Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #2

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Apologies if this has been answered already, I’m a few pages behind. Recently there was a trial by Judge in my province (triple murder/Klaus and Frank) and although there were no opening statements, both the prosecution and defence gave closing remarks including their respective theories. I don’t know if that’s the norm though.

One other thing...unlike jury trials, the judge doesn’t release the verdict immediately following the trial. In the case above, the guilty verdict was announced about a month and a half later.
I think it is really unusual to have a judge-only murder trial here in Ontario. I think they happen more out west for some reason. I feel like DM would for sure be convicted if this had been a jury trial, but I am fearful on the outcome, since this is a judge-only trial. Judges base their judgements on only facts and only what is allowed.. whereas public members of the jury are not professionals, just peers. Seems this is a very circumstantial case, and there were errors made in the beginning. I hope there is justice for poor WM. But I guess even if there ends up not being justice, at least DM is put away already for some 50 years.. so.. if this had happened only a few years earlier, he'd only be looking at a max of 25, even if convicted of all 3 murders. jmo.

Edited to specify 'judge-only *murder* trial'
There is no proof of that but I suppose it's possible? Carl was born and raised in Ingersoll. Some people also dispute his "deadstick" story. CM may have been a good story teller but I'm not sure how much truth there was to those stories.

The thing around DM's neck has been referred to as a Shaman pouch. Like some kind of medicine bag? Between that and the braid, maybe he IS trying to "embrace his aboriginal heritage". :rolleyes:

Thanks for checking that out. I don't think anyone who has been following these cases over the years has been able to find evidence of that claim yet. Maybe eventually someone will.


I've just spent the last hour or so on various sites trying to find some evidence that CM was a blood relative of Joseph Brant. I came up empty handed....
I could be wrong, but I thought that (Jan 2013?) was the date that the border guard supposedly checked his phone, and may not be the actual date of the email. There was a message here recently stating this, but I can't find it now.

You're right. I found it..as an aside....is gats a terms for guns?
Forest_Wood said:
On Billandrews timeline, it shows that on Feb 23, 2013, “During search of Millard’s phone, border agent finds texts to Smich: “Maple Gate just got robbed”, and the “gats are gone”.” It doesn’t specify on which date the texts were sent though.
Who knows whether or not MM really believes the "date" story. I think it more likely she was told DM was "going on a mission" but thinks "date" makes her seem less knowledgeable.

I don't think Smich would have told her that DM was off to kill his father and would be back later, but I think the "date" thing was rubbish. Why would he leave his vehicle and phone at the Smich house along with his credit card if he was just going on a date.

Remember Smich's last words to her, as he was being arrested in the TB case, were "don't tell them anything" so he knew that she knows stuff about their activities. I believe she is more or less telling the truth now, but knows more than she is letting on, because she has to tread carefully.
I think, she didn't know better. DM didn't left the cc the first time and the phone, she thought AFAIK it would be a future gift, haha. Naive and maybe not able to think around corners like her criminal lover and his bosom friend. If she thought as told, DM was going on a date with someone unknown, then she knew, she had to keep a secret from CN. I think, she liked to help cheat a little bit as CN was not her darling. DM maybe had another thrill, thinking of MM to be stupid, not knowing, what evil drama this night would bring. All IMO MOO
Whatever happened to re-enactments of crime scenes? Had LE done a re-enactment of this case, they would have come to the realization and conclusion that the position WM was lying in, would be a very awkward, if not near impossible position for someone to commit suicide in. WM's thumb was bent as if he had used it to pull the trigger, but wouldn't his fingers also have been curled up also?

Do we know how many witnesses for the Crown there are, and who they are? ALL MOO.
I wanted to get a sense about the background on Justice Forestell and found this announcement of her appointment to the Superior Court of Justice. I bolded the last line as I think it's interesting to know that she has formal experience with / interest in forensic mental health. I can imagine some of the thoughts she's formulating about DM's psychopathy.

OTTAWA, January 29, 2007 - The Honourable Rob Nicholson, Q.C., Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced the following appointments:
The Honourable Maureen Dorothy Forestell, a lawyer with Cavalluzzo Hayes Shilton McIntyre & Cornish is appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Justice in and for the Province of Ontario. She replaces Mr. Justice L.K. Ferrier ( Toronto) who has elected to become a supernumerary judge.
Madam Justice Forestell received a Bachelor of Laws in 1984 and a Bachelor of Arts in 1981 from York University and was admitted to the Bar of Ontario in 1986. She received the prestigious Harold Fox Memorial Scholarship which permitted her to take up a pupillage at the Middle Temple, London ( England) in 1986-1987. Madam Justice Forestell’s practice expertise is in the areas of criminal law, professional regulation (prosecutions and defence), administrative law, and constitutional law. She practised with the Department of Justice in the area of criminal prosecutions (1984-1986) before moving to private practice in 1987. She has acted as Counsel and Alternate Chair for the Ontario and Nunavut Review Boards and as a Member of the Forensic Mental Health Advisory Committee.
It’s a pre paid phone not linked by his real name to an acct. like in the Bosma case, he used Evan Bate as the name on phone and used Evan as his name when he called TB and the other guys selling trucks.

You can go to Best Buy and get a phone, put whatever name you want on the acct and use it.
thanks .
The housekeeper will be giving evidence.

The Crown is now talking about an agreed statement of fact going into the record. Evidence of a woman named Dena Colangelo. She is of ill health, and can't attend the trial. A transcript of her evidence from the preliminary inquiry is going in as evidence -- but they're not reading it in, so I'm not entirely sure what it says yet.

The Wayne Millard trial, Day 2
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I feel there are a lot of Misconceptions about what a Crown witness does. S/he is not someone who “supports” the Crown case but rather someone who gives evidence that helps the Crown outline their case.

They don’t get to choose only friendly witnesses.

Previous posters have mentioned that no one was questioned about Wayne’s death until six
Months after he died so they are not going to remember that night based on the date. They will remember it if unusual things happened. Then it is up to the Crown to show that these unusual things happened on that night, which they do with the phone records etc.

I don’t understand the idea that MM is a terrible witness. All she can do is say what she remembers. The fact that her memory is imperfect is realistic. If she recalled everything that would be a giant red flag.

MM is a young woman who did very dumb things but realized the error of her ways. She is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she is trying to move on.

She never thought killing people was OK.
DM started that braid in jail. IMO, it’s being grown for length of time in jail. By the time he gets out, he’ll be able to wrap it around his head like a hat :D
Maybe it's starting to fall out and the braid keeps it on his head. Eventually, it would fall off in one piece.
Whatever happened to re-enactments of crime scenes? Had LE done a re-enactment of this case, they would have come to the realization and conclusion that the position WM was lying in, would be a very awkward, if not near impossible position for someone to commit suicide in. WM's thumb was bent as if he had used it to pull the trigger, but wouldn't his fingers also have been curled up also?

Do we know how many witnesses for the Crown there are, and who they are? ALL MOO.
Maybe DM hung the gun on his dad's thumb but it eventually fell off?
I wonder if the credit card statement for the pizza is one of those agreed statement of facts that are being entered and so we won't know what time the pizza was ordered but the judge will.

I was thinking that, too, Kamille. The credit card company would have a record of the date and time the charge was made by the pizza place.

I'm not sure it is important whether MM was right in her estimate that they walked to the plaza around 9pm or whether it was in fact closer to 1am, really... I guess RP could argue that it shows that she is confused about the night in question and she's actually thinking of another night (esp. since she testified it must have been a weekend when it was in fact a Wednesday and that at the time, her birthday was "coming up" when it was in fact over 2 months away)... BUT the taxi records and cell phone pings put him there that day and those don't lie. So regardless of the timeline, the unusual things she remembered about the "night he slept over", like him leaving his credit card and a phone, and him coming back several hours later while they were asleep to crash on the floor, are significant. I also think her testifying that she had seen DM with the "old-school" gun before is very important. (IMO)
I found on ABro's website the four page letter MB wrote in support of DM leading up to his sentencing. I don't see that there should be any copyright issues but if there is a problem with my posting it, accept my apologies in advance and I will remove it. I certainly get the impression though that this is publicly available material given ABro has posted it.

Here's the link to her site with the letter:
I found on ABro's website the four page letter MB wrote in support of DM leading up to his sentencing. I don't see that there should be any copyright issues but if there is a problem with my posting it, accept my apologies in advance and I will remove it. I certainly get the impression though that this is publicly available material given ABro has posted it.

Here's the link to her site with the letter:
I could have sworn I saw most of that letter before but it was signed this year!
I'm thinking LE knows who the "date" was with as he probably texted her. If it is his former fiance, she is protected so they won't say that. LW might also have been in the area showing a house and picked him up for a rendezvous. Perhaps the 9 o'clock thing wasn't in the original plan until he got a bootie call. :eek:
Maybe DM hung the gun on his dad's thumb but it eventually fell off?
I suspect DM curled WM's thumb around the pistol some time after he shot him, trying to leave his dad's thumb print behind. Perhaps that is when he also left his own prints on the pistol. ALL MOO.
Whatever happened to re-enactments of crime scenes? Had LE done a re-enactment of this case, they would have come to the realization and conclusion that the position WM was lying in, would be a very awkward, if not near impossible position for someone to commit suicide in. WM's thumb was bent as if he had used it to pull the trigger, but wouldn't his fingers also have been curled up also?

Do we know how many witnesses for the Crown there are, and who they are? ALL MOO.

No, we don't and it seems like there's a monumental lack of interest by the general public and the local media in this trial, as compared to the last two. Although, that could just be my general impression.

I follow Adam Carter on twitter and he's like white on rice with this case so whenever he knows something (like who's testifying that day) I know it. Otherwise... it's pretty quiet out there.
I think it is really unusual to have a judge-only murder trial here in Ontario. I think they happen more out west for some reason. I feel like DM would for sure be convicted if this had been a jury trial, but I am fearful on the outcome, since this is a judge-only trial. Judges base their judgements on only facts and only what is allowed.. whereas public members of the jury are not professionals, just peers. Seems this is a very circumstantial case, and there were errors made in the beginning. I hope there is justice for poor WM. But I guess even if there ends up not being justice, at least DM is put away already for some 50 years.. so.. if this had happened only a few years earlier, he'd only be looking at a max of 25, even if convicted of all 3 murders. jmo.

Edited to specify 'judge-only *murder* trial'
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