weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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Something I find very telling is the difference in the amonut of time spent by Dr. D versus ALV-12 versus 44 hours. Dr. D administered four tests in that time. What the heck did ALV do for all those 44 hours?? Counsel? Chit-chat? Coach? Review journals word by word?

Alyce did therapy on Jodi and the good murdering sociopath, JA just sucked up all those battering syndrome stories and attention like the parasite tick she is...Samuels, Alyce, DT and JODI got that dumb story of abuse down pat. Even when it is proved with texts with time-stamps that Jodi is a liar; JW still carries on with the lies for Jodi. Alyce and Samuels were both taken in by Jodi and were banking $ for their retirement account. ALV even admitted that to the jury, although Juan objected to her saying that. JW has the gall to ask JD her billing scale, if she gets less for insured people vs. cash, what her going rate is per hour at her office.
Why didn't the defense put Dr. Carp on the stand anyway and how many hours did she/he spend with Jodi? Would Jodi have been caught up in more of her lies?
OK .. now this might be a little controversial, but that's fine. I have a little bit of an issue with how Jodi's behaviour was handled by the 'group', I understand that they didn't like her and LORD KNOWS they had good reason, but to simply yell at someone and tell them that you don't like them when they've just been dumped by your good friend is not the most compassionate way to deal with someone. I have an issue with that. Although I do understand the frustration that made Sky react that way.

Clearly Jodi was disturbed, I have never dealt with a person as extreme as Jodi, but I definitely have known a lot of girls who have gone completely loopy over a guy to the point of vindictiveness / stalking / tire slashing etc. And basically what was done was a kind of intervention, you know just all the rest of us (after discussing her behaviour) deciding on a combined message to drill into her head, and then began drilling it into her head! You know 'Stop all behaviour, you're making yourself crazy, you're making it worse, can you imagine what he thinks of you .. is that really how you want to be remembered AS THE BUNNY BOILER EX GIRLFRIEND?, stop writing about him, stop talking about him, stop thinking about him, behave your way out of this, etc etc etc' .... until they wake up to themselves.

Also Travis himself .. he kept sleeping with her! He knew more than anyone that it was bad, that she had it baaaaaaaaaad, did anyone in this group think of Jodi? Wouldn't a guy think 'maybe I should stop sleeping with this chick, because it's going to keep her in this unhealthy situation' .. I don't think that's too far fetched to think of men as capable of that, I've known many men who've stopped sleeping with women for just that reason.

It is the one thing that bothers me the most about Jodi's side of the story. That nobody had any compassion for her, and nobody went 'whoa, OK something's not right here, this is beyond the scope of normal, this girl has mental problems, we need to THINK CAREFULLY about how we handle this'.
Obviously because I'm sitting here posting away about everything under the sun, I am choosing to ignore the fact that I have many other things to do. It just doesn't feel natural not to be watching court theatrics.

Know what you mean. I feel lost and in need of a Juan-fix!
Apparently everything said these days is racist. And the fact that so many people exist who cannot accept responsibility for their own actions.

WOW! Just ... WOW!

I can't begin to imagine why someone would think anything racist would come from you. :facepalm:

OMG.. so familiar. I have one that purrs like someone with the last stages of emphysema.. and I can still see myself trying to get 3 dogs to learn how to use the doggie door.. poor little Max is always is such a hurry to check out the last fallen leaf that he gets smacked in the face by the flap from whatever dog beat him to the door. I have a zoo.
OK .. now this might be a little controversial, but that's fine. I have a little bit of an issue with how Jodi's behaviour was handled by the 'group', I understand that they didn't like her and LORD KNOWS they had good reason, but to simply yell at someone and tell them that you don't like them when they've just been dumped by your good friend is not the most compassionate way to deal with someone. I have an issue with that. Although I do understand the frustration that made Sky react that way.

Clearly Jodi was disturbed, I have never dealt with a person as extreme as Jodi, but I definitely have known a lot of girls who have gone completely loopy over a guy to the point of vindictiveness / stalking / tire slashing etc. And basically what was done was a kind of intervention, you know just all the rest of us (after discussing her behaviour) deciding on a combined message to drill into her head, and then began drilling it into her head! You know 'Stop all behaviour, you're making yourself crazy, you're making it worse, can you imagine what he thinks of you .. is that really how you want to be remembered AS THE BUNNY BOILER EX GIRLFRIEND?, stop writing about him, stop talking about him, stop thinking about him, behave your way out of this, etc etc etc' .... until they wake up to themselves.

Also Travis himself .. he kept sleeping with her! He knew more than anyone that it was bad, that she had it baaaaaaaaaad, did anyone in this group think of Jodi? Wouldn't a guy think 'maybe I should stop sleeping with this chick, because it's going to keep her in this unhealthy situation' .. I don't think that's too far fetched to think of men as capable of that, I've known many men who've stopped sleeping with women for just that reason.

It is the one thing that bothers me the most about Jodi's side of the story. That nobody had any compassion for her, and nobody went 'whoa, OK something's not right here, this is beyond the scope of normal, this girl has mental problems, we need to THINK CAREFULLY about how we handle this'.

ITA, Mrs. G. I have also wondered about the "group" mentality with regard to his love interests. Maybe it's just because I never allowed others to influence my thinking regarding that kind of personal decision -- certainly not when I was 30. I do think it's something worth considering.
Oh, there is no question you're right about this. She loves the idea of being a big fish in a small pond. Nothing suits her personality profile better. Unfortunately for her, she is going to discover that there are many intelligent people in prison. She may have more competition than she expected.

Jodi's no better than any of the other high school drop outs in prison. Maybe she can fill her time getting a GED. I agree there are many with more formal education.

On thing Jodi quickly will find if sent to the 'big house' is her smarty britches cocky attitude will be up against some hard assed life long criminals AND guards. Jodi's already had disciplinary problems. There was a list posted (maybe here?).
Obviously because I'm sitting here posting away about everything under the sun, I am choosing to ignore the fact that I have many other things to do. It just doesn't feel natural not to be watching court theatrics.

Me too, I'm being plain lazy today. I'm suppose to be catching up, but I'm wore out from all the drama from court watching. ;)
Why on earth would anyone think calling someone on rudeness is racist?

I don't think it is an intrusion at all. I also don't think it's voyeurism.

I can't speak for anyone else here but for me, everyone is sympathetic and hovering in the beginning when there is a tragedy. But then their own lives call and they move to the next thing while we remain "stuck."

People think you should stop "dwelling" on it because "these things happen and there's no reason" and they don't want to talk about it anymore and they really don't want YOU to talk about it anymore. They've moved on and they think you should, too.

In a place like this, no one expects you to pack up your grief, swallow your sorrow and get on with things. No matter how long it's been. You don't even have to talk about it. You just know that if you did bring it up, no one is going to hush you or rush to change the subject.

Quiet solidarity, I call it and if you're here it means you get it and you won't thin your lips in disapproval or wonder why we're attached to cases like this.

My .25 cos I think it's worth more than .02.

Great post - ITA! :heartbeat:

Tbh - this is the only place on the internet where I feel comfortable and safe. I don't post much - I mostly read but I do love this place.
I think I'll go do 30 minutes worth of chores and as a reward, treat myself to Juan's opening statements on YouTube.
Jodi's no better than any of the other high school drop outs in prison. Maybe she can fill her time getting a GED. I agree there are many with more formal education.

On thing Jodi quickly will find if sent to the 'big house' is her smarty britches cocky attitude will be up against some hard assed life long criminals AND guards. Jodi's already had disciplinary problems. There was a list posted (maybe here?).

Her disorder certainly includes a marked disdain for authority; that will be a bit of a problem, of course. What's more, she'll be in an environment where she will meet many others with the same or similar personality profile, all of them attempting to manipulate others to their ends. This will inevitably bring her into conflict.

She has enjoyed her stay in jail thusfar as she has been able to constantly crow about her innocence and receive the star treatment given the media attention. Once convicted, she will simply be another inmate. This will be intolerable for her, so she will spend much of her energy attempting to recreate a malleable environment within which she determines the rules of reality. That is bound to be disappointing.

Jodi's no better than any of the other high school drop outs in prison. Maybe she can fill her time getting a GED. I agree there are many with more formal education.

On thing Jodi quickly will find if sent to the 'big house' is her smarty britches cocky attitude will be up against some hard assed life long criminals AND guards. Jodi's already had disciplinary problems. There was a list posted (maybe here?).

Oh, you are so right. I've thought that phrase often...big fish in a little pond, Jodi, while in jail. Prison awaits.
Sorta like the small town big jock heading off to college, it is whole new world. Always someone smarter, prettier, stronger.... meaner, devious, more psychopathic...almost feeling sorry for her.
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