Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #2

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I've now read the MB "character reference" letter of DM a couple of times. I can't help but think that he wrote this or at least had a substantial hand in its' composition. What on earth is "instant math"? I'm 48 and have no children so admit I'm not fully up to speed on what may be embedded in the math curriculum but I can't find any reference to it on google with the exception of a line of math exercise books entitled "Instant Math". Who says "globally read" and by age 2? Please. My mom taught me to read by the age of 4 and that was seen as a pretty decent accomplishment...at least in 1973.
No, we don't and it seems like there's a monumental lack of interest by the general public and the local media in this trial, as compared to the last two. Although, that could just be my general impression.

I follow Adam Carter on twitter and he's like white on rice with this case so whenever he knows something (like who's testifying that day) I know it. Otherwise... it's pretty quiet out there.

Swedie, after you posted that question about do we know who is testifying, I spent some trying to get the answer but came up with little. Ontario Mom I agree....there seems to be less interest. I'm not sure why...Millard fatigue...maybe just the sense that it doesn't really matter because he has already been given such a substantial sentence? Wayne Millard is no less a victim than Tim or Laura. And he was his father, flawed as he likely was, as all humans are. At least we know that the people who care about justice for Wayne are here and following the details closely.
There sure seems to be a lot less sleuthing here, but I think, we all seem to just be following along. Still interested and want justice, but resigned to the DM fatigue...> because we mostly all feel we know he did it.
I've now read the MB "character reference" letter of DM a couple of times. I can't help but think that he wrote this or at least had a substantial hand in its' composition. What on earth is "instant math"? I'm 48 and have no children so admit I'm not fully up to speed on what may be embedded in the math curriculum but I can't find any reference to it on google with the exception of a line of math exercise books entitled "Instant Math". Who says "globally read" and by age 2? Please. My mom taught me to read by the age of 4 and that was seen as a pretty decent accomplishment...at least in 1973.
My impression upon reading it is that she sounds completely delusional.

Despite the evidence, she is still sure DM is her sweet, kind, gentle boy who might be "marred by these tragic events" that just somehow happened to befall him? o_O

And this is the first I've heard that it was WM who was somehow unforgiving of RB? (It is hard to believe that RB made an offer to DM to live with his family in France!) These pieces do not feel like they fit with the things RB has angrily alluded to on the witness stand.:confused:

The above is MOO, and a reaction to MB's astonishing letter.
There sure seems to be a lot less sleuthing here, but I think, we all seem to just be following along. Still interested and want justice, but resigned to the DM fatigue...> because we mostly all feel we know he did it.

Just jumping off your post mimimic....

I think another factor in the lack of public interest in this trial is because there is no one who was in WM's life advocating for him, which is incredibly sad. I guess that's due to his age, the length of time since his murder and his reclusiveness. There is no public outrage that his life was taken, at least not on the same scale as LB and TB.

Glad to see that there are people here who are standing witness to this trial and want justice for him.

Welcome Squido.
I am way behind: catching up.
I agree with your post, 386, in the previous thread:
Maybe WM was onto DM.
Also the fear that now new girlfriend may 'be a danger' regarding money.
If WM is emailing business info, surely DM is aware: checking his father's emails etc
I have been wondering why Mr. S and MB were required to be present at the beginning of the trial when they were not going to be called. It seemed unusual to me but is it normal practice?

Copied from day 1 -
Crown Ken Lockhart is up, introducing a Mr. Singh who has been subpoena'd but won't be reached today. He needs a Punjabi interpreter. He'll come back for another day in June. #Millard

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 44s45 seconds ago
Dellen Millard has been brought in the courtroom. Placed in the prisoners box. Laura Babcock’s mother is here. Watching from her usual seat in the front row. Millard is represented by Ravin Pillay. Expected to be a 4 week judge alone trial.

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Madeleine Burns -- Millard's mother -- is now in the courtroom. She is being bound over to Friday, June 15. This will be the first time she will be testifying out of any of the three trials. She looks at her son in the box as she leaves. #Millard
No, we don't and it seems like there's a monumental lack of interest by the general public and the local media in this trial, as compared to the last two. Although, that could just be my general impression.

I follow Adam Carter on twitter and he's like white on rice with this case so whenever he knows something (like who's testifying that day) I know it. Otherwise... it's pretty quiet out there.
I don't recall there being a lot of media coverage for LB's trial either? We are truly so fortunate that CBC felt this case was worthy of sending Adam Carter.
I don't recall there being a lot of media coverage for LB's trial either? We are truly so fortunate that CBC felt this case was worthy of sending Adam Carter.
In the first 2 trials, everyone was not sure if DM and MS would be convicted Many on other forums said the crown did not prove their case.
Now we know that was not true and this trial is following along the same way, that DM has been caught in his lies and the phone records are helping to prove he did murder his father.
IT is never 100% certain that the crown will win, but due to success in the other two trials good chance he will be convicted, then that means 75 years.
He will lose any inheritance.
I was interested in the case because I wanted to see how could they have enough proof that he did murder his father.
I thought that DM was at the home when his father shot himself.
The 3 cases are mind-boggling to me, and no one could even write a fiction crime story and come up with what went on in the three murders.
It has been an eye-opener for me following the 2 trials of what police work it takes to get creeps like DM and MS.
The other witnesses scheduled are the mother and the housekeeper and maybe MS.
I found on ABro's website the four page letter MB wrote in support of DM leading up to his sentencing. I don't see that there should be any copyright issues but if there is a problem with my posting it, accept my apologies in advance and I will remove it. I certainly get the impression though that this is publicly available material given ABro has posted it.

Here's the link to her site with the letter:
OMG!, an interesting read. :( If her son is so 110% perfect then she may owe him this letter (while glorious singing her own song of praise). Nice, to mention her probably assassinated ex-husband:
"....... always the giver. Like his dad."

"I am missing his (her) life and all his (her) potential." Well, the parents of Laura and Tim feel the same way, Sharlene does and Carl would, if he was still alive.
My impression upon reading it is that she sounds completely delusional.

Despite the evidence, she is still sure DM is her sweet, kind, gentle boy who might be "marred by these tragic events" that just somehow happened to befall him? o_O

And this is the first I've heard that it was WM who was somehow unforgiving of RB? (It is hard to believe that RB made an offer to DM to live with his family in France!) These pieces do not feel like they fit with the things RB has angrily alluded to on the witness stand.:confused:

The above is MOO, and a reaction to MB's astonishing letter.

RB never invited DM yo live with him nor did DM ever live with him.

This was all speculation based on a reporting mistake that was quickly corrected.

Likewise the only fact about JS is that she was there that night. The stuff about dinners and arriving with MB is all speculation
RB never invited DM yo live with him nor did DM ever live with him.

This was all speculation based on a reporting mistake that was quickly corrected.

Likewise the only fact about JS is that she was there that night. The stuff about dinners and arriving with MB is all speculation
It was only speculation so the ex gf probably was not there.? I was wondering about it because when would she have been there unless when DM called his mother and she called JS to come to the house.
No one ever mentioned that AM showed up. DM called him knowing he had murdered the father. He could have called him because he had something he wanted out of the house and had AM take it.
OMG!, an interesting read. :( If her son is so 110% perfect then she may owe him this letter (while glorious singing her own song of praise). Nice, to mention her probably assassinated ex-husband:
"....... always the giver. Like his dad."

"I am missing his (her) life and all his (her) potential." Well, the parents of Laura and Tim feel the same way, Sharlene does and Carl would, if he was still alive.
It is such an absurd comment she made about missing his potential. Is she joking, his potential was that he became a serial killer, that is what he used all the so-called skills he had.
That letter reveals a lot about her and she is a vile person. She helped DM in criminal activity and it is even possible she assisted in murder.
He sold the properties to her for $1 and she was a smart lady and so she knew why he did it.
The woman should be in prison, but she is living a comfortable life with a lot of money.
She moved from a very affluent area I think because of the notoriety of the murder cases and is in hiding.
Her appearance at this trial will be the first time the public will see her.
I was looking around a bit in other trials for RB's testimony, and found this, which has nothing to do with this trial, other than it refers to dates when RB spoke with DM.
This is referring to a conversation held between DM and RB back in July 2012 (remember that LB was murdered at the very beginning of July 2012)..
Considering the issue discussed btwn RB and DM (Pedo and parasites) and the date (the time following LB's death - July 2012) and the photo we saw of Pedo looking like he had been admonished while sitting beside the 'spliff'.. it makes me wonder if Pedo may have started consuming LB before DM had her wrapped up, and after a bit of time had passed, Pedo may have exhibited indications of some kind of parasite (worms?) issue.. for which DM contacted his veterinarian uncle? That would explain why poor Pedo may have been getting admonished (ie something like perhaps, 'stay away from that you naughty dog!!')

Tim Bosma Trial - Adam Carter Reports (March 10, 2016)
12:20 PM
Burns says he has treated Millard's girlfriend's cats and once his dog.
12:21 PM
Burns says he talked to Millard after that, and "The topic of purchase of an incinerator was never mentioned."
12:22 PM
Burns says the last time he saw Millard was July 2012. Again, no pet cremation came up. "I have never been to his hangar nor have I ever been invited," Burns says.
12:23 PM
Burns says Millard contacted him about a "Mexican street dog" he had adopted and he was concerned about parasites in the summer of 2012.


ETA: Remember that back at the TB trial, we did not know about the 'spliff', or really anything in regard to the LB case. Now we have the luxury of info from all 3 cases. For DM to be concerned about Pedo having contracted parasites in July 2012 takes on a whole new meaning. jmo.
It is such an absurd comment she made about missing his potential. Is she joking, his potential was that he became a serial killer, that is what he used all the so-called skills he had.
That letter reveals a lot about her and she is a vile person. She helped DM in criminal activity and it is even possible she assisted in murder.
He sold the properties to her for $1 and she was a smart lady and so she knew why he did it.
The woman should be in prison, but she is living a comfortable life with a lot of money.
She moved from a very affluent area I think because of the notoriety of the murder cases and is in hiding.
Her appearance at this trial will be the first time the public will see her.
We have to think about MB's perspective insofaras this is her son, who had every conceivable advantage, privilege, and opportunity - she had great plans for him.. absolutely DM had potential to do much good with his various resources.... which he blew all on his own - it is inconceivable that he wasted his privileged life like this, and willingly. She hadn't come to terms with reality at the time the letter was written (and likely never will?). Apparently the letter did more harm than good, because instead of giving a sob story about all of the injustices the accused had suffered during his lifetime and maybe that is why he thought of stealing a truck, it spoke of all of the privilege he had, which he mindfully threw away for apparently the sake of greed, getting something for nothing, his sense of entitlement, and entertainment to keep his life interesting (thrill kill, as they called it?).
I would sure love to hear what RB *really* wanted to say on the stand. Obviously he noticed *things* about DM years ago, which concerned him enough to speak to his parents about. Hopefully he will give a story to a reputable reporter/author after the trial is over, to tell us what he could not say during any of the trials. Keeping fingers crossed!
I also can't wait for MB to appear on the stand. She seems to be hated by the masses, and has been in hiding for all these years. Will she be an obviously hostile witness? Will the Crown treat her with kid gloves? Will she tell the truth? Obviously she is being called as a witness by the Crown, since the defence has not yet stated whether they will even be presenting a defence, let alone which witnesses they would call.
I have been wondering why Mr. S and MB were required to be present at the beginning of the trial when they were not going to be called. It seemed unusual to me but is it normal practice?

Copied from day 1 -
Crown Ken Lockhart is up, introducing a Mr. Singh who has been subpoena'd but won't be reached today. He needs a Punjabi interpreter. He'll come back for another day in June. #Millard

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 44s45 seconds ago
Dellen Millard has been brought in the courtroom. Placed in the prisoners box. Laura Babcock’s mother is here. Watching from her usual seat in the front row. Millard is represented by Ravin Pillay. Expected to be a 4 week judge alone trial.

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Madeleine Burns -- Millard's mother -- is now in the courtroom. She is being bound over to Friday, June 15. This will be the first time she will be testifying out of any of the three trials. She looks at her son in the box as she leaves. #Millard
No idea....... however, I am wondering if it might have something to do with... it is my understanding that the witnesses who will be testifying at a trial are not allowed to hear the testimony of other witnesses in same trial, UNTIL the person has testified themselves.. this is presumably so that things don't get mixed up in their own minds with other testimony.. so in other words, MB showed up on Day#1, and was told she'd be up on June 15th - so she was not at liberty to sit in the courtroom as a spectator until after that date. It makes me wonder if MB had wanted to be present during her brother (RB)'s testimony? Kind of to give him the glare eye?
I recall that Sharlene was up on Day#1 at the TB trial, which then allowed her to be a spectator for the duration of the trial, so she did not have to miss anything.
It's hard to believe that we're coming to the end of the DM saga- hopefully, ABro writes another book covering the entire life of DM and the carnage he left behind.

I would like to read a book written by the uncle about his experience with his nephew, the murderer.
Well, RB is testifying for the third (?) time in his nephew's murder trial. Who knows what this has done to RB, his family, and his business.

I think RB has a right to his indignation and wished he had kept his emotions in check for the purpose of the trial though. It could have been more helpful if he had testified to what DM actually called him about that day. He described it as “drivel”. I wonder if RB thought he’d be up on the stand longer to elaborate, but it was clear by his lack of composure that he was offering little to contribute other than to confirm the telephone number used by DM. To me, it was as if RB was using the court as his own stage to play out his disgust. It just left me with a negative impression of him. But at least he confirmed that phone number. MOO.
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