Websleuths Is Being Accused....

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I have a very difficult time understanding what's going on here. What is it that this man has done to deserve being called a mobster, a liar, a criminal, etc. Why is it "crap" for him to defend himself? Where exactly should he go to look for Caylee? Even the police don't know where to look.

Basically what Tricia is looking for is info incase this "uncle" tries to sue Web Sleuths.... She is not looking for a debate here. Just evidence that Websleuths has uncovered.
Basically what Tricia is looking for is info incase this "uncle" tries to sue Web Sleuths.... She is not looking for a debate here. Just evidence that Websleuths has uncovered.

I'm sorry, apparently Tricia has spoken to you individually in regards to what "she's looking for". I'm going by her post in which she asked people to comment and wondered what may have made this man feel the way he does. Silly me.
I'm sorry, apparently Tricia has spoken to you individually in regards to what "she's looking for". I'm going by her post in which she asked people to comment and wondered what may have made this man feel the way he does. Silly me.

Ummm since she is the owner of this forum, and has mentioned before that she has had people trying to sue her, she has the right to ask for proof, incase she does have to defend WEBSLEUTHS during a lawsuit!

And if you read above, she says the exact same thing

I believe you and believe in all of you 100%. I will stand by you. I need to understand what is going on in case I am questioned about this.

Can you give me a quick rundown of what you have found out about Jessie, I need links and documents or any other back up you have.

PS. we discuss true crime here. I don't want anyone to hesitate. You all are so good at not blurting out outrages rumors. I appreciate that. Stick to the facts and to your opinions. No worries
I had sent Tricia a PM when posted this also. I thought she should be aware of any talk about WS out there. (I know has a owner/admin of my own site I would want it)

I just felt all should be aware of what I found earlier. I am sorry if I upset anyone. I didn't mean to cause such a big stir over it.

I too thought his page looked scary and "cult" type. I don't think I ever said he was in a cult. Just it looked different from what I am used to.
Ummm since she is the owner of this forum, and has mentioned before that she has had people trying to sue her, she has the right to ask for proof, incase she does have to defend WEBSLEUTHS during a lawsuit!

And if you read above, she says She says the exact same thing

In her original post she asked for comments. If she has a problem with what I've posted she certainly has the ability to tell me so herself. She also has the ability to tell me where I can and can't post, being that this IS her board. No need for anyone to send PM's with huge red block letters telling me to change threads. You know what I mean?
In her original post she asked for comments. If she has a problem with what I've posted she certainly has the ability to tell me so herself. She also has the ability to tell me where I can and can't post, being that this IS her board. No need for anyone to send PM's with huge red block letters telling me to change threads. You know what I mean?

Yes I sent that post because we are tying to keep the threads to 20 pages at most. because when the trial starts and we need to locate important info we don't want to have to scroll throughg 20-40 page threads. its a PITA. It is simple courtasy that when asked to move to another thread we do it.

Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
When this goes to trial and we need to look things up...it becomes a nightmare with all these running threads especially when they are sooooo long!!

Besides, I asked nicely...as I always do...to move the conversation to ONE thread where everyone can participate. This way, you are leaving out half of the group who will have to now come back here to figure out what is going on in the next thread.

BTW this is totally unrealated to this topic, you have a problem with me,I would appreciate it if you bring it to me in pm. Thank you
I know a rightous court and higher power too- and his kid was sitting in it and will be again- step off!

Yeah, but according to him, us Websleuthers have nothing but "empty, busybody lives"....

I thought our lives were full of hope for a little girl we have never met! We want this baby girl found, preferably alive. The same baby girl that some of us thought may very well be his own grand daughter. My heart goes out to this family, but I think he is going about this all wrong.
Hi Everyone,

Unlike the wonderful members and posters in this forum, I have had very little time to follow this case.

This link was sent to me. I would like you all to read it and comment on it please.


I want to understand why this person ( I think it's Jessie's dad) feels the way he does.


Hello, Tricia!
Thank you for sharing this link.
I see that my nic is mentioned, but you can check - I did NOT post what this guy attributed to me. My posts are on this board and can be looked up.
I think this man is wrong to attack any posters. When a child or adult is missing, there should be no boundaries. Everyone and every side should be looked at. Sometimes it is not pretty. When someone is murdered, every angle also has to be looked at.
Jesse is mentioned in the affidavit. He is real. Even Cindy Anthony brought Jesse's name up at Casey's bail hearing. We have not done anything any differently in this case than in any others.
Personally, I find this man, Jesse Grund, Sr., offensive and judgemental. Thats just my personal opinion. I do not share his beliefs and do not want to hear his sermon. He even sounds threatening.
IF he feels the way he says he does, then this might not be the place for him.
I have been reading WS for over a year but I have waited to reply. This did it.

Does this guy not realize that the entire family looks like a bunch of liars? Or that the grandma is covering her tracks and keeps getting caught in lies? SHE herself said on the 911 tape that the car smelled like "it had a damn dead body in it". For a week she has blamed it on a pizza. THAT's why we are targeting your friends. We are targeting Casey because she has the integrity of a flea. HER CHILD IS MISSING AND SHE IS TRYING TO BARGAIN FOR IMMUNITY. If she was such a stellar mom, she would not be sitting in jail and would be cooperating.

Of course your son is getting brought into this. He reported that he heard the child on the phone AFTER Casey claims she went missing. You are getting brought into it because you preach weird alien crazy nonsense on your PUBLIC profile. Expect ridicule because you are asking for it.

Seems to me that if this family would stay off myspace long enough to get on a plane and go to Atlanta (or where ever Grandma has received these "tips" from) more would be getting done. Most ppl would have been on a plane already!

Instead, Grandma seems to think that my prime time news should be filled with pictures of this child. I wouldn't mind watching, except that everytime this drama queen opens her mouth, I want to wretch.

We, the public, owe her NOTHING. The media owes her NOTHING. Don't tell us all to look and demand the news post this pic 24/7 because Grandma doesn't have the gonads to beat the truth out of her idiot daughter. Don't find the child. You aren't hurting the public. By sitting in jail and refusing to talk, Casey is hurting herself and her family. She is not hurting us.

And that, Mr. Grund, is my 2 cents.
Hello, Tricia!
Thank you for sharing this link.
I see that my nic is mentioned, but you can check - I did NOT post what this guy attributed to me. My posts are on this board and can be looked up.
I think this man is wrong to attack any posters. When a child or adult is missing, there should be no boundaries. Everyone and every side should be looked at. Sometimes it is not pretty. When someone is murdered, every angle also has to be looked at.
Jesse is mentioned in the affidavit. He is real. Even Cindy Anthony brought Jesse's name up at Casey's bail hearing. We have not done anything any differently in this case than in any others.
Personally, I find this man, Jesse Grund, Sr., offensive and judgemental. Thats just my personal opinion. I do not share his beliefs and do not want to hear his sermon. He even sounds threatening.
IF he feels the way he says he does, then this might not be the place for him.
:clap: well said! :clap:
I get where Mr. Grund's lashing out comes from... he has been painted in a not-so-nice light on here, though he is an innocent bystander in this case. His own posting on his blog does touch on some of the stuff that has been said about him. That alone is probably what has him disliking us for every other thing we have talked about, as well. For a reason that I have yet to figure out, people have issues with him being a reverend and into the supernatural and used it to imply he may have a role in Caylee's disappearance, and to judge his religious status. (BTW, he's not the first man of the cloth to do supernatural stuff... every day Priests bless houses to rid them of the unnatural and some have even been schooled to do exorcisms).

I think him going on the defensive has its merits, in some areas. While I do not agree with him thinking that WS members consists of empty busybody lives: I think I get why he feels that way if this is the first time he has ever come across us, and saw what was said and implied about him.
Is the Rev. Richard Jessie's dad? I haven't read the whole thread but I need to find out basics now.
And NO BEING SNIPPY with each other please. I can't take any more anger toward each other.
From my understanding, yes, he is the young man's father.
Of course, I did make a thread concerning statements which there were discrepancies with things coming out in the media and in court hearings. I stand by that. I also asked that people post BOTH and their sources so we could see it. This had nothing to do with him that I am aware of.

Tricia, some did give him a hard time about his website and his religion. They were discussing his myspace site and content. I think we are free to express our opinions on his public forum.

I will go back and review if I said or did anything that caused him to add me to his blog...but I find it odd since I have been defending his son's statement right and left here.

Have I given opinions of Caylee's mother and grandmother? Absolutely I have! I don't recall giving any opinion on this person other than I thought they were the grandparents of the missing child due to what the maternal grandmother said on the stand and I misunderstood (according to others).

http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2407489&postcount=3 <post I made which concerned his family...but was following the exact words of the grandmother. I should not have titled it as Lie #2, but it contradicted at the time what I understood to be true. That all along in the press according to her...the father of the child was dead from a car accident. Then...under oath she said she believed it was this man's son. I guess the misunderstanding was in her wording of the past (according to others). She did believe it early on, but came to believe something else later.
As some pointed out here, this man took posts that OFFENDED him, one of mine included. What happened to freedom of speach? Are we not entitled to opinions of our own and the right to voice them? He of all men, claiming to be a man of God should understand that part of being a Christian or whatever he chooses to classify himself as are now and always will be in the public eye and believers and non-believers alike will judge. We are all human. I think he needs to get his Bible back out and read more about his faith and the following he chooses.
basically what tricia is looking for is info incase this "uncle" tries to sue web sleuths.... She is not looking for a debate here. Just evidence that websleuths has uncovered.

thank you god...yes ladybass...yes...that is all i want.
thank you god...yes ladybass...yes...that is all i want.

I apologize then for misunderstanding when you asked for comments and wondered what may have made this man feel as he did. And with that...I'm out of here. I have no tolerance for a site that allows innocent family members and friends of victims to be attacked and ridiculed.
A question was asked about Mr. Grunds ummm personal reflections.

I'm not sure why he feels the way he does. Ideas were tossed around all issue's and names tied in trying to put this horrible puzzle in place.

Mr Grund or Rev Swords Man you also posted this comment below did you not?

No, the mother stated that Jesse Grund was believed to be the father at the time of babysitting. She's not bright enough when she speaks to get things clear. The authorities seem to be believe that...

I think Mr Grund was also offended by some who found his public myspace page unusual or unique. His dark suit and his semi-automatic, or was it fully automatic gun in hand, amused and may have caused a slight quick thud shock stop to viewers. No harm or insult was or has been intentionally intended. Admit it a Reverend with a gun in hand is a lasting sight one often never gets to see.
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