This is my theory. Let me know what you think :)

I believe BDI, but I'm open to hearing other theories, I also keep up on the case by lurking here, it's still an open case and you're right, Burke can't be charged and no one will ever go to jail, but I believe we may get the truth one day.
My hunch is primarily based on JR's behavior that morning. Like anything else, it's just a theory. I'm not even convinced that he fully had it figured out before the first cop arrived. Or that PR hoped he'd go along with it. I think she expected everyone, including JR, to actually buy her BS.

After PR wrote the Magna Carta RN, I think she called out to a formerly unaware JR and showed him the RN. I think he might have recognized her handwriting on some level but didn't want to believe she could do such a thing. He might have even questioned her. They had terse words and he insisted on the 911 call. He went upstairs to dress and she called in her posse of friends.
JR distances himself from PR throughout the morning, which furthers my suspicion that he wasn't in on any of it up to this point. He is trying to put the pieces together. There's a chance he found JB's body during the 80 minutes that nobody knew his whereabouts, but he was dumbfounded about what to do and was scared he might be accused. At any rate, he became complicit in this crime at some point. Both JR and PR are accessories after the fact.

Maybe Patsy's "she dies, she dies" was to give them an excuse not to call 911 until after 10, but John insisted anyway? If he didn't know what had happened, it seems a little reckless not to have weighed the threats seriously. I probably would have called the police as well, but I think I would have deliberated first given the specificity of the threats. Thinking it through for a little while probably wouldn't have changed the survival odds for the captive. On the other hand marked cars zooming up to house might have. It's hard to put myself fully in that situation, but I think I would have read the note several times, and then called 911 asking for advice as to how to proceed and making it very clear to them that the note insisted on no LE at all or my child would be beheaded.

The note essentially gave the Ramseys an excuse not call the police until it was clear the kidnapper was not going to call. So why not use the time to stall the police? They would have to get the money, cancel the flight, deal with Burke in the meantime. Maybe it was all too complicated? Or maybe you're right and John simply disregarded the contents of the note and insisted Patsy call, not knowing his daughter was lying in the cellar. Interesting that he had the distraught mother call instead of himself - a calmer, more collected, "cordial" person.
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