weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #141

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My feeling was that she was not sad, not hurt, not scared. My feelings were that she was angry and frustrated, in a fit of internal rage.

I agree. I think she was pizzed that she wasn't getting her way (only playing TA's voice) and it was going to expose the truth about how she was with him. She had spent weeks on the stand trying to portray herself as the poor victim to a sexually aggressive TA only to have that work torn to shreds by her own voice! That was a great day for the prosecution IMO. Hearing TA's voice put tears in my eyes. I'm sure that made him more real to the jury too. Even with the sex talk... There were also moments where he was really sweet to her too.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. :)
Straight out of the Jodie book of truths:

" I mean, I know that he`s in a good place and I know that he`s fine. I know that he`s doing great.".....

Sure he is jodie, he is up there playing with Caylee Marie, who is also doing just great, according to cindy.

These people can rationalize anything.

Wolfmom help to keep the candle burning. She keeps it going every day, twice a day, in the Caylee light a candle thread.

for those that came to this trial in memory of Caylee which I did, please visit that thread perhaps and say a prayer and light a candle.

she never had an elephant like Travis does, but for those of us, we will never forget. I still go back to that one thread RELIGIOUSLY to light a candle for her and thank you to wolfmom ....who has for the last many many many years two times a day lighted a candle in that thread in her memory. wolf mom is perhaps the Katie of years gone by.

:seeya: there RR0004!

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From some of what I've read, I get the impression that Travis liked to impress, and definitely lived way above his means. He was afraid he was going to lose his house. Also, from what I can tell this PPL was some kind of Pyramid scheme, and the money was not consistent. Looks pretty shady to me.

I wonder if he made more steady $$ doing the inspirational /pep presentations.

I think the 'losing the house' thing was mostly from the huge real estate collapse at that time, which hit Arizona especially hard. He was probably upside down on his mortgage. That happened to us here too, and we are just now creeping back up to the earlier value of our home.

PPL is a pyramid scheme, but he had worked his way up, so he was probably doing ok. It was not a total scam. Many people continued to renew and were relatively satisfied with the services provided.
Wow. I will look at it...have to get some sleep now, but thanks for your help. I must figure out how to UNfollow...:floorlaugh:

I found this on facebook ...hope it helps.
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Apparently she has a friggin Twitter account now, even though the comments on social media give her panic attacks. :facepalm:

As her armchair psychiatrist I would have to strongly advise against that type of activity.
ALV said early on in her testimony that she ALWAYS interviewed both partners separately. She talked about how important it was to see the differences in their stories. If they were a little off, that can be dealt with, but if their stories were way off, then, she said, "We have a major problem".

I guess that doesn't apply when you are being paid by the State of Arizona and will only come to one opinion for the Defense...

Edit: JMO

Thank you!! I remember posting here how good I felt about this expert after she made that statement. I thought this is a person who will acknowledge new facts presented to her and adjust her assessment based on the new reality facing her. I was starting to think I hallucinated her making that statement.
I'm wondering if ALV will be returning Tuesday to be impeached. JM nailed her on every single point required for impeachment per this document. http://www.crossexam.com/impeaching-an-expert-witness.html
Great read!!!
I hope that Napoleon lives long enough for Deannna to bring him to the victim impact statement... I know I know... the courts won't allow it.. But I wish that poor pup could talk and say what he wants to say to the killer...
If for no other reason than to tell Travis when he meets him in Heaven... I told that b**** off good! I missed you my friend!!!

ok I'm signing off for the night... bawling yet again... :(
As her armchair psychiatrist I would have to strongly advise against that type of activity.

LOL, that is what I said too! It sounds like, for her mental health, a very poor choice.
I highly doubt that she's the one who set up that account. There are also a ton of Juror #5 accounts now too. I think they're just people who thrive on attention and creating drama.

I agree. Same with the Facebbok account---who knows if the person that set it up has anything to do with Jodi. They may just be someone with nothing better to do with their time than to try and incite people.
My guess is she is ready to retire and don't give a flying ....., what people think.

And my guess is that she has built herself up in her own mind and the people around her patting herself on the back to the point where she just felt she knew it all.

VERY bad position to put yourself in.
What is this?

If you go to that photo of the office just a few posts back and look up in the shelves above the chair, there on the right hand side you can clearly see a BIG HOURGLASS.

If you go to JA's website she is selling an hourglass drawing.

I want to know when she created it.
Thanks for posting that ginger~snap. Poor Napoleon. He was there when that b*&^ killed his best buddy. I hope he has a good life with Deanna. Nite. Sleep well, my friend.
Especially when he was asking $6,500 for it.

Does anyone else remember the testimony (I believe from JA) that a friend of hers from work wanted to buy it and offered $4,000 or $4,500 for it but Travis turned it down because he could get more for it? Was I dreaming that?

It has been a rough 24 hours for me. I found out last night that my dear friends husband and her 16 year old nephew were killed in a horrific car accident on highway 1 in Sonoma yesterday. According to an eye witness his car drifted across the center divider and crashed into a tree- it was 11:30 in the morning. The car exploded on impact and by the time the firetruck arrived 15 minutes later the car had melted in to the asphalt. I have known the 16 yo since he was a newborn baby. :(

I'm so sorry Frigga! :grouphug:
Well, it doesn't look like the same hour glass. It was sure an odd thing to see on that shelf.
Yes, you can see the window at the left in the photo here:


....see some evidence markers there too.
If you go to that photo of the office just a few posts back and look up in the shelves above the chair, there on the right hand side you can clearly see a BIG HOURGLASS.

If you go to JA's website she is selling an hourglass drawing.

I want to know when she created it.

Oh. Well she should be drawing pictures of hour glasses, cause her life expectancy is looking shorter and shorter. Tick rock, tick took, tick tock.
If you go to that photo of the office just a few posts back and look up in the shelves above the chair, there on the right hand side you can clearly see a BIG HOURGLASS.

If you go to JA's website she is selling an hourglass drawing.

I want to know when she created it.

Why? Just curious.
Beautifully said MidwestMama !
Wonderfully stated MidwestMama !!
Juanderfully put MidwestMama !!!

(posted this in the wrong thread so I am moving it over here :blushing: )

lI've been trying to take a break this weekend for some things that have been put off too long *cough*, but have popped in and out to read many great posts.

There are some things I need to get out:
The one thing ALV is correct about is the difference between thinking of yourself as a victim vs a survivor.
A victim feels helpless, less than, responsible for...
A survivor feels powerful, having gone thru, reclaiming their life and power...
It may sound like wordplay to some, but as one who has made this transition through a lot of hard work, it is a powerful difference in thinking.

Travis was a victim as a child, as were his siblings. Like far too many children, they were born into an unstable situation with parents battling the grip of addiction. They suffered with little food, little to no supervision, no stable place to live, little to no nurturing and guidance, etc.

Then his grandparents took them in and they were given love, a stable home, introduced to their religious beliefs, food to eat, nurturing, values, etc.

With his Grandmother's love and his own choices, Travis became a survivor as an adult. The terrible circumstances of his childhood did happen, but he was moving forward and claiming his life as his own. He was happy, funny, surrounded by friends and loved ones, successful and loving.

Then comes Jodi. Travis being a caring, loving person is a perfect target for a manipulative psychopath like Jodi (through NO fault on his part). Those who have been victims in the past are often far more forgiving than is good for them. Often their past abusers have "guilted them" and manipulated them. It is easy to fall into an old role, esp if you haven't had an opportunity to work through your past and see clearly the manipulations you were subjected to. Even if you do realize what is happening, people like Jodi are relentless, persistant, deceptive and manipulative to a degree I hope you never see in your lives.

So along comes Jodi, she sees what she wants in Travis and sets out to get it. Her stalking (and YES it was stalking), her manipulations through her "teach poor little me about the business", use of sex as a tie to him even after their break up, etc were all ways she tried to keep him in her life after it was clear he wanted out. By the time she moved back to Yreka, Travis knew who Jodi was and wanted nothing to do with her.

Then, of course, June 4. I believe Travis made it absolutely clear (as if his text was not clear enough??) that he was DONE with her and she killed him with a level of brutality that makes our stomachs churn and give us all nightmares. Travis paid the price for Jodi's selfishness and sick mind.

Now Jodi, Dr Fog and ALV get on the stand to try to convince the jury that Travis was the abuser. Travis was depraved. Travis was a user. Travis was this. Travis was that.
Once again, Travis is the victim. A victim of this smear campaign. Victim of Jodi, ALV, Dr. Fog, Nurmi and JW's horse and pony show trying to divert attention from the fact that Jodi is a brutal murderer. Travis is the victim of a court system that allows this to happen. (I understand why. Jodi's word is considered "evidence" and the jury is given the job of deciding what, if any of it, is true. I still HATE that this happens.)

Travis' family, friends and loved ones are victims also. Not only are they victims in the fact that a loved one was brutally taken from them but also victims of the entire defense team. They have had to sit through mind-numbing hours of horrible, heart-breaking lies about Travis. They have had to bite their tongues and swallow their emotions while others - supposed professionals - have behaved like spoiled children, disrespected the court and LIED LIED LIED about Travis.

BUT, and here is the AWESOME PART, Travis and his loved ones will be survivors again! There is NO WAY his family, friends. loved ones, Juan Martinez (and even those of us who only know of him because of this tragedy) will ever let the memories of who Travis really was die! His friends and family, photos from the past, Travis' own words in his blog, etc have all told us who Travis REALLY was. They are becoming survivors through their effort to be there every minute of this trial, through their strength to sit through horrible testimony of Travis' last moments, through their glowing faces and smiles in interviews they give recalling Travis and memories of time with him. All of their efforts remind all of us who Travis really was. A wonderful, loving brother/grandson/friend/man.

In the long run, what JA did to Travis that last day, this trial and all of the BS that has been spewed in testimony is not Travis' legacy. Travis' legacy is the love, zest for life, and generousity his family and friends know he shared during his time here on earth. The love and memories that will be shared with others in the future due to the impact Travis made on others - that is Travis' legacy.

This jury will find Jodi guilty. She will be sentenced and will fade from her 15 minutes of "fame" she has so enjoyed. The smirk on her face will be gone and she will spend whatever time she has left on this earth in a cell with no freedom. No more photography, no more boyfriends, no children, no family - simply the memories of what was and will never be again. Whether her time on earth is limited by the death penalty or life in prison without parole - each day will be spent without the attention she depends on like we need air.
Jodi Arias and her evilness will fade with time.
Travis' love never will.

God bless all who love Travis.
My prayers are for you.
My heart is with you.
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