weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #141

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That reminds me.. did anyone ever read what her first attorney had represented him on that allowed her to claim possible conflict and get out of representing JA??
What bugs me is JA did this in April of 08... kicked her mom in Mesa when she came down to help her pack... 1000% abnormal IMO

Hi gngr, it is safe to come out now, I think. :)

I must say, ol' Laviolette had me snowed on one point, she kept saying JA did this when she was a teenager, and wrote it off as a 'phase'.

I wonder if that was intentional misleading, or if she herself misunderstood. I hope Juan clarifies this. It ticked me off that I was misdirected about this, as I felt most of ALV I called BS on, and seems like the jurors did too.

I hope the jurors catch this. Kicking/hitting/abusing your mother when you are 28 years old, there's no excuse. Not that there is any excuse as a teenager either, but maybe more understandable.
My apologies for likely bringing up a question thats been answered, possibly even numerous times since Friday and ive unfortunately just not seen them.. I was just rewatching part 1 of Fridays testimony mainly to watch Jenny W lose her $hit which led to the 10min recess for her to recover.. In watching the video I also heard ALV's response to the juror question regarding the Spidey underoos... the question asks what beyond just the word of Jodi has she seen of the underwear(as in seeing the actual underwear, pictures of the underwear, etc)..

ALV replies that shes seen the text msg from Jodi to Travis where JODI TELLS TRAVIS THAT SHE'S BRINGING THE SPIDERMAN UNDERWEAR....

Can someone, anyone please help a sister out here and please tell me what in the hell that ALV is talking about in this response to the jury question?????

Is this just something that i have somehow overlooked and we've known about all along that there was actual, factual discussion in black and white btwn Jodi and Travis talking about the Spidey underoos????

My personal opinion of the existence of the underwear was never negative to begin wrt it IMO NOT INDICATIVE OF ATTRACTION TO LITTLE BOYS ...imo the existence of the underwear does not in any way equate with pedophilia..but I was unaware that we ever had any basis to even believe that the underwear existed but, rather were only a figment of the defendants imagination with ulterior motives of implying he had an attraction to little boys..

I just want to be clear and understand do we have corroborating evidence such as what ALV testified to on Friday regarding there being actual text betwn the two where Jodi actually speaks specifically about the Spidey underwear??
Does anyone else like the way the Judge reads out the jurors' questions? Her tone, inflections etc. are perfectly matched to the subject matter in the questions.

Yep! and the lady that reads JA's journal on HLN. She is brilliant and very entertaining.
Here's some trivia for you. According to The White Pages, there are 11,545 people named Juan Martinez in the US.

However there is only ONE "JUANDERFUL" Juan Martinez!

Google Bobby Juarez Jodi Arias. I found interesting pics of him.
Yep. She was hoping he would defend himself then bend over backwards to show her how "not weird" he was. Same as when the bully ALV accused JM of being "angry" at her. Wanting him to retreat to "prove" he was not. Big fail. Both times.

Kind of like how she is calling Travis a pedophile to deflect from the fact that she is a murderer right now :furious:
Yeah, which could be another reason she spent so much time in his voicemail after the killing. She was erasing all her messages from the previous day. But in the 18 min and 40 min conversations the morning of June 2. What were they talking about. I think she was calling him and he wasn't answering. He finally called her back and they talked. Then he called her again and they talked. Then she called and it was another 2 min. deal. I can't imagine what that was about.

Oh I firmly believe that was the "break up" for good calls from Travis on June 2. I have no doubts that he told her to f off and to leave him alone and probably called the bit*ch out on everything. probably just a verbal version of his text to her from May 26..i think thats when she decided he had to be killed for her to be able to live without him. I cant stand the way she thinks she has outsmarted everyone.
It's amazing how many people no longer even have land lines. I still keep mine because I can't seem to part with it.

I can't do without mine or else how would I find my cell phone? at least once a week I have to call to find where I left my phone in my house for garage or back porch or car. :banghead:

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IMO these specific juror questions actually answer some of the most important questions that we've had as to were the members of the jury understanding the critical issues of the DT's entire version of events surrounding the premeditation, execution, and cover up of the crime..along with their defense given as to why Jodi should be found not guilty due to it being self defense...I know many of us have been very worried as to whether or not the jury was actually seeing the truth beyond the bull$hit that the defense has thoroughly heaped upon them for now months on end.. Ive worried about whether they were picking up on certain subtle manipulations of the truth, evidence, and Travis'actions and behaviors.. I worried were they not able to see certain issues from their perspective as crystal clearly as we could see the issues from our perspective..

Imo their questions for ALV have imo successfully answered many of my own questions and worries regarding were they able to see beyond the bs and recognize the truth from the bull$hit?... imo YES, THIS JURY ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT DOUBT HAS GOT A VERY GOOD AND FIRM GRASP ON REALITY AND EXACTLY WHAT IS TRUTH VS. WHAT IS MADE UP FICTION ON THE PART OF THE MURDERER AND HER DEFENSE TEAM.

Above are just a few of the jury's questions for Miss LaViolette that IMO very clearly give us an idea on where this jury stands wrt believing Jodi's defense or seeing the truth in knowing its the Prosecution's version of events that is accurate...

Below each of the above listed jury questions I **starred** and **italicized** my opinion of what indicators I see in each of these juror's questions..

All jmo, tho!!

Although I find most recent questions heartening with respect to the likelihood of justice being served in this case, I'm withholding judgment as to whether the jurors will hold her accountable by properly discharging their duties as obligated by the Court, until I hear/see the verdict.

I am mindful that of the 16 jurors remaining, it may be that only a minority of that group have actually submitted these questions.
Does anyone else like the way the Judge reads out the jurors' questions? Her tone, inflections etc. are perfectly matched to the subject matter in the questions.

Yes. :rocker:
It's amazing how many people no longer even have land lines. I still keep mine because I can't seem to part with it.

Good to keep a landline AND an old style phone because when the power goes out, portable phones don't work and sometimes cells don't either.
I was thinking about that check... wonder if she even had enough in her account to cover it? She knew it would never be cashed but that sure would be telling. Anyone remember how much the check was for?

Check and deposit information in photo below. :)

My apologies for likely bringing up a question thats been answered, possibly even numerous times since Friday and ive unfortunately just not seen them.. I was just rewatching part 1 of Fridays testimony mainly to watch Jenny W lose her $hit which led to the 10min recess for her to recover.. In watching the video I also heard ALV's response to the juror question regarding the Spidey underoos... the question asks what beyond just the word of Jodi has she seen of the underwear(as in seeing the actual underwear, pictures of the underwear, etc)..

ALV replies that shes seen the text msg from Jodi to Travis where JODI TELLS TRAVIS THAT SHE'S BRINGING THE SPIDERMAN UNDERWEAR....

Can someone, anyone please help a sister out here and please tell me what in the hell that ALV is talking about in this response to the jury question?????

Is this just something that i have somehow overlooked and we've known about all along that there was actual, factual discussion in black and white btwn Jodi and Travis talking about the Spidey underoos????

My personal opinion of the existence of the underwear was never negative to begin wrt it IMO NOT INDICATIVE OF ATTRACTION TO LITTLE BOYS ...imo the existence of the underwear does not in any way equate with pedophilia..but I was unaware that we ever had any basis to even believe that the underwear existed but, rather were only a figment of the defendants imagination with ulterior motives of implying he had an attraction to little boys..

I just want to be clear and understand do we have corroborating evidence such as what ALV testified to on Friday regarding there being actual text betwn the two where Jodi actually speaks specifically about the Spidey underwear??

Yes. I am unaware of any actual text such as ALV referred to. Even if it does exist, that does not mean the spidey underwear actually exist. It could have been an inside joke to them, referencing the scene in Charley's Angels when Carmen Diaz dances around in them. They referred to Jodi working in a French maid's costume as well, but that didn't really exist, either. I think the spidey underwear was an inside joke 100%, and ALV is so "old-fashioned" and out of touch that she couldn't see it.
None. Except maybe Lizzy Borden or Eileen Warnos. Don't remember if they did or not.

Speaking of Lizzie Borden, didn't she commit the crimes naked, then just showered away the blood evidence...
I don't have a problem with it either BUT....if I see Nurmi or Wilmot massaging ALV's shoulders, then I'm gonna have a problem.

Actually - there is video footage of LaViolette hugging Nurmi IN THE COURTROOM!
I can't do without mine or else how would I find my cell phone? at least once a week I have to call to find where I left my phone in my house for garage or back porch or car. :banghead:

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SO glad I'm not the only one..:doh:
Like others here, I think she's long been involved in petty crime. For at least ten years she lived hand-to-mouth and on the fringes, flitting from job to job and man to man, but alvays (it seems) vith hard cash in her pocket. And, as others have previously noted, look at her skill vith knives (really nasty knives) and her knovvledge of hovv to hide them (and a gun). I don't think she learned such things from reading Nancy Drevv books. I also suspect this explains some of her long-standing relationship vvith MM.

Sorry about the missing double-u.

I think she stole from the restaurants and other staff members where she worked which is why she went through so many jobs. Just my theory, but I'm looking forward to the post trial spill where people start talking much more openly about the real Jodi Arias.

And I agree, that is cocaine on that table ..


Neighbour on lying behaviour, not going to school, etc ...

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