Was Burke Involved? # 4

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*snip*I know some people think John went along because Patsy would rat him out as a child molester, but there is no evidence to support this allegation against him. Plus, kids with both a psycho murderous mother and a pedophile father? Possible? yes, but it seems a stretch with no known prior histories of abuse by either parent.*snip*

IMO, John was more of a situational molester rather than a pedophile.
She might though. Remember she lied for him when this girl came over. It's possible she kept dangling that over his head. "I lied for you now it's your turn John!!!"

10 her what had happened, I said I had this
11 girlfriend that was crazy and I just didn't want
12 it to -- and so I said I was going to stay
13 there that night and sleep on the couch, because
14 I didn't want to be in my apartment and we were
15 just talking and knock, knock, knock on the
16 door, and -- actually I think I was going to
17 leave. There was a knock on the door, and I was
18 literally behind the door, Patsy opened the
19 door, it's Gloria, and she said I was waiting
20 for John, I want to come in, use your phone and
21 Patsy, "oh, our phone is out of order, we just
22 moved in."
23 And here I was standing behind the
24 door, I was -- then she just was -- and from
25 that moment -- first of all, from that moment
1 on, Gloria left me alone and I also realized how
2 much, what a significant person Patsy was.
3 Because here she was a 23-year-old, just
4 standing there. So that was kind of the
5 breaking point.

Except her name wasn't Gloria, it was Sheri C. And it happened at the house JR rented and into which they moved after they returned from their honeymoon. The week prior to the wedding JR spent 4 days in bed with Sheri, never telling her he was engaged. Sheri wasn't crazy, she had just found out through the grapevine that he had married and shocked, wanted to find out what was going on, since he was wooing her with all sorts of future plans before he dropped off the radar and ignored her calls to his portable phone (you remember those huge things in the late '70's/early '80's) and she was too classy to tell PR what a lying scoundrel he was, so she left without saying a word.

Then Sheri found out she wasn't the only women he was stringing along while engaged to PR.

He is such a liar and I am sure that PR never found out that he was catting around town while she was shopping for her wedding things in NY. He was chasing, and catching, women up to 2 days before the wedding.

JR was incredibly jealous and flew into violent temper rages. Of course, he could have mellowed over the years and given up his lying, cheating ways. Right.
Except her name wasn't Gloria, it was Sheri C. And it happened at the house JR rented and into which they moved after they returned from their honeymoon. The week prior to the wedding JR spent 4 days in bed with Sheri, never telling her he was engaged. Sheri wasn't crazy, she had just found out through the grapevine that he had married and shocked, wanted to find out what was going on, since he was wooing her with all sorts of future plans before he dropped off the radar and ignored her calls to his portable phone (you remember those huge things in the late '70's/early '80's) and she was too classy to tell PR what a lying scoundrel he was, so she left without saying a word.

Then Sheri found out she wasn't the only women he was stringing along while engaged to PR.

He is such a liar and I am sure that PR never found out that he was catting around town while she was shopping for her wedding things in NY. He was chasing, and catching, women up to 2 days before the wedding.

JR was incredibly jealous and flew into violent temper rages. Of course, he could have mellowed over the years and given up his lying, cheating ways. Right.
Wow. Thanks for the additional info. I have some reading to do. Up until Ambitioned's post, I've basically ignored this affair of his. Do you suppose they used a pseudonym to protect her identity at her insistence? I know if I were in her shoes, I would sure want some assurance of some protection from this circus.
I also noticed on acandyrose that ST referred to her by another name. Check it out at the bottom of the page:
Thanks, otg. So maybe the hemorrhage wasn't as far down as I thought. I'd rather believe that. But. What's throwing me is that it says "along the right temporoparietal area". The periosteum is a thin membrane that fits snugly to the bone.. not really a layer in an of itself so much. And Meyer said was "scalp hemorrhage". IDK. But, as I said, I don't want to be married to this line of thinking.

Reflecting of the scalp: starts behind the right ear goes up to the vortex and then to the left ear. Then the scalp sections go forward and back. For Meyer to see the orbital area, he would have already had the scalp fully reflected down to the level of the eyes in front.


Not the best video, but it's the only one I could find.
I don't disagree with anything you say here, kanzz. All bones have a periosteum (except at the joints of long bones). The one that surrounds the skull is specifically called the pericranium (either term is correct).

I'll share another video if anyone cares to see exactly what is done during the autopsy. But be forewarned, do NOT click on this link unless you are fully prepared. It is very graphic (brutally so), and it is not for the squeamish or faint-hearted. It is also designated as "age-restricted," so you have to be logged in to see it. Make no mistake: what was done to JonBenet in the autopsy room was (IMO) a continuation of the brutality that was inflicted on her in her home and is ultimately the responsibility of John and Patsy Ramsey.

(One more warning: VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO):
I don't disagree with anything you say here, kanzz. All bones have a periosteum (except at the joints of long bones). The one that surrounds the skull is specifically called the pericranium (either term is correct).

I'll share another video if anyone cares to see exactly what is done during the autopsy. But be forewarned, do NOT click on this link unless you are fully prepared. It is very graphic (brutally so), and it is not for the squeamish or faint-hearted. It is also designated as "age-restricted," so you have to be logged in to see it. Make no mistake: what was done to JonBenet in the autopsy room was (IMO) a continuation of the brutality that was inflicted on her in her home and is ultimately the responsibility of John and Patsy Ramsey.

(One more warning: VERY GRAPHIC VIDEO):
Great video! Thanks, otg!

He's still clutching his comfort blanket. It looks rather like the one that covered JBR doesn't it?

If he wins this latest lawsuit he'll never have to work, just go on suing people, same as his parents did.

I'm not sure that he ever had worked though, regardless of what his dad says. A job in the 'hi-tech- industry' could simply mean he's in charge of the tea-bags.

JR recently boasted "he's got an IRA and a 401 - and he did it all by himself!" Wow!

Aren't those things some kind of insurance policies? I'm English so don't really know what they are but it looks as though you can BUY them if you have enough money.

I could well be wrong, and I'm sure somebody will put me right about that.

Even if he didn't do it, the killing of his sister has turned into a nice little earner.

Who says crime doesn't pay?
Wow. Thanks for the additional info. I have some reading to do. Up until Ambitioned's post, I've basically ignored this affair of his. Do you suppose they used a pseudonym to protect her identity at her insistence? I know if I were in her shoes, I would sure want some assurance of some protection from this circus.
I also noticed on acandyrose that ST referred to her by another name. Check it out at the bottom of the page:

I think he was just telling a story about how great PR was to him and changed the name because PR never knew it or maybe he lied and gave her a fake name.

I knew Sheri C. You won't find this info on any research site.
I think he was just telling a story about how great PR was to him and changed the name because PR never knew it or maybe he lied and gave her a fake name.

I knew Sheri C. You won't find this info on any research site.
Oh, I see. Really appreciate the insider info, TeaTime. That interrogation was all rambling BS double-talk, as though he was trying to purposefully obfuscate (which sounded like cheater lingo to me). I read that mess over and over and I seriously couldn't follow it. Reminded me of someone I used to know. Oh, and the affair is all her fault... gah!
A man painting the woman as crazy. How original. But doesn't the story paint John as a coward? Patsy didn't know about the affair, but still came across the woman in question. Patsy was the one who lead to the final breakup. "My phone doesn't work." And Patsy didn't know about her and didn't know what was going on. Yeah, right.

Okay, the woman comes around, introduces herself to Patsy and then this fatal attraction psycho doesn't come around anymore. Did I miss something? Isn't this a woman who just got a clue and backed away? That doesn't make her a psycho. I can only speculate what he may have said to her: "I'm in an unhappy marriage. I didn't know I could feel this way again. This has been so good for me."

After the murder, I also suspect that she was (1) paid to stay away from the media and (2) was threatened with legal action. Every member of John's family had an attorney including John's ex wife. There's a whole lot of protectin' going on.

Paint the woman you had an affair with as a psycho. "I'm the normal one. She isn't." John was ashamed of that time in his life. He carried on an affair for 8 months to a year. And he now calls her crazy because...why doesn't anyone call a pig a pig? Okay, big man, you just spent 8 months getting a little on the side until something better came along. And if nothing else came along, you'd be married to her with six kids. AARRGGHH! "I'll take no personal responsibility for this. I'm the quiet and shy family man. She came onto me!" Rant! Rant! Rant!


Sorry for the rant. This is all my opinion, but I have problems with spending so much time with someone and then attacking them for the rest of my life. I personally can say that I dated a psycho, but that's not the full story and the person wasn't a psycho. And what does it say about me to say horrible things about someone I had a relationship with?

I should never rant and post. Okay, I'll take some happy pills and slip back into my straight jacket before I hit the submit button. Oops.
Am I getting this right? John sat outside Sherri's apartment hoping to see her.

Now why would he do that? My hunch is that he wanted to pay her off to stop her from talking about their affair.

It wouldn't be good for his 'Mr. Nice Guy' image if the public found he was a cheat and a liar.

I'm trying to recall what ST said in his book. I have an idea he stated that John was paying her rent or something?

And as for Patsy not knowing about it - HAH!

If her sisters knew about it they would have told her.
A man painting the woman as crazy. How original. But doesn't the story paint John as a coward? Patsy didn't know about the affair, but still came across the woman in question. Patsy was the one who lead to the final breakup. "My phone doesn't work." And Patsy didn't know about her and didn't know what was going on. Yeah, right.

Okay, the woman comes around, introduces herself to Patsy and then this fatal attraction psycho doesn't come around anymore. Did I miss something? Isn't this a woman who just got a clue and backed away? That doesn't make her a psycho. I can only speculate what he may have said to her: "I'm in an unhappy marriage. I didn't know I could feel this way again. This has been so good for me."

After the murder, I also suspect that she was (1) paid to stay away from the media and (2) was threatened with legal action. Every member of John's family had an attorney including John's ex wife. There's a whole lot of protectin' going on.

Paint the woman you had an affair with as a psycho. "I'm the normal one. She isn't." John was ashamed of that time in his life. He carried on an affair for 8 months to a year. And he now calls her crazy because...why doesn't anyone call a pig a pig? Okay, big man, you just spent 8 months getting a little on the side until something better came along. And if nothing else came along, you'd be married to her with six kids. AARRGGHH! "I'll take no personal responsibility for this. I'm the quiet and shy family man. She came onto me!" Rant! Rant! Rant!


Sorry for the rant. This is all my opinion, but I have problems with spending so much time with someone and then attacking them for the rest of my life. I personally can say that I dated a psycho, but that's not the full story and the person wasn't a psycho. And what does it say about me to say horrible things about someone I had a relationship with?

I should never rant and post. Okay, I'll take some happy pills and slip back into my straight jacket before I hit the submit button. Oops.
BBM - I see what you did there, BoldBear.

Great rant, BTW!
Before I'd throw Burke under the bus, JR needs a lot more of his layers peeled back. I'm not BDI enthusiast, and I also think JR has escaped the scrutiny he has deserved over the years. JR was the adult male in the home, and the one who would be able to keep JBR quiet about anything that went on between them. The trauma prior to her death and the ways Patsy treated her with bleaching her hair, etc. all make me believe adults were solely responsible for what happened to her. I've read the books and transcripts, and know that BDI can be to look like a theory. When all is said and done, I still believe her parents abused her in life and have abused her memory since.
Before I'd throw Burke under the bus, JR needs a lot more of his layers peeled back. I'm not BDI enthusiast, and I also think JR has escaped the scrutiny he has deserved over the years. JR was the adult male in the home, and the one who would be able to keep JBR quiet about anything that went on between them. The trauma prior to her death and the ways Patsy treated her with bleaching her hair, etc. all make me believe adults were solely responsible for what happened to her. I've read the books and transcripts, and know that BDI can be to look like a theory. When all is said and done, I still believe her parents abused her in life and have abused her memory since.

Totally agree.

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I do agree that JDI deserves more scrutiny. I recall seeing an interview with Barbara Walters or someone of that stature and he seemed clearly on some kind of drug - perhaps cocaine? He kept repeatedly licking his lips in a chewing motion, like he had extreme dry mouth. I just wondered if he'd had a drug habit for a while and if that might factor into the less than perfect hidden side of the Ramsey family that was kept away from the public eye.
I do agree that JDI deserves more scrutiny. I recall seeing an interview with Barbara Walters or someone of that stature and he seemed clearly on some kind of drug - perhaps cocaine? He kept repeatedly licking his lips in a chewing motion, like he had extreme dry mouth. I just wondered if he'd had a drug habit for a while and if that might factor into the less than perfect hidden side of the Ramsey family that was kept away from the public eye.

Whynut made a vid :laughing:

Viagra maybe?

Before I'd throw Burke under the bus, JR needs a lot more of his layers peeled back. I'm not BDI enthusiast, and I also think JR has escaped the scrutiny he has deserved over the years. JR was the adult male in the home, and the one who would be able to keep JBR quiet about anything that went on between them. The trauma prior to her death and the ways Patsy treated her with bleaching her hair, etc. all make me believe adults were solely responsible for what happened to her. I've read the books and transcripts, and know that BDI can be to look like a theory. When all is said and done, I still believe her parents abused her in life and have abused her memory since.

I'm still BDI but yes I agree ALL the layers of BOTH parents need to be peeled back.

I'm told LHP isn't reputable and anything she says must be taken with a grain of salt. But, something made her bring up the bathroom visits where Patsy would shut the door and the girl would scream. What was Patsy doing? Inserting objects in her? Douching to "prevent cancer?" Corporal punishment? Cleaning her too roughly? Either way it sits in back of my mind. We didn't live there so we don't really know what in the sam hill was going on behind closed doors. Poor girl :(
If Burke is under the bus, his parents put him on the road and got in the driver's seat. I do believe 9yo Burke killed his sister and I 100% believe he was not morally responsible, because his parents ignored the escalation that was occurring in their extremely dysfunctional household.

Where he earns my disdain is participating in the lie now, as a nearly 30 year old man. I'd give him a pass for maintaining the subterfuge if he did it in silence, in gratitude and deference to his parents' efforts and out of respect for JonBenet - to not publicly lie about his guilt. But he shows his lack of moral fibre by getting involved in the public deception now. Yes, he was raised by terrible people but at some point the responsibility passes onto the individual and 29 is well past that point - otherwise we could just blame a long chain back for the circumstances that led to JonBenet's murder.
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