Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #2

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Don’t forget, he carried his cell around with him. He just turned it off thinking it wouldn’t be tracked. This is all part of what got him busted. We are not dealin with smart people here lol

Yes and MM testified DM had two cellphones, an iPhone and a Samsung. When he went in his “date” that night she said he left the Samsung in MSs bedroom.

Therefore her testimony suggests DM only had the iPhone with him that night/morning.

If you like, I can paste the court tweets from earlier pages of this same thread.
Gramma used to say that older gentlemen often had a woman come in "to do" for them. By this she meant the woman would make meals and do the laundry, but not invade the gentleman's private space. I wonder if WM's domestic assistant did the laundry. I can't find in anything mentioned so far, a reasonable explanation for why there were no sheets on the bed. Is it conceivable that DM staged the suicide scene to the level of detail that included removing the sheets? Had she removed the sheets earlier and not remade the bed? Did DM perhaps call her to say she wasn't to arrive for work that day, much like he called the employees at the hanger after the TB murder?

bbm I had thought that too, but then I recalled in the photo a bunch of stuff on the bed itself and I don't believe anyone would leave that if they were changing sheets.
If you look at the drop box of open to close, they are all closed by 12. Saturday nights are 2am. WM was killed on a weekday.

ETA...I correct myself. I found Pizza Nova is open till 1am and Pizza Pizza till 2am. Sorry

hmmmm... 2am
Didn't MM say they ordered the pizza about 10 minutes after they got back?
Adam Carter on Twitter

What if she is wrong about the time they walked DM to the store? It was late November, so it's dark and cold out there at 9pm or midnight. Maybe they left DM there around 1am. He makes his call to get a taxi and MM and MS head back to MS's house. They order a pizza pretty much right away, because the pizza place is going to be closing soon!
The "buying a pizza with a credit card" alibi wouldn't have worked very well if they called to place the order after the place was closed.

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Meneses says Millard had two phones with him that night -- but left one behind when he went to the convenience store. One was an iPhone, one was a Samsung, she says. The one he left behind was in Smich's bedroom. #Millard


Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Pillay now asking about the phone Millard left behind. Meneses says she saw it there in Smich's room, and picked it up. Meneses says she thought it might have been a gift for her, and she was excited about that. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC now51 seconds ago
The phone was a Samsung, Meneses agrees. "Mark was the one who told me it was Dellen's phone," Meneses says. She also says she was thinking it could be a gift for her from Smich because she had a birthday coming up. Her birthday is on Feb. 26. #Millard
Apologies if this has been answered already, I’m a few pages behind. Recently there was a trial by Judge in my province (triple murder/Klaus and Frank) and although there were no opening statements, both the prosecution and defence gave closing remarks including their respective theories. I don’t know if that’s the norm though.

One other thing...unlike jury trials, the judge doesn’t release the verdict immediately following the trial. In the case above, the guilty verdict was announced about a month and a half later.

That's interesting...I'm not familiar enough with trials by judge alone to know if whether there are opening/closing remarks is something that is built into each provincial system or if it something that can be left to the discretion of the judge +/- the lawyers. I'm also wondering about how the judge weighs the evidence and arrives at their verdict. I'm going to see what I can dig up.
Don’t forget, he carried his cell around with him. He just turned it off thinking it wouldn’t be tracked. This is all part of what got him busted. We are not dealin with smart people here lol

If it was the burner phone, he probably didn't turn it off. It only pings when an event occurs like a call, text or data search. No one would have been calling or texting him on a burner phone. Since RB testified to a phone number that was not DM's IPhone, I'd say MM was incorrect about the phone that was left behind as well. I'm very wary of any of her testimony about that night. Unless he actually had 3 phones and kept his IPhone off.

BBM IMO, WM wasn't awake because if someone had a gun pointed at my face I wouldn't have my hand tucked under my cheek like WM did.

Good point but we don't know what DM did with WM after he shot him....to ensure the appearance of a suicide.
Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Meneses says Millard had two phones with him that night -- but left one behind when he went to the convenience store. One was an iPhone, one was a Samsung, she says. The one he left behind was in Smich's bedroom. #Millard


Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Pillay now asking about the phone Millard left behind. Meneses says she saw it there in Smich's room, and picked it up. Meneses says she thought it might have been a gift for her, and she was excited about that. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC now51 seconds ago
The phone was a Samsung, Meneses agrees. "Mark was the one who told me it was Dellen's phone," Meneses says. She also says she was thinking it could be a gift for her from Smich because she had a birthday coming up. Her birthday is on Feb. 26. #Millard

Interesting that it was Pillay who got her to admit to the Samsung being left behind. Very clever. MM really is a terrible witness.

I wonder if DM believed the house was robbed, but in reality it was WM turning his guns in without DM's knowledge?

Didn't the civilian officer Finn with TPS testify that he attended Maple Gate in Dec. 2010 and retrieved 6 guns as a result of an amnesty program? You'd think that DM would have realized in that timeframe that the guns were already gone.
hmmmm... 2am
Didn't MM say they ordered the pizza about 10 minutes after they got back?
Adam Carter on Twitter

What if she is wrong about the time they walked DM to the store? It was late November, so it's dark and cold out there at 9pm or midnight. Maybe they left DM there around 1am. He makes his call to get a taxi and MM and MS head back to MS's house. They order a pizza pretty much right away, because the pizza place is going to be closing soon!
The "buying a pizza with a credit card" alibi wouldn't have worked very well if they called to place the order after the place was closed.


I wonder if the credit card statement for the pizza is one of those agreed statement of facts that are being entered and so we won't know what time the pizza was ordered but the judge will.

Are the media being given copies of these agreed statements? Adam's coverage seems a little lacking this time around and no one else in the MSM is even doing stories other than Christie Blatchford's column occasionally. I guess there just isn't much interest.

Didn't the civilian officer Finn with TPS testify that he attended Maple Gate in Dec. 2010 and retrieved 6 guns as a result of an amnesty program? You'd think that DM would have realized in that timeframe that the guns were already gone.

Absolutely, that's why he had to procure his own collection illegally from a gangsta wannabe.

IF MM is correct about the 9pm time, then I believe that DM did meet someone at that store and hung out with them until around 1am. That person may even have dropped him off at MS's house, where he casually walked down the street a bit and called a cab. He had to have a reason to be out of MS's house for a period of time. He probably assumed they'd all be sleeping when he returned and he'd say he had been there since 1am.

DM worked too hard on this alibi to leave 4 hours unaccounted for. He's dumb, but not that dumb.

hmmmm... 2am
Didn't MM say they ordered the pizza about 10 minutes after they got back?
Adam Carter on Twitter

What if she is wrong about the time they walked DM to the store? It was late November, so it's dark and cold out there at 9pm or midnight. Maybe they left DM there around 1am. He makes his call to get a taxi and MM and MS head back to MS's house. They order a pizza pretty much right away, because the pizza place is going to be closing soon!
The "buying a pizza with a credit card" alibi wouldn't have worked very well if they called to place the order after the place was closed.


I don't see anything wrong with her time of 9 pm. She didn't say she saw him call the taxi or get into the taxi. He very well met his date there and called the taxi later. No problem with that IMO.
Yes and MM testified DM had two cellphones, an iPhone and a Samsung. When he went in his “date” that night she said he left the Samsung in MSs bedroom.

Therefore her testimony suggests DM only had the iPhone with him that night/morning.

If you like, I can paste the court tweets from earlier pages of this same thread.

No need, im well aware of this. I’ve followed all 3 trials. I know he left one behind and took one.

My point was.....DM carried his cell phone(s) with him on all his murders. The pings sealed his fait.
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If it was the burner phone, he probably didn't turn it off. It only pings when an event occurs like a call, text or data search. No one would have been calling or texting him on a burner phone. Since RB testified to a phone number that was not DM's IPhone, I'd say MM was incorrect about the phone that was left behind as well. I'm very wary of any of her testimony about that night. Unless he actually had 3 phones and kept his IPhone off.

What does it mean "burner phone".? MM is a very unreliable witness, her testimony about DM leaving is probably why they had her as a witness and maybe about the phones.
IF MM is correct about the 9pm time, then I believe that DM did meet someone at that store and hung out with them until around 1am. That person may even have dropped him off at MS's house, where he casually walked down the street a bit and called a cab. He had to have a reason to be out of MS's house for a period of time. He probably assumed they'd all be sleeping when he returned and he'd say he had been there since 1am.

DM worked too hard on this alibi to leave 4 hours unaccounted for. He's dumb, but not that dumb.


The thing is, he could have stayed home and said he heard the shot and ran upstairs...All this other nonsense draws more attention esp. since he was not MS's lover sleeping alone with him as it sounded in the interview.
What does it mean "burner phone".? MM is a very unreliable witness, her testimony about DM leaving is probably why they had her as a witness and maybe about the phones.

It’s a pre paid phone not linked by his real name to an acct. like in the Bosma case, he used Evan Bate as the name on phone and used Evan as his name when he called TB and the other guys selling trucks.

You can go to Best Buy and get a phone, put whatever name you want on the acct and use it.
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