weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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:seeya: Afternoon fellow sleuthers!
Well look what happens when I dare to take a break for ~36 hours~!!!

I will NEVER get caught up...
I am going to try scanning, and see what happens!
Sorry if I get off topic, but one question I had was if Jodie said it was Travis's gun, where is the (other ammo) for the gun? Did she take that also? or did the gun have only the 1 clip for it. Where was his gun cleaning kit, etc. etc..

She did not take all that other stuff - claims she never saw that other stuff - and none of that other stuff was found by LE.

So if we believe Jodi and use conjecture, then Travis kept a loaded gun in his closet and had no separate ammo and had no other gun-care accessories.
I work in the field as well. I believe ALV's testimony has done a disservice to the men who suffer at the hands of women like JA. I see a number of cases like this one, although most, but not all, of them come to me prior to murder. I believe the high rate of women victims stems from it being "publicly acceptable" for women to be victims of DV, but not for men. I screened an arrest warrant a few weeks ago where the male victim has suffered for decades from his ex-wife's stalking and terrorism. He was very ashamed to be a "victim," hence his decades-long suffering in silence. IMO, it is a tragedy that Travis never got the police involved.

Thanks for doing what you do!!! I bet you don't get 250-300$ an hour to do it either. Some people talk. God bless those who walk the walk!!!
This is news to me. What happened? Was it one of Travis' sisters, or a court observer? What was said to them by ALV??


I don't think we know the context of her comment to Travis' sister yet dear.
Travis' heart was pumping when she slit his throat and stabbed him in the chest along with the other stab wounds. How many crime books, TV programs have you read/seen where they state that stabbing, slitting is up close and personal, over-kill is personal rage?

Perhaps Jodi was trying one last time, because I don't buy her flowery diary for a bit--to control Travis, ...order him to marry her...more or less blackmail him into doing so...take her to Cancun or else. The else being if he said no, she would show him by killing him, up close and personal and then, killing his reputation and hurting his family. Jodi has a habit of blackmailing people if she doesn't get her way, look what she filed in court to Juan to let her off with a lesser sentence...she basically tried to blackmail Juan by saying she would hurt Travis' friends, family and his good name.
Jodi sure seems to have a fog on every point of memory that could get her the death penalty.

I believe her fog about as much as I believe her doctored journals. :facepalm:

I've gone back and forth on the gun vs the stabbing first theory because I can't imagine a woman getting that close to a man who could potentially overpower her.

But, this is Jodi we're talking about and her mind doesn't rationalize like a normal person - obviously. Blackmail could've been her agenda for murder, or maybe she just killed him for the thrill of it - we will never know.
I'm not ready to agree that TA was sexting with other women since I have not seen these texts.

All I know is this. On the stand, JA said that TA was exchanging inappropriate texts with a married woman Shannon Crabtree Peterson. The same day,that women got on HLN and totally denied it.

Here's the link:


ALV brought up a married woman. I remember JM objecting, but can't recall the details.

PS: looks like Nurmi is getting caught again. :eek:
I wonder if it was the same thing that happened with Samuels (hope I'm remembering the psychologist's name right).

To me, Jodi is scary, not charming. But some people are weak-minded in some areas of their life, and maybe Samuels and ALV had that in common. ALV denied any attraction to Jodi, but I don't believe a lot from her, as she's vigorously defending an obvious cold-blooded killer.

Would you ruin your reputation as a DV expert just for around 300 bucks an hour, with not so many people wanting your "expertise" after this case? I think JA "cast her spell" on the both of them.

Ok question
All those journal entries seem added after he died. How did she get acess to add so much into them.ndid the defence help her if so its wrong because its lies and more lies and shouldn't be allowed.
Perhaps like me they've never heard of the band.

When I saw the crime scene and the autopsy photos, I knew that she was capable of much more than what she had done to Travis.

When I heard that JA had purchased a gun, I knew that she wasn't finished with her killing spree. But I assumed that she was targeting law enforcement.

I now believe that she was also likely to be gunning for Thomas Brown and, perhaps, Marie Hall as well.

Which takes us to another Steely Dan song. Here is a video of Becker and Fagen live in 2006 with "Don't Take Me Alive":


Agents of the law
Luckless pedestrian
I know you're out there
With rage in your eyes and your megaphones
Saying all is forgiven
Mad Dog surrender
How can I answer
A man of my mind can do anything
I'm a bookkeeper's son
I don't want to shoot no one
Well I crossed my old man back in Oregon
Don't take me alive
Got a case of dynamite
I could hold out here all night
Yes I crossed my old man back in Oregon
Don't take me alive

Can you hear the evil crowd
The lies and the laughter
I hear my inside
The mechanized hum of another world
Where no sun is shining
No red light flashing
Here in this darkness
I know what I've done
I know all at once who I am

Wondering if someone can answer this for me.

In the few pages of Jodi's journals that I saw covering the end of May to the middle of June...was there ANY mention of Ryan Burns? Or was it "not noteworthy" that she was going to visit him?

Also, I can't remember who said it, Jodi perhaps, that "it" had started the weekend before, Friday....and that's the weekend Travis was supposed to go there for them to go to Crater Lake and he cancelled. Wonder if that was the event that pulled the trigger for her.

I will always believe it was about the 1000 places book. Travis could check Cancun off the list, Jodie couldn't. Travis cancelled the Crater Lake trip, another place not checked off. "It's All About The Book" (wonder if I can trademark that phrase before Jodi's mother beats me to it?). :rocker:
Here's the link:

ALV brought up a married woman. I remember JM objecting, but can't recall the details.

PS: looks like Nurmi is getting caught again. :eek:

ALV and JW also mentioned texts with another married woman. It was something like Chris Shell?
wow, just, wow....

many thanks to whomever originally posted this:


I almost didn't read the bottom part (after the questions) to see just how incredibly chilling and similar this poor man's experience was, and it really drew some distinct parallels to JA's behavior that might even be "common" among female stalkers.

I hope Demarte is able to address these behaviors that were formerly used as an example by the defense to say that she wasn't a stalker to show those exact things prove that she was!
Ok question
All those journal entries seem added after he died. How did she get acess to add so much into them.ndid the defence help her if so its wrong because its lies and more lies and shouldn't be allowed.

She had approximately 5 1/2 weeks from murder to arrest. Plenty of time to fabricate.
I've read several of your posts, and I probably missed the one that supported your feelings as a survivor. For that I apologize, and have such compassion for you and your personal hell you are going thru, or have gone thru.

I'd like to say that, albeit an excellent practice by ALV to benevolently sit down with these "men who need to get in touch with their feelings" and who are trained by the societal "norm" of not revealing their weaknesses, it becomes total and utter BULL CACA and worthless in THIS situation!!
Of course, always IMO.

ALV is self serving in thinking she can sit down and TRY to "evaluate" this particular man. Again, just in JA's case...ALV learned things from the PROVEN liar AND murderers perspective.
Unfortunately, ALV is unable to "sit down" with Travis and REALLY have a PROPER session with HIM, as she says she does with the other men...BUT, he's unavailable to speak for himself - oh, and he can't REPLY to ANY questions, either....because he was slaughtered. So, just as she skillfully dodges those nagging questions by JM that can't be answered with a "yes" or "no", she's taking a PROVEN liar's version and a journal. Kinda like there's no "yes" and "no" responses for Travis, he's not here to answer "those"
type of questions. So, ALV has taken it upon HERSELF to answer for HIM!!!

Her credentials are basically what she "believes" are the actual training and experience of a LICENSED practicing professional in this field.
A recent tweet by someone reads "some people are so sadly wrong when they project their beliefs to be right".

ALV spent a sum total of approx 40 some hours with JA. By READING a man's journal and listening to the tales of a PROVEN liar, ALV made her conclusion that JA was a "battered" woman, and Travis was a "predator".

This infuriates me!! The whole notion of JA and her response to murdering Travis in "self defense". This ALV is trying to bolster the claims of a PROVEN liar so as to prove what JA did was, in fact, "self defense".

I spent the greater part of 10 years in a living hell. I can't even begin to explain all the different ways I was beaten, degraded and defiled.
To this day, I am STILL in agressive therapy, by a LICENSED EXPERT PSYCHIATRIST in the field of woman who were/are in my position.

You see, most of this occured in the bedroom. My ex kept a loaded gun in the top drawer in the night stand on "his" side of the bed....closest to the door...as many can guess why "his" side was closest to the ONLY exit.
Not less than 5 feet away. Each and EVERY time I was about to undergo an "event", I didn't have to go into a closet, stand on a shelf and reach for a gun - which, BTW, how did JA know that Travis didn't put it somewhere else between the time she found it and when she ran into the closet because she KNEW it was there???

Well, at any rate. That gun of my ex's was right in that top drawer each and every time.
Now....REMEMBERING where that gun is???
I couldn't even remember how to run sometimes, much less remember where the gun is.
JA got a "body slam" on a tile floor??? I prayed I could even EVER get up off a CARPETED floor and not end up in a wheelchair for life.

How can ALV even THINK to introduce JA as a "battered" woman??? After 40some hours with a PROVEN liar and JUDGE and ACCUSE a man who was slaughtered, who can't sit with her and talk for even 10 MINUTES???

Forgive me for ranting, BUT, when ALV is sitting on that stand, talking about JA's hootchie pictures, a tee shirt, a pair of "spidies", no candy for Valentines Day, or we've heard about pop rocks and tootsie pops and Toblerone bars and how Travis called her a "*advertiser censored*" or a "three holed wonder" or he was a flirt and was cheating.....ah, hell, I'd give a MILLION dollars for even one of those so called "abusive" behaviors.

ETA: I am neither looking for sympathy or trying to be snarky with you, Molly333. It is just such, excuse the term, a slap in the face to REAL survivors and women/men who have endured FAR worse and have NEVER slaughtered their abusers.

Thank you for sharing this with us. You are so right in being offended by this defense. Your story rings true and anyone with any sense could see the difference.
She had approximately 5 1/2 weeks from murder to arrest. Plenty of time to fabricate.

Well she hung herself with the entry about " my friend is dead and I don't know how he died"
I disagree. I think he knew he had at most about 35 min to start his cross before the long weekend. I think all he was doing was "establishing a rapport" so,to speak. Meaning that when you are on the witness stand its the questioner in control not the witness.

I think he demonstrated brilliantly to the jurors that she will be evasive and combative with a male questioning her. He's just begun and I'll be there to see how he dismantles her testimony. Let her be the expert I say. Then let's let her show how Jodi fits in to her own prescribed continuum. On the Terrorism level.

Let's not forget he started questioning her after discovering shed requested a premature break then proceeded to use that time by stepping off the stand and walking directly up to a victims sister, violating her boundaries and get in her face with a one sided monologue. Was this the reason she wanted that immediate break?

ALV is throwing her hard earned reputation under the bus all on her own with no assistance from Juan Martinez.

I wonder how long before ALV accuses Juan Martinez of abusing her through his questioning.
This wasn't her camera though so I don't know if she was proficient in dealing with it. Idk if she was privy to how to delete entire folders in the rush to clean up and get the eff outta there so she wouldn't be tied to this heinous murder. She said she had her camera with her, why not use her own? That boggles me a lil lol

She had researched the camera and was the self-proclaimed -- if not acknowledged -- 'expert' who advised Travis on which device to purchase.

The prosecution does not dispute that JA told Travis which camera to buy.

While it would be far more difficult than merely recovering the images (anyone can do that with any of dozens of software tools), careful study of the binary bit level (zeroes/ones) data and the way the data file structures were written/overwritten given SONY's programming (it's not random, folks) may lead to conclusions about which images were deleted first and how rapidly the deletions occurred.

I doubt whether the forensics went to this level of detail, and if they did, how admissible/defensible the outcome would ultimately prove to be. Without doing it myself, I'd have to say inconclusive to probable, at best.
Does anyone know if a poll was taken as to who won Round 1--ALV or JM?

I thought ALV did better than I thought she would. And I would have to rate it either as a draw or a slight win for ALV.

Of course, it was just a warm-up for the real war that's coming.

The defense team ALWAYS purposely leaves Juan about a half an hour of court time left at the end of the week to start his cross. They time it that way to trap him into revealing some of his upcoming line of questioning. They want to know what he is going to focus on so they can prepare over the weekend.

Juan never falls into that trap. He just throws out something unimportant, something that really has no impact upon the evidence, [ Snow White, Calling your sister dumb, Websters definition of Compassion] but then he comes at the witness aggressively, and watches how they respond. That is what his goal was, with the Snow White issue, imo. He needed to assess her debating style.

It was a success for Juan, imo, because he got her to go for him all out, prematurely. She should have saved her ammunition. She prematurely pulled out her planned jab at him---" are you mad at me Mr Martinez?'

She should have saved that for when he really goes at her with something valid. Wait until he walks her through the emails and texts and journals and finds blatant lies in there by Jodi. Like where she says " I wonder how my good friend died?" She will not be able to use her goofy smile at the gallery in those instances, imo.
The things we do during the 3-day weekend, bah! I should be cleaning house, running errands, but no, I'm doing research, total crime buff (ID channel is playing here all day). Found the following interesting info about offender knife wounds:


During a violent attack with a knife or similar sharp instrument with its ensuing struggle, there may be numerous opportunities for the assailant also to sustain injuries.

By the very nature of such an assault, often with hand-to-hand combat and with multiple thrusts or slashes, it is quite difficult, or impossible, for the knife wielder to control each action. The following seven scenarios are proposed as possible causative factors in self-wounding.

Mechanism 1: While stabbing the victim, the assailant hits bone or otherwise resistant material. The abrupt stopping of the knife causes the assailant's hand to slide forward, allowing the hand gripping the knife to slide across the blade. Such a scenario typically would cause a slicing of the palmar surfaces of the hand or fingers. If the attack continues after the hand is cut, the presence of the assailant's blood on the knife handle reduces the gripping ability further, making even multiple self-wounding likely.

Mechanism 2: If the assailant wields the knife in one hand and tries to restrain the struggling victim with the other, it is possible that the assailant's hand on the victim will suffer a stab wound during the multiple thrusts. Such a stab wound would commonly be seen on the back of the hand or fingers or on the arm of the free hand.

Mechanism 3: If a folding knife without a locking blade, such as a jackknife, strikes a resistant surface, the knife blade can fold across the assailant's hand. Such an event would typically cause a guillotine-like knife-edge wound, either across the outer surfaces of the fingers or across the wrist or the heel of the palm, depending upon the knife's orientation in the assailant's hand.

Mechanism 4: Due to the great momentum involved in a typical stab, the knife may be capable of becoming lodged in bone or connective tissue. If the assailant attempts to remove the knife during the continuing struggle with the victim, it is possible that the hands could grasp a partially- exposed knife blade, causing slicing wounds to the palmar surfaces.

Mechanism 5: In a slashing action with a knife or other sharp-edged weapon, a glancing blow against the victim or a complete miss may, by the weapon's momentum, cause a slash injury to the assailant. Be cause of the virtually limitless degrees of freedom in how this slashing motion may be delivered toward the victim, the resulting injury to the assailant could occur to almost any part of the assailant's anatomy.

Mechanism 6: Similarly, defensive actions by the victim may cause a redirecting of the weapon's arc into the assailant. Again, the variety of possible movements makes for a limitless list of injuries possible.

Mechanism 7: In a struggle for control of the weapon, the assailant may grab for the weapon. This could result in slicing wounds to the palmar surfaces of the hand or fingers of the assailant.

It can reasonably be seen that some of these mechanisms are directly related to the design of the knife used. The absence of a guard between the hilt and blade certainly makes Mechanism 1 more likely, since the presence of such a guard would prevent the slipping of the hand onto the blade when the knife abruptly stops. Obviously the folding blade is unique to jack knives and other pocket knives; injuries as related in Mechanism 3 would be possible only with such a knife. Also, the absence of a bolster on the end of the hilt would make extraction of a knife from a victim more difficult, possibly begetting actions similar to Mechanism 4. It would seem likely that, in some instances, a description of the types of wounds found on the assailant possibly could be correlated with the murder weapon.


It is possible that the assailant may deposit bloody fingerprints or palm prints on the knife blade, in accordance with Mechanisms 1 and 4, above. The bloody finger prints, of course, would be very damaging evidence in themselves if they were identified to the assailant, as would the blood, if it were associated with the suspect. Finding corresponding injuries on the hands of the suspect simply would provide additional evidence and would allow the investigator (and ultimately the jury) to better understand exactly what happened during the assault.

Source: http://www.forensic-lab.com/publications/cutslice.html

Jodi's finger is bent towards her palm, indicating a palmar injury to the finger. This is supported by her blood appearing in her left palm print on the wall as well. So, the injury to her finger is most likely a result of a cut tendon as the knife slipped through her hand via Mechanism One or Four above. An x-ray could indicate if that finger was broken and not healed properly, but that has not been produced.

IIRC, JA testified she broke a glass that day at TA's house, well, we LE probably confiscated his trash, wonder if a broken glass was part of that? That also would have happened before the shower pics, where she was able to function the camera fine, and any injury earlier in the day would have stopped bleeding by the time of the killing, so an injury occurred during the killing to generate blood, and damaged her finger.

Rebuttal will be sweet.
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