Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #2

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No idea....... however, I am wondering if it might have something to do with... it is my understanding that the witnesses who will be testifying at a trial are not allowed to hear the testimony of other witnesses in same trial, UNTIL the person has testified themselves.. this is presumably so that things don't get mixed up in their own minds with other testimony.. so in other words, MB showed up on Day#1, and was told she'd be up on June 15th - so she was not at liberty to sit in the courtroom as a spectator until after that date. It makes me wonder if MB had wanted to be present during her brother (RB)'s testimony? Kind of to give him the glare eye?
I recall that Sharlene was up on Day#1 at the TB trial, which then allowed her to be a spectator for the duration of the trial, so she did not have to miss anything.

Thank you. Too, I guess, they may not have been told, or may not have understood, when they were going to be called. I think that MB remained on Crown's witness list for all of the Bosma trial and so she should know the process.
I would sure love to hear what RB *really* wanted to say on the stand. Obviously he noticed *things* about DM years ago, which concerned him enough to speak to his parents about. Hopefully he will give a story to a reputable reporter/author after the trial is over, to tell us what he could not say during any of the trials. Keeping fingers crossed!
I also can't wait for MB to appear on the stand. She seems to be hated by the masses, and has been in hiding for all these years. Will she be an obviously hostile witness? Will the Crown treat her with kid gloves? Will she tell the truth? Obviously she is being called as a witness by the Crown, since the defence has not yet stated whether they will even be presenting a defence, let alone which witnesses they would call.

I wonder if RB noticed DM’s fascination with the death, dying or torture of animals?
Do you think they will show MB’s video statement, or is that shown only for a defendant?
Adam Carter says there were 3 phones involved! This is getting too complicated - we need to get numbers and type of phone, so we can keep things straight :)

(from: Adam Carter CBC)
Lockhart is breezing through this -- we're dealing with three phones here so far, but he hasn't alleged exactly who was using these phones, or to where. I expect a witness will actually go through this evidence at a later date. #Millard
7:08 AM - 8 Jun 2018

Thank you! I missed that tweet I guess.

As I mentioned on my last post, I was looking through the old court evidence (TB and LB cases) looking at phone records. I didn’t see this 7151 number in there. His main phone was 3355 and then there was the Bates burner phone 2279. His 3355 number was used to contact LB and used right up till TB was murdered.
So what was the reason for walking him to the store then? Smoke up and plan through what was about to happen? Who let DM back into Smich's mom's house early that morning? Someone was up to receive him or he just walked right inside.

I was wondering the same thing! How did DM get back into the house? Did MS give him a key? Do drug dealers have a habit of leaving their doors unlocked? Also, MM testified he arrived back a few hours later (after departing from him at 9 pm), yet, it would have been about 10 hours later if he arrived back at … 7ish? And then, they all went back to sleep just when it was getting light outside?
You're right. I found it..as an aside....is gats a terms for guns?
Forest_Wood said:
On Billandrews timeline, it shows that on Feb 23, 2013, “During search of Millard’s phone, border agent finds texts to Smich: “Maple Gate just got robbed”, and the “gats are gone”.” It doesn’t specify on which date the texts were sent though.

Here is the link where that was published: Babcock, Millard, and Bosma Murders
And this is the first I've heard that it was WM who was somehow unforgiving of RB? (It is hard to believe that RB made an offer to DM to live with his family in France!) These pieces do not feel like they fit with the things RB has angrily alluded to on the witness stand.:confused:
Yes... seems there are always two or more sides to every story. Here is what RB said:

Adam Carter (WM Trial, RB Testimony):

"Burns says he knew Wayne Millard in the 80s, but "terminated his relationship" with Wayne Millard before he married Burns. "Their relationship was not good.""

It seems RB did not want DM having anything to do with his own (6) children:

"-Burns agrees that later on in life, he saw Dellen Millard less.
-He says Dellen Millard was hanging out with his children.
-"I tried to minimize it," Burns said.
-"He was forging with in his mind was a decent relationship. I had a different opinion." The judge again cautions him."
-"I didn't want him, NOR HIS MOTHER showing up on this holiday to be with my kids," Burns says.
[emphasis by me]

I would really be interested to know what RB saw in DM which obviously concerned him. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but it seems to me as if RB noticed peculiarities in DM which he felt obligated to share with his parents in an effort to help... (which seem to have been ignored and unappreciated, for whatever reason). This man was a doctor with 6 children of his own. Perhaps if DM's parents had listened and sought a professional opinion/counselling/whatever, something could have been different in the outcome of DM's life? jmo.

-Burns says initially he would see Millard pretty frequently when he was younger, but, "when I started to make personal observations, which I'm not allowed to-" and Pillay immediately jumps in.
[there is obviously something that Burns observed about DM which he is NOT allowed to talk about in this (or any) trial.. one can only imagine]
-Burns says he had "made suggestions to his mother and father." Now the judge jumps in. [once again, Burns is under warning, by the judge, to NOT mention this thing(s) about DM]

Considering RB terminated his relationship with WM before his sister had even married the man.. and then 'sees things' about the couple's son, and 'makes suggestions'.. could this be what WM could not forgive in RB?

ie imagine if your sister's husband, who couldn't stand you to begin with, and had ended the relationship with you before your sister married you, then made uncomfortable observations about your only child, and offered suggestions on how to deal with it (whatever it was).

Depending on what is being talked about, I can imagine some things could be considered unforgivable.. like say.. your sister's husband tells you that he's seeing traits in your prodigal only-child of severe mental disorder that could potentially have dire, life-and-death consequences if not dealt with?

Who knows what the 'transgression' may have been, ie secretly recording/videotaping DM while witnessing whatever it was that he was observing(?), who knows? There's definitely a story there, and because it is only RB's take on things, it is not allowed to be spoken of during the trial because it is unfair to the accused... however, this particular accused is already a twice-convicted killer who is already serving 2 life sentences, so perhaps in retrospect, RB's 'opinion' takes on more significance. No matter which way this trial goes, hopefully someone will elaborate on this at some future point in time once all of the trials are done. jmo.
Reply to post by SillyBilly: Hmm. MB's recollection of DM's birth day must be a bit (or a lot) skewed. Hourly Weather History & Observations indicates it was raining in Toronto on August 30, 1985:

Maybe because she felt like the Lion King holding up the baby to the heavens, her perception was that the clouds opened up spilling a bright, sunny light?

How did DM come to have both a Canadian and British passport if he was born in Canada?
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I would like to read a book written by the uncle about his experience with his nephew, the murderer.

I think RB has a right to his indignation and wished he had kept his emotions in check for the purpose of the trial though. It could have been more helpful if he had testified to what DM actually called him about that day. He described it as “drivel”. I wonder if RB thought he’d be up on the stand longer to elaborate, but it was clear by his lack of composure that he was offering little to contribute other than to confirm the telephone number used by DM. To me, it was as if RB was using the court as his own stage to play out his disgust. It just left me with a negative impression of him. But at least he confirmed that phone number. MOO.
You don't think it is reasonable his indignation. I think he showed amazing composure under the circumstances.
He is dragged into now trials about his nephew being a serial killer, ruthless, sadistic, cold-blooded killer.
Think about it yourself and what you would feel.
He raised 6 children and they seem to all have turned out successful and I am sure it is such a horrific reality to deal with that the only child of his sister turned out to be a cold-blooded killer.
DM did grow up with a lot of privilege, but if you have read about his mother and father, very dysfunctional family.
I 100% understand the way the uncle has behaved. I hope now he can leave this behind him and go on with his life. I am sure he feels enormous sadness to know his nephew turned out like he did.
We have to think about MB's perspective insofaras this is her son, who had every conceivable advantage, privilege, and opportunity - she had great plans for him.. absolutely DM had potential to do much good with his various resources.... which he blew all on his own - it is inconceivable that he wasted his privileged life like this, and willingly. She hadn't come to terms with reality at the time the letter was written (and likely never will?). Apparently the letter did more harm than good, because instead of giving a sob story about all of the injustices the accused had suffered during his lifetime and maybe that is why he thought of stealing a truck, it spoke of all of the privilege he had, which he mindfully threw away for apparently the sake of greed, getting something for nothing, his sense of entitlement, and entertainment to keep his life interesting (thrill kill, as they called it?).
I would sure love to hear what RB *really* wanted to say on the stand. Obviously he noticed *things* about DM years ago, which concerned him enough to speak to his parents about. Hopefully he will give a story to a reputable reporter/author after the trial is over, to tell us what he could not say during any of the trials. Keeping fingers crossed!
I also can't wait for MB to appear on the stand. She seems to be hated by the masses, and has been in hiding for all these years. Will she be an obviously hostile witness? Will the Crown treat her with kid gloves? Will she tell the truth? Obviously she is being called as a witness by the Crown, since the defence has not yet stated whether they will even be presenting a defence, let alone which witnesses they would call.
I hope they give her a really hard time on the stand. She is a vile woman. She has been a big part of helping DM and could be even worse than she knowingly covered up for him so he was allowed to keep going on killing.
I was wondering the same thing! How did DM get back into the house? Did MS give him a key? Do drug dealers have a habit of leaving their doors unlocked? Also, MM testified he arrived back a few hours later (after departing from him at 9 pm), yet, it would have been about 10 hours later if he arrived back at … 7ish? And then, they all went back to sleep just when it was getting light outside?
Time flys when you're stoned.
I was wondering the same thing! How did DM get back into the house? Did MS give him a key? Do drug dealers have a habit of leaving their doors unlocked? Also, MM testified he arrived back a few hours later (after departing from him at 9 pm), yet, it would have been about 10 hours later if he arrived back at … 7ish? And then, they all went back to sleep just when it was getting light outside?

We have to keep in mind (imo) that by the time MM would have even *thought* about this event, in relation to WM's murder... would have been sometime after May 2014 (when DM was charged with WM's murder), possibly much later when she undoubtedly had thoughts about all of everything, after the fact... at a minimu, it would have been one and a half year's later. Her memory of every detail may not be exact.

I think the purpose is just to say look at all of these things *together*:
-DM's phone in relation to a cab ride to/from(?) Maplegate on a certain date,
-in relation to phone pings of same phone number at certain locations on certain dates,
-in relation to phone number matches one DM left for RB to call him back on,
-in relation to a specific known gun purchase,
-in relation to gun known to have been used in killing of WM,
-and in addition to all of that, there is this memory of MM's wherein she recalls a certain night.. (and there was reportedly only ONE night in which DM had slept over at MS's house.. and DM says during the police interview that he had spent this particular night at MS's house).. two phones, one of which was left at MS's (as cover?).. DM's credit card left and used by others, again as a cover?).. getting a cab from a certain location, corroborated hopefully by cab records, and also same location recalled by MM, even though DM had his own vehicle..

A whole bunch of in-themselves, little pieces of circumstantial evidence, which, when put all together, creates a big ugly picture. Hopefully it will be enough to convince a judge who will not base his judgement on emotions. jmo
Thank you. Too, I guess, they may not have been told, or may not have understood, when they were going to be called. I think that MB remained on Crown's witness list for all of the Bosma trial and so she should know the process.

I’ve been involved in a few trails. I was made to be at the court house every day until I testified. I was told it was incase I was to be called earlier then intended. The schedule of witnesses wasn’t set in stone. I sat out in the lobby until they needed me.
I’ve been involved in a few trails. I was made to be at the court house every day until I testified. I was told it was incase I was to be called earlier then intended. The schedule of witnesses wasn’t set in stone. I sat out in the lobby until they needed me.
That would be terrible to have to sit there in the lobby, amongst all of the spectators and reporters (potentially talking about you too!), for who knows how long? I'll bet MB had obvious issue with this and 'demanded' a date be given to her so that she would not have to endure such a thing. moo.
You don't think it is reasonable his indignation. I think he showed amazing composure under the circumstances.
He is dragged into now trials about his nephew being a serial killer, ruthless, sadistic, cold-blooded killer.
Think about it yourself and what you would feel.
He raised 6 children and they seem to all have turned out successful and I am sure it is such a horrific reality to deal with that the only child of his sister turned out to be a cold-blooded killer.
DM did grow up with a lot of privilege, but if you have read about his mother and father, very dysfunctional family.
I 100% understand the way the uncle has behaved. I hope now he can leave this behind him and go on with his life. I am sure he feels enormous sadness to know his nephew turned out like he did.

If you read what I wrote, I said I thought he had a right to his indignation. At the same time, after already testifying at two other trials where he was admonished for sharing information that could jeopardize the outcome of the trial, I would think he would understand the purpose for which he was there.
If you read what I wrote, I said I thought he had a right to his indignation. At the same time, after already testifying at two other trials where he was admonished for sharing information that could jeopardize the outcome of the trial, I would think he would understand the purpose for which he was there.
At the same time.... this is the third and last trial, and there is no jury.. it has GOT to be incredibly frustrating to not be allowed to say what you need to get out about this guy.
We have to keep in mind (imo) that by the time MM would have even *thought* about this event, in relation to WM's murder... would have been sometime after May 2014 (when DM was charged with WM's murder), possibly much later when she undoubtedly had thoughts about all of everything, after the fact... at a minimu, it would have been one and a half year's later. Her memory of every detail may not be exact.

I think the purpose is just to say look at all of these things *together*:
-DM's phone in relation to a cab ride to/from(?) Maplegate on a certain date,
-in relation to phone pings of same phone number at certain locations on certain dates,
-in relation to phone number matches one DM left for RB to call him back on,
-in relation to a specific known gun purchase,
-in relation to gun known to have been used in killing of WM,
-and in addition to all of that, there is this memory of MM's wherein she recalls a certain night.. (and there was reportedly only ONE night in which DM had slept over at MS's house.. and DM says during the police interview that he had spent this particular night at MS's house).. two phones, one of which was left at MS's (as cover?).. DM's credit card left and used by others, again as a cover?).. getting a cab from a certain location, corroborated hopefully by cab records, and also same location recalled by MM, even though DM had his own vehicle..

A whole bunch of in-themselves, little pieces of circumstantial evidence, which, when put all together, creates a big ugly picture. Hopefully it will be enough to convince a judge who will not base his judgement on emotions. jmo

I agree with you! I like the way you outlined that.
If you read what I wrote, I said I thought he had a right to his indignation. At the same time, after already testifying at two other trials where he was admonished for sharing information that could jeopardize the outcome of the trial, I would think he would understand the purpose for which he was there.
Also, I can imagine it might be understandably confusing to be a witness at 3 trials for the same criminal.. all wanting to say the same things, but only little snippets wanted to be exposed in each of them individually?
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